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1-National anthem-Taj Munene

2.Opening prayer-Daniel,Zoey Nyambura

3.Warm up song-Ms.JOYCE

4.Monkeynastix Demo

5.Cubs-Obstacle race

6.Bunnies-Home time

7.Lambs-Obstacle race

8.Doves-walking on chairs

9.Parents activity-treasure hunt

10.Cubs-Team work with parents

11.Bunnies-Building blocks

12.Lambs-Physical exercise

13.Doves-Potato race

14.Parents activity-men listen and pick

15.Bunnies-tidy up

16.Cubs-Tyre race

17.Lambs-Obstacle race

18.Doves-Obstacle race

19.Parents activity-YES/NO -ladies

20.Cubs 1,2,3

21.Lambs-Hanging clothes

22.Doves-Controlling the ball

23.Parents activity-Tug of war

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