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of Reseorch





"l Contents'and Sources of Chapter [I ,

A researcher, before he conceptualizes the problem of his study,

should first conduct extensive readings on the problem he has in
mind. He should survey. explore ancl master existing knowledge and
data which are relevant and useful to his inquiry.

This part of the research report includes literature and studies,

both local 6nd foreign, which are relevant ancl or relaterd to the
research study. Writing the review necessitates reading a lot of
materials and spending a lot of time in libraries to be able to fully
immerse oneself in the topic selected. General lnfomration books such
as dictionaries, encyclopedias, almanacs. reference books, theses,
dissertatiorts, research journals, handbooks, textbooks, magazines,
survey repofts are some of the possible sources of related literature
and studies.

The word related means the materials surveyed have a direct written by authorities giving their opinions, experiences, theories, or
bearing or significant relation to the present study. ideas about a given topic/ subject. In most research studies,
conceptual literature is referred to as "literatttre."

'." Importance of the,Review of Related literature Related literature maybe classified as local, if printed in the
and Studies Philippines and foreign, if printed outside the country On the other
hand, related studies are classified as either local, if the study was
Itis important for a researcher to have a comprehensive done in the Philippines, and or foreign, if the study was done in other
and relevant body of supporting materials to his research countries.
work. The related literature and studies are needed for the
following reasons:
* Initial Steps in Conducting a Literature Search
1. It provides insight into the theoreticaVconceptual background
The related literature and staclies are an integral part of
of the study.
a research paper. In conducting the literature search, the
2. following initiel steps are suggested:
It provides the rationale or the framework of the study. The
theoretical framework for instance, is obtained or conceived 1. Define the research problem as precisely as possible to
through the literature search. focus on the specific issue or i$sues for inquiry.

3. Reviewing related materials helps the researcher to gather 2. Survey/examine relevant secondary sources of information
valuable data and ideas that can guide him in his own (secondary sources are those materials in which authors
research. describe the work of others like in the textbooks, reviews
and yearbooks.)
4. It prepares the reader to better assimilate and understand a
the concepts of the study and gives him a bird's eye view of J. Select appropriate general reference works. (general
the quality of readings the researcher has done in support of references are those which provide information as to where
his study. to locate other sources like indexes and abstracts of
Reviewing the related literature requires the researcher to make
in-depth readings of both the research and conceptual literature.
4. Formulate and focus on search items like key words
phrases to make the process of inquiry more efficient.
Research literature pertains to published or unpublished reports of
actual research studies done previously and usually referred to as
5. Search the general references for relevatt primary sources of
"studies". Theses and dissertations are examples of studies. information. (primary sources are publications in which
Conceptual literature, on the other hand, refers to articles, or books people who do research repoft the results of their studies.
Authors communicate their own findings directly to the
readers like in joumal of researches.)
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* Certain Considerations in Selecting the Related Guidelines in Writing Chapter II
Literature and Studies
1. Only literature and studies which are related in purpose,
In the course of one's readings, the researcher will face an
method, or findings to the current study should be included.
enorrnous number of materials. Not every surveyed material should be Careful reading and analysis of literature and studies are
included in chapter II. There are certain considerations in selecting necessary to deternrine whether or not the materials are
materials that will be integrated to one's research paper and these are related to the study,
as follows:
2. The discussion of such litemture and studies should be in the
l. The materials must be as recent as possible. form of a brief critical analysis of the purposes. method of
study, main frndings, and conclusions.
Due to rapid changes in our society, outdated materials
have little value today. The research to be chosen must not be 3. Studies containing the same set of variables as your study 'f
older than five (5) years. The conceptual literature must not be should be a priority and essential to the review of literature ,.l
older than 10 years. The more recent it is, the better, especially and studies.
ifit is a research literature. :|il
4. In the text, only the last names of the authors and the years {
) Materials must be objective. ofpublication are given and enclosed in parertheses. In the iii,tI
case of citations of different works by persons with the
One sided/ highly opinionated materials should be avoided. same surnames, initials should be included with the last rffi
There should be objectivity in the presentation, analysis and names for proper identification.
interpretation of relevant findings. Materials must not manifest
biases against any particular religion, goup of people, sex, race, 5. These literature and studies should be plesented properly and
institution, profession, certain philosophy or creed. logically in summarized forms containing only relevant ideas.
Surnames of the author or authors and the year(s) of
3. The literature and studies to be selected must be relevant publication must be included in parentheses for proper
to the studl'. credits.

The materials to be chosen must help in the understanding 6. Presentation should be orderly by arranging the materials by
of the research. The materials may or may not agree with the variatrles. Arrangement of variables should be based on the
findings of the researcher's own study but such agreement or research paradigm.
disagreement are relevant in enhancing the value of one's
research \4 orri.

