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e-Prime - Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy

Dynamic Monitoring of Temporary Protective Grounding state in power system routines

--Manuscript Draft--

Manuscript Number: PRIME-D-23-00769R1

Full Title: Dynamic Monitoring of Temporary Protective Grounding state in power system routines

Article Type: Full Length Article

Section/Category: POWER

Keywords: Safety in maintenance; Real-time monitoring; Temporary grounding

Corresponding Author: Ricardo A. Araujo, Ph.D.

UNICAMP - University of Campinas
Campinas, São Paulo BRAZIL

Corresponding Author Secondary


Corresponding Author's Institution: UNICAMP - University of Campinas

Corresponding Author's Secondary


First Author: Ricardo A. Araujo, Ph.D.

First Author Secondary Information:

Order of Authors: Ricardo A. Araujo, Ph.D.

Walter L. M. Azevedo

Alexandro S. Rosa

José Pissolato Filho

Order of Authors Secondary Information:

Abstract: The importance of grounding techniques is undeniable in ensuring the safety of

workers involved in high-voltage systems. During maintenance routines, using multiple
grounding cables is common; however, individually verifying if each cable is correctly
connected can be challenging. This work presents an innovative proposal to control
and check the connection state of grounding cables listed in a maintenance routine at
a predefined point. The proposed solution employs electronic devices that create mesh
networks, significantly improving safety levels. Through real-time monitoring, the
system allows quick and accurate identification of potential failures or disconnections in
the grounding cables. This feature plays a pivotal role in safeguarding the maintenance
team averting accidents linked to grounding issues. Field tests performed in real
substation and transmission tower environments validated the system's resilience,
showcasing its adeptness in managing communication interferences effectively. The
results showed that the system is highly reliable, providing essential and precise
information to the maintenance team.
Implementing this real-time monitoring system for the temporary grounding connection
status represents a significant advancement in the safety of maintenance operations at
substations. By offering a comprehensive view of the status of each grounding cable,
the system enables more appropriate decision-making and swift interventions in case
of issues. The goal is to minimize risks and ensure a safer working environment for the
high-voltage team that maintains the systems.

Suggested Reviewers: Fernando Cerna

Federal University of Roraima
Professor Cerna works with related topic.

Humberto Monteiro
Federal University of Acre
Professor Humberto works with related topic.

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Dynamic Monitoring of Temporary Protective Grounding state in power system routines.

e-Prime - Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy

Ricardo A. de Araujo, Walter L. M. de Azevedo, Alexandro S. Rosa, José Pissolato Filho

Date: November 24, 2023

The authors thank the reviewers for their valuable comments and suggestions. The comments are highly
appreciated as they helped us clarify the model and the results in the revised manuscript and improve
its quality. We met all their concerns, as shown in the following answers and large paper improvements.
In the revised manuscript, the modified text or explanation text is highlighted by in yellow and identified
by numbers related to each reviewer and comment as Rx.c , where ”x” represents a reviewer number
and ”c” is the comment’s number.

Reviewer 1

The present work is of significant worth and has a high level of writing proficiency. However, the authors
must address the subsequent inquiries to elucidate the discourse and, ideally, integrate the responses
into the text to enhance its informativeness for readers.

1. Concerning line 35 and source 3, it would be beneficial to elaborate on the necessity of having
distinct phone numbers for individual devices. Is it possible to collect the precise position information
of grounding cables before transmitting the signals to the intended destination in this approach?

Author’s response: Using multiple phone numbers has the advantage of easy positional identification
through GPS, as demonstrated in [3]. However, using a GPRS module per device can lead to many
phone numbers, depending on the situation. In other words, an intervention with numerous temporary
grounding points (TPG cables) would require an equivalent number of GPRS modules, which may be
unfeasible. This approach differs from our proposal, as the GPRS is solely integrated into the NMU,
significantly reducing the overall number of GPRS modules.
Additionally, the SmartMesh module also allows synchronization with GPS and can be configured to
provide the precise location of each device.

These considerations were added to the manuscript.

2. It would have been more advantageous to present the instances in which service crews utilize
temporary grounding in a distinct table, thereby providing readers with supplementary details. Indeed,
it is accurate that the positioning of these connections may be subject to alteration, as determined by
maintenance teams’ diagnostic assessments. An instance of this can be observed in situations where it is
not possible to establish a grounded connection through substation equipment, leading to the utilization
of grounding around breakers. Additionally, temporary grounding connections may be employed around
each tower.

Author’s response: Thank you for your input. We appreciate your suggestion and would like to
inform you that a dedicated section has been added to the manuscript. This section aims to provide
comprehensive details about how service crews utilize temporary grounding. The information is now
presented in a distinct table format offering supplementary insights into the discussed scenarios.

3. The paper text and several figures, namely Figures 1 to 3, have made mention of the supervisory
system. Does this technology have limitations that restrict its usage only to the personal surveillance
of maintenance teams? Control centers, commonly referred to as dispatching control centers, have a
crucial function in overseeing the operational activities of power substation operators. Can information
be effectively transmitted over the SCADA system to both substation operators and control centers? If
so, kindly evaluate the merits and drawbacks of this proposition.

Author’s response: The supervisory system in the substation allows real-time monitoring of operations,
with complete control conducted from the operations center. All information regarding temporary
groundings is accessible in the substation’s supervisory system (for visualization) and the control center
(for operation and visualization). Notably, only the operations center possesses credentials to execute
actions such as opening and closing switches, ensuring precise control over critical operations.

Figures 2 and 3 have been revised, and an explanatory text has been added to the manuscript to
provide a clearer understanding of these operations.

4. The reference at line 246 appears to mistakenly refer to Figure 4 instead of Figure 7. Please investigate
this issue.

Author’s response: The erroneous reference to the figure has been rectified.

5. Is it feasible to define interlocks pertaining to temporary ground systems within the control part of
the DSC command system for high-voltage substations? This measure has the potential to mitigate
the risk of operators inadvertently energizing equipment near temporary grounding installations. The
command system is responsible for regulating various equipment, including breakers, disconnectors,
and grounding disconnectors. However, it is worth noting that the command system does not include
interlocks in conjunction with temporary manual grounds.

Author’s response: Thank you for raising this pertinent question. We appreciate your keen observation;
indeed, the text should have explicitly addressed this crucial aspect. The supervisory system has
undergone modifications. It incorporates an interlocking mechanism that, upon detecting a temporary
grounding, prevents the re-energization of the section. This enhancement is an adequate safeguard,
ensuring operators cannot inadvertently energize equipment near temporary grounding installations.

Reviewer 2

The result analysis is not clear, No comparative analysis is done with existing system. The highlights
are not clearly addressed.
Authors’ Response: We sincerely appreciate your feedback on the manuscript.

In response to your observation that "the highlights are not clearly addressed," we have revisited and
refined the highlights to ensure a more precise representation of the contributions and findings presented
in the work.

Concerning the absence of a comparative analysis with existing systems, it is crucial to emphasize
that the prevailing practice in electric utilities involves a manual and visual monitoring process without
integration with a supervisory system. The system introduced in this work constitutes a groundbreaking
contribution, establishing a real-time monitoring solution that, to the best of our knowledge and based
on a comprehensive literature review, is currently absent from existing practices. It is worth noting that
Table 1 outlines the various approaches available in the literature and highlights the distinctions of this
work. Additionally, another study, referenced as [22], focusing on monitoring grounding status has been
included. However, it is crucial to acknowledge that work in [22] has several limitations.

The need for more studies on this topic is evident, underscoring the limited research in temporary
grounding monitoring. The presented study holds significance in this context, contributing to an area
with a notably sparse research landscape.

As for the result analysis, our primary focus was evaluating communication quality within an environment
characterized by high electromagnetic pollution and physical obstacles inherent to a substation setting.
The objective was to assess communication reliability and determine the reliable communication distance
in such challenging conditions, as demonstrated in Test “A” of Section 3.

