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44, The meaning of philos and Sophia is A. kind B. Lovely C. wise man(DpLove of wisdom ‘5. philosopher is the lover of (A) Wisdom B, Love C, Knowledge D. All ofthe above {6 The word “metaphysics” is gotten fom A. Chinesg38)Greck C. Hebrew D. Latin $ he wasn mcuphycsmeama}Afer& tay OFC Love D-Reynd {8._swas the name of the author win came up wit 9, Metaphysics isthe science that deals with ith the name ‘metaphysics’ A. James B. Aristotl idronicus of Rhodes Aypeing and reality B. physics C, shysical realities D, Nature Feely probes in the ar and ese of eign ety A. Physica Boson Cea sein iy ofthe yebem of vl and the exence ofa ond God A Epi) Theoden CONS 12, Cosmology is concerned wih tbe ve fthe universe. relies, ate & exis sincture C. essence, foundation & sere TF, Spltmology gation from two Greck words__@_(A)Epise 14, The "logos" in epistemology means _ A. Observation) Theory C. knowles studies nature, the ogi, the foundation, the method, the validity and the exe se & logos B. Episteme & logic C. Episteme & 10gy 15. __ isthe branch of philosophy wh and Fs of human knowledge. ‘A-Epistemology B. Logie C. Met 16, The word episteme meanins 17, Bthies is also known as 18. Ethics is derived from the Gre 19, __isconcemned with the morality of goodness r 20, The eritical study ot B.axiology C. conte 21. ___isthe study of nature ilosophy! B: Maral philosophy C.tempors! philosophy fs A, culture) Ethies C. morals scalled‘A) loge B. values C. morals Foundation, methods, validity Wad extent of hough 1990 C, Una, 1885 22. The branch of 23, Epistemology as “the jpuman knowledge" was accordin 24, Wester philosopy ori 25,__ is the highest degree 26. __ Critically reflects on deep Philasopher of education C. Philosopher of teaching 27,___ concems themselves with the metho Philosophers of science B. Philosophers of reliion 3p Andronicus of Rhodes was the editor of _works AO 30, __ Concer itself with te political proses he state ADP 31, are philosophies tha have arisen trom parcular cul al context regional philosophy 432. __ isthe critical and systematic survey of Philosophy of mind 33,__ is a rigorous aca ‘being, existence and life it ‘34, __ deals with the issues of Beauty wit ‘nature C. philosophy of culture 335, ____ deals withthe deep questions of rl q System A. Philosopher of academics veritiabitity rinciples‘of science and their Philosophers of ats is A. Culture B. Re Jipo'y ByAristole’s C. Soyinka’s lite philosophy B. social phil A. Philosophy of social oof C) Metaphysics losophiy C. Phllosophy of iw 1 Science B.bioothics ©) Josopin(ADNisory of philosophy B. philosophy oF eal G 10 search into the issues of ‘a story of phil rnvolves using the critical tool of human reasoning demic discipline that i in all ramifications (A) Philosophy B. life C, Logie J ‘ r J regards to creation and appreciation of art Ajpdilosophy oF art 1. philosophy of jionfA) Religious philosopher B. political philosopher CC. Social phil na poor background in Saga Plt (Saxrstes s the name the academy founded by Aristotle? (a)Lyeum (b)Liecium @-yeeum one is not a medieval philosopher (a)St, Avicenna (B)St, Christan (c)St. Anslem ‘ego sum” means (a) al things out of nothing (b)At birth the mind is blank(@) think, therefore Lam 9, One amongs all is not correct (a}Prof from the degree of perfection (b)Pr0of from order @Proot from ‘10, All but ones nota French philosopher (a)Rene Deseartey(@)Friedrich Nietzsche (e)Jean Paul Sartre M1, __ is aid to bean atheist @lcan Paul Sure (b)Rene Descartes (c)Friedrich Nietzsche 12. In what year di Plato found his acaderay (@)388 BC (b)399 BC (0)388 AD 13, “The physical object we perceive are impecfect copies or replica of what exist the world of forms”. Who made this statement? (a)Soerates the great @)PIato (e)Arsiotle 14, Who was refered to as tho mesieval Aristotle? (a)Plato(B)St. Thomas Aquinas (St. Augustine 15, How old was Feedtich Nietasche when he became insane (066 CB) (o}42 16, __ sees God as truth and perfect (a) St Themnas (b)St, Bonaventure @)St. August 1, eject the idea of objecvism(a)lohn Locke (b)Jean Paul (c)F1i8drich Nietzsche 18, Pickthe odd man out frm the option below (a)Friedrich Nietsche (b) Jean Paul Sartre(@)John Locke 19, Who said "The mind is blank at birth” (=)Acisttle (DYsohn Lc a 20. The statement “What makes an section morally bad is when it moves an agent far away from the goal" was made by(ajSt Thomas Aquinas (b)Socrates (e!Rene Descartes 21.