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7. The researcher must provicle at least five (5) materials for 2. The researcher can paraphrase or restate in his own words
each of the following: (for a minimum total of 20 materials the most essential points expounded by other authors/
for Chapter II). researchers. Long citations, for instance, from other people'
works must be paraphrased.
a. l.ocal Literature
b. Foreign Literature 3. The reseacher can make a logical evaluation or interpretation
c. Local Studies of another person's work and put this evaluation in writing.
d. Foreign Studies
4. The researcher can, whenever appropriate, copr verbatim,
8, It is customary to present the local literature first before the important words of another researcher or author, by using
foreign literature and the local studies before the foreign quotation marks. Direct quotations require indicating in
studies. parenthesis, not only the author's sumalne and the year of
publication but also the page number(s) where the exact
9. Present the related studies by citing, in summary form, the words can be found.
research methodologies used, the sampling technique, the
respondents, the statistical treatment of data and the major 5. Giving proper credits by acknowledging the author's or
findings. researcher's surname, the year of publication, and the page
number(s) for direct quotations, should be observed at all ii,,t0
* Additional Guidelines in Presenting the Related I

Materials in ChaPter II
* Sample Entry of a Local Related Literature
Voluminous related literature and studies cannot all be included
in its entirety in chapter IL The researcher must exercise discemment
Chapter II
in choosing which parts of the materials should be presented and how
these can be presented ploperly and systematically in chapter II. This chapter contains the review or related literature and
studiesfrom both local andforeign soarces.
The following are some guidelines to help the researcher
in presenting his surveyed and selected materials:
I Literature
l. The researcher can summarize or condense the contents ol'
a material by including only the most essential ideas ot Hemandez (2003) said that one at the most important concem
findings of a literaftrre or studY. the need to make an employee work force more proficient both in
en and written English. Their command of English has to be
ior if they are to make themselves competitive in an indushy that

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determine the significant relationship between burnout profile and
is becoming more and more selective in its job recruitment. There is absenteeism ofthe respondents. The researcher arrived at the result of
also the need to align coarse content and training progpms with achral r = .99(A where Ho is being rejected. There is significant relationship
industry job requirements and new recruits are trained for the right between bumout profile and absenteeism of the responclents.
skills and that the company improves on its job matching performance.
Another thing is that call'center will have to link up with other
companies who offer other form of cosfltmes contact service' * The Synthesis
The customers it serves generally live in the US or in some other The last part of Chapter II is the synthesis of the review of
Western country thousands of miles across the equator. The agent related literature and studies. The synthesis is usually one of the
tasked to deal with these customers handle all sorts of calls, from shortest subparts in a research paper but often one of the most
answering questions about a certain product, noting down complaints, difficult to write.
or troubleshooting or crafting solutions when a specific service center
in the Philippines, the call center agent will find himself dealing with The synthesis of the related literature and studies must rogicaily
foreign clients, again most of whom are Americans. That means that summarize and combine into a coherent whole the surveyed findings
he does not just need to have firm knowledge of the product or and ideas of other researchers and authors through the researcherus r ,.1

service he is handling, he must also be able to communicate in a way own words and logical views. .J
that American customers understand. (Quiason and Aquino-Quiason,
200s) In other words, the synthesis is not a summary of chapter II. It
is a part that puts the surveyed materials in a logical perspective, vis rdil
a vis the researchens study. The researcher will do weil if, in his own
* Sample Entry of a Related Local Study words, he will synthesize or bring together the surueyed major findings
Bnd conclusions by pointing out the similarities as well as the
tn the study conducted by Cordova (2004), they investigated ifl'erences between his study and those of others.
whether there is a significant relationship between absenteeism and
bumout profile of the respondents. The respondents used were college
full time faculty members in the IAS Department. The researchers used Guidelines in Writing the Synthesis
convenience sampling technique for the respondents. The researchers
used a standardized test named Burnout Potential Inventory Checklist 1. The synthesis is written after the surveyed and chosen
by Beverly A. Potter. tn regard of Absenteeism the researchers madc materials have been thoroughly read and examined by the
use of the list of absences from June 2003 to December 2003 of the researcher in terms of major findings, conclusions and
respondents at the Human Resource Development Department. Chi recommendations of the other authors and researchers.
Square was used in order to determine the significant differences
between bumout profile and demographic variables of the respondenls. 2. The synthesis should be concisel,v written and should not be
Significant erElsures may ask important difference with specific domains more than two pages. A one-page synthesis is usually enough
of self-concept contributing to self-esteem. Pearson r was sued to for most research papers.

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J. Very lengthy or cornplex sentences should be avoided in to where school, peers, community, and the most is family are involved,
writing the synthesis. can help to rcduce the aggressive behavior of an individual particularly
adolescents and able to manage and handle the behavior well. The
4. Brief citations of ideas or finclings of other researchers/ present study also proposed an intervention program, which will greatly
help in minimizing the aggressive behavior of an individual in clealing with
authors can be done to enhance the researcherls own logical
views of the entire materials in chapter II' the opposite sex. (frorn the thesis of Manigbas, Seno and Esteban,
7. The synthesis pttts the present study in the context or in

light of other stuclies by other researchers. Both similar and

contradictory findings can be placed irt the synthesis in very

concise citations.


* Sample SYnthesis

The studies presented in this chapter justify that aggresslon ls

evident almost to everyone especially in males. According the
of Graham and wells (2001), males were much more likely to report ,il,8
ag_eression than females, the same approach why the researchers
diJpresent study chose males as to be the respondents in the study' |ffi
The present study, which deals on aggression of the respondents
to*uid, their opposite sex, has also with similar approach to the study
that the
conducted by Mussweiler and Forster (2000). They suggest
association of sex-ag-eression Iink does exist on earth both for

and females. In the prcsent study. the interaction of the respondents

with their opposite sex does contribute to their aggrcssion behavior.
which the researchers measured.

In addition, the environment and the persons to which an individual

is exposed also added to the aggressive behavior of a person'
Particularly in school, adolescents tend to imitate what he observes
ar-ound hirn and the behavior others manifest. However. aggression
also be reduced, just what the stucly conducted by Metropolitan Areil
Child Study Research Group suggested. The combinations ot ptogralns

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