Subsequently, a comprehensive test covered the substation environment and a transmission tower located
25km away. The NSS-TPG devices from the substation and the tower were strategically inserted and
removed multiple times at different intervals. The aim was to verify if these actions were accurately
reflected in the supervisory system, and the results confirmed the system’s viability.


Ricardo Augusto de Araujo

Collaborating Researcher,
University of Campinas, Brazil

Editor-in-Chief September 11, 2023

e-Prime - Advances in Electrical Engineering,
Electronics and Energy

Dear Prof. Michael Pecht

We are submitting our manuscript entitled ”Dynamic Monitoring of Temporary Protective

Grounding state in power system routines” to be considered for publication in the e-Prime -
Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy Journal.
Temporary grounding is fundamental in ensuring the safety and protection of maintenance
teams and electrical systems. Real-time management of temporary grounding is of utmost
importance as it ensures that workers know whether a grounding is still active, significantly
reducing the risk of accidents. The real-time monitoring system proposed in this study offers
this capability, providing accurate information locally and in the supervisory system. This
enhances the safety of all operations related to temporary grounding, contributing to a safer
working environment and safeguarding valuable electrical assets.
We guarantee that our work is original and free from conflict of interest. Additionally, it has
yet to be submitted simultaneously for publication elsewhere.
Thank you very much for your consideration.

Best Regards

Ricardo Augusto de Araujo


Declaration of interests

☒ The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships
that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.

☐The authors declare the following financial interests/personal relationships which may be considered
as potential competing interests:
Manuscript Click here to view linked References

Dynamic Monitoring of Temporary Protective Grounding

state in power system routines.
Ricardo A. de Araujoa , Walter L. M. de Azevedoa , Alexandro S. Rosaa , José
Pissolato Filhoa
University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil


The importance of grounding techniques is undeniable in ensuring the safety of work-

ers involved in high-voltage systems. During maintenance routines, using multiple
grounding cables is common; however, individually verifying if each cable is cor-
rectly connected can be challenging. This work presents an innovative proposal to
control and check the connection state of grounding cables listed in a maintenance
routine at a predefined point. The proposed solution employs electronic devices
that create mesh networks, significantly improving safety levels. Through real-time
monitoring, the system allows quick and accurate identification of potential failures
or disconnections in the grounding cables. This feature plays a pivotal role in safe-
guarding the maintenance team, averting accidents linked to grounding issues. Field
tests performed in real substation and transmission tower environments validated
the system’s resilience, showcasing its adeptness in managing communication inter-
ferences effectively. The results showed that the system is highly reliable, providing
essential and precise information to the maintenance team.
Implementing this real-time monitoring system for the temporary grounding con-
nection status represents a significant advancement in the safety of maintenance
operations at substations. By offering a comprehensive view of the status of each
grounding cable, the system enables more appropriate decision-making and swift
interventions in case of issues. The goal is to minimize risks and ensure a safer
working environment for the high-voltage team that maintains the systems.
Keywords: Safety in maintenance, Real-time monitoring, Temporary

Corresponding Author: (Ricardo A. de Araujo)

Preprint submitted to e-Prime November 24, 2023


1 1. Introduction

2 With a focus on securing workers and equipment, temporary protective ground-

3 ing (TPG) emerges as an essential safeguard during maintenance, repair, or modifi-
4 cation activities [1, 2]. This practice is a vital line of defense, preventing potential
5 electrical accidents that could result in serious injuries or even fatalities [3, 4]. More-
6 over, it shields valuable equipment from the detrimental effects of voltage surges,
7 minimizing prolonged disruptions and substantial financial losses. The primary ob-
8 jective of TPG is to establish a low-impedance and secure connection between elec-
9 trical equipment and the earth. This connection creates a controlled path for the
10 dissipation of residual electrical charges, ensuring that any lingering energy within
11 components, such as capacitors, is safely discharged after the equipment is pow-
12 ered down. This process significantly decreases the risk of electrical shocks that
13 could arise from these residual charges, contributing to the overall safety of person-
14 nel working in proximity to high-voltage systems. In addition to residual charges,
15 TPG addresses other potential hazards during maintenance activities. Induction
16 effects, often generated by energized circuits in the surrounding environment, can
17 pose significant threats to workers [5]. These induced voltages can create electrical
18 imbalances and risks in the workspace.
19 Moreover, the inadvertent re-energization of equipment, without properly re-
20 moving TPG, can lead to catastrophic consequences, including short circuits, ex-
21 plosions, and fires, jeopardizing workers and equipment. As accidents or human
22 errors can occur, having proper TPG procedures in place helps prevent accidental
23 activation of equipment, eliminating the potential for hazardous energy releases.
24 Due to its undeniable importance, several studies have been dedicated to explor-
25 ing the topic of TPG, leading to the formulation of specific standards ([2, 6, 7])
26 for its implementation. However, a significant part of these research efforts focus
27 on particular aspects of TPG, such as case studies [8, 9, 10], testing on equipment
28 components [11, 12, 13, 14], connection schemes [1, 4, 15, 16, 17, 18], or simulation
29 [4, 5, 19, 20, 21]. Few studies have focused on the comprehensive management of

30 groundings, such as reference [3]. In this reference, the system uses radiofrequency
31 RFID technology to record the entry and exit of the temporary grounding cables
32 from the storage depot. In addition, it utilizes GPS to transmit positional informa-
33 tion via GSM/GPRS to a central hub, particularly if the team fails to register the
34 TPG’s return. Nevertheless, it is crucial to recognize that the solution proposed in [3]
35 comes with certain limitations. One notable requirement is a dedicated phone num-
36 ber (GSM/GPRS network) for each device linked to the grounding cable, potentially
37 leading to managing multiple phone numbers in specific scenarios. Additionally, it
38 is essential to note that its current functionality is limited to supplying positional
39 data, lacking the capability to indicate the active status of the grounding. Another
40 relevant work in the literature addressing temporary grounding management can be
41 found in [22]. The system proposed by the authors features a set of special keys
42 available on a monitoring panel. When establishing a grounding plan, the user re-
43 moves a key from this panel to unlock the grounding clamp. This key, connected
44 to the clamp, sends information to the monitoring station regarding the grounding
45 status, indicating whether it is grounded or not. After removing each grounding
46 cable, the procedure is considered complete only upon reinserting the corresponding
47 key into the monitoring panel. However, the system has some drawbacks, such as a
48 limited number of devices (keys) available, the need to modify the grounding clamp,
49 which may be impractical on a large scale (adjusting all existing ones), the lack
50 of integration with the supervisory system, and a limited RFID signal range, with
51 no possibility for a “router” to replicate the signal over long distances within the
52 substation. Although these works offer valuable information on the various aspects
53 of TPG, the gap in addressing effective management in large-scale systems such
54 as substations and transmission lines is evident. Real-time monitoring of the sta-
55 tus of TPGs and centralized management of connections emerge as crucial aspects
56 to ensure operational safety, mitigate accident risks, and optimize maintenance in
57 complex electrical environments.
58 In this context, real-time information about each TPG’s status is imperative.
59 That includes confirming that designated grounding points are effectively connected
60 and verifying that TPG has been removed before re-energization. For this systematic

61 management of the status of the TPG, it is recommended that this information be
62 accessible to the entire maintenance team. An efficient solution for this scenario is
63 the implementation of electronic devices that monitor the real-time status of each
64 TPG and whether the cables are correctly connected and grounded at predetermined
65 points.
66 Thus, this ensures that anomalies related to the status of the TPG are immedi-
67 ately identified, allowing immediate corrective actions. Furthermore, incorporating
68 this information into the supervisory system provides a comprehensive view of the
69 installation’s status, facilitating coordination among different teams. Therefore, this
70 research presents an innovative solution by developing electronic devices for real-time
71 monitoring of TPG status.
72 Table 1 provides a comprehensive overview of the objectives covered (✓) and
73 -
those not covered ( ) in the reviewed works compared to the scope of this research
74 work. Notably, as illustrated in Table 1, the main focus of this research work is to
75 address a critical gap, specifically emphasizing the concurrent monitoring and man-
76 agement of the status of TPG in both substations and transmission lines. Conse-
77 quently, the proposed research seeks to improve safety measures during maintenance
78 procedures within substations and transmission lines by integrating mesh network
79 technology with intelligent devices.

