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0 REV:14

ORDER #: OR 94087 UNIT TYPE: KBKI2 SN: F66187 Rod LOAD, N-TSN: 204617 -CMPRSN: 222410

STROKE 152 (mm) Org. SN:

r_t ,1,j ,4ddErj i::li I'..1E1,,u FiEldE. r.-tr_q ajl,l', "nF:G 5EFt,,+L I,lO
I I',1Ei:.r,AFitj". "ilrFIL; 5ERIAL l'.J rli i_r t_l-f I ri1,451g','.
(max.) (min.)
5,i ltjlt.l I ! |E,._]_t1 I EE':ir_=Hrp r tr_r r.l

Cylinder Data Throwl - Throw2

/ ;, /
_/ ;:;,;,:;
aroq ,/
INBOARD CYL BORE (MM) 171 / 171y'
CLASS 6 Kr1 l./
INBD MAWP (PS/G KG/CM2) ii-ts$$ y' ,A;7c,ri7
INBD HTP (PS/G KG/CM2) i#s zs4r 3623 254.7
NORMAL CLEARANCE% CE ,ffi*7. ,6.8-7-
CYLINDER RATED RPM 1200 / 1roo7-
(.080- 140) /
(Ref: ER-32) (tN) ' (2.0-3.61 {

By (initials): ub V<
CLEARANCE, CE (/M (MM) 040 Lo y' 040 .t.o /
Clearance Pocket Data -o166/ qtot {
SERIAL NO. u16904S v u163050 y'
MAWP (PS/G KG/CM2) utt 7 ,ils 16,r,s /
HTP (PS/G KG/CM2) T6r'3 rsL?7 iis zstz ,z


22.1 / 22.1 r/ ,
VARTABLE VOLUME (CM3) lsr7 1516-7-
TOTAL TURNS 3{7- ,r/
TOTALTRAVEL (CM) 1ti-T 1ri7 .
A 1r?-7- 1li--V-
x.r7- ar-t-

voLUME (cM3)
CYLINDER SIZE 171 t/ , fi1y'
CLASS K/--T ta1 r'--

IS THIS MATERIAL PULLED FOR SHIPMENT? Tools, etc: " **Note: See Sales Order Bill Of Material for Tools and Other
g4orsox E drnrHERS rylt.*, Ship Loose ltems**

NOTE: ltalicized data in English units on the metic orders is for information only

(_i PG.1OF1

Signature on this report certifies that all the Assembly, lnspection, and Test Procedure requirements have been mel
tcN:202200261 vER: 56 - 04-22-2422

Assembly and lnspection Checklist and

Test Requirements for Reciprocating

This procedure specifies the mechanical run test requirements, and provides a check-list and an internal
audit of the high points for assembly, inspection, testing, and preparation for shipping to ensure a high
quality, mechanically sound product.
An Assembler is to make the following inspection checks:
No lnsnection Check" tnitialC/lDb
Comoressor Frame
A1 Frame, crankshaft, and connectinq rod part numbers match the parts list in the build book. Tt<l^
A6 Frame cleaned and inspected. S/N stamped on frame (not engraved). Stamped frame production order
number matches production order numbers on main caps and spacer bars (if applicable). TBb
A2 Crankshaft sheets are in the build book and crank part number matches build book. Ariel crankshaft
production order number, part number, and heat code on the sheet match Ariel crankshaft production
order number, part number, and heat code stamped on crankshaft.
A3 Crankshaft washed with a brush in the cross bores. Bores checked with a light to be free of any chips,
burrs, or foreign matter.
A34 Pipe plugs are installed in the #1 main cap per assembly drawing. Applies only to KBB:V (standard) and
KBZ:U (optional). ,r{//A
A4 Match-mark and throw stamps on frame, spacer bars, main bearing caps, connecting rods, and rod
bearing caps are correct and on the correct throw.
A2( Main bearino cao fasteners are lubricated and torqued per EB=32. t<t t/flAB
421 Connectino rod fasteners are lubricated and torqued oer FR-32. ,/,
431 Soacer bar fasteners are lubricated and toroued oer FR-32. i)i.It<6
A7 End covers are level, and taper pins are installed in the auxiliary and drive end covers (if applicable). r\ L-raiP
A5 Chain sprockets are aligned with each other. Adjustable sprocket(s) is secured to its shaft(s) and
chain(s) tightened correctly. See EB=961-12 for chain adjustment.
A2t RTD/Thermocouple wiring connections are properly seated (gently tug wires to ensure proper seating).
All RTD/Thermocouple elements are checked for functionality before and after installation. See FR-98. IU'
Crosshead Guides
A32 All crosshead bushings and ELP plugs are installed correctly. Verify weight and throw number are
stamped on crosshead and are on the designated throw. EtE
A33 Correct quides are installed in assiqned location and torqued ps1 trR-32. o ?;-

