Paper Past Continuous Unit 6 Grade 5

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1. BAST CONTINUOUS TENSE A. Change the following sentences fo past continuous tense, Add past tine expressions ite at 9 o'clock at 5 o'cfock fast night, ete, (optiana) Example Heis sleeping He was sleeping af 5 deiock She is running ‘She was running af 60'clook this moming. 1. She's cooking 2. Theyarestucying 3. The pclicemanis divesting the trafic, 4. Lam reacing a story 5. We are drinking tea 8. Hels answering some questions 7. The pcatman is delivering the letters, 8. The ynist is typing something, 8. The teacher is witing asenienoe onthe board 10. They are canying the suitoases 14, She 6 watching TV 42. Heis helping his ‘ater 48 The sun s shining 44, Lam listening tothe radio. 48 The dog is barking 16. The guide s taking the tourists tb the Blue Mosque 17, Hels polishing his shoes 48, They are playing tonthal 19, The secretary is answeting the telephone 20, He is washing his hands 21. We are waiting far @ bus 22. Hei tepaitng the swatch, 23, Theyare working hard 24, She b talking on the phone. 2-Reunite the following sentences by using past continuous forms ofthe verbs in brackets, Example Ste (eco) ‘when the man came She was cooking When te men cere hate) breakfast at 730, | was having breaktes\ al? 20. 1. HeGleep) when we arrived 2, When you Gare WT Gite) a report 3. The ar (do) 90 when the accident happened 4. When the lights went auf, have) 5. I(oross) the streetwhen the ser hitme. 8. My father (ead) the newspaper while we (watch) Ww 7. While Seta (study) Mehrnet(piay) 8. Hesill (sleep) a9 aciack (have) biealdast when the telephone rang 410. They (play) — fennis when the rain started 141. While you were at work, we (sleep) 412 When the teacher came in, we (make). alatat noise 48. The man (sweep). the room while the wornan wash) the dishes, 44 What you (6a). when itstertecto rain? 415. | (nol da) arything when the teacher came. 16 He (sive) to Bal when his carbroke down 17. Wha the judge (da). ‘while the lawyer Speak) ? 18. As | (come) home, | ret an old friend. 19. -you (look) at the road when the car hit the boy? 20. The postman came justas | (leave) home. 21. |mether when | (walk) to school. 22. Atnine o'clock last night | (read) a book. 28. When Isaw him, he (eal) fish and chips 24. When my father carne in, | (srnoke) a cigarette. 3- PAST CONTINUOUS or SIMPLE PAST TENSE Rewrite the following sentences using past or past continuous foms of the verbs in brackets. Example: When you (come) in, | (do) the crossword puzzle. When you camein, | was doing the crossword puzzle As | (come) horne, | (meet) an old friend As | was coming horne, | met an old friend. He (get) on the train when the train (mowe) As the ran (walk) up the stairs, the lights (go) out ‘When the war (begin) they (live) in Austria, ‘When the war (begin) they (rove) fo the USA, | (fall) down as | (get) off the bus He (wear) a big strange hatwhen | first (meet) Ahimn. He (paint) the doors and the windows while | (paint) Just as | (pick) up the receiver, the telephone’ (ting) ‘When I (be) in Germany, | (work) in acoabrmine. 10. he (listen) while the teacher (talk) af 41. When the storm (break) | (water) the garden. 12. What ___you (do) when | (see) you yesterday? 413. He (sleep) soundly when they (artive) "i 44. While you (watch) TY, | (do) my homework, 45. While he (talk) | Cinish) reading the book. 16. When the driver (see) ithe policeman, he suddenly (stop) 17. | (dream) when the dog (Start) to bark. 48. He (be) in bed whiléthey (have) breakfast 19. We (have) arflat tire while we (drive) to Ankara. 20. Where you)(ga) when | (see) you lastnight? 24. It (rain), when | (leave) home. 22. When you (call) \(sleep) 23.1 (listen), fo the radio when | (hear) 24. The plane (crash) while it (land) “the walls OKAMDARWON= the explosion. + Past Simple or Continuous 1. When | (arrive) the lecture had already started and the professor (write) something on the board. zl (make) a pudding when the light (go) out. 3. We suddenly: (realize) that we (travel) in the wrong direction. 4. You (look) very busy when | (see) you last night. What you___ (do)? 5. The boys (play) cards when they (hear) their father’s step. They immediately (hide) the cards and (take) out their lesson books. 6. AST (walk) in the park | (Gtep) on a banana skin and (fall) heavily. 7. When | (read) a book, | —— (hear) a knock. | (go) to the door and (@pen) it, but | ——____ (not recognize) my friend at first because | (mot wear) my glasses. 8. When | (come) in they Git) round the fire. Mr. Cooper (do) S+was/were+V-ing a crossword puzzle, Mrs, Cooper (nit), the others (read). 9. Why you (interrupt) me? | (have) a very interesting conversation with Mr. Jackson. 10, When | (arrive) at the station Jessica (wait) for me. nt (be) sorry that | (have to) leave the party early, because ! (enjoy) myself. 12. The floor (be) covered with balls of wool. Obviously Grandmother (knit) something. 13. While we (water) the flowers it (begin) to rain. 14.1 (find) this coin as 1 (dig) in the garden. It looks very old. 15. While | (wim) someone Gteal) my clothes and | (have to) walk to the hotel in my swimsuit. 16. From the sounds it (be) clear that Mary (practise) the piano. 17, When | first (meet) him he (work) in a cafe. = =e Ee PAST SIMPLE VS PAST CONTINUOUS’ Direction: Complete the sentences in the past simple or a continuous using the verbs in brackets. 1.When | (leave) 2.\t (continue) __ _ to rain while | (walk) __. __ home. 3.While | (try) _________ to concentrate on my studies, my friend * (play) __________ her music very loudly in the next room. 4.Uncle Robert (jog) ___________ regularly every day untill he 5.My uncle (jog) alone when | (meet) ________ 6.0h man, yesterday, my back __________. (ache) all day. 71 8. home from school yesterday. 9.Her chess game _________ (get) better steadily. 10.Sorry | didn't answer the call. | was driving when you (take) a shower when the package arrived. _ ___ (do) my homework after | W.What you ________ (do) on the night of the murder? 12.| often __________ (stop) for coffee in the morning before | — (get) married. 13.1 didn't fava’ lunch, so | really (need) something to eat when | got home. 14.He _______ always ________ (talk) about his bowling scores, but no one cared. pee ees (plan) to buy you a cake for your birthday at this time yesterday, but the bakery was closed.

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