Table 1: Main objective related to the reviewed works and the proposed work.

TPG TPG status

Reference Equipment tests
Case study Substation Transmission Management Simulation Schemes
and sizing factors
[8, 9, 10] ✓ - - - - - -
[5, 19] ✓ - - - - ✓ -
[3] - - - - ✓ - -
[22] - - ✓ - - - -
[4] - ✓ - - - ✓ ✓
[20, 21] - - - - - ✓ -
[1, 15, 16, 17, 18] - - - - - - ✓
[11, 12, 13, 14] - ✓ - - - - -
This work ✓ - ✓ ✓ ✓ - -

80 This work is organized into four sections, encompassing the introduction and
81 conclusion. The second section provides an overview of the proposed system. The
82 subsequent section delves into the results of the study.

83 2. System Overview

84 The choice of suitable technology for the research project was based on relevant
85 intrinsic characteristics for operation in an environment with high complexity, which
86 include:

87 • Self-Organizing Mesh Network: Self-organizing mesh topology offers effective

88 device communication, even in complex and ever-changing environments.

89 • Time Synchronization: Precise synchronization among devices is crucial for

90 collecting and transmitting data accurately, enabling reliable analysis of the
91 temporary grounding status.

92 • Self-Configuration and Automation: Self-configuration capability simplifies

93 network deployment, while automation allows devices to perform tasks in-
94 dependently.

95 • Energy Efficiency: Energy efficiency ensures continuous device operation, even

96 in remote or challenging access locations.

97 • Redundancy and Fault Tolerance: Redundancy and fault tolerance features

98 ensure system robustness, even in adverse conditions.

99 • Security: Security mechanisms protect the integrity of transmitted data and

100 ensure access only to authorized devices.

101 • Scalability: The ability to expand the network to accommodate many devices
102 is essential for dealing with complex systems.

103 • Industrial Applications: Technology must suit industrial environments with

104 varying conditions.

105 • Centralized Management: A centralized system allows efficient control and
106 monitoring of all devices in the network.

107 • Adjustable Range: Flexibility to adjust the communication range is essential

108 to accommodate different distances between devices.

109 • Optional GPS synchronization: Can be synched to GPS time. .

110 Thus, smart-mesh modules from Analog Devices [23] were adopted among var-
111 ious existing options that satisfy these characteristics, such as Xbee (Zigbee) and
112 WirelessHART modules.

113 3. Usual TPG situations

114 Temporary grounding is crucial in various situations within power substations

115 and transmission lines. Its strategic application stands out during maintenance
116 and repair activities, ensuring the safe de-energization of equipment. Additionally,
117 it is essential during equipment testing and calibration to provide safe electrical
118 conditions. During construction, expansion, or modifications, temporary grounding
119 is critical to preserving the safety of workers and preventing damage to equipment.
120 In emergencies, such as short circuits, its application is vital to ensure safety during
121 interventions. Protection against atmospheric discharges and testing safety devices
122 highlight key scenarios where temporary grounding is indispensable to maintaining
123 safe and efficient operations. These primary situations are summarized in Table 2.

124 A. General mesh relationship

125 The adopted technology enables bidirectional communication among devices,
126 collecting and relaying data, ensuring a continuous and consistent flow of informa-
127 tion. Furthermore, precision in synchronization plays a pivotal role in the network
128 architecture, organized into distinct time intervals. This time-based organization
129 facilitates collision-free packet exchange and channel hopping during transmission,
130 a critical factor in ensuring reliable and interference-free data communication.
131 An essential feature of this system is the emphasis on redundancy. Each device
132 has one or more parent nodes, providing alternative routes to overcome communica-
133 tion interruptions caused by interference, physical obstructions, or signal loss. If the

Table 2: Usual TPG situations and description.

Situation Description
During maintenance or repair activities on equipment, it is expected to perform
Maintenance and Repair
temporary grounding to ensure that components are de-energized and safe for work.
When equipment needs to be tested or calibrated, temporary grounding can be
Equipment Testing
applied to prevent electrical risks during the procedures.
In situations where construction, expansion, or modification in the substation,
Construction Work temporary grounding may be necessary to ensure the safety of workers and
prevent damage to equipment.
If equipment experiences a failure or defect, temporary grounding can be used
Isolation of Faulty Equipment
to isolate the faulty equipment and ensure safety until proper corrections are made.
In cases of emergencies, such as short circuits or other incidents, temporary grounding
Emergencies and Incidents
can be applied to ensure safety while addressing the issues.
Protection against In anticipation of storms or weather events that may result in atmospheric discharges,
Atmospheric Discharges the substation can be temporarily grounded to minimize the risk of damage.
During tests of protection relays and other safety devices, temporary grounding
Protection Testing
can be employed to create safe conditions for the tests.

134 transmission fails on one route, subsequent retransmissions automatically explore

135 different paths and RF channels.
136 Built on these fundamental principles, the Network Manager oversees the mesh
137 establishment. This component instructs access point devices to send advertisements
138 containing vital synchronization information, enabling devices to integrate and be-
139 come part of the network. This process also involves a security handshake, establish-
140 ing encrypted communication channels between the manager (or application) and
141 individual devices. Once integrated, these devices maintain precise synchronization
142 by exchanging time correction messages among connected nodes.
143 Adaptability is also crucial for the project. Through a continuous discovery pro-
144 cess, the network continuously identifies new communication paths as RF conditions
145 evolve. The technology allows the mesh network to adjust to include new devices
146 seamlessly. When introduced to the network, a new node is automatically assimi-
147 lated into the existing mesh system without manual intervention. This capacity for
148 assimilation simplifies network expansion, ensuring uninterrupted communication as
149 new devices are integrated. Additionally, each device in the network continuously
150 monitors performance statistics, assessing the quality of used paths and maintaining
151 lists of potential alternatives. These data are periodically communicated to the Net-

152 work Manager through health reports, enabling constant optimization to maintain
153 high-reliability rates exceeding 99.999% [23], even in challenging RF environments.
154 The technology employs Time Slotted Channel Hopping (TSCH) for energy effi-
155 ciency. In this mode, devices enter a sleep state between scheduled communications,
156 resulting in energy-efficient operation. Devices are active only during designated
157 transmission or reception times, resulting in less than 1% [23] efficient duty cycle.
158 The automation and coordination of this scheduling are carried out by the Network
159 Manager’s optimization software, ensuring simplified and effective energy consump-
160 tion.
161 Figure 1 shows the mesh structure and the relationship between nodes and the
162 network manager.
Wirelss Nodes

All nodes can transmit

and receive information

Network Manager
Supervisory Control

New nodes can be added

anywhere in the network
because all nodes can

Figure 1: Wireless mesh network [23].

