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The Past Simple Tense

Минулй простий час

- past repeated actions, past habits;(минулі повторювані дії)
- facts from the past which are not necessary at present.(факти з минулого,
які неважливі зараз і вже ніколи не повторяться)
- last year.., yesterday, … ago, when, in 2013.

They V(ed) 2

We went to school yesterday.

to go-went- gone

 did not V
We didn’t go to school yesterday.

Did … V?
Did you go to school? - Yes, we did. No, we didn’t.
Did your friend read this book yesterday?
Yes,he did./No, he didn’t.

The Past Continuous Tense

Минулий тривалий час
 actions which were in progress at a stated time in the past (дії, які були
в процесі в чітко вказаний час в минулому)
(At 7 o’clock yesterday I was working under the project.)
 interrupted action when
(When I came in my mum was making a cake.)
 while two simultanuous actions (дві одночасні дії)
While I was working under the project, my mum was making a cake.
 the description of the atmosphere, setting (опис атмосфери, певної
ситуації в деталях)

was/were V(ing)
I was reading a book yesterday morning.
I was’t reading…
Were you reading..? Yes, I was/No, I wasn’t

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