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Year 5 Vol.No: (41)

May 2013
M O N T H L Y N E W S Oil Price (Monthly) ( US Dollar 99.77)
Source : Opec

In This Issue
Abdulwahab KGOC Chairman and
AGOC Sponsors Border Guard and Coast Guard Week in Al-Khafji
2 Al-Shammari KGOC Managing Director

AGOC Sponsors Al-Khafji Students

2 Recognition Award

ITD Holds a Workshop for

3 Information Security

Al-Hazaa attending the opening event

3 Al-Helal Pays a Visit to TDD

nder the patronage of AGOC,
Khafji Governor Muhammed
Bin Sultan Al-Hazaa and C-JOC
KJO Managers, a Saudi Chevron
Representative, Businessmen, Public
sector Managers and local officials.
the awareness message about sea side
safety. At the end of this opening
remarks word, Al-Kaaban commend-
KJO Sponsors «Dimensions of Eng. Abdullah Al-Helal launched During the opening event, Brigadier ed the efforts of sponsors includ-
Al-Khafji» Football Competition the Border Guard and Coastal Guard Saleh Bin Hadi Al-Kaaban delivered ing AGOC, Saudi Aramco, Saudi
Week in Al-Khafji. The event was the opening word to welcome the Chevron and the Municipality of
TMD Honors its Retirees brought under the title “Security and event attendees and said that the Al-Khafji. The Governorate Schools
Safety for Picnickers on Sea Shores” campaign comes as part of the Border also took part in the event including
OND and Its important Role in and involved number of recreational Guard and Coast Guard Week in the Al-Mustaqbal and Al-Ajyal Schools
4 Production and Operations activities that has a clear safety mes- GCC countries. The Week was ap- where they performed songs about
sage about sea side safety. The event proved by the GCC ministers of in- patriotism. At the end of the opening
received participation from public terior during their 31st meeting held event Al-Hazaa and Al-Helal took
and private sectors in the governor- in Riyadh last November and it will a tour with the exhibition visitors,
ate, introducing a number of ex- carry out the activities for 5 days. He where they observed a presentation
hibitions about sea side safety. The stated that everybody is looking for about cost guard responsibilities of
opening event was also attended by safety at all times. He also urged the securing the picknickers safety.
A/EDI Eng. Suleiman Al-Rashidy, younger generation to help spread

MSD Dedicates 27 Advanced
Utilities for KJO Hospital Al-Sumaite and Al-Jaser Pays a Visit to Al-Khafji

6 7
Green Panorama

About Corona Virus

Fatigued? Skip the High-Fat Foods

Al-Sumaite and Al-Jaser in a group picture with the Governor and KJO Management
Gut Bacteria Make Diesel Fuel

8 View Point
K GOC DMD,Technical Affairs Eng.
Abdullah Al-Sumaite and KGOC
DMD, Corporate Planning and Risk
Senior Consultant Eng. Jammal Ja’afar,
EDB Abdulaziz Al-Mansour and A/
MPG Riyadh Al-Hassan paid a visit to the
2013. There they meet Al-Khafji Gover-
nor Muhammed Bin Sultan Al-Hazaa.
This visit comes to strengthen ties between
Management Eng. Jaser Al-Jaser, KGOC Al-Khafji Governor’s Office on May 12th, KGOC and Al-Khafji Governorate.
2 Joint Operation’s News Year 5 Vol.No: (41) May 2013

Abdulwahab KGOC Chairman and Al-Shammari KGOC Managing Director

K PC Board of Direc-
tors held a meeting
last week, which was at-
restructuring comes after
a decision was set follow-
ing a series of meetings
Reviews were conducted
for the organizational
structure of KPC and its
tended by the Oil Minister involving HH the Prime subsidiaries, to separate the
and President of the KPC Minister and the President functions of the Chairmen
Board, Hani Hussein. This of the Supreme Petroleum and the Managing Direc-
meeting came following a Council, which was held tors.
royal decree to restructure on May 16th, 2013. The
Kuwait Oil Sector. Nizar decree will restructure This resulted in the deci-
Al-Adsani was appointed the oil sector to keep pace sion to appoint Moham-
as KPC Vice-President of with current and future mad Abdulwahab as the
the Board of Directors and challenges and strive to Chairman of the Board of
Chief Executive Officer. improve the overall per- Directors of KGOC and
The Oil Sector Official formance by making the Ali D. Al-Shammari as
Spokesman Sheikh Talal appropriate changes at the KGOC Managing Direc-
Al-Sabah stated that the level of oil sector leaders. tor.