163 B. Proposed system

164 The system has three different electronic equipment: i) Network Manager Unit
165 - Substation (NMU-S), ii) Network Manager Unit - Transmission Lines (NMU-TL),
166 and iii) Node Signaling Status - TPG (NSS-TPG). The NMU-S is the central device
167 responsible for managing the mesh network and establishing communication with
168 the supervisory system. Installed as a static component within the substation, the
169 NMU-S holds a permanent position, while the NMU-TL is a portable alternative.
170 In substations lacking an NMU-S, a configured NMU-TL can operate in its place,
171 assuming the network manager role.
172 Each NSS-TPG, equipped with a unique MAC address, is affixed to every ground-
173 ing cable used during maintenance interventions, indicating the active or inactive

174 status of the temporary grounding. The NMU receives and logs the transmitted
175 status data related to the programmed grounding for the intervention. This func-
176 tionality empowers supervisory teams to initiate actions, such as authorizing equip-
177 ment maintenance and confirming the presence of all required groundings. Locally,
178 the NMU provides visual monitoring through a display, indicating the grounding
179 statuses (active or inactive). Simultaneously, at the system level, this information
180 is integrated into the supervisory system. As a result, the oversight of temporary
181 grounding, previously limited to field teams, expands to encompass a broader range
182 of on-site and remote agents.
183 It’s essential to highlight that the maintenance team must diligently adhere to the
184 temporary grounding procedures. Therefore, the system presented in this study does
185 not account for negligent actions, such as neglecting to connect the NSS-TPG to the
186 grounding cable. The proposed system mitigates potentially dangerous situations
187 from oversights, like forgetting to remove the TPG.

188 C. Routine for using the proposed system

189 To ensure the successful implementation of the solution, the integration, activa-
190 tion, and deactivation of NSS-TPG must have a minimal impact on the operational
191 procedures carried out by the intervention teams. As a result, the entire process
192 should be both efficient and straightforward. Within this context, the maintenance
193 team is responsible for determining the specific grounding points and associating
194 each with a unique NSS-TPG ID. This process can unfold in two distinct manners:
195 i) routine maintenance and ii) emergency interventions. During scheduled main-
196 tenance, the designated department delineates the zones slated for grounding and
197 specifies the precise NSS-TPG devices for each case. Conversely, the local team is
198 tasked with identifying the applicable grounding points and selecting the appropriate
199 devices during emergency interventions. In both scenarios, the time required for de-
200 vice configuration minimally impacts the progress of maintenance tasks. This holds
201 because comprehensive documentation detailing the number of grounding cables to
202 be utilized and the specific equipment to be grounded is mandatory before task ex-
203 ecution. This documentation practice remains consistent regardless of whether the
204 organization has adopted the grounding signaling devices introduced in this study.

205 Incorporating NSS-TPG devices is now an integral component of this documenta-
206 tion process. The outcomes of this documentation process, a table enumerating
207 the designated grounding points, are subsequently transmitted via a web service to
208 the Network Manager Unit (NMU). After this step, the local team gains access to
209 the NMU, where the appropriate grounding plan is selected and executed. Only at
210 this juncture is the NSS-TPG device connected to the temporary grounding cables.
211 The operational status of the NSS-TPG is reflected by its active or inactive state.
212 In the active state, the NSS-TPG is actively connected to and engaged with the
213 grounding cable, whereas the inactive state indicates that the NSS-TPG is not in
214 operation/connected. Fixing the NSS-TPG to the grounding cable employs a spe-
215 cialized screw that serves as both an On/Off switch and a means of securing the
216 NSS-TPG.
217 Figure 2 illustrates the simplified structure of the proposed system. Through a
218 dedicated user interface on a web page, the user maps the devices and formulates
219 the grounding plan. Upon completing this process, the user activates the Network
220 Management Unit (NMU), where they request and initiate the configuration. Sub-
221 sequently, the NMU interacts with the designated NSS-TPG signaling devices, as
222 listed in the plan, transmitting the status (active or inactive) of each NSS-TPG to the
223 supervisory system in real-time. The method developed in this work encompasses
224 three usage scenarios: i) TPG exclusively at the substation, ii) TPG exclusively on
225 the transmission lines, and iii) TPG in both locations. It is essential to note that
226 the NMU-S is also employed in scenario ii, as it is responsible for accessing the data
227 stored in the Cloud Data Hub and forwarding it to the supervisory system.

Figure 2: Simplified diagram of the proposed system.

228 Figure 3 illustrates an application example. In this scenario, an intervention

229 occurs at three distinct locations: the substation and two points along the trans-
230 mission line. Since all plans are stored in the Cloud, each NMU, accessed by a
231 team member, retrieves its respective plan, allowing the NSS-TPG devices to be
232 connected to the grounding cables. Once connected, the NSS-TPG devices provide
233 active or inactive status to their respective NMUs. The NMU-TL units transmit
234 these statuses to the Cloud Data Hub, while the NMU-S consults them and forwards
235 them to the supervisory system. Additionally, the NMU-S receives status informa-
236 tion from the NSS-TPG devices at the substation and relays it to the supervisory
237 system. Communication between NMUs and the Cloud Data Hub primarily utilizes
238 GPRS/GSM technology. However, in areas without coverage of these technologies,
239 the maintenance team can connect satellite communication devices already used by
240 the utility company, ensuring communication availability in any region covered by
241 the utility company.

Figure 3: Connection between devices.

242 The substation’s local supervisory system provides real-time monitoring capabil-
243 ities, whereas operational control is centralized within the operations center. Infor-
244 mation about temporary groundings is available on both the substation’s local su-
245 pervisory system for visualization and the centralized control center for operational
246 oversight. Notably, exclusive authorization for executing specific actions, such as
247 opening and closing switches, resides exclusively within the operations center.

248 4. Tests and results - real operating environment

249 A section of a Brazilian 525 kV transmission line and a substation connected to

250 this line were used to conduct the tests. It is crucial to emphasize that utilities lack a
251 real-time monitoring system for temporary grounding integrated into the supervisory
252 system. This supervision is conducted manually, involving visual inspection and
253 verification according to the established grounding plan.

254 A. Maximum communication distance

255 Throughout the testing step, one of the primary objectives was to establish
256 the maximum communication range between the NMU and the NSS-TPG, both in
257 free and energized environments. Figure 4 illustrates the outcomes derived from

258 ten distinct NSS-TPG devices. At intervals of 10 meters, up to a distance of 200
259 meters, the NMU performed 20 communication requests with each NSS-TPG. In
260 a free area (without physical obstacles), the maximum communication distance,
261 where all communication requests with all NSS-TPG devices were successful, was
262 170 meters. In an energized area, the most significant distance achieved was 90
263 meters.

Figure 4: Overall success rate - free and energized area.

264 Figure 5 depicts the position of the NMU in the energized area and how the
265 regions were categorized concerning communication. The NMU’s placement for this
266 test was chosen as the location with the highest physical obstacles between the
267 NMU and the NSS-TPG devices. The green portion denotes where communication
268 achieved 100% success (SR = 1), while the yellow area experienced occasional fail-
269 ures (0 < SR < 1). The red area means that no direct communication attempts
270 were successful (SR = 0).

Figure 5: Real substation - maximum communication distance tests (energized area).

271 Finally, the final placement of the NMU-S was established, as depicted in Figure
272 6. The blue region highlights where an NSS-TPG can maintain seamless commu-
273 nication with the NMU. Any location beyond this boundary requires an NSS-TPG
274 configured as a repeater at an intermediate point. It is worth highlighting that even
275 though the maximum communication range is 90 meters, the maintenance depart-
276 ment typically opts for shorter distances when deploying an NSS-TPG repeater.
277 This strategy guarantees even more consistent and reliable communication.

Figure 6: NMU-S final position and reliable communication radius (SR = 1).

278 B. Operational test

279 Additional tests were conducted after confirming the system’s robustness in the
280 substation environment, including interventions along the transmission line (TL).
281 Figures 7 and 8 vividly depict how Temporary Protective Grounding is efficiently
282 managed within the supervisory system in substations and transmission lines.
283 The main screen of the supervisory system showcases the substation’s single-line
284 diagram, clearly delineating the connected transmission lines. Whenever a tempo-
285 rary grounding operation occurs in the substation, the system promptly highlights

286 the corresponding TPG insertion point with a ground icon, complemented by a
287 color-green letter signifying the phase association, as shown in Figure 7. In this
288 example, there is a simultaneous intervention on two circuit breakers. Specifically,
289 the 4552-53 circuit breaker is equipped with TPGs on all three phases and both
290 sides, mirroring the configuration of the 4552-55 breaker. In contrast, the 4552-54
291 circuit breaker remains unaltered, evident from the absence of any highlighting on
292 the grounding symbol.