ER-5.3, Ver.56 888-397-7766 (toll free USA & Canada) or Page 1 of 9

7 40-397 -3602 ( nternational )
No lnspection Checka Initials/lD
A9 All crosshead pins move freely in all directions. Thrust checked by pushinq from side to side. NK
AB All connecting rods are positioned to their crosshead to 0.040 in. minimum clearance for
JGH:E:K:T:C:D:F and KBE:K:T:C:D:F:Z:U:B:V, or 0.025 in. for JG:A:M:P:N:Q:R:J and KB100. A.r
A2! RTD/Thermocouple wiring connections are properly seated (gently tug wires to ensure proper seating)
All RTD/Thermocouple elements checked for functionality before and after installation. See EB=98. gE
41t All tube fitting nuts tightened '1-114
turns from finger tight. Check with a Swagelock no-go gauge (any sP/kE
remake to original position, plus approximately 114 turn). Tubing is of required thickness and tubed to
the correct location.

All Distribution block is sized and located correctlv. iIP/ES

A1' Frame lube oil pump is properlv sized bv part numberspecified in the build book :TP
41: Force-feed pump sized to correct distribution block per build book lube sheel C]P
A.14 Auto relief valve is correct color and pressure specification per build book lube sheet and is in the proper
location(s). Auto relief valve torqued to specification on build book assembly drawing. P/N#s and location: a:p
of gauges are correct.

43( Nupro valves are built with correct sprino installed and label/sticker chanqed. NA+
Compressor Gvlinders
A1t Pistons and oiston rods have P/N markino and are correct to the parts list. g<
41€ Build book contains hydrostatic test charts for cylinders and unloaders indicating proper time, pressure,
production order, and S/N#s. Casting S/N#s match charts. S/N#s and part numbers match the build book
and are properly stamped or etched (not engraved) on packing cases, cylinders, and unloaders, and
on the correct throw. Cylinder serial number and production order number are readable after head end
device installation. Note: Head end devices purchased in the hydrotested condition do not require an
Ariel FAS order and will not be stamped with an Ariel FAS order number.

417 Stakino of oiston nut set screws is correct. trS

A2t Piston rod does not visiblv contact oackinq cuos Es /nk
A18 Crank end head is torqued to specification. Mounted cylinders are level, torqued, oriented correctly ES
(suction or discharge up), and on the correct throw.
A.23 Cylinders are cleaned, prepped, and all parts and quantities match the build book. lf bottom valves are pre-
assembled into compressor cylinders, prior to mounting the cylinders, valve pockets and gasket seats are
checked for defects. Part numbers and quantities of valves and related parts are correct. Both valve cap lifting tool
holes are accessible for tool installation (lf applicable).

Cyl. Prod. Order # IonqtSl Jot]tt*4

Cyl. Built by LC, V;
Valves lnstalled by
r-61 rp lLl tP
Cyl. Prod. Order #

Cyl. Built by

Valves lnstalled by

ER-5.3, Ver.56 888-397-7766 (toll free USA & Canada)or Page 2 of 9

740-397-3602 (lnternational) I
No. Insnection Check' lnitials/lDb
A2( Build book contains Order Entry Sheet with any Special Handling Notice, and any special requirements
for assembly are met.
A21 Frame size, serial and sales order numbers are correctly recorded on page 1 of this form. ,,{/lrJ
42! Quality notifications for non-conforming materials with a green or yellow tag are documented by P/N
and S/N on E&,5-32and are verified as approved in the electronic database.
43t Material certifications (if applicable): traceability numbers are verified and material certification
documentation (FR-60 2n( 7.5.3.F) is complete. /ilk
A2t Record clerical, administrative, process or manufacturing errors found during assembly below. Be
specific. Examples of errors may be in the parts list, drawings, picking, order entry, unapproved
manufacturing defects, or anything that prevents the order from being assembled.
d Requires training and judgment that are part of the assemble#s training program.
b All questionable items require a trained assembler#s opinion. Do not initial/lD an item until resolved to provide a
mechanically sound product. lf an item number is not applicable for subject equipment, enter N/A.