About KGOC Managing Director Ali D. Al-Shammari

- Name: Ali D. Al-Shammari 2007 Division
- Education and Credentials DMD/Admin. & Finance Kuwait Oil Company (KOC)1984 -1992
BSc. Chemical Engineering Kuwait oil company (KOC)2003 - 2004 Petroleum Engineer
Kuwait University, 1984 Manager -Wafra Joint Operations
- Professional Work Experience Kuwait Oil Company (KOC)2002 - - MEMBERSHIPS
KUWAIT GULF OIL COMPANY 2003 Board member of technology studies
2013 to Present Manager- Divided Zone (Wafra)\ college 2013 to Present
Managing Director Kuwait Oil Company (KOC)1999 - 2002 Deputy Chairman & Board member
KUWAIT FOREIGN PETROLEUM General Superintendent of Field 2011 - 2013 of Kuwait Foreign Petroleum
EXPLORATION CO. 2010 - 2013 Development West- Kuwait Department Exploration Csompany
Deputy Chairman & DMD/Operations Kuwait Oil Company (KOC)1995 - 1999 Board member of Oil Development
East Directorate Superintendent of Personnel Company. 2007 - 2013
KUWAIT FOREIGN PETROLEUM Development Operations Board member of Kuwait Society of
EXPLORATION CO. 2009 - 2010 Kuwait Oil Company (KOC)1994 - 1995 Engineering 1997 - 1999
DMD/Chief Operations Officer Superintendent of Development of Member of Society of Petroleum
OIL DEVELOPMENT Company Maqwa & Ahmadi Fields Division Engineers 1985 to Present
(ODC) 2007 - 2009 Kuwait Oil Company (KOC)1992 - Participated and presented papers for
KGOC New Managing Director
DMD/Corporate Support 1994 various Regional and International
Ali D. Al-Shammari
Kuwait Oil Company (KOC)2004 - Superintendent of Petroleum Engineering Conferences related to the Oil Industry.

AGOC Sponsors Al-Khafji Students’ Recognition Award

Joaairi, Al-Hazaa, Al-Rashidy, Al-Dhewaila and Al-Hassan attending the event Al-Hazaa honoring one of the recognized students

U nder the patronage of AGOC and

in the presence of Khafji Governor
Muhammed Bin Sultan Al-Hazaa and Dr.
performances by a number of the Gover-
norate schools.
Al-Joaairi congratulated the students on
word on behalf of the recognized students
commending the teacher’s role and the
education ministry efforts.
was supervised by Younes Al-Shar’abi.
Al-Muthanna Bin Haretha School took
a further step by performing an Epic Po-
Rashid Bin Tahous Al-Joaairi, Al-Khafji this event and urged them to continue Later Al-Sharqia Public School students etry called “Nafhat Quraniya” which was
Students Recognition Award event -2012 on this path where a promising future lays performed a stage play about patriotism supervised by Mahmoud Al-Tumaihi.
-2013 was launched on April 23rd this ahead. He also commended AGOC’s ef- which came under the supervision of In the closing event, Al-Khafji Gover-
year. The event was organized by Saudi forts for supporting this event and valued teacher Ayman Ibrahim. Hassan Al-Bassri nor was invited to stage, on to the start
Educational Ministry Office in Al-Khafji the presence of the Al-Khafji Governor. School also took part in the event sing- handing out the awards to the recognized
and it sought well organized student Following this, one of the delivered a ing “Farhat Al-Layle Al-Kabeer” which students.
Year 5 Vol.No: (41) May 2013 Joint Operation’s News 3
Al-Helal Pays a Visit to TDD

Al-Helal Posing for a picture with TDD staff

C -JOC Eng. Abdullah Al-Helal made

a visit last month to TDD to look
into the department’s progress follow-
development an immediate goal, to raise
competency work level, of KJO manpow-
er, by delivering the best training program.
KJO. Later C-JOC Eng. Abdullah Al-He-
lal took a tour around the training classes,
where he observed a number of training
resources and manpower, which will result
in improving the staff performance and
productivity. Al-Helal also added a few
ing a number of decision’s issued by KJO The training program will contribute to courses and received comments from comments regarding the safety training
Management. The decisions made by KJO increase trainees knowledge background the trainees. KJO Management affirmed program, suggesting training for occupa-
Management emphasized making training regarding utilities and equipment used at their full support to invest in KJO human tional and utility safety.