Figure 7: TPG - circuit breaker maintenance.

293 However, when a TPG is deployed within a section of the transmission line,
294 a conspicuous “Towers” button, accompanied by a ground icon, commands atten-
295 tion. Activating this button opens a window displaying comprehensive information
296 regarding the grounding status of the towers in the transmission lines, as demon-
297 strated in Figure 8. In this illustration, Tower ID T4010 is marked with an active
298 temporary grounding across all three phases.

Figure 8: TPG - transmission tower maintenance.

299 All interventions were executed concurrently during this test step, aligning with
300 the scenario in Figure 3. NSS-TPG devices were repeatedly inserted and removed
301 to assess potential communication issues. Throughout these tests, the system con-
302 sistently provided precise and reliable information regarding the presence or absence
303 of an NSS-TPG at the designated position. These results validate the system’s ro-
304 bustness and crucial role in enhancing safety measures during temporary grounding
305 operations.
306 The proposed solution effectively minimizes unsafe practices by offering real-time
307 insights and dependable communication, significantly contributing to the secure exe-
308 cution of critical maintenance tasks within the power system. While the supervisory
309 system continues receiving information about an active TPG, the system prevents
310 the re-energization of the section. An interlocking mechanism in the system pro-
311 hibits re-energization if an active TPG persists. Moreover, in instances where an
312 active TPG is not detected during a previously scheduled maintenance, the remote
313 maintenance team has the prerogative to request an assessment of the reasons pre-
314 venting the initiation of maintenance.
315 Furthermore, the comprehensive history of temporary groundings is securely
316 stored in a database, enabling its utilization in future predictive and corrective
317 analyses. This capability facilitates the identification of equipment that requires
318 frequent maintenance or exhibiting notably longer maintenance durations compared
319 to similar equipment with shorter downtimes.

320 5. Conclusion

321 Temporary grounding is essential for teams’ safety in maintaining electrical power
322 systems. Its role is vital to prevent accidents and avoid risks associated with the
323 accidental energization of circuits and exposure to electrical inductions. Addition-
324 ally, it limits shock voltage to safe levels and reduces exposure time to potential
325 electrical hazards. Ensuring the correct application of temporary grounding at pre-
326 defined points in substations is crucial for the safety and effectiveness of operations.
327 The TPG management system proposed in this study presents an innovative solu-
328 tion to improve the safety of teams involved in these critical procedures. Electronic
329 devices provide real-time information to on-site staff and remote supervisors, im-
330 proving worker safety and preventing improper shutdowns resulting from forgetting
331 to remove grounding cables. The practical tests conducted in a real environment
332 underscored the proposed system’s robustness, showcasing its effectiveness even in
333 environments characterized by high electromagnetic interference and physical ob-
334 structions. The system was successful in all tests carried out. Electronic devices
335 created mesh networks, allowing all information to be transmitted reliably to the
336 supervisory system, making it easily visible and accessible to everyone involved.
337 These results emphasize the importance of these devices in ensuring safety during
338 temporary grounding procedures.
339 In summary, the system presented in this study represents a significant advance
340 in managing temporary grounding in electrical power systems. Its implementation
341 not only raises safety standards for maintenance teams but also contributes to the
342 reliability and efficiency of operations. Moreover, it is adaptable to various scenarios,
343 making it a versatile solution for any electrical system requiring TPG.

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381 [14] J. R. Thomas, In-service testing of temporary grounding jumper assemblies

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 This work introduces a real-time temporary grounding monitoring system integrated
with the supervisory system.
 Effective monitoring of the active or inactive status of temporary grounding in
substations and transmission lines.
 Application of mesh network technology for monitoring the state of temporary
 Results demonstrate the system's viability in environments with high electromagnetic
Manuscript with Track changes

Dynamic Monitoring of Temporary Protective Grounding

state in power system routines.
Ricardo A. de Araujoa , Walter L. M. de Azevedoa , Alexandro S. Rosaa , José
Pissolato Filhoa
University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil


The importance of grounding techniques is undeniable in ensuring the safety of work-

ers involved in high-voltage systems. During maintenance routines, using multiple
grounding cables is common; however, individually verifying if each cable is cor-
rectly connected can be challenging. This work presents an innovative proposal to
control and check the connection state of grounding cables listed in a maintenance
routine at a predefined point. The proposed solution employs electronic devices
that create mesh networks, significantly improving safety levels. Through real-time
monitoring, the system allows quick and accurate identification of potential failures
or disconnections in the grounding cables. This feature plays a pivotal role in safe-
guarding the maintenance team, averting accidents linked to grounding issues. Field
tests performed in real substation and transmission tower environments validated
the system’s resilience, showcasing its adeptness in managing communication inter-
ferences effectively. The results showed that the system is highly reliable, providing
essential and precise information to the maintenance team.
Implementing this real-time monitoring system for the temporary grounding con-
nection status represents a significant advancement in the safety of maintenance
operations at substations. By offering a comprehensive view of the status of each
grounding cable, the system enables more appropriate decision-making and swift
interventions in case of issues. The goal is to minimize risks and ensure a safer
working environment for the high-voltage team that maintains the systems.
Keywords: Safety in maintenance, Real-time monitoring, Temporary

Corresponding Author: (Ricardo A. de Araujo)

Preprint submitted to e-Prime November 24, 2023


1 1. Introduction

2 With a focus on securing workers and equipment, temporary protective ground-

3 ing (TPG) emerges as an essential safeguard during maintenance, repair, or modifi-
4 cation activities [1, 2]. This practice is a vital line of defense, preventing potential
5 electrical accidents that could result in serious injuries or even fatalities [3, 4]. More-
6 over, it shields valuable equipment from the detrimental effects of voltage surges,
7 minimizing prolonged disruptions and substantial financial losses. The primary ob-
8 jective of TPG is to establish a low-impedance and secure connection between elec-
9 trical equipment and the earth. This connection creates a controlled path for the
10 dissipation of residual electrical charges, ensuring that any lingering energy within
11 components, such as capacitors, is safely discharged after the equipment is pow-
12 ered down. This process significantly decreases the risk of electrical shocks that
13 could arise from these residual charges, contributing to the overall safety of person-
14 nel working in proximity to high-voltage systems. In addition to residual charges,
15 TPG addresses other potential hazards during maintenance activities. Induction
16 effects, often generated by energized circuits in the surrounding environment, can
17 pose significant threats to workers [5]. These induced voltages can create electrical
18 imbalances and risks in the workspace.
19 Moreover, the inadvertent re-energization of equipment, without properly re-
20 moving TPG, can lead to catastrophic consequences, including short circuits, ex-
21 plosions, and fires, jeopardizing workers and equipment. As accidents or human
22 errors can occur, having proper TPG procedures in place helps prevent accidental
23 activation of equipment, eliminating the potential for hazardous energy releases.
24 Due to its undeniable importance, several studies have been dedicated to explor-
25 ing the topic of TPG, leading to the formulation of specific standards ([2, 6, 7])
26 for its implementation. However, a significant part of these research efforts focus
27 on particular aspects of TPG, such as case studies [8, 9, 10], testing on equipment
28 components [11, 12, 13, 14], connection schemes [1, 4, 15, 16, 17, 18], or simulation
29 [4, 5, 19, 20, 21]. Few studies have focused on the comprehensive management of

