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Tuyenikelao Ndilila Task 1b 23 Aug.



To All Stuff

From Mrs April the CEO

Date 23 August 2023

Subject Late Coming

Our Ref T.ND

We’re all late from time to time, it is part of life. from being delayed in traffic, broken down
cars and even sleeping through an alarm, we’ve all been there!

As an employer, we admit staff members to be late every now and then. However, managers
and employers cannot accept a situation where an employee is continually late for work,
simply because this acceptance will only could the situation and make it worse.

Therefore, an employee that is continually late is effectively stealing time from the company.
A late employee may start to fall behind on their work and either rush things, or leave them

There are no hard and fast rules for dealing with someone who is always late. Every manager
is different, as is employee and their personal situation. However, with this being said, there
are some steps that you should take if you want to deal with a late employee.


A late policy in its right might be considered excessive, but a section on lateness could be
incorporated into existing policies and procedures covering Absence Management or Time
and Attendance, for example. The policy should include:

 The standard expected of employees: details of working hours

 The procedure for reporting lateness: if an employee knows they’re going to be late, who
should they report this to?
 Details of how working time will be tracked and recorded

Make sure any new policies or updates to our procedure are communicated to all employees
and implemented fairly throughout the entire company.

2 Maintain records

Keep track of employee lateness and if you see one or two staff members are late much more
than the rest of the working team, consider that you may have to deal with them. Keeping
records means you will be able to use them as evidence when you speak to the employee in
question, showing them facts rather than voicing your opinion about their tardiness.
Tuyenikelao Ndilila Task 1b 23 Aug. 23

3.Proatively deal with the persistently late employee

Do not wait until you are angry and annoyed, or the rest of the team are feeling annoyed.
Speak to the late employee before you get to this stage to help avoid it getting to that point.
Schedule a meeting with the employee.

4. Respect their privacy

While important for you to broach the topic with an employee that is always late, be
conscious of their privacy. take them to one side to discuss their lateness rather than
confronting them and voicing your concerns in the main office which may cause


Recognise changes or improved behaviours, no matter how minor, should be reinforced.

Instead of penalising the employee, make a point of recognising their steps to correcting their

When meeting with the late employee try to calm, do not make it personal and avoid getting
angry. Speak through your concerns over their lateness, present them with evidence and refer
back to your company’s policy on employee lateness.

Explain that you want to understand what is causing their lateness and find out if there’s
something you could help with.

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