The Mechanical lnspector is responsible for mechanical soundness of each mechanically complete or
incomplete unit inspected. A permanent plate with the Mechanical lnspector name is attached to each
accepted mechanically complete unit (Example: frames run tested with cylinders, but no valves). There is
no Mechanical lnspector plate on mechanically incomplete units (Example: frames run tested without

See Wl-1 1.1 for mechanical run test speeds and durations. At least hourly during the run test, record
production test log data on FR-s 3 1 and check for any unusual noise, leaks, excessive vibration, and
unusual hot spots. Record all shutdowns and reasons for them.

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7 40-397 -3602 ( nternational )

www.arielcorp"com I
Before the run test, the Mechanical Inspector or properly trained Assembler makes the following
inspection checks:
No lnsoection Check' lnitials/lD
T1 Distribution block oil freely flows to all lubricated locations, and the cycle indicator cycles by priming with
pump. Force feed lube gauge pressures are not abnormallyahigh. ?fr/-
T2 Force feed lube box is filled to the top of sight glass with proper oil, and force-feed pumps are set to
maximum output. 98 L)
T3 Recorded clearances, initials, and checklist are as complete as possible prior to starting unit (some
clearances may be left blank due to short parts). v73/^
r4 Main bearing cap fastener torques are verified by snap check per ER-32 (U:Z and larger snap checked
by at least 50 lb x ft above the first step lb x ft torque value) before moving to test stand. 91<
KBE:K:T:C:D:F:U:Z:B:V and larger are checked before spacer bar installation.

T5 Connecting rod fastener torques are verified by snap check per ER-32 (H:E:K:T and larger snap checked
by at least 50 lb x ft above the first step lb x ft torque value) before moving to test stand. For R:J and Dt(
smaller, use actual torque value.

T6 Lift chain chokes are labeled on the cover sheet as required. fAE
a. Requires training and judgment that are part of the assemble#s training program.
b. All questionable items require a trained assemble#s opinion. Do not initial/lD an item until resolved to provide a
mechanically sound product. lf an item number is not applicable for subject equipment, enter N/A.

After the run test, a Mechanical lnspector makes the following internal audit checks:
No. AUdit Check Audita d
Pre-Mechanical lnspection - Prior to Preservation
M1 "Production Test Log# EBr5-jJ is in the build book, complete, satisfies test specifications, and has all 100
required signatures and temperatures.
M10 Crankshaft thrust (end) clearance is measured and recorded on EBI-32 The difference between "after run 100
test# and "before run test#clearance is calculated. lf difference is more than specified allowance, required t/
action is taken.

M37 Match marks on spacer bars, main bearino caps, and connectino rods are correct. 100 ,-/
M32 lnside the compressor frame and quides are free of babbitt. residual chips. sand. or foreion matter. 50
M39 Crankshaft sheets are in the build book, and crank part number matches build book. Ariel crankshaft 25
production order number, part number, and heat code on the sheet matches the Ariel crankshaft
production order number, p'art number, and heat code stamped on crankshaft.
M40 Connectinq rods have stamped part numbers that match the build book parts list. 100
M14 Crankshaft rotates freelv and the stub shaft is oolished after leavino the test stand. 100
M23 Balance sheet information is correct. Weights and throws are stamped on the crossheads, connecting rods, 50
and balance nuts. Weights are stamped on the piston and stub shafts. Part number and location match t/
throw. Balance weights are uploaded to the equipment record.