30 groundings, such as reference [3]. In this reference, the system uses radiofrequency
31 RFID technology to record the entry and exit of the temporary grounding cables
32 from the storage depot. In addition, it utilizes GPS to transmit positional informa-
33 tion via GSM/GPRS to a central hub, particularly if the team fails to register the
34 TPG’s return. R1.1 Nevertheless, it is crucial to recognize that the solution pro-
35 posed in [3] comes with certain limitations. One notable requirement is a dedicated
36 phone number (GSM/GPRS network) for each device linked to the grounding cable,
37 potentially leading to managing multiple phone numbers in specific scenarios. Ad-
38 ditionally, it is essential to note that its current functionality is limited to supplying
39 positional data, lacking the capability to indicate the active status of the ground-
40 ing. R2.1 Another relevant work in the literature addressing temporary grounding
41 management can be found in [22]. The system proposed by the authors features a
42 set of special keys available on a monitoring panel. When establishing a grounding
43 plan, the user removes a key from this panel to unlock the grounding clamp. This
44 key, connected to the clamp, sends information to the monitoring station regard-
45 ing the grounding status, indicating whether it is grounded or not. After removing
46 each grounding cable, the procedure is considered complete only upon reinserting
47 the corresponding key into the monitoring panel. However, the system has some
48 drawbacks, such as a limited number of devices (keys) available, the need to mod-
49 ify the grounding clamp, which may be impractical on a large scale (adjusting all
50 existing ones), the lack of integration with the supervisory system, and a limited
51 RFID signal range, with no possibility for a “router” to replicate the signal over
52 long distances within the substation. Although these works offer valuable informa-
53 tion on the various aspects of TPG, the gap in addressing effective management
54 in large-scale systems such as substations and transmission lines is evident. Real-
55 time monitoring of the status of TPGs and centralized management of connections
56 emerge as crucial aspects to ensure operational safety, mitigate accident risks, and
57 optimize maintenance in complex electrical environments.
58 In this context, real-time information about each TPG’s status is imperative.
59 That includes confirming that designated grounding points are effectively connected
60 and verifying that TPG has been removed before re-energization. For this systematic

61 management of the status of the TPG, it is recommended that this information be
62 accessible to the entire maintenance team. An efficient solution for this scenario is
63 the implementation of electronic devices that monitor the real-time status of each
64 TPG and whether the cables are correctly connected and grounded at predetermined
65 points.
66 Thus, this ensures that anomalies related to the status of the TPG are immedi-
67 ately identified, allowing immediate corrective actions. Furthermore, incorporating
68 this information into the supervisory system provides a comprehensive view of the
69 installation’s status, facilitating coordination among different teams. Therefore, this
70 research presents an innovative solution by developing electronic devices for real-time
71 monitoring of TPG status.
72 Table 1 provides a comprehensive overview of the objectives covered (✓) and
73 -
those not covered ( ) in the reviewed works compared to the scope of this research
74 work. Notably, as illustrated in Table 1, the main focus of this research work is to
75 address a critical gap, specifically emphasizing the concurrent monitoring and man-
76 agement of the status of TPG in both substations and transmission lines. Conse-
77 quently, the proposed research seeks to improve safety measures during maintenance
78 procedures within substations and transmission lines by integrating mesh network
79 technology with intelligent devices.

Table 1: Main objective related to the reviewed works and the proposed work.

TPG TPG status

Reference Equipment tests
Case study Substation Transmission Management Simulation Schemes
and sizing factors
[8, 9, 10] ✓ - - - - - -
[5, 19] ✓ - - - - ✓ -
[3] - - - - ✓ - -
[22] - - ✓ - - - -
[4] - ✓ - - - ✓ ✓
[20, 21] - - - - - ✓ -
[1, 15, 16, 17, 18] - - - - - - ✓
[11, 12, 13, 14] - ✓ - - - - -
This work ✓ - ✓ ✓ ✓ - -

80 This work is organized into four sections, encompassing the introduction and
81 conclusion. The second section provides an overview of the proposed system. The
82 subsequent section delves into the results of the study.

83 2. System Overview

84 The choice of suitable technology for the research project was based on relevant
85 intrinsic characteristics for operation in an environment with high complexity, which
86 include:

87 • Self-Organizing Mesh Network: Self-organizing mesh topology offers effective

88 device communication, even in complex and ever-changing environments.

89 • Time Synchronization: Precise synchronization among devices is crucial for

90 collecting and transmitting data accurately, enabling reliable analysis of the
91 temporary grounding status.

92 • Self-Configuration and Automation: Self-configuration capability simplifies

93 network deployment, while automation allows devices to perform tasks in-
94 dependently.

95 • Energy Efficiency: Energy efficiency ensures continuous device operation, even

96 in remote or challenging access locations.

97 • Redundancy and Fault Tolerance: Redundancy and fault tolerance features

98 ensure system robustness, even in adverse conditions.

99 • Security: Security mechanisms protect the integrity of transmitted data and

100 ensure access only to authorized devices.

101 • Scalability: The ability to expand the network to accommodate many devices
102 is essential for dealing with complex systems.

103 • Industrial Applications: Technology must suit industrial environments with

104 varying conditions.

105 • Centralized Management: A centralized system allows efficient control and
106 monitoring of all devices in the network.

107 • Adjustable Range: Flexibility to adjust the communication range is essential

108 to accommodate different distances between devices.

109 • R1.1 Optional GPS synchronization: Can be synched to GPS time.

110 Thus, smart-mesh modules from Analog Devices [23] were adopted among var-
111 ious existing options that satisfy these characteristics, such as Xbee (Zigbee) and
112 WirelessHART modules.

113 A. R1.2 Usual TPG situations

114 Temporary grounding is crucial in various situations within power substations
115 and transmission lines. Its strategic application stands out during maintenance
116 and repair activities, ensuring the safe de-energization of equipment. Additionally,
117 it is essential during equipment testing and calibration to provide safe electrical
118 conditions. During construction, expansion, or modifications, temporary grounding
119 is critical to preserving the safety of workers and preventing damage to equipment.
120 In emergencies, such as short circuits, its application is vital to ensure safety during
121 interventions. Protection against atmospheric discharges and testing safety devices
122 highlight key scenarios where temporary grounding is indispensable to maintaining
123 safe and efficient operations. These primary situations are summarized in Table 2.

124 B. General mesh relationship

125 The adopted technology enables bidirectional communication among devices,
126 collecting and relaying data, ensuring a continuous and consistent flow of informa-
127 tion. Furthermore, precision in synchronization plays a pivotal role in the network
128 architecture, organized into distinct time intervals. This time-based organization
129 facilitates collision-free packet exchange and channel hopping during transmission,
130 a critical factor in ensuring reliable and interference-free data communication.
131 An essential feature of this system is the emphasis on redundancy. Each device
132 has one or more parent nodes, providing alternative routes to overcome communica-
133 tion interruptions caused by interference, physical obstructions, or signal loss. If the

Table 2: Usual TPG employment situations and description.

Situation Description
During maintenance or repair activities on equipment, it is expected to perform
Maintenance and Repair
temporary grounding to ensure that components are de-energized and safe for work.
When equipment needs to be tested or calibrated, temporary grounding can be
Equipment Testing
applied to prevent electrical risks during the procedures.
In situations where construction, expansion, or modification in the substation,
Construction Work temporary grounding may be necessary to ensure the safety of workers and
prevent damage to equipment.
If equipment experiences a failure or defect, temporary grounding can be used
Isolation of Faulty Equipment
to isolate the faulty equipment and ensure safety until proper corrections are made.
In cases of emergencies, such as short circuits or other incidents, temporary grounding
Emergencies and Incidents
can be applied to ensure safety while addressing the issues.
Protection against In anticipation of storms or weather events that may result in atmospheric discharges,
Atmospheric Discharges the substation can be temporarily grounded to minimize the risk of damage.
During tests of protection relays and other safety devices, temporary grounding
Protection Testing
can be employed to create safe conditions for the tests.