KJO Sponsors «Dimensions of Al-Khafji» Football Competition

Part of the Workshop attendees

ITD Holds a Workshop for One of the participating teams in the event

Information Security U nder the patronage of

Al-Khafji Governor
Mutlaq Al-Otaibi Medical
Complex, Khafayef Pastry,
Eight high schools
participated in the event

L ast month, ITD held an awareness security and explaining the introduction af Muhammed Bin Sultan Al-Rabee Commercial including Al-Sharq School,
workshop for the joint operation staff a universal password for all the computer Al-Hazaa, «Dimensions Group, Rawabee Najd Al-Mustaqbal School, Al-
about information security and its impor- systems at KJO. He also talked about the of Al-Khafji» Football Commercial Group, Khafji School, Al-Nahda
tant role. MIT Eng. Nabeel Al-Najrani main set of policies used to increase the se- Competition was launched and Dorrat Al-Khaleej School, Amro Bin Hazam
delivered an opening word in the presence curity of the information system. The uni- On April 20th this year. Company for Clothing. School, Al-Safaniya School
of KJO Managers, Superintendents and versal password will provide access to KJO KJO attended the event «Dimensions of Al- and Tahfeez Al-Quran
Employees. Universal E-mail and SAP system as well as as an official sponsor Khafji» Football School. KJO also took part
Later, Khaled Al-Balawi, Eng. Manie Al- other programs. Al-Najrani urged all staff along with other public Competition is dedicated in organizing for the event
Ajmi and Yahya Al-Aseeri took to the stage to attend this workshop to keep KJO staff and private sectors in the for High School Students through ISD, CBD and
and presented a topic about information well aware about information security governorate including at Al-Khafji Governorate. MSD.

TMD Honors
its Retirees
L ast month, TMD held a special event
to honor its retirees at KJO's Spring
Camp 2013. The event was attended by
MTM Eng. Odais Al-Qahtani along with
the Department's Supervisors and Super-
intendents. The list of retirees honored in
the event: Mansour Hamad Al-Najrani,
Abdulaziz Al-Rukhaimi, Fareed Al-
Muhaisen, Ali Khaled Al-Hajri, Salem
Ahmed Al-Shaye’a Al-Qahtani, Suleiman
Al-Harbi and Thabit Al-Subaie
A group picture of the retirees, together with TMD Supervisor, Superindendants and MTM Eng. Odais Al-Qahtani
4 Joint Operation’s News Year 5 Vol.No: (41) May 2013

