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Name: ______________________________ Grade/Section: ___________

______________________________ Score: __________________

Activity 2:

 Locate volcanoes in the Philippines
 Classify volcanoes as active or Inactive
Philippine map
Colored pens
Triangle ruler
1. Using the Philippine map (Fig.3), plot the location of the following volcanoes.
2. Use the assigned colors for the volcanoes indicated in the legend.
Guide Questions:

1. Are all the volcanoes found in the same location?

2. Which of the volcanoes had the greatest number of eruptions?
Least number of eruptions?
No record of eruption?
3. How will you classify the volcanoes that have records of eruptions?
4. How will you classify the volcanoes with no record of eruptions?
5. In your own words, differentiate an Active volcano from Inactive volcano.


Category 5 4 3 2
Accuracy of Nearly all or all answers are Most answers are
Some answers are Most of the
Answers correct. correct with few
correct but many answers are
errors. are incorrect incorrect
Neatness The worksheet is very clean The worksheet is
The worksheet The worksheet is
with no stray marks and mostly clean with
has some stray messy with many
smudges. minor marks or
marks or marks and
smudges. smudges. smudges.
Oral Speech is very structured, Speech is very
Speech is a little Speech is not
Presentation clean and understandable. structured but
bit structured and structured and is
speaks too fast.
speak without difficult to
vocalizing. understand.
Completion and The worksheet is fully The worksheet is The worksheet is The worksheet is
Timeliness completed and submitted mostly complete mostly complete largely
on time. but submitted on but submitted incomplete and
time. late. submitted late.

Using the world map below, plot the different volcanoes in the Pacific Ring of Fire

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