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Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning

(Deemed to be University)
Vidyagiri, Prasanthi Nilayam

Third Semester Examinations, December 2020

Additional English: Literature and Life-III

Duration : 3 Hours 30/12/2020 Max. Marks : 100
Note: 1. Answer Sections A, B & C in the answer book provided.
2. Time allotted for Section-A is 20 minutes; hand over Section-A of the Question Paper back to the
Invigilator, after answering it in the first twenty minutes.
3. Comply with the instructions given in the Main Answer Book carefully.

(20 Marks)
I. A) Read the following passage and answer, in a sentence or two, the questions that follow:
(5x2=10 Marks)

High in the dark house of Assisi Francesco Bernardone slept and dreamed of arms. There came to him in
the darkness a vision splendid with swords, patterned after the cross in the Crusading fashion, of spears
and shields and helmets hung in a high armoury, all bearing the sacred sign. When he awoke he accepted
the dream as a trumpet bidding him to the battlefield, and rushed out to take horse and arms. He delighted
in all the exercises of chivalry; and was evidently an accomplished cavalier and fighting man by the tests
of the tournament and the camp. He would doubtless at any time have preferred a Christian sort of
chivalry; but it seems clear that he was also in a mood which thirsted for glory, though in him that glory
would always have been identical with honour. He was not without some vision of that wreath of laurel
which Cæsar has left for all the Latins. As he rode out to war the great gate in the deep wall of Assisi
resounded with his last boast, "I shall come back a great prince."

[An extract from St. Francis of Assisi by G. K. Chesterton]

1. Describe the dream of Francis.

2. What did he do on waking up?

3. What gave joy to Francis?

4. Make sentences using the words: (i) chivalry and (ii) laurel.

5. Give the meaning of the expression ‘wreath of laurel’ as used in the passage.

B) Fill in the blanks with the right word from the prescribed texts: (5x(½+½) =5 Marks)

6. ________ on the Shore is A. G. Gardiner’s prose work which he wrote under the pseudonym_______ of
the Plough.

7. Bennett wrote thirty novels, and even many of the lesser ones display the essential _______ values, ironic
yet kindly, critical yet with a large ________.

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8. Huxley later became interested in spiritual subjects such as ___________ and philosophical mysticism, in
particular, ___________.

9. Stephen Crane’s Civil War novel _________________ (1895) is a classic of American literature that
realistically depicts the______________ complexities of fear and courage on the battlefield.

10. Wordsworth’s personality and poetry were deeply influenced by his love of________, especially by the
sights and scenes of the ________ Country, in which he spent most of his mature life.

C) Say whether the following statements are “TRUE” or “FALSE”: (5x1=5 Marks)

11. Michael Johnson does not need Sam’s help.

12. The Muslims sit in their little well and think that is the whole world.

13. The conductor’s behaviour in the essay “All About a Dog” is to be appreciated.

14. Every household will tell you that its neighbours are most odd.

15. For tourists are, in the main, a very gloomy-looking tribe.

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Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning

(Deemed to be University)
Vidyagiri, Prasanthi Nilayam

Third Semester Examinations, December 2020

Additional English: Literature and Life-III

Duration : 3 Hours 30/12/2020 Max. Marks : 100

(40 Marks)
II. Annotate ANY THREE of the following in about 150 words each: (3x5=15 Marks)

1. I drew away the veil

And gazed at the features of vanity.

2. To her fair works did Nature link

The human soul that through me ran.

3. But God could not yet forgive him; for he was not truly penitent.

4. “You have kept the rule and broken its spirit. You want to
mix your rules with a little goodwill and good temper.”

III. Answer ONE of the following in about 150 words: (1x5=5 Marks)

5. What are Huxley's views on a genuine traveller?

6. Why does Arnold Bennett advise ‘move towards friendship slowly; move cautiously’?

IV. Answer ONE of the following in about 150 words: (1x5=5 Marks)

7. Appreciate how Walt Whitman visualizes God variously.

8. Explain why T. S. Eliot is extremely critical of man’s knowledge and achievements.

V. Answer ONE of the following in about 350 words: (1x15=15 Marks)

9. Discuss the concept of ‘invictus’ as visualised by William Ernest Henley.

10. Recapitulate Swami Vivekananda’s message to the world in the two addresses he made at the Parliament
of Religions.

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(40 Marks)

VI. Answer ANY TWO of the following questions in about 250 words each: (2x10=20 Marks)

11. Recall Lincoln’s long struggle till he made it to the hot seat at the White House.

12. Reflect how Joan’s implicit faith in the Lord helped her to gain great victories at Orleans.

13. Discuss Louis Pasteur as a great humanitarian.

14. Describe the last moments of Socrates that highlight his courage and conviction even in the face of death.

VII. Give a synonym and an antonym for each of the following words: (5x2=10 Marks)

15. insane

16. despise

17. resplendent

18. scanty

19. prudent

VIII. Identify and explain the figures of speech employed in the following sentences:
(5x(1+1)=10 Marks)

20. Hundred thousand lances rose high in my support.

21. Time is the greatest teacher.

22. The goblet flung across at the wall slivered to pieces.

23. Baffled I beheld the breakers breaching the highest cliffs among the hills.

24. O my Country! I struggle for thy safety!

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