OND and Its important Role in Production and Operations

I n the February issue
on AD-DORRA, an
article was published
about gathering station
and offshore facilities
.The Media Affairs
Division took yet
another step to cover
the operation activities Mohammed Al-Subaie Abdullah Al-Qahtani Mihsen Al-Zuabi Rashed Al-Shammari Saleh Al-Wadee Abdullah Al-Mutairi Abdulkareem Al-Thuwayni
of the onshore opera- Moreover, the division is responsible for
tions, namely the Onshore Production training, contract and all IT related issues
Department. within the department.
In the past OND and OFD were consid- OND made a series of important accom-
ered as a single entity named the «Produc- plishments last year and it is still pursuing
tion Department» since it was responsible new targets this year. Good examples of
for the process of production. However OND achievement are:
through the advancement, integration
and development of the department, KJO 1. ESTABLISH ONLINE CLEANING
Management saw the necessity to create PRACTICE FOR THE INJECTION
two different entities, each responsible SURGE TANKS - This will help to recover
for a set of duties. The Management later oil and to prevent oil from going to the
choose to have two different departments, water injection pumps/wells at Water
one set for the onshore operations (OND) Treatment Facilities Plant.
and the other one set for the offshore 2. DEVELOPED IN-HOUSE HOUT
We mentioned previously that OFD PROCEDURES – In the absence of
pumps the hydrocarbon production to reliable elaborate procedures, Simplified
OND in order to process it before loading Operating Procedures were developed
and shipping. The pumped crude is passed for Process startup, troubleshooting and
through 42 kilometer of transition pipe- and schedule. other divisions of OND. Shutdown.
lines undersea, linking OFD and OND with 4 The separated gas plus the gas received from To facilitate immediate restoration of Power 3. Commissioning of Project of Hot Oil
major destinations. offshore via 42 inch line are delivered to the during Blackout/Total Plant Shutdowns, the System was completed to enhance and improve
The first destination is Al-Khafji Oil opera- offshore operations again via 12 inches pipe- Power Plant has one 1800 kW Diesel Genera- production process reliability at FDP-1.
tions. The pumped crude goes through 26 and lines with a maximum amount of 50 million tor and two Air Compressors on Emergency 4. COMMISSIONING OF NEW OPERA-
36 inches pipelines at the onshore facilities, Standard Cubic Feet per day, after processing, Standby. TIONAL FACILITIES - 4th Gas turbine at
where the oil is separated from gas though spe- purifying and compression to be used as a Lift Water Desalination Division has currently Power Plant was completed to increase the
cialized separator units. Through this process, Gas for oil reservoirs. The provided gas to off- six (6) desalination units of multi-stage flash capacity of power generation from 90MW to
the operations produce 315,000 BPD with shore is highly compressed to provide a 1250 (MSF) type process supported by nine (9) 120MW in order to accommodate facilities
35% of associated water. The second step is PSI to meet Lift Gas requirements. Part of the steam generators. These distillers and boilers expansion.
where the oil is separated from water and other produced gas is used as a fuel to feed Power are located in two different locations within 5. TECHNICAL AUDIT OF KHAFJI FDP1
associated minerals through thermal energy Plant Turbines, Desalination Plants boilers, KJO as follow: ONSHORE AND OFFSHORE - Carry out
which raises the content temperature while burners, heaters in Desalter and Hout Crude a comprehensive Technical Audit of Khafji
injecting chemicals to stimulate and raise the • Old Seawater Desalination Plant (Unit I
Plants and gas turbine in Gas Plant. In the FDP-1 Onshore & Offshore facilities/project
oil quality to 99.9%. Section)
future, the remaining produced gas and NGL which will identify the plant deficiencies with
The second destination is Hout Crude Opera- will be further Exported to KGOC & AGOC • New Seawater Desalination Plant (Unit II relevant root causes of facilities downtime and
tions. Hout Crude passes through 24 inch Exporting Facilities. Section) recommend corrective actions for permanent
pipelines, producing ( 35,000 ) BPD with 12 Other Facilities at OND: Water Desalination Plants produces Industrial solutions. This Technical Audit is still on going
%) of associated water. This crude production water and Potable to be utilized for KJO Oil with 30% completed.
Power Plant forms the nerve center for KJO
goes through yet another separation units in facilities and Human services with actual total 6. FDP1 ONSHORE & OFFSHORE FACIL-
Operations and has an Installed Capacity of
two phases. During the first phase, the oil is production capacity of 3.3 million gallons per ITIES TESTING & INSPECTION (T&I)
120 MW. It contains 4 Electrical Generators
separated from gas at two stage separator. In day. The Production is pumped to six fresh - Safely & successfully completed the first
(30 MW each), driven by Gas Turbines to
this phase Associated Gases and H2S gas are water tanks with a capacity of 10MMG at scheduled T&I Shutdown for FDP1 Onshore
produce 90 Megawatts of electrical power. The
separated from the oil. On the second phase, south Area. Ultimately, the processed water is & Offshore Facilities which cover Offshore
fourth generator is normally kept as a Standby.
another separator, is used to remove minerals then pumped to South Area and North Area flow stations, Onshore GOSP and gas plant
and water using high temperature and chemi- Power Plant presently meets the Instrument end-users
Air and Service Air requirements of all other from 19 Feb to 4 April 2013.
cal stimulants to increase the purity of the oil The Routine Maintenance Division is al- 7. Improved Water Desalination Plants overall
to 99.9%. The produced water is directed to divisions of Onshore Production viz., Hout
located to maintain OND facilities and they performance and increased the water produc-
the Water Treatment Facility Plant to remove Crude, Khafji Crude, FDP-1, Water Desalina-
coordinate with the Maintenance Support tion of Unit M-102D by 200,000 GPD and
excess oil and solid suspended particle from tion Plant, WOSP etc.,
and Services Department to execute a routine Unit M-102F by 100,000 GPD. Unit M-102E
it. After which the treated produced water is Power Plant also possess Polishing Water Plant maintenance schedule as well as breakdowns.
which is capable of producing product specific by 100,000 GPD after improving vacuum
injected it into deep earth aqua layers. Planning and Business Division is responsible system.
After the production phase, the Loading and Demineralized Water @936 m³/day. and it has
for setting the master plans and budgeting for 8. Segregate alarms of Gas compression, NGL
Shipping Unit take an important role to store 13.8 kV/34.5 kV Switchgear Stations which
OND. The division also allocates the budget to and Khafji Crude in Master Control Room.
the production in oil tanks and to load it at supply Power to Offshore, North Area(Family
OND divisions and prepare periodic reports. It was implemented in the T&I period with
a later stage. due Quarters, Hospital, Office Park etc.) and to all
separate Password for
to their important every plant.
features and density,
Khafji and Hout 9. Create leak test
Crudes are stored in procedure including
their own specialized marked up P&ID in
tanks. At the loading Gas Plant.
stage, the Loading 10. Create gas plant
and shipping unit use Isolation procedures
30 and 36 inch trans- to ensure safe T&I
mission pipelines activities.
to pump crude to 11. Create drying out
loading platforms at procedure for propane
sea to load it on Oil system in Gas Plant.
Tankers according to
an approved amount
Al-Zuaibi and Mohammed Ameen at the Control Room Media Affairs Division in a picture with OND staff
Year 5 Vol.No: (41) May 2013 Joint Operation’s News 5
MSD Dedicates 27 Advanced Utilities for KJO Hospital
K JO Hospital Succeeded in
acquiring Joint Commission
International certification ( JCI)
According to the MSD Manager,
KJO Hospital added a number of
new specialized clinics to its facili-
mid last year. This achievement ties, including an Otohinolaryngol-
came as a result of implementing ogy (ENT) Clinic, Ophthalmology
international standards and pro- «Eye Clinic», Maternity Ward and
cedures, to ensure the delivery of Operation Ward. Al-Shammari said
quality medical services to the joint that these specialized clinics will
operation employees, as well as Al- receive patients without scheduling
Khafji local community. an appointment. In cases where the
AD-Dorra team approached MMS patient requires further medical
Eng. Mishal Al-Shammari to know consultation, he will be transferred
more about this success. directly from the clinic to the
Medical Service Excellence medical consultation.
Al-Shammari said that the hospital Launching the New CT scanner
is and will always be committed AD-Dora Editor Faisal Al-Otaibi talking to MMS Mishal Al-Shammari Al-Shammari showed AD-Dorra
to providing prominent medical cal mattresses, mobile vital signs improve the facilities, ambulances, team the old CT scanner which
services stating that acquiring this monitors, along many other items doors and medical equipment. The provided 6 CT scans on each rota-
certificate asserts the commitment of equipments. hospital received 4 new ambulances tion and compared it with the lat-
of the hospital toward public sat- ER Ward Development equipped with wireless communica- est CT scanner which can provide
isfaction and well being. He added Al-Shammari stated that the ER tion devices, and enough space to up to 640 CT scans every rotation.
that the Joint Commission Interna- Ward is the front line that receives accomodate two stretchers. The new advance technology is far
tional accredit’s delegation visited all medical emergency cases, thus faster and more accurate to pro-
the hospital last year and evaluated Specialized Clinics vide proper diagnosis in every case.
the hospital took a big step to

