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Class X
The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Story line Themes/ Ideas/ Ideologies

● The French Revolution ● The aristocracy and new middle class

● Napoleon’s rise and fall (Civil code of 1804)
● New conservatism after 1815 (Treaty of Vienna) Liberalism
● The age of revolution (1830-1848) (France,
Belgium, Greece, France (1848), Germany (1848)) ● Conservatism X Revolutionaries.
● The making of Germany, Italy, and Britain ● Romanticism and national feeling
● Visualizing the nation (Allegory)

Story Nationalism and Imperialism Idea

Nationalism in India

Growth of Anti-colonial movement Non-cooperation movement

First world war (Truce period)

Coming of Mahatma Gandhi Civil Disobedience movement

New phase of Indian National Movement ● Participants

● Agenda
● limitations

➔ The sense of collective Belonging

The Making of Global World
The Making of Global World

A Journey of the making of a global world

Pre modern world

Was it global world? Evidences

Connection in pre-modern world ?

● Silk routes link the world?

● Food travels Key Points

● Conquest, disease, and trade

Print Culture And The Modern World

How print reached the world?

● China ● Print revolution and its impact

● Japan [New reading public, Religious debates, Print and Dissent]
● Europe ● The reading mania [ French Revolution ]
● The nineteenth century [ Children, Women and Worker ]

● Manuscripts before the age of print → Print comes to India

● Religious reform and public debates
● New forms of publications [women and poor people]
● Print and censorship
Class X
Resources and Development

Concept Land as a Resource Soil as a resource

● Development of resources ● Land utilization ● Classification of soil

● Need → Planning ● Land use pattern in India. ● Soil erosion and soil
● Planning in India and conservation ● Land degradation and conservation.
conservation measures.
Resources and Development
Forest and wildlife resources


Conservation of forest Types and distribution of

Community and conservation
and wildlife in India forests and wildlife resources

● The Indian wildlife ● Reserved forests ● Different efforts by

(protection) act 1972 ● Protected forests different communities
● Project tiger ● Unclassed forests ● Sacred groves
Water Resources

Water scarcity → Cause Multipurpose river project Rain water harvesting

● Ancient hydraulic structure

● Positive V/S Negative
Need for water conservation

Types of farming Cropping pattern

● Primitive subsistence farming ● Rabi

● Intensive subsistence farming ● Kharif
● Commercial farming ● Zaid

Major crops

Grains, other than Grains, non-food crops

● Technological and institutional reforms

Cultivation Annual rainfall
Crops Temperature State Key Point
● Technological and institutionalrequired
season reforms
Odisha and India is the second-largest producer
Rice Kharif Above 25o C Above 100 cm
coastal state of rice.

Second most important crop in the

10o - 15o C during and Punjab, Haryana,
Wheat Rabi 50 - 75 cm country, main food crop in north &
25o - 28o C at ripening and U.P

Coarse grains & have very high

o o
Jowar Kharif Average 26 - 33 C 45 - 100 cm Maharashtra nutritional value. Third most
important crop.

Coarse grains & have very high

Bajra Kharif 20o - 28o C 40 - 75 cm Rajasthan
nutritional value.

Ragi Kharif 18o - 28o C 60 - 80 cm Karnataka “ “

Maize Kharif 21o - 27o C 50 - 75 cm Karnataka Used as both food and fodder.

Leguminous crops, plays role in

Pulses Both 20o - 30o C 50 - 75 cm MP nitrogen fixation. India is the largest
producer as well as consumer.
Annual rainfall
Crops Cultivation season Temperature State Key Point

21o - 27o C (Hot & Main source of sugar, gur,

Sugarcane Annual 75 - 100 cm UP
humid) Khandsari etc.

(groundnut), Rabi Used as cooking medium and
Depends on the Depends on the Groundnut
Oil seeds (linseed and raw material in the production of
crop crop (Gujarat)
mustard) and both soap, cosmetics, and ointments.

Frequent evenly distributed

Tea Plantation 10o - 30o C Above 200 cm Assam

Arabica variety is produced in

Coffee Plantation 23o - 28o C 150 - 200 cm Karnataka
the country.

Zaid / Any - - - Fruits and vegetable.
Cultivation Annual rainfall Key Point
Crops Temperature State
season required

Plantation Important industrial raw

Rubber Above 25o C Above 200 cm Kerala
crop material.

210 frost free days and Maharashtra and India is believed to be the
Cotton Kharif 85 - 110 cm
sunshine Gujarat original home.

Jute Kharif High temperature Above 200 cm West Bengal Golden fiber.
Minerals and Energy Resources

Basics Various of minerals

Mode of occurrence of minerals ● Ferrous minerals [Iron ore, Manganese]
● Non ferrous minerals [Copper Bauxite]
Conservation of mineral ● Non metallic minerals [Mica]
● Rock minerals [Limestone]

Conventional sources Non Conventional sources

Energy Resources
[coal, petroleum, natural gas, electricity] [Nuclear, solar, wind, biogas, tidal energy
and geothermal]

Conservation of energy resources

Manufacturing Industries

Main theory part Classification of industry [on different basis]

Importance of manufacturing ● Agro based industries [Cotton textile, Jute

textiles, Sugar industry]
● Mineral - based industries [Iron and steel
Industrial pollution and environmental degradation
industry, Aluminum smelting, chemical
industries, Fertilizer industry, Cement industry,
Control of environmental degradation Automobile industry, Information
Class X
Power Sharing

Belgium Two Stories Sri Lanka

Power Sharing Power Sharing

Accommodation Majoritarianism

Why power-sharing is desirable ?

Different forms of power-sharing ?

Federalism Concept, features, types

Is India a federal country What makes it so?

How is federalism Practiced in India Linguistic State, Language policy and Center
State Relation?

Decentralization in India
Need, changes, RLG, ULG and challenges
Gender, Religion and Caste

Gender Caste

● Public/Private division ● Caste and politics

● Discrimination faced by women. ● Caste inequalities
● Women’s political representation ● Caste in politics
● Politics in caste

● Religion and politics

● Communalism
● Secular state
Political Parties

Basics How many parties should we have?

● Meaning ● One party system National Parties

● Function ● Two party system
● Necessity ● Multiparty system State Parties

Challenges to political parties

How can parties be reformed?

Outcomes of Democracy

What outcomes does democracy produce on various fronts?

How do we assess democracy’s outcomes?

Political Economic Social

● Accountable, responsive ● Economic growth and ● Accommodation of social

and legitimate government. development diversity
● Reduction of inequality and ● Dignity and freedom of the
poverty citizens.
Class X

Same pattern
Individual Development National Development
of topics

● What?
● How to compare?
● Income and criteria other than Income.

Sustainable Development
Sectors of Indian Economy

On the basis of nature On the basis of On the basis

of Raw material working condition of ownership

● Primary
● Organised ● Public
● Secondary
● Unorganised ● Private
● Tertiary

Importance of
Issues associated [Comparison, Historical Change]
public sector
Rise in tertiary sector?

Where are most of the people employed?

How to create more employment?

Money and Credit

Money Credit

● Medium of exchange ● Different credit situations

● Modern form of Money ● Terms of credit
● Variety of credit arrangements

● Loan activities of banks

● Formal sector credit in India
● Self help groups for the poor
Globalisation and the Indian Economy

What is Globalisation?

Factors that have enabled globalisation (Technology and liberalisation)

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