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10/21/23, 5:40 PM Review Test Submission: Online Quiz 5 (Chapter 6) – ...

Hai Nhu Thai 19

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ECON3006 (Vietnam Session 3 2023) Economic and Financial Modelling

Assessment 3 (10%) - Online Quizzes Review Test Submission: Online Quiz 5 (Chapter 6)

Review Test Submission: Online Quiz 5 (Chapter 6)

User Hai Nhu Thai

Subject ECON3006 (Vietnam Session 3 2023) Economic and Financial Modelling
Test Online Quiz 5 (Chapter 6)
Started 21/10/23 9:28 PM
Submitted 21/10/23 9:40 PM
Due Date 23/10/23 3:59 AM
Status Completed
Attempt Score 10 out of 10 points
Time Elapsed 12 minutes out of 20 minutes
Results All Answers, Submitted Answers, Correct Answers, Incorrectly Answered
Displayed Questions

Question 1 1 out of 1 points

Which of the following statements is true?

Answer: The F statistic is always nonnegative as SSRr is never smaller
than SSRur.

Answers: If the calculated value of F statistic is higher than the critical

value, we reject the alternative hypothesis in favor of the null

The F statistic is always nonnegative as SSRr is never smaller

than SSRur.

Degrees of freedom of a restricted model is always less than the

degrees of freedom of an unrestricted model.

The F statistic is more flexible than the t statistic to test a

hypothesis with a single restriction.

Question 2 1 out of 1 points

A normal variable is standardized by:… 1/5
10/21/23, 5:40 PM Review Test Submission: Online Quiz 5 (Chapter 6) – ...

Answer: subtracting off its mean from it and dividing by its standard

Answers: subtracting off its mean from it and multiplying by its

standard deviation.

adding its mean to it and multiplying by its standard deviation.

subtracting off its mean from it and dividing by its standard


adding its mean to it and dividing by its standard deviation.

Question 3 1 out of 1 points

Which of the following statements is true of hypothesis testing?

Answer: A restricted model will always have fewer parameters than its
unrestricted model.

Answers: The t test can be used to test multiple linear restrictions.

A test of single restriction is also referred to as a joint

hypotheses test.

A restricted model will always have fewer parameters than its

unrestricted model.

OLS estimates maximize the sum of squared residuals.

Question 4 1 out of 1 points

The general t statistic can be written as:

Selected Answer:



t=… 2/5
10/21/23, 5:40 PM Review Test Submission: Online Quiz 5 (Chapter 6) – ...


Question 5 1 out of 1 points

Which of the following statements is true?

Answer: The upper bound of the confidence interval for a regression
coefficient, say âj, is given by + [Critical value × standard error

Answers: When the standard error of an estimate increases, the confidence

interval for the estimate narrows down.

Standard error of an estimate does not affect the confidence

interval for the estimate.

The lower bound of the confidence interval for a regression

coefficient, say âj, is given by - [standard error × ()].

The upper bound of the confidence interval for a regression

coefficient, say âj, is given by + [Critical value × standard error

Question 6 1 out of 1 points

Consider the equation, y = α + β1x1 + β2x2 + u. A null hypothesis, H0: β2 = 0

states that:

Selected Answer: x2 has no effect on the expected value of y.

Answers: x2 has no effect on the expected value of β2.

x2 has no effect on the expected value of y.

β2 has no effect on the expected value of y.

y has no effect on the expected value of x2.

Question 7 1 out of 1 points

Which of the following is a statistic that can be used to test hypotheses about a
single population parameter?

Selected Answer: t statistic… 3/5
10/21/23, 5:40 PM Review Test Submission: Online Quiz 5 (Chapter 6) – ...

Answers: F statistic

t statistic

𝜒2 statistic
Durbin Watson statistic

Question 8 1 out of 1 points

The normality assumption implies that:

Answer: the population error u is independent of the explanatory variables
and is normally distributed with mean zero and variance σ2.

Answers: the population error u is dependent on the explanatory variables

and is normally distributed with mean equal to one and variance
σ2 .

the population error u is independent of the explanatory variables

and is normally distributed with mean equal to one and variance

the population error u is dependent on the explanatory variables

and is normally distributed with mean zero and variance σ.

the population error u is independent of the explanatory variables

and is normally distributed with mean zero and variance σ2.

Question 9 1 out of 1 points

Which of the following statements is true of confidence intervals?

Answer: Confidence intervals in a CLM provide a range of likely values
for the population parameter.

Answers: Confidence intervals in a CLM are also referred to as point


Confidence intervals in a CLM provide a range of likely values

for the population parameter.

Confidence intervals in a CLM do not depend on the degrees of

freedom of a distribution.

Confidence intervals in a CLM can be truly estimated when

heteroskedasticity is present.… 4/5
10/21/23, 5:40 PM Review Test Submission: Online Quiz 5 (Chapter 6) – ...

Question 10 1 out of 1 points

The significance level of a test is:

Answer: the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true.

Answers: the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is false.

one minus the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis

when it is false.

the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true.

one minus the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis

when it is true.

Saturday, 21 October 2023 9:40:44 PM AEDT

← OK… 5/5

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