The Marathas

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The Maratha

Reasons why Maratha Developed

1. Policy of Aurangzeb
2. Bhakti moment in Maharashtra region
3. Political condition of that area
4. Identity of Shivaji
5. Conflict of Golconda and Bijapur
Family background
father : Shahji son of Maloji
mother Jija Bai daughter of Laghuji Jadhav
born on 10 April 1627 in Shivneri
Guardian : Dada ji Kondadev
Guru:- Ram Das
first major fort won by Shivaji : Toran
Major Event of Shivaji’ life
1. famous fort won by him in early age
2. Battle of Pratapgad 10 Nov 1659
3. conflict with Shaista khan
4. 8th Jan 1664 Surat looted by Shivaji
5. Treaty of Purandar 11th June 1665
6. conflict with Aurangzeb
7. Throne event of Shivaji
8. Zinzi was last winning
Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj
1680- 1689
Father : Chhatrapati Shivaji
mother :- Sai Bai
When Shivaji died He was in Panhala jail.
For some period Raja Ram got throne
his capital was Raigad
advisor : Kavi Kalash
Attacked of Burhanpur
Prince Akbar Supported by him
Mysore ruler Chikkadevraja defeated by him
1687 Battle of Wai Mughal vs Maratha
focus of Protection of Soliders
Raja ram 1689-1700
1. Aurangzeb Attacked on Raigad
2. Change Capital to Satara
3. role of Santaji Ghorpade and Dhanaji Jadhav
4. Conflict of throne Between Tarabai and Shauji
Shahu ji 1707-1749
1. In prison of Aurangzeb one of his
good policy
2. Senakarte a new post established
3. Maratha Empire divide in two parts
4. Treaty of Warna 1731
Power in hand of Peshwa
History of Peshwa
1. Balaji Vishwanath :-1713-1720
he was from Bhatt clan of Brahman also known as Chitpawan Brahman
2nd founder of Maratha Empire
got post of Senakarte Chief commander from Shahu ji
Treaty of Delhi 1719 with Sayyid Husain Ali ( Sayyid brothers), this treaty sign by Rafi-
(with Husain Ali Khande Rao visited Delhi and Farrukhsiyar removed from post and
RaFi-ud-Darajat appointed )
Yesu Bai Savitri Bai etc who were arrested By Mughals now free from jail.
Baji Rao 1st 1720-1740
Hindu pad ‘Padshai” given by him
1. Hyderabad Nizam Chin-Qilich khan (Nizam-ul-Mulk Asaf jah) supported Sambhaji
II of Kolhapur. So battle of Palkhed held on 28 Feb 1728.
so finally Nizam defeated and Treaty of Mungi-Shivagaon Held on 6 march 1728
Chhatrapati Shahu ji Recognized as sole Maratha ruler, Choth and Sardeshmukhi
right given to Maratha.
1737 Nizam-ul-Mulk + Muhammad Shah Vs Baji Rao
finally treaty of Durai-Sarai held
50 lakh given to maratha
Area Between Narmada and Chambal given to Maratha
2. 1738 Gujarat won by Baji Rao
3. Battle of Amzehra 29 Nov 1728
4. Bundelkhand supported by Baji Rao ( Mastani Bai )
5. 29 March 1737 Baji Rao attacked on Delhi in period of Muhammad Shah
6. He started Confederacy
7. 1739 Salsett won from Portuguese
9. Attack of Sindhis of Zanzira By Chimna ji brother of Baji Rao
Balaji Baji Rao ( Nana Sahab)
1. Conflict with Raghu ji
2. Maratha and Rajput Conflict
3. Treaty of Sangola with Raja Ram II
4. Treaty of Bhalki with Nizam
5. Conflict with Alivardi Khan
6. Delhi Attacked by Raghunath Rao
7. 3rd Battle of Panipat Maratha Army led by Sadashiv Rao Bhau

Reason of Ahmad Shah Abdali attack (total 8 Attacked )

it was 5th attacked
1. to Punished Maratha Invited by Najib-ud- Dawla
2 to Punished Gaji-ud-din who killed Alamgir II
Spl. Known as Khan Baba
Zamburat was his Camel Artillery
Madhav Rao 1761-72
1. he forced Nizam of Hyderabad and Hyder Ali to pay Choth
2. Mughal Badhshah Shah Alam II accepted Maratha Shelter 1772
3. Conflict with Raghunath Rao
4. Died due to T.B
Grant Duff said. “ early death of Peshwa was more Dangerous in
comparison of Defeat in battle of Panipat”

Narayan Rao 1772- 73

he was killed of Raghunath Rao
Madhav Narayan Rao ( Sawai Madhav Rao )
in age of 6 month declared Peshwa

Bara Bhai Council Established (12)

Nana fadnawis was his advisor

Raghunath Rao went Surat and Treaty of Surat with

Bombay British Province
1St Anglo- Maratha war 1775-82
Treaty of Purandar 1776
Treaty of Wadgaon1779
Treaty of Salbai 1782 War End
3rd Anglo Maratha war 1817- 18
Peshwa was Bajirao II
Elphinstone the British resident forced Baji Rao II to
leave his post
Treaty of Poona 13 June 1817
2nd Anglo- Maratha War.1803-1805
Treaty of Basin 31 Dec. 1802. British promised to help Peshwa Baji Rao II
( Jaswant Rao Holkar removed him from Post )
Dev Gaon Treaty 17 Dec. 1803 with Boshle
Surji- Arjangaon Treaty 30 Dec 1803 with Scindia Jaipur Jodhpur given to British

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