the hospital’s processes Futhermore, the amount

and procedures, according of CT scanning radiation
to international standards, exposure has dropped
while taking into account drastically with the new
the patients’ medical cases scanner. The new scanner
and handling. won't require patients to be
Improving and Devel- placed under anesthesia to
oping Manpower and complete the scanning pro-
Utility cess, since its is fast. The
MSS explained to AD- radiology section also re-
Dorra team that the ceived ultra sonic scanners
fundamental core value a breast cancer scanner,
of a hospital’s medical Osteoporosis scanner, MRI
services relys upon the scanner with 1.5 Telsa and
development and the digital screens «PACS»
improvement to both to diagnose cases and print
medical utilities and reports.
manpower. He stated that
The Manager said that the
KJO Hospital added 27
hospital established a new
advanced medical utili-
call centre to facilitate the
ties to be used in different
process of making appoint-
medical wards , includ-
ments, acquiring medical
ing advanced respiratory
reports, answering FAQs
devices, Bladder Scanner,
sending text messages and
Heart Monitor, new Defi-
e-mails to help patients
brillators, Blood Pressure
modify their appointments
monitors, Children weigh
via telephone numbers
scales, advanced medi-
2221 and 2220.
Green Panorama Year 5 Vol.No: (41) May 2013

Water quality:
About Coronavirus
Prepared by
Eng. Khaled

 the key to the life

Scientific writer
specialized in Q:What are coronaviruses?
environmental A: Coronaviruses are common viruses that
issues most people get some time in their life. Human
coronaviruses usually cause mild to moderate upper-
respiratory tract illnesses.
Coronaviruses are named for the crown-like spikes
At glance: on their surface. There are three main sub-groupings

Environmental of coronaviruses, known as alpha, beta and gamma,

and a fourth provisionally-assigned new group called
management delta coronaviruses.