134 transmission fails on one route, subsequent retransmissions automatically explore

135 different paths and RF channels.
136 Built on these fundamental principles, the Network Manager oversees the mesh
137 establishment. This component instructs access point devices to send advertisements
138 containing vital synchronization information, enabling devices to integrate and be-
139 come part of the network. This process also involves a security handshake, establish-
140 ing encrypted communication channels between the manager (or application) and
141 individual devices. Once integrated, these devices maintain precise synchronization
142 by exchanging time correction messages among connected nodes.
143 Adaptability is also crucial for the project. Through a continuous discovery pro-
144 cess, the network continuously identifies new communication paths as RF conditions
145 evolve. The technology allows the mesh network to adjust to include new devices
146 seamlessly. When introduced to the network, a new node is automatically assimi-
147 lated into the existing mesh system without manual intervention. This capacity for
148 assimilation simplifies network expansion, ensuring uninterrupted communication as
149 new devices are integrated. Additionally, each device in the network continuously
150 monitors performance statistics, assessing the quality of used paths and maintaining
151 lists of potential alternatives. These data are periodically communicated to the Net-

152 work Manager through health reports, enabling constant optimization to maintain
153 high-reliability rates exceeding 99.999% [23], even in challenging RF environments.
154 The technology employs Time Slotted Channel Hopping (TSCH) for energy effi-
155 ciency. In this mode, devices enter a sleep state between scheduled communications,
156 resulting in energy-efficient operation. Devices are active only during designated
157 transmission or reception times, resulting in less than 1% [23] efficient duty cycle.
158 The automation and coordination of this scheduling are carried out by the Network
159 Manager’s optimization software, ensuring simplified and effective energy consump-
160 tion.
161 Figure 1 shows the mesh structure and the relationship between nodes and the
162 network manager.
Wirelss Nodes

All nodes can transmit

and receive information

Network Manager
Supervisory Control

New nodes can be added

anywhere in the network
because all nodes can

Figure 1: R1.3 Wireless mesh network [23].

163 C. Proposed system

164 The system has three different electronic equipment: i) Network Manager Unit
165 - Substation (NMU-S), ii) Network Manager Unit - Transmission Lines (NMU-TL),
166 and iii) Node Signaling Status - TPG (NSS-TPG). The NMU-S is the central device
167 responsible for managing the mesh network and establishing communication with
168 the supervisory system. Installed as a static component within the substation, the
169 NMU-S holds a permanent position, while the NMU-TL is a portable alternative.
170 In substations lacking an NMU-S, a configured NMU-TL can operate in its place,
171 assuming the network manager role.
172 Each NSS-TPG, equipped with a unique MAC address, is affixed to every ground-
173 ing cable used during maintenance interventions, indicating the active or inactive

174 status of the temporary grounding. The NMU receives and logs the transmitted
175 status data related to the programmed grounding for the intervention. This func-
176 tionality empowers supervisory teams to initiate actions, such as authorizing equip-
177 ment maintenance and confirming the presence of all required groundings. Locally,
178 the NMU provides visual monitoring through a display, indicating the grounding
179 statuses (active or inactive). Simultaneously, at the system level, this information
180 is integrated into the supervisory system. As a result, the oversight of temporary
181 grounding, previously limited to field teams, expands to encompass a broader range
182 of on-site and remote agents.
183 It’s essential to highlight that the maintenance team must diligently adhere to the
184 temporary grounding procedures. Therefore, the system presented in this study does
185 not account for negligent actions, such as neglecting to connect the NSS-TPG to the
186 grounding cable. The proposed system mitigates potentially dangerous situations
187 from oversights, like forgetting to remove the TPG.

188 D. Routine for using the proposed system

189 To ensure the successful implementation of the solution, the integration, activa-
190 tion, and deactivation of NSS-TPG must have a minimal impact on the operational
191 procedures carried out by the intervention teams. As a result, the entire process
192 should be both efficient and straightforward. Within this context, the maintenance
193 team is responsible for determining the specific grounding points and associating
194 each with a unique NSS-TPG ID. This process can unfold in two distinct manners:
195 i) routine maintenance and ii) emergency interventions. During scheduled main-
196 tenance, the designated department delineates the zones slated for grounding and
197 specifies the precise NSS-TPG devices for each case. Conversely, the local team is
198 tasked with identifying the applicable grounding points and selecting the appropriate
199 devices during emergency interventions. In both scenarios, the time required for de-
200 vice configuration minimally impacts the progress of maintenance tasks. This holds
201 because comprehensive documentation detailing the number of grounding cables to
202 be utilized and the specific equipment to be grounded is mandatory before task ex-
203 ecution. This documentation practice remains consistent regardless of whether the
204 organization has adopted the grounding signaling devices introduced in this study.

205 Incorporating NSS-TPG devices is now an integral component of this documenta-
206 tion process. The outcomes of this documentation process, a table enumerating
207 the designated grounding points, are subsequently transmitted via a web service to
208 the Network Manager Unit (NMU). After this step, the local team gains access to
209 the NMU, where the appropriate grounding plan is selected and executed. Only at
210 this juncture is the NSS-TPG device connected to the temporary grounding cables.
211 The operational status of the NSS-TPG is reflected by its active or inactive state.
212 In the active state, the NSS-TPG is actively connected to and engaged with the
213 grounding cable, whereas the inactive state indicates that the NSS-TPG is not in
214 operation/connected. Fixing the NSS-TPG to the grounding cable employs a spe-
215 cialized screw that serves as both an On/Off switch and a means of securing the
216 NSS-TPG.
217 Figure 2 illustrates the simplified structure of the proposed system. Through a
218 dedicated user interface on a web page, the user maps the devices and formulates
219 the grounding plan. Upon completing this process, the user activates the Network
220 Management Unit (NMU), where they request and initiate the configuration. Sub-
221 sequently, the NMU interacts with the designated NSS-TPG signaling devices, as
222 listed in the plan, transmitting the status (active or inactive) of each NSS-TPG to the
223 supervisory system in real-time. The method developed in this work encompasses
224 three usage scenarios: i) TPG exclusively at the substation, ii) TPG exclusively on
225 the transmission lines, and iii) TPG in both locations. It is essential to note that
226 the NMU-S is also employed in scenario ii, as it is responsible for accessing the data
227 stored in the Cloud Data Hub and forwarding it to the supervisory system.

Figure 2: R1.3 Simplified diagram of the proposed system.

228 Figure 3 illustrates an application example. In this scenario, an intervention

229 occurs at three distinct locations: the substation and two points along the trans-
230 mission line. Since all plans are stored in the Cloud, each NMU, accessed by a
231 team member, retrieves its respective plan, allowing the NSS-TPG devices to be
232 connected to the grounding cables. Once connected, the NSS-TPG devices provide
233 active or inactive status to their respective NMUs. The NMU-TL units transmit
234 these statuses to the Cloud Data Hub, while the NMU-S consults them and forwards
235 them to the supervisory system. Additionally, the NMU-S receives status informa-
236 tion from the NSS-TPG devices at the substation and relays it to the supervisory
237 system. Communication between NMUs and the Cloud Data Hub primarily utilizes
238 GPRS/GSM technology. However, in areas without coverage of these technologies,
239 the maintenance team can connect satellite communication devices already used by
240 the utility company, ensuring communication availability in any region covered by
241 the utility company.

Figure 3: R1.3 Connection between devices.

242 R1.3 The substation’s local supervisory system provides real-time monitoring
243 capabilities, whereas operational control is centralized within the operations center.
244 Information about temporary groundings is available on both the substation’s local
245 supervisory system for visualization and the centralized control center for opera-
246 tional oversight. Notably, exclusive authorization for executing specific actions, such
247 as opening and closing switches, resides exclusively within the operations center.