M9 Valve pocket gasket seats are free of shrink, scratches, inclusions, etc. Valves installed prior to test run need 50
not be checked. t/
M18 Stakino of oiston nut set screws is correct. 50 't./
M6 Piston and cylinder bore have no visible scoring or scratches (without removing cylinder head or 100
wcP/FVCP). V
M8 Piston rods show no visible scratches or spottv contact. 100

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7 40-397 -3602 (l nternational ) I
No. Audit Check Audita {
M34 When a cylinder ships short valves: pocket bore is checked with required valve or pocket gauges, or 50

3,i:liJ:i,'B "'"^'"''"'"" WE u/*

M28 Serial numbers are properly stamped (not engraved) on frame, cylinders, and unloaders. Casting S/N#s 25
are correct. Note: Head end devices purchased in the hydrotested condition will not be stamped with an r/
Ariel FAS order.

M42 Build book contains cylinder and unloader hydrostatic charts that indicate proper time and pressure. Cylinder 50
and unloader chart information matches the build book. Note: Head end devices purchased in the V
hydrotested condition do not require an Ariel FAS order.

M25 Piston rod packing cases are checked for correct part number, proper orientation, and installation on the 50 L/
designated throws.
M26 Piston rod does not visiblv contact packinq cups 100 V
M54 lnside compressor cylinders are free of residual chips, sand, or foreign matter (without removing cylinder 50
head or WCP/FVCP).
M47 Hiqh clearance spacer wires are on the valve caps (if applicable). 25 t//k
Crosshead Guides
M21 Each connecting rod is positioned to its crosshead to 0.040 in. minimum clearance for JGH:E:K:T:C:D:F and 50
KBE:K:T:C:D:F:Z:U:B:V, or 0.025 in. for JG:A:M:P:N:Q:R:J and K8100.
M4 Surface of crosshead shoes and slides are free of wear patterns that show spotty contact, scoring, or 100
M5 Crosshead pins center through-holes are debris-free. Cap fasteners are re-torqued. Crosshead pins are 100
thrusted and turned to check for binding. NOTE: Removal of crosshead pin end plates is not required on l,/
ELP machines.

M43 Crosshead-balance nut torque is verified. Crosshead balance nut set screws are tiohtened. 50 t/
M16 For H:E:K:T compressors with hex crosshead balance nut: Open end wrench C-0618 is shipping with the
unit and documented on the ship loose parts sheet.
Boltinq Torque
M15 Torque is verified on bolting: bearing caps, connecting rods, frame to guides, guides to cylinders, packing 50
bolts, cylinder heads, and drive bolts when there is a mounted flywheel orflange mounted coupling lr/
adapter. Torque on spacer bar bolting and at least one bolt on each valve cap is spot checked.

Compressor Frame
M49 Correct detuners are installed in orooer location (if aoolicable). 25 U/A
M11 Sprockets are aligned with each other. All chain sprockets are secured to shaft. Chain(s) are checked for 100
specified tension. See FR-96 s 12 or use TC-1 120 tensioning check fixture for JGH:E:K:T. l/
M't9 Taper pins are properly installed in auxiliary and drive end covers. 50 V

M38 All RTD and thermocouole functionalities are verified. See E8,98. 100 i/
M36 Auto relief valves and gauges are correct and in the proper locations. Force feed pump locking nuts are 50
M44 Distribution block is sized correctlv and tubed to the orooer locations. 50 ,,/
M45 Force feed pump is sized to correct distribution blocks per build book lube sheet 50 r

ER-5.3, Ver.56 BB8-397-7766 (toll free USA & Canada) or Page 5 of 9

7 40-397 -3602 (l nternational ) I
No. Audit Check Audit a ,/
M29 Frame lube oil oumo is orooerlv sized bv part number to build book 50
M33 Force feed lube box is filled with the proper oil. 50 v
M17 All internal and external tube fittinqs are to qauqe (usinq Swaqelock no-oo reference qauqe). JU L/
M30 Lube oil strainer is clean and re-installed. 100 U
After Preservation and Closure
M31 Liquid VpCi is added to crankcase in proper amount (see Wl-1 1.3.1 , -11.3.2, and -1 1 .3.3). Rust protection is 100
verified and closure is correct and adequate (see sign-off below). For non-lube cyl- inders, see FR.34 1 and
special instructions.
M4B Valve caps are inspected all the way around with a flashlight for cut o-rings. Valve cap lifting tool holes are
accessible for tool installation (if applicable).
M52 Nuoro valves have correct sorinq installed. pressure set. and sticker displaved. 50 l/!.
M20 Connecting rods side clearance, main bearings/connecting rod jack clearance, crosshead clearance, piston 50
rod run out measurement are recorded on FR-5 3 2, and head end clearance is recorded on EB-31i. All t/
measurements are verified to specification and have assembler initials.

