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Q-2]Defne he tem Negotiahon And emplain Peatues

and ty pea
Aitenaye Dispuse Reolhion (ADR) .also Knoon
entenal dSpule eolui Dn (EDR) 3 baical
ameThod otieJe he
any intes ption Pom he
At bs Pont In hme Cohen hore arse many
Casee pend hefre he Cosot and There
not Sufficie wt udges and tinne to esolve
hen ADR qune ide cp read
Cee ptante dispwec.
Tbere Orc many methods o ADRli lce meiat
a7btraion, Con clion and many

Neaotati on 1s apromine ut meho oADR

hen 2. paohe have oufrerse t
inteete COme to a mutua
ate ptable Concluti onhey ort For neyotiahÓn
ADR mthtd

What is neaotiahon -
Negotiation is derived P'nom The Loctin coosd
negetho cohich meons to CaTy orn bwin ec

Negoti ation Pmine among Inan

he Stoeet ohile
nego ho Pne o
The biq maJhnationad Companie ohile neqohia
ti ng deols oh temm
S defioed Self- Consselhg
betuch The patee The dispte
PAge No.

-ln neootioon pastiee coith Theis

by aisC Cucingpolitele and pahenily
Come a Soluton
oith Thet 1S OCepta.
to Poti e issUe

Negothchon Is a Proces o iscucion and

Commun iCathdn beteen tuoo mrnc pasheg

Tesoliha a is pute
lt involves lelentifying Co mmon interotis esploi
potenth al Solutons. and ndia ComDmse
hat Satis y all pashies invalve

1mpotat is its ability to pre serve elaionships,

Unlite 1iHqation ohiah oten rseects
and oserse haotiahon cullo oc people to 0ot
toqether toward That mees
evemyone's ncedc
This Colla-boatiye apppach Rstess understandi
-ha builds t ost, and maintaj ns posihive
Conhectios interaoth ons

-MorcoUexnegothi aion proiolee a cest.effestive!

tes etive t lega) prole eolings
LeigatiDn Con be hme -Con sumig empensive
and emotioncl ly dzainig for a portiee inuplved
By cngoging
Con Save Valueble me ad esources cohe
Stil aohiein theis cleeied
Page a

feotrses lchcr ac tesisthics oP necotiati on -

nvolun ta
’This 1S onc \mpostawt harQatessthc
oD neqoiaton e it shold be
volunta iand no pa roty Can be Rbrred to
neqothole coth
P Whicheve pooty wans to hegohaie will se nd
letter to the oher patey
htgotiate aing
coith o t paoty ageee to
torce ntqotiate
than Can
bo th pae tuxe fthe -to
sieps htgoiate
2Bilatersol/ matí totoo
-Ntaoh ation Can be Concucted betuoee 2 G8
more patieA many a may be oeque

5 Non adiudicote
Neqoati on is a proceshat ind ude onle
pasies to he 1csue to qet a
Solch on amicabl
and nohsd netral pa ty tare po at in
hegoaion Proeic.
lato mal
Unlike oher aternahve dispue sol tion
negoth otion 1s 1otosmal method
Th trre dened b neqotiaion:
paotie to the iscue mare
matul iscesign and acceptance

s]Aexi ble onThe chbile o

NegoiaHbn totally olepands
pasttel ieohee it oll take place
COTll talce plate, cohat coill be topic
ntgothation ohich appoaah
tace ett,

Advantagei oh Ntyotiati Dn
Not-iatiDn s a Aeible proes1e
he discreatin othe pateA u to hher

heay cuD0 to opt

1SCUe Pyee ,ohermeit shod be condct
in hou many meetin the neootiati Dn showd
be donei andl hese oe no spefed s e s tey
neqohation paste Can Côntt t in he ouOn way.

asbibration ,et) tt is mo3e litely to come to a

Conc ionhat can be

3] Since in neqotiahon lis pude Oegoled

amicoblyohch enhance he oe atidnship be) h
he pasie ors etuse Iates cLotion

LAc ngotiahon lc a UDluntay pocea these will be

ho Cou t fees o oThen eApenie coh'eh mare ita
less expengive ispote oeDl hon pyores Compaed

Negptiatibn is al ways o qeod option oo any jentYe

\S3we beta we hig is a ve prvate elution proes
includel he po otie to The dispte
Page to

Disadvantage of heoohiahon
Conducted bei
)s the unegua
ahicA. Thn hese ase hege hange hat the
Stmnge paty coill qet morse bene ts aA Compar
-ed to t e pa styohich i moraJle

2 ohese herse ase bene tothe absence ofthe

pa here arse alco abacts De to the
asnce rel POty-here ase hances in
neqotiation That the Baatie n t cone to

any ag oeemeu an all the me c d money

ocured b the paoties coill be a Cate.

3) 1F one of the paotie oent nocO cbo

5 g t hen due to the obsente oP hi neutral
pa ty there ase heae Chanes hathe ohe
tace a vantage oR hat past

1f any pooty honges itg mind, bect off after

loitiang heqoti aion, and colthda osteF
Aom tae proreeinge o hegotiation, Then the
Hme nd money tnuested in the
negotatio coill beoome o arte.

Digtibutiye negoiati Dn
In this type op neqothah0n, pothes neoti o On
toplc ohich coates
Situaon fon the poshed due to ohlch one
Page Ho:


2) nteqsai ve hegothiation
Pantie negotate ves
0hireh coeales hae o qe
Sitaton f h e pootiA
pincely negotation Called ntortx
\1 is Colled aset +eohigue
to \mprove the q uality ane
The advantage pobaili4
feuet 1at diereut Daries
liene ocLt Comes
lifrese ntly
3) Tem negotia1 on
ln his
tpe oP neq oth a o
neqo h'cte Feom

|4) Mutipo ty neqotiation

ohicheue negotathothese rse Thon
2 pOroticThat hegotion beconea

Concl uaion
ADR i u l e i many neho to eolve dspun
o hegottcation ohen parate toa
dispte a0 nt
neaototibn amiobly
In neaoti atton,here ase high chaCes
Pa aes and

heefo re hego ti ation o aeat method

ipue, bu mose
SOme Joao bace to it.

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