248 3. Tests and results - real operating environment

249 A section of a Brazilian 525 kV transmission line and a substation connected

250 to this line were used to conduct the tests. R2.1 It is crucial to emphasize that
251 utilities lack a real-time monitoring system for temporary grounding integrated into
252 the supervisory system. This supervision is conducted manually, involving visual
253 inspection and verification according to the established grounding plan.

254 A. Maximum communication distance

255 Throughout the testing step, one of the primary objectives was to establish
256 the maximum communication range between the NMU and the NSS-TPG, both in

257 free and energized environments. Figure 4 illustrates the outcomes derived from
258 ten distinct NSS-TPG devices. At intervals of 10 meters, up to a distance of 200
259 meters, the NMU performed 20 communication requests with each NSS-TPG. In
260 a free area (without physical obstacles), the maximum communication distance,
261 where all communication requests with all NSS-TPG devices were successful, was
262 170 meters. In an energized area, the most significant distance achieved was 90
263 meters.

Figure 4: Overall success rate - free and energized area.

264 Figure 5 depicts the position of the NMU in the energized area and how the
265 regions were categorized concerning communication. The NMU’s placement for this
266 test was chosen as the location with the highest physical obstacles between the
267 NMU and the NSS-TPG devices. The green portion denotes where communication
268 achieved 100% success (SR = 1), while the yellow area experienced occasional fail-
269 ures (0 < SR < 1). The red area means that no direct communication attempts
270 were successful (SR = 0).

Figure 5: Real substation - maximum communication distance tests (energized area).

271 Finally, the final placement of the NMU-S was established, as depicted in Figure
272 6. The blue region highlights where an NSS-TPG can maintain seamless commu-
273 nication with the NMU. Any location beyond this boundary requires an NSS-TPG
274 configured as a repeater at an intermediate point. It is worth highlighting that even
275 though the maximum communication range is 90 meters, the maintenance depart-
276 ment typically opts for shorter distances when deploying an NSS-TPG repeater.
277 This strategy guarantees even more consistent and reliable communication.

Figure 6: NMU-S final position and reliable communication radius (SR = 1).

278 B. Operational test

279 Additional tests were conducted after confirming the system’s robustness in the
280 substation environment, including interventions along the transmission line (TL).
281 R1.4 Figures 7 and 8 vividly depict how Temporary Protective Grounding is ef-
282 ficiently managed within the supervisory system in substations and transmission
283 lines.
284 The main screen of the supervisory system showcases the substation’s single-line
285 diagram, clearly delineating the connected transmission lines. Whenever a tempo-

286 rary grounding operation occurs in the substation, the system promptly highlights
287 the corresponding TPG insertion point with a ground icon, complemented by a
288 color-green letter signifying the phase association, as shown in Figure 7. In this
289 example, there is a simultaneous intervention on two circuit breakers. Specifically,
290 the 4552-53 circuit breaker is equipped with TPGs on all three phases and both
291 sides, mirroring the configuration of the 4552-55 breaker. In contrast, the 4552-54
292 circuit breaker remains unaltered, evident from the absence of any highlighting on
293 the grounding symbol.

Figure 7: TPG - circuit breaker maintenance.

294 However, when a TPG is deployed within a section of the transmission line,
295 a conspicuous “Towers” button, accompanied by a ground icon, commands atten-
296 tion. Activating this button opens a window displaying comprehensive information
297 regarding the grounding status of the towers in the transmission lines, as demon-
298 strated in Figure 8. In this illustration, Tower ID T4010 is marked with an active
299 temporary grounding across all three phases.

Figure 8: TPG - transmission tower maintenance.

300 All interventions were executed concurrently during this test step, aligning with
301 the scenario in Figure 3. NSS-TPG devices were repeatedly inserted and removed
302 to assess potential communication issues. Throughout these tests, the system con-
303 sistently provided precise and reliable information regarding the presence or absence
304 of an NSS-TPG at the designated position. These results validate the system’s ro-
305 bustness and crucial role in enhancing safety measures during temporary grounding
306 operations.
307 The proposed solution effectively minimizes unsafe practices by offering real-time
308 insights and dependable communication, significantly contributing to the secure
309 execution of critical maintenance tasks within the power system. R1.5 While the
310 supervisory system continues receiving information about an active TPG, the sys-
311 tem prevents the re-energization of the section. An interlocking mechanism in the
312 system prohibits re-energization if an active TPG persists. Moreover, in instances
313 where an active TPG is not detected during a previously scheduled maintenance,
314 the remote maintenance team has the prerogative to request an assessment of the
315 reasons preventing the initiation of maintenance.
316 Furthermore, the comprehensive history of temporary groundings is securely
317 stored in a database, enabling its utilization in future predictive and corrective
318 analyses. This capability facilitates the identification of equipment that requires
319 frequent maintenance or exhibiting notably longer maintenance durations compared
320 to similar equipment with shorter downtimes.

321 4. Conclusion

322 Temporary grounding is essential for teams’ safety in maintaining electrical power
323 systems. Its role is vital to prevent accidents and avoid risks associated with the
324 accidental energization of circuits and exposure to electrical inductions. Addition-
325 ally, it limits shock voltage to safe levels and reduces exposure time to potential
326 electrical hazards. Ensuring the correct application of temporary grounding at pre-
327 defined points in substations is crucial for the safety and effectiveness of operations.
328 The TPG management system proposed in this study presents an innovative solu-
329 tion to improve the safety of teams involved in these critical procedures. Electronic
330 devices provide real-time information to on-site staff and remote supervisors, im-
331 proving worker safety and preventing improper shutdowns resulting from forgetting
332 to remove grounding cables. The practical tests conducted in a real environment
333 underscored the proposed system’s robustness, showcasing its effectiveness even in
334 environments characterized by high electromagnetic interference and physical ob-
335 structions. The system was successful in all tests carried out. Electronic devices
336 created mesh networks, allowing all information to be transmitted reliably to the
337 supervisory system, making it easily visible and accessible to everyone involved.
338 These results emphasize the importance of these devices in ensuring safety during
339 temporary grounding procedures.
340 In summary, the system presented in this study represents a significant advance
341 in managing temporary grounding in electrical power systems. Its implementation
342 not only raises safety standards for maintenance teams but also contributes to the
343 reliability and efficiency of operations. Moreover, it is adaptable to various scenarios,
344 making it a versatile solution for any electrical system requiring TPG.

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Ricardo A. de Araujo received the B.Sc. degree from

the University of Campinas, Brazil, in 2009, followed by
his M.Sc. and Ph.D. from the same institution in 2012
and 2017, respectively. Currently, he is dedicated to his
postdoctoral research in the High Voltage Lab under the
guidance of Prof. José Pissolato Filho at the University
of Campinas. His research focuses on power system
optimization, power substation, and electromagnetic
Walter Luiz Manzi de Azevedo received the B.Sc. and
M. Sc. degrees in electrical engineering from the
University of Campinas (UNICAMP), School of
Electrical and Computer Engineering (FEEC),
Campinas, Brazil in 2021 and 2023, respectively.
Currently, he is a Ph.D. student at the same university.
His research interests include grounding systems
modeling for electromagnetic transients in power
Alexandro Santa Rosa received the B.Sc. degrees in
electrical engineering from the University of
Anhanguera, Campinas, Brazil, in 2015. Currently, he
is a M.Sc. student at the University of Campinas
(UNICAMP). His research interests include electronics,
power substation, and telecommunications.
José Pissolato Filho was born in Campinas, São
Paulo, Brazil. He received the Ph.D. in electrical
engineering from Université Paul Sabatier, France
1986. Since 1979, he has been with the Department of
Energy and Systems, UNICAMP. His main research
interests include high-voltage engineering,
electromagnetic transients, and electromagnetic

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