system (EMS) Human coronaviruses were first identified in the

mid 1960s. The five coronaviruses that can infect

  W ater is
essential to
the existence of all
can contain substances
that are harmful to life
, these include metals
consumption, thereby
protecting human
health. Most of the
people are: alpha coronaviruses 229E and NL63 and
beta coronaviruses OC43, HKU1, and SARS-CoV,
the coronavirus that causes severe acute respiratory
living organisms, but , organic materials , concerns involving syndrome.
this valued resource and living organisms the safety of drinking- Coronaviruses may also infect animals. Most of these
is Increasingly being such as bacteria, water focus on acute coronaviruses usually infect only one animal species
threatened as human protests ,worms, risks because of the or, at most, a small number of closely related species.
Populations grow and fungi, and viruses. short-term and limited However, SARS-CoV can infect people and animals,
demand more water the importance of exposure conditions. including monkeys, Himalayan palm civets, raccoon
of high quality for drinking-water as Thus, microbial risks dogs, cats, dogs, and rodents.
domestic purposes a vehicle for the are the principal Q: How common are human coronavirus
and economic transmission of concerns, although a infections?
I ncreasing concern about environmental
has led organizations worldwide to
undertake environmental audits in order
activities . Drinking
water can come from
infectious disease
microorganisms in
few risks associated
with acutely toxic
A: People around the world commonly get infected
with human coronaviruses. However, one exception
both surface water water supplies has chemicals also exist. is SARS-CoV. Since 2004, there have not been
to assess their environmental performance , and ground water been well documented The amount and type any known cases of SARS-CoV infection reported
one of the most important tools to achieve resources. In nature, all in water supplies. of drinking water anywhere in the world.
this goal is Environment Management water Contains some The World Health treatment applied Q: Who can get infected?
System (EMS) which can be defined as impurities. As water Organization varies with the source A: Most people will get infected with human
a tool for managing the impacts of an flows in streams, sits (WHO)Guidelines type and quality, The coronaviruses in their life time. Young children are
organization's activities on the environment. in lakes, and filters for Drinking Water most commonly used most likely to get infected. However, you can have
It provides a structured approach to through layers of Quality provide processes include multiple infections in your life time.
planning and implementing environment soil and rock in the comprehensive filtration, flocculation Q: How do I get infected?
protection measures, The EMS can be ground, it dissolves or guidance to ensure and Sedimentation, A: The ways that human coronaviruses spread have
also a powerful tool for organizations absorbs the substances the quality and safety and disinfection for not been studied very much, except for SARS.
to both improve their environmental that it touches. Some of drinking-water, surface water. Access However, it is likely that human coronaviruses
performance, and enhance their business of these substances like most countries use to water is a human spread from an infected person to others through—
efficiency. An EMS is not prescriptive, salts and minerals are this guidelines to right. But even if you the air by coughing and sneezing, and
rather, it requires organizations to take an necessary components design their national live in an area with close personal contact, such as touching or shaking
active role in examining their practices, of good quality water standard to enable the plenty, any effort to hands.
and then determining how their impacts to support the health provision of clean and conserve water and These viruses may also spread by touching
should best be managed. This approach of human ,water also safe water for human limit waste helps . contaminated objects or surfaces then touching your
encourages creative and relevant solutions
mouth, nose, or eyes.
from the organization itself. Although the
implementation of the EMS is essentially a
Human Performance: In one case, the SARS virus was though to spread
through infected stool that got into the air; people
voluntary initiative, it can also become an
effective tool for governments to protect
What should you know? breathed this in and got infected.
Q: When can I get infected?
the environment as it can assist regulation.
A: In the United States, people usually get infected
For example, regulatory systems can
with human coronaviruses in the fall and winter.
encourage organizations to use EMS to
However, you can get infected at any time of the
meet standards, by providing incentives
for strong environmental performance.
Q: What are the symptoms?
Environmental Management System
A: Human coronaviruses usually cause mild to
can assist organization to minimize
moderate upper-respiratory tract illnesses of short
environmental liabilities; maximize the
duration. Symptoms may include runny nose, cough,
efficient use of resources; reduce waste;
sore throat, and fever. These viruses can sometimes
demonstrate a good corporate image; build
cause lower-respiratory tract illnesses, such as
awareness of environmental concern among
pneumonia. This is more common in people with
employees gain a better understanding
• Humans are fallible – even the predictable, manageable, and cardiopulmonary disease or compromised immune
of the environmental impacts of business
  make mistakes. preventable. systems, or the elderly.
activities; and increase profit, improving
• Behaviors are reinforced – people • Incidents are avoidable – SARS-CoV can cause severe illness. To learn more,
environmental performance, through more
are capable of high levels of understand why they occur and see Symptoms of SARS.
efficient operations.
performance. apply lessons learned. Q: How can I protect myself ?
• Error likely situations are A: There are currently no vaccines available to
protect you against human coronavirus infection.
REFERENCES: parsons & Bruce jeferson,2006,U.S.A. •
•water quality for ecosystem and human health • •Environmental consideration seminar
You may be able to reduce your risk of infection
report, 2nd edition ,2008,Unep. •:( Environmental Management System For ,amman,Jordan,2008
• potable water treatment processes, Simon United Nation Mission In Sudan)
Year 5 Vol.No: (41) May 2013 Panorama 7
Fatigued? Skip the High-Fat Foods