M35 Order Entry Cover Sheet checked for any Special Handling Notices (if applicable), and special requirements 50
are met.
M3 All "A" and "T" numbers above have initials. 50 v
M46 lnformation on all data taqs is correct. 25 t/
M50 All Qualitv Notifications are verified as approved/completed in the electronic database. 25
M51 Shio loose oarts sheet exists and is filled out. N/A
M53 Guides are free of all debris and metal shavinqs are removed after drillinq taq holes. N/A t/
M55 All completed production order operations are confirmed. N/A L/
a. lf an item does not pass the initial quality check, circle the value in the internal audit column. Do not check off an item until
resolved to provide a mechanically sound product. lf an item number is not applicable for the subject equipment, enter N/A
When complete, add values of circled items and record for the audit total, sign and date.

Vatves installed and valve caps torqued by (initials/lD):

Throw T1 T2 T3- !14 , T5 T6

TP fp
Discharge p6 L€

ER-5.3, Ver.56 888-397-7766 (toll free USA & Canada)or Page 6 of 9

740-397-3602 (lnternational) I
Corrosion prevention completed to M31 & ISO Work Instructions or Special lnstructions:
'Tel=F oat 9 ** 2?
For break down units, compartment #4 was treated:
Name/lD Date
Unit Washed by (Sign/lD Date 9 -;,f-kts >
Unit Painted by (Sign/lD): Date <37 *^ <--2-r2-
Mechanical lnspector lnternal Audit Total:
Mechanical lnspector Sign/lD: Date -96- 9.2
No. Description of Mechanical Finding

lf a.Mechanical lnspector cannot complete the mechanical inspection due to a part shortage, but unit is run tested as
required, the Mechanical lnspector signs the "Mechanical lnspector Sign/lD:" line and writes the reason for the incomplete
inspection on the "Mechanical lnspection incomplete due to:" line. When the unit is completed after the part shortage is filled,
a Mechanical lnspector finishes the requirements of the inspection and signs the "lnspection completed by (Sign/lD):" line. The
original Mechanical lnspector's tag is installed on the unit.

Mechanical lnspection incomplete due to:

lnspection completed by (Sign/lD): Date

Data.Tags lnstalled by (Sign/lD): V^,id {-r--,-h,s.-., Date oa-2.*-2e:.)2

After Painting, Quality Control is to make the final inspection and internal audit checks:
No, Audit Ghpck Audit:a '#
o1 Balance weights are uploaded to the equipment record, and crosshead and balance nut materials 50
correspond with the uploaded weights. t/
Q2 Piston end clearance values are within acceptable limits as recorded on FR-3 0 (for mounted compressor 50
cylinders) or FR-3 3 (when shipped loose). t/
Q3 Build book data is complete and includes hydrostatic test charts for correct pressure, test time, frame, 50
cylinder, throw numbers, and FAS production order. Note: Head end devices purchased in the hydrotested /
condition do not require an Ariel FAS order.

Q4 Lube lines and fittings connect to the correct locations, correct distribution blocks are installed, and lube box 50
information plates are correctly stamped.
Q5 All name-data and information taqs are present and correctlv stamped. 25
Q6 Suction. discharoe. no valve. and dummv valve plates are properlv located. 50 r'
Q7 Oil filter information tao is on cover at oroper location. 25

