Less Attentive Behaviour of Students

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REG. NO: 223240114016


This study is addressing the problem of less attentive behaviour of the students of class 8 while learning
the Social Science. This study try to put forward some measures and techniques that each and every
teacher can adopt in order to solve the problems related to attention of the learners within the classroom


According to Kurt Lewin, action research is ‘a

 To improve their academic performance
comparative research on the conditions and
in Social Science.
effects of various forms of social action and
 To help them to understand the world
research leading to social action’; this type of
around him/her through studying various
research uses ‘a spiral step’, each of which is
concepts in Social Sciences.
‘composed of a circle of planning, action and
 To improve their participation in
fact finding about the result of the action’.
classroom activities held during the Social
Action research is implemented in a classroom
Science period.
by a particular teacher or group of teachers who
 Paying more attention in Social Science
work together to pursue a change or
class help them to understand our culture and
improvement in their teaching and learning
 Help them to acquire more knowledge
Action research is a systematic approach to about the current scenario of our country.
inquiry that involves identifying a problem or  Help them to familiarize with past events
challenge in a practical context, implementing that happened around the world.
interventions or changes, collecting and  To provide more knowledge about
analysing data, and using the findings to inform politics, economics and geography.
decision-making and drive positive change.
NEED AND SIGNIFICANCE OF THE social science Class. For solving the problem I
STUDY formulated four action hypothesis and tried to
implement it in the classroom.
Attention is important for successful
The first hypothesis that I formulated that to
learning because it plays a key role in memory
implement a multifaceted approach to enhance
and the mechanisms than ensure successful
the interest of the students to learn social
retention. When we pay attention we focus on
science. For this I used videos for teaching the
one thing in particular and ignore distractions
content in history, used innovative chart and also
that are competing for our awareness. The
power point presentation. By this method I find
ability to pay attention is important for a child’s
that students learn more carefully while using
development, as it allows them to engage in
multifaceted approach in teaching.
tasks long enough to learn various skills.
The second hypothesis was to adopt various
Social Science is a subject that helps the methods for learning social science to improve
students understand the world around him and their attention. For the Implementation of this I
help them to accept different cultures that are used various learning methods such as peer
unfamiliar to them. Paying more attention in tutoring, rule play method and seminar method.
classes will help them to earn good marks in that From this I noticed that students are more
subject. Paying attention in social science interested in peer tutoring and also in role
classes help to connect the ideas that they playing, it helped to improve their attention.
learned with the real life situations. In Social The third hypothesis I had provided the
Science class teacher teaches the value based student with proper reinforcement in that I
lessons and it will help them to become a good provided appreciation for the correct responses
citizen. and presented the work done by the students

ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION infront of the class. This action encouraged the
students and increased their attention span.
The topic that I selected was the less attentive Through the fourth hypothesis i provided
behaviour of the students in the social science proper feedback to the students who needs more
class. I tried to find a solution for the problem attention through that I aimed to increase the
that is faced by the class VIII c students at attention of students in the class. I provided
CCMHSS Karikkattoor While conducting feedback through asking questions on a regular
action research I found that some students lack basis and also asked them to present their work
attention during the class time, especially in the infront of the class. It facilitated the learning of
the students through increased level of attention. matters.
From the analysis it is clean that the 4. Repeated lectures: The lecturing method
method that is more successful compared to makes them distract during the claw time.
other was the implementation of first action
hypothesis. All other hypothesis are successfully RECOMMENDATIONS
installed in the class room and it improved the Attention is an important factor in the
attention of the pupil and thereby facilitated their learning process. This may lead to high
learning of social science Concept. achievements in the academic level In Social
Science class also attention is very important
inorder to have an idea about the world around
Action research is a spot research aimed us. Here in this action research I focused on the
at finding a solution for a problems in immediate less attentive behaviour of the student in social
problem faced in a classroom. To solve the science class. It is clean from the research that
problem is not an easy task, if the problem is by giving interesting lessons and using various
associated with the field of education it needs methods can encourage students and improve
some time and more care and attention. Through their attention during the class time.
this research as a researcher I found that students The major recommendations are:
of class 8 lack attention in social science class I # Teaching and learning process should be made
noticed this problem through observing the more interesting, attractive and spontaneous.
student behaviours during the class time. From # Teacher should be more sensitive and
the analysis I found the followings: empathetic. They have to develop themselves as
1. Lack of interest in the subject: students are not a friend, philosopher and guide.
interested in studying about social science, this # Teacher should use divergent methods for
may distract them during the class time. teaching the content area.
2. Their negligence towards the subject: students # Teacher should provide individual attention
are neglecting Social Science and therefore they and individualized instructions.
are not attending the class and even they are not
asking confusions or doubts with regard to CONCLUSION
concept that are learned. Action research is a systematic inquiry
3. Discussing irrelevant matters: Some of the focused on solving specific classroom or school
students are talkative in nature and during the problems, improving practice, and helping to
class time they want to discuss irrelevant. make decisions at local sites. The purpose of
action research is to solve problems so that
student learning as well as teacher effectiveness
may improve.
Attention is a key towards success. In
social science attention is very important. In
order to have an idea about the past event that
happened, to have an understanding about the
culture and traditions of our nation, as well as
others. This action research study not only
increased our student’s enthusiasm for learning
but a so rekin- dled the excitement of our
teachers towards teaching.


 https://pronto.io/student-attention-
 Adapting teaching and learning to
maintain engagement in the digital age.
22/08/26/attention-spans/ )
 Decreasing Attention Spans and the
Effects on Learning- Jennifer Oaten.
 https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city
 https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/11/health
 https://www.edutopia.org/discussion/7-

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