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Definition of Development

 Refers to the progressive series of changes of an orderly and

coherent type toward the goal of maturity.
 It is a result of maturation and experience.
 Progressive – there is a direction in the manner in which changes
 Orderly and coherent – it doesn’t occur in an abrupt way, but it
follows a sequence of changes of stages.
 Maturation and learning is what causes development (D=MxL).
These are the 2 important processes that underlie development.

Definition of Growth

 Often referred to as quantitative changes in an individual as time

passes by.
 It pertains to increase in height, weight, changes in size, and
proportion of the body.

Principles of Development

1. Development follows an orderly sequence which is progressive and

2. The rate (or speed) of development is unique to each individual.
3. Development involves change. Physical development is
simultaneous with emotional, social, cognitive, and moral
4. Early development is more critical than later development.
5. Development is a product of maturation and learning.
(Maturation: is the process of development which is a function of
time-aging.) Formula: D = M x L
6. There are individual differences in development.

Qualitative vs. Quantitative Development

Quantitative Developmental Change

 Gradual change in amount or degree without sudden


- As a child grows taller each year, he/she can run a little faster as
- As a child becomes older, he/she acquire more knowledge around
his/her environment.

Qualitative Developmental Change

 Changes in organization, structure, or kind that make a fundamental

difference to a person
- An infant who lacks language is qualitatively different
from a preschooler who speaks well.
- An adolescent who is already sexually mature is
fundamentally different from a person who has yet to
enter and reach puberty.

Continuous vs. Discrete Development

Discrete Development

 Also known as discontinuous development

 Qualitative
 Development takes place in specific steps or changes

Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development

 A child’s cognitive development is not just about acquiring

knowledge – the child has to develop or construct a mental model
of the world.
1. Sensorimotor Stage (0-2 y.o)
2. Preoperational Stage (2-7 y.o)
3. Concrete Operational Stage (7-11 y.o)
4. Formal Operational Stage (11 y.o - above)

Continuous Development

 Quantitative
 Changes are gradual
 Children become more skillful in thinking

Significant Factors Shaping our Identity

 Learning
 Personal experience
Continuity vs Discontinuity

Qualitative Qualitative
Skill development and personality Change or improvement in skills
characteristics and characteristics
Sequential stages (there are certain
points in development)



 The second major phase in human development

 The period between the conclusion of infancy and the beginning of
adolescence. At this stage, we begin to become social beings as we
learn how to manage our instincts and transform them into socially
acceptable behaviors.

Childhood is divided into 3 stages:

Early Childhood – The child is busy learning language, is

gaining a sense of self and greater independence, and is
beginning to learn the workings of the physical world.

 This period is also referred to as the preschool years

and consists of the years which follow toddlerhood
and precede formal schooling.

Middle and Late Childhood – The period wherein

transformations in their relationships with parents and
peers occur, and schooling takes on a more academic flavor.
The development of their self- conceptions, moral
reasoning, and moral behavior is also substantial.

Periods of Development

 Developmental psychologists often break down development

according to various phases of life. Each of these periods of
development represents a time when different milestones are
typically achieved

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