ER-5.3, Ver.56 BBB-397-7766 (toll free USA & Canada)or Page 7 of 9

740-397-3602 (lnternational ) I
No. Audit Check Audit a
QB Paper tags/caution labels are attached and complete for high clearance assemblies, priming points, VCI N/A
treated cylinders, and distance pieces. t/
Q9 Unit photographed from at least three angles, with stickers showing the numbers of the distribution blocks N/A
attached to the blocks, and a placard showing ihe frame serial number. Report signed. All material shipped
loose with the unit checked against the order for completeness.
Q10 Loose parts, such as high clearance assemblies, valve retainers, breathers, filters, tools, etc. are properly 25
labeled for shippers. See FR-OQ.
011 Unit is cosmeticallv acceptable. especiallv valve caps. 25 t/
Q12 Bottom oil oluo is in olace. 50 t/
Q13 Prooer shiooino oluos are in unused threaded holes. 25
Q14 Paint coveraqe is uniform, with no voids, runs, saqs, or dry sprav to specification. N/A t/
Q16 Paint maskinq is accurate and adequate to avoid over-sprav. N/A
417 Back ordered materials are added to the Sales Order as additional line items. 25 NA
Q1B Toolbox is available and complete. The wananty card, start-up checklist, IMPORTANT NOTICE instruction, 25
and control panel caution packets are attached to the compressor. /
Q19 For any cylinder shipping with Ariel designed companion flanges: Material certifications are with the flanges N/A
or in the build book, with a copy provided to shipping and for the build book. Record part numbers and heat IIA
numbers here:

Q20 Crankshaft sheet oad number in the build book matches crankshaft oart number in oarts list. 100
Q21 Options on cover sheet are met. 50 t/
Q22 Correct FFL shutdowns and/or indicators are installed. 100
Q23 Valve caos are inspected all the wav around with a flashliqht for cut o-rinqs. 100
Q24 Nuoro valves have correct sprinq installed and sticker displaved 50
t25 All previous ooerations are completed. fzs
qualitv check, circle the value in the internal audit column. Do not check off an item until
lf an item does not pass the initial quality
resolved to provide a mechanically sound product. lf an item number is not applicable for the subject
equipment, enter N/A. When complete, add values of circled items and record for the audit total, sign and date

QC Audit Total' D QC Auditor: ox", 4-27-22

ER-5.3, Ver.56 888-397-7766 (toll free USA & Canada)or Page B of 9

7 40 -397 -3602 (l nternational ) I
Qualitv Control is to check F Aij Unit Final lnspection Report to see that it is complete, all requirements
are met and check marked in the boxes as required. Iilq 3 ai is signed and dated as the certification that all
the Assembly, lnspection, and Test Procedures have been met.
Unit Records is to scan this completed form into the electronic unit records.

Reference - Weighted lnternal Audit Point Legend Values:

100 points = Critical. Certain downtime defect; costly to repair.

50 points = Major. Could cause downtime; will require repair to prevent degraded compressor reliability or
incurred warranty.

25 points = Minor. Cosmetic or documentation findings affecting traceability or quality perception.

Description of Audit Finding

olDf,e^:/rr'tl) o3,SA ,oaf Cta3zD

04-22-2022 202200261 1st line under doc title: added _ OF _#. "A# lnspection Checks table:
merged "lnitialsb# and "Shift#columns under a column heading of "lnitials/lDb#.
"T# lnspection Checks table: merged "lnitialsb# and "Shift#columns under a
column heading of "lnitials/lDb#. M34: "Signature/lD:# was "Signature#. "valve
caps torqued by (initials/lD):# was "valve caps torqued by:#. "compartment ll4
was treated# info: "Name/lD#was "Name#, "Unit Washed by (Sign/lD):# was
"Unit Washed by:#, "Unit Painted by (Sign/lD):# was "Unit Painted by:#, "Data
Tags lnstalled by (Sign/lD):# was "Data Tags lnstalled by:#, "Mechanical
lnspector Sign/lD:# was "Mechanical lnspector Sign:# (2 instances), "lnspection
completed by (Sign/lD):# was "lnspection completed by:# (2 instances).

ER-5.3, Ver.56 888-397-7766 (tollfree USA & Canada)or Page 9 of 9

740-397-3602 (lnternational) I
F661 87 KBKI2 LOG 1OF 1

Crankshaft Thrust (End) Clearance "

Crankshaft Serial/ Clearance Before Run Test lnitials/lD Clearance After Run Test !nitials/!D
Production Order No.
/D3b3 4-S"L h/ra RaB "olqo lnitials/lD
Opt. Aux. Drive Stub Shaft (PTO) Runout'T.l.R.
Max. Acceptable Auxiliary Drive Stub Shaft Runout - 0.010
JGH:E:K:T 0.005
(Measure runout 1/8 inch inboard of keyway.)
a. For power take off auxiliary drive stub shafts, measure shaft runout on the diameter with dial indicator near the outside end (key end) of shafl