washing your hands often with soap and water,
not touching your eyes, nose, or mouth, and
avoiding close contact with people who are sick.
For information about hand washing, see
CDC’s Clean Hands Save Lives!
Q: What should I do if I get sick? D ying for a nap after
lunch? You may want to
consider swapping the potato
healthy and not obese to spend
four nights in a sleep lab. The
researchers tracked their meals
Associated Professional Sleep
Societies, linked high-fat diets
with more sleepiness. Higher-
it harder to get through the
afternoon slump.
“Excessive daytime sleepiness
A: If you have an illness caused by human
coronaviruses, you can help protect others by— chips for an actual potato. and tested them for sleepiness carb diets were linked with and fatigue are very prevalent
staying home while you are sick, A new study found that eating with a procedure called more alertness. in the modern world and
avoiding close contact with others, more fatty foods was linked the Multiple Sleep Latency BLOG: Can’t Sleep? There’s an on the rise,” said psychiatrist
covering your mouth and nose when you cough to greater levels of sleepiness Test, which uses electrodes App for That Alexandros Vgontzas, of
or sneeze, and during the day. When people to measure brain waves, Previous studies found the the Penn State College of
keeping objects and surfaces clean and ate more carbohydrates, their eye movements and other same associations between Medicine, in a press release. “It
disinfected. alertness scores soared. indicators. diet and how tired people appears that a diet high in fat
Q: How do I get diagnosed? NEWS: Light at Night Could Results, published recently subjectively report themselves decreases alertness acutely, and
A: Laboratory tests can be done to confirm Boost Weight Gain as an abstract in the journal to be. The new study is the first this may have an impact on an
whether your illness may be caused by human For the study, researchers Sleep and to be presented next to provide objective evidence individual’s ability to function
coronaviruses. However, these tests are not used enlisted 31 adults who were month at a meeting of the that high-fat diets may make and also public safety.”
very often because people usually have mild
illness. Also, testing may be limited to a few

Gut Bacteria Make Diesel Fuel

specialized laboratories.
Specific laboratory tests may include:
virus isolation in cell culture,
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays that
are more practical and available commercially,
E . coli lives in human intestines,
helping us extract vitamin K. Some
strains can cause disease. With a little
chemicals called alkanes and alkenes.
Diesel fuel is a mixture of these kinds
of carbon compounds. The experiments
Although burning biodiesel from
bacteria still emits carbon dioxide, like
any other fuel, carbon dioxide gets taken
serological testing for antibodies to human addition of genes from other bacterial were published in the Proceedings of the up by the E. coli as they produce it.
coronaviruses. species, it can make diesel fuel. National Academy of Sciences. That means the net emissions into the
Nose and throat swabs are the best specimens A University of Exeter team has made This is a big advance in deriving fuel atmosphere are much smaller.
for detecting common human coronaviruses. a strain of E. coli that makes fuel from from plants, because the molecules are Could Cheap Algae Oil Power Our
Serological testing requires collection of blood sugars. It’s no ordinary E. coli: it’s been the same as the ones in the diesel at the Energy Future
specimens. genetically modified with DNA from pump. There’s no need to modify the Another big plus is that the E. coli-made
Q: Are there treatments? no less than four other kinds of bacteria. engine of a car or use odd fuel mixes. fuel doesn’t need to use crops of any
A: There are no specific treatments for illnesses Each of the other bacterial species exists In addition, the bacteria produce a kind. That eliminates the issue of using
caused by human coronaviruses. in nature and does part of the chemical more consistent quality of fuel than food crops to make fuel, and even solves
Most people with coronavirus illness will process that takes a relatively simple most processes currently used to make the land and water use problems.
recover on their own. However, some things carbon molecule (sugar) and turns it biofuels. That said, it will still be some time
can be done to relieve your symptoms, such into the long-chain – perhaps a decade
as— ones that go into — before this is
taking pain and fever medications (Caution: fuel. commercialized, if at all.
Aspirin should not be given to children), and Top 10 Sources for While it looks promising
using a room humidifier or taking a hot shower Biofuel the big challenge will be
to help ease a sore throat and cough. By putting those growing the new E. coli at
If you are sick, you should — genes together an industrial scale. But the
drink plenty of liquids, and in one organism scientists at Exeter have
stay home and rest. the scientists were shown that it can be done,
able to breed an and that ‘s a start.
If you are concerned about your symptoms, you E. coli strain that
should see you healthcare provider. makes fuel — or
more accurately,
8 View Point Year 5 Vol.No: (41) May 2013