Connecting Rod Heat Godes

Throw 1 2 3 4 5 6

Heat Gode LSv l-<v

Connecting Rod Thrust (Side) Clearance
Throw 1 2 3 4 5 6

.6 / 5/e " D/5

lnitials/lD 4ns f, Aq3

a. Machines with readings falling outside the limits require disposition by QC or Engineering

Main and Connecting Rod Bearing Jack Measurements

Throw 1 2 3 4 5 6

Main Bearings ,DOqi n h/-/ 7

lnitials/!D 846 848
C'Rod Bearings . oD.<7 , (7DU-<
Initials/lD 4frd"-, {7n8

a. Machines with readings falling outside the limits require disposition by QC or Engineering

ER-5.3.2, Ver.44 88B-397-7766 (tollfree USA & Canada)or Page 2 of 5

7 40-397 -3602 ( nternational )
I I arc@arielcorp. com

F661 B7 KBKI2
Crosshead to Guide Clearance
Top Minimum Top Maximum Bottom Maximum lnitials/lD
" to,,'a ,ol L d Fq
2 .nl r\i1 at F-q


#&Y|IW@fi €.tgd#rd{ffillllfT,l1,/tlLtri; :l:,;:l* l}l[Niiti:,:ii:i:: :..:: i.*tlidllilJllSllT.t;;:;.

JG:A:M:P:N:Q, K8100 Babbitted lron )t 0.004 0.008 1.00'15
GraV lron; Babbitted Bronze )l: BZ 0.006 0.010 1.00 15
JGR:J Babbitted lron )t 0.006 0.010 1.00'15
Grav lron 0.009 0.013 1.00'15
Babbitted Bronze BZ 1.008 0.012 1.0015
JGH:E:K:T. KBE:K:T Babbitted lron Dl; Cl 1.008 0.013 1.0015
Babbitted Bronze BZ 1.011 0.016 1.00 5
JGC:D:F, KBC:D:F Babbitted lron DI 1.009 0.014 1.00
Babbitted Bronze BZ 1.014 0.019 0.00
KBZ:U Babbitted lron DI 0.014 0.019 0.00 5
Babbitted Bronze BZ TBD TBD 0.00 (
KBB:V Babbitted lron DI 0.013 0.020 0.00 5
Babbitted Bronze BZ o.021 0.028 0.00 5
a. Machines with readings falling outside the limits or exceeding 0.003 difference in measurement require disposition by QC or Engineering

ER-5.3.2, Ver.44 BBB-397-7766 (tollfree USA & Canada)or Page 3 of 5

7 40-397 -3602 (l nternational ) I
F661 87 KBKI2

Piston Rod Runout, lnches

Throw 1 2 3 4 5 6

Vertical Piston @ C.E. 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

(0) Mid-Stroke I r',nrluf *.. urnr,
Piston @ H. E. .[. rno* +,r)r)i l
Horizontal Piston @ C.E. 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
(0) Mid-Stroke .*"r7rro *,omra
Piston @ H. E. $.an., -l -rcr:-€
lnitials/lD E3 F<
idffi;+d$.ffi, iiiii iu;i;;;;;;,::\:=:':.i: :'r...
,gfit t(tt\ffi" i
'#Wtt i.P,uF/;,;5;,!tilttl:\:!,,.,
ttijijrtjj:;,t:: t:.
I([Ei{d&f:rlt,ttr:::::jr:i:ltr:j.:::=. t
Vertical 1.0010 0.0015 0.0020 0.0025 0.0035
Horizontal 1.0005 0.00'10 0.0010 0.0010 0.0015

a. Machines with readings falling outside the limits require disposition by QC or Engineering.

lf a vertical reading is greater than the maximum acceptable, use this procedure to determine
component acceptabilitY:
Break the balance nut loose. Looking from the head end, turn the piston 90o counter-clockwise, and
re-torque the balance nut. Record both vertical and horizontal readings in the table below. lf readings
are within 0.0003 inch of the original runout readings above, the rod is acceptable - break
the balance nut loose. Re-set C.E. clearance and re-torque the balance nut. lf rod runout is not within
0.0003 inch of the original reading above, contact QC or Engineering.
Alternate Piston Rod Runout, Inches
Throw 2 3 4 5 6