From KJO Archive

Prepared by Dr. Khalid Atwa
KJO Family Area in 1983

D o you think that one day you may ride your bicycle to go to
work ? Don’t you think that going to work daily on a bike is a
good wealth of health you can gain? Don’t you think that this will
preserve environment and keep it clean and devoid of pollution.
Imagine a city, highly cultured and civilized like New york in the
USA that more than 70,000 cyclists go daily to work in well-
organized lanes that keep their lives safe in compliance with traffic
regulations. A bicycle is treated similarly to a motorized vehicle
under the law of the State of New York with several exceptions. No
license is required to operate a bicycle. Cyclists must ride in the
direction of traffic. On one-way streets 40 feet or wider, they may ride
on either the left or right side. Children must wear a helmet. Adult
cyclists must use hand signals, must only wear headphones in one
ear, must not ride on sidewalks, and must use lights at night (red in
rear and white in front). In 2008 the Department of Transportation
released a «screen line count report suggesting that commuter
cycling had more than doubled since the turn of the century.
Nowadays, a lot of global cities suffer pollution, asthma and Science and Technology
suffocation due to the exhaust fumes of vehicles . Our environment
has been fully corrupted and contaminated by factories sending
out smoke and pouring chemicals into rivers. Do you think Submarine Power Plant Generates Under Pressure
that one day , we can leave our cars and get to work on bikes?
Why not? Bicycle Commuting is a trend or an approach which
has been adopted recently to preserve environment and keep
Y ou don’t need to travel 6.8
miles down into the Mariana
Trench, like James Cameron did,
The proposal calls for turbines
to be connected to large tanks at
a depth of approximately 1,300
“We envisage that this type of
storage plant will function well
in conjunction with, for example,
it healthy and in reality is a good alternative. So the emission of to know that the deeper you dive to 2,600 feet. When valves on wind farms,” he added. “At strong
CO1 from cars , trucks is destructive to our health and society. under water, the more the water the turbine are opened, water wind conditions, excess electricity
So this is an appeal to encourage more greenery areas in cities pressure increases. Heck, you rushes in and turns the turbine. is sent subsea to pump water out of
probably found that out the first The mechanical energy creates the storage tanks. In periods with
and towns to prevent sand from moving to streets or go into time you dove into the deep end of electricity. When the water tanks little wind, energy can be obtained
whirlwinds and setting more water fountains and ponds that a swimming pool. are full, the turbines are run in from this underwater plant
can make the weather milder. Imagine your city like New York BLOG: Funnel Wind generates Jaw- reverse and function as a pump, instead. The same applies to solar
commuting by bikes , less pollution, time saving , money saving Dropping Power sending the used water back up to generation: the pumped storage
and more economic benefits by practicing this activity. Another Now a group of Norwegian
the top, a method called pumped power station can contribute to
important issue is a recommendation for vehicles manufacturing storage. constant electricity production
scientists from the SINTEF
“A pumped storage power plant is at night time when there is no
to think of some new technical methods and devices by which organization want to put that
sunshine to run a solar power
a hydroelectric plant which can be
they can decrease pollution sent out by vehicles. So, by appealing pressure to good use by building a
power plant on the ocean floor. ‘charged’ up again by pumping the
this, it will facilitate the achievement of the best results. This water back to the upper reservoir A submarine power plant of
also will contribute to better life sustainability and welfare. We “Imagine opening a hatch in a
once it has passed through a average size is expected to produce
submarine under water. The water
look forward to seeing our societies as cleaner environment and turbine,” Schramm said. “This type roughly 300 megawatts over a
will flow into the submarine with
better lifestyles. This will affect greatly our attitude and future enormous force. It is precisely
of power plant is used as a ‘battery,’ period of seven to eight hours and
generations towards life , environment and our plant as a whole. when connected to the power grid.” be enough energy to supply over
this energy potential we want to
Although this process sucks energy 200,000 British households with
utilize,” Rainer Schramm, inventor
Finally, I do suggest that international conferences , and founder of the company from the grid, Schramm says the electricity.
symposia should be held annually to discuss this critical Subhydro AS, explained in a press degree of efficiency is just as high as Credit: Knut Gangassæter/
issue, finding out good solutions and to urge nations world- release. Schramm is working in that of conventional power plants. Doghouse
wide to expedite this mission to save the community and conjunction with SINTEF to bring BLOG: Sexcereal Boasts Spoonfuls of
generations for a cleaner and more brilliant image of future. the concept to reality. Libido Boosts


Eng. Abdullah Al-Helal

Open Invitation to write in Ad-Dora
Are you interested in writing? Would you like to share your knowledge with your colleagues? Contact Editor-in-Chief Suleiman N. Al-Rashidy Managing Editor Faris F. Al-Subaie
our editorial on the following number 4155 or via

Editorial Salem Al-Dousary - Wael-Al-Hunaidi - Faisal Al-Otaibi - Mohammed H. Al-Ramezi
CALL FOR EMERGENCY Graphic Designer Mustafa Choorappulan
Photographers Mahmoud Al- Refaei - Julio Vinas - Ali Al-Shammari

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