Vedical Piston @ C.E. 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

(e0 )
Piston @ H. E.
Horizontal Piston @ C. E. 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
(e0 ) Mid-Stroke
Piston @ H.E.
Vert. Runout Difference
Horiz. Runout Difference a

a. Piston @ H. E., original minus alternate

ER-5.3.2, Ver.44 888-397-7766 (tollfree USA & Canada)or Page 4 of 5

7 40-397 -3602 (l nternational ) I arc@arielcorp. com
F661 87 KBKI2

Record the non-conforming serial number and part number of every part assembled into this compressor
that has a green "Used As ls" or approved yellow "Rework" sticker with it.
Item Non-Conforming Palrt Number Comments
Product Form S/N
1. 4tAdsfu / cD-?$Rc; dqcfrs 75
2. LltBqe.qf / (.n- q<na USe A< TS
3. q/qn.% ,/ D- q{ A< h'r<t Atl-;c/z Tyty&h

Header above "Crankshaft Thrust (End) Clearance#: added "LOG OF #. "Crankshaft

Thrust (End) Clearance#: "lnitials/lD# was "lnitials# (2 instances). "eonneffig Rod Thrust
(Side) Clear'ance#: "lnitials/lD# was "lnitials#. "Main bnd Conneitinq Rod Bea"rino Jack
Measurements#: "lnitials/lD#was "lnitials# (2 instances). "Crossheid to Guide C]earance#:
"lnitials/lD# was "lnitials#. "Piston Rod Runout, lnches#: .lnitials/lD# was "lnitials#. "Alternate
Piston Rod Runout, lnches#: "lnitials/lD# was "lnitials#.

ER-5.3.2, Ver.44 888-397-7766 (toll free USA & Canada)or Page 5 of 5

7 40-397 -3602 (l nternational ) I
ENGTNEERTNG REFERENcE #",[:il:::::JJIJ:i:::1?ijffiJ:H:139"?X,1::T:1f:i?lJffiti"-Jli,T?[Sl',:lA[fffi%T"l?:T:,l]%,["i
F66187 yq6sl KBK2
Production Test Log SerialNo. CylindersC242744,C242745

uate ltme f(PM Goil Amps urr rr.ess. an, uil rress.
Ouf nqio
uil remp. rn, UISI. E IK. Remarks
nsrar Cvclino Y/N
q-24.?l t; 30 loDa /13 1nO Lb V/., I V Qnlplefe ()n;l'
, ,<n /^ t)t) ,V
/78 ,/a D /n () 45, /,
i:<o /-Dh /r, ,<R,-5 q,{ ./r)R, / /
4'Dr1 /o f>h /2f7 <r,q <1 q /12.7
4too Qoo / 7q /oh /oO //.<,2 V
4,',ih 4nn t74 <q, * <q_* /2 4, q /
Al!?n tlhn I l^3 lot,3 /n/,{ /2 /n r/
5': oc) Irnr: i t^t sq <g r??S' U

<:oo l'frner lqs 6O AC\ 1'?1. a Y

S rlo iaI1c^! irJq l,"fi l^(\ I aq,q Y

Witrin live minutes after tesl run, remove lop cover, and measure main bea nq cap and connec-ting rod lemperaiures atlhe splft lines wih a nand-l"eld lhe,'nomeler o l'r
thermocoupl€ ,Fput. Record measuremsnls in th€ table b€low. Report variation grealerthan 8'F bety/een any two ma'n or any hro rod bearings lo a Oualry AssLrarce
repr€s€ntativ€ for disposillg! b€forE r€moving comprglEet from th€ tsststand. A trained Asssmblsr may measure and rccord tempe?t"'es.

Oil pressure set at 60 PSIG at full speed at end of run - initials/lD: ES

Force feed lube cycle time(s) set at full speed - initials/lD: ES
Oil sampling valve functional/jam nut closed against valve (if equipped)- initials/lD:

Bearing temps. taken by (Sign/lD):

Mechanical lnspector: //,'"/(
WitnessAiVitnessCoordi nator:
LOG 1 oF1

1U 4 10t12t200 I 1 017923 0211512012 '16 20220A261 a412212022
''Serial lrlo." wqs "$erial No. F-","initials/lQ'-was llrtial-s" (3 instances), I -12

16 added "Sign/lD" (2 instances)",added "LOG _ OF _".


ozt09t:20u4 11
01 (5/l)
15 201741427

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