__ philosophy is closely connected to Christian ti 22. Who was made Bishop of Hippo and in what year (a) T ‘Avgustin, 396 AD 23, Which of these is corest (a) Al Albert the great (cthey were both student of 24, Socrates lived for ye 25, Thales sto water as Heraclitus is 26. The very first set of philosophers that ever lived were (Pato, Heracitus, Anaximander (Thales, Anaximander, An 27. The epochs known for varied philosophical ideas ond schootis__ (8) Medieval period (b) Modem period (c} Contemporary period “is regarded as the founder of empiricism (a)Aristotle{b}iohn Locke (¢)AII modern Philosophers is considered tobe the founder of moder philosophy (a)John Locke (biRene Descartes (e)Benedket Spinoza) 30.*Tabular Rasa” to John Locke as "Methodic doubt is to_ 2) Jolin Locke(B)Rene Descartes (c)St. Augustine 31. All bot one rejected the idea of innate knowledge (a)Sohn Locke (Plato (e)Avistotle 32, Plato postulated two worlds, the physical world and___(@)the word of forms (b)Super-sensible world (¢)Supra-sensible WOFId 33. claims that philosophy and theology played contemporary roles in man's quest for truth @)St. Bisareifare GDSt. Augustine ()St, Thomas Aquinas 34, According to Plato, the soul comprises of and (feeling, spirit and soul (O)sprt, soul and body (g}emotion, reason, and appetite this siicment was made by ___ (ao (b)Arstole (@oertes 2) Contemporary (6)Medieval (2) Ancient Greek nas Aquinas, 399 AD (b) St. Anslem, 390 AD(Q@) St the great was # student of St. Augustine (6)St. Thomas Aquinas was a student of ‘i a) Air (b) Unlimited force'(e Fire a)Soctnes, Aristolle, Pythagoras ‘CHAPTER THREE A. The Chamber's Dictionary defines __as "a matter difficult ta settle or solve.” “A. Philosophy(B) Problem C. Logic 2 The Chien of Philosphy canbe termed as the _of philosophy e B. Divisions © Subdivisions BUR ely sito treme A Lop 8 Bs ©merphysics _ i {6 entails the Philosophy of God A, Epistemology B. Ethics (C) Theodicy. 7-Gayeocha(1995) vided Philosophy into_main areas A.3 B.6 €2 believed tht change isthe only constant ia life and things are changing in quick succession Plato B, Asguinas (G3Hleractitus ~ 9__robes into quewlons of what is aerate A. Existentialism. Logic G) Metaphysics TO westhe ctr of Arsiote's work A) Andronicus of Rhodes. B, Acquinas. Plata 11,__beleved that this word is &miror oF things in the real sensible works A Socrstes( 8} Plato. Aristovie 12, Dualists wil affirm that there are two substances _and_, and_ A, Spiritual and matter, mind and materiel 1, Mind and Spirit, mater and materia) (Spiritual and Moierial, Mind and Mater 13,__ deals with the debate on Universal and Patcula A, Logi B. Ethic C. Ppistemology 14. btieved that itis existence that makes essence to come into being Thoms Aquines B. Jean Paul C. Friedsich Nietzxche TS Metaphysics is coined from wo(2)_ words (A)Greck B. Latin C, Spanish |_isa metaphysical std into adnate ofthe universe ‘A Anthropology (B.Cosmoiogy C 17, The discipline that deals with que cs and phenomenology of the human person and interpersonal relaionshipis_ A. Thodiey logy C. Epistemolo claimed tat bing ie wate A. Anaximander(B.)Parmenides C. A 19, Maia und Physika means _ and {Nae D, Nature 20, Thales believed that__constituted the universe A. Ait B. F 21, Anaximenes believed that co ase A, Uslinited Heraclitus believe josophy of beauty 24. Philosophy ites 26, Releted tothe probe B, Matter nnd Substance C 27. The two(2) man areas ofp ‘A Metaphysics and Logic {Theoretical and Practical E 28. Changes wan _and not rea, 4, Illusion 1. Opt . 9. _ ie wat makes a thing what 5 hr 30. Being for _ is immutab : ws B Par i 31, The word "Kpin® was popular The notable phil J theologian af yesteryears B Philosophers ofthe 21st century 52: Iniwhich of their book did Popkin and Sirol reat the following: ebies, political , Metaphysics, ete. A, Essay ‘on Philosophy B. The Kpim of Philosophy Ci Philosophy made Si 33. or _we eannot know or se thing A B Kant C. Acquis 34, One of the earliest problems in Philosophy th ty cartes philosop as the problem of and_(ANinty and Diversiy B. Courage and Oneness C, Unity and Courage 35, The Chambers Dictionary defines the word as having to do with the whole world aad affeeting all A, Earth Universal C. Special tg ot Se CHAPTER FOUR 1 According to R.H. Popkin & A. Stroll (1993), he refers to ethnic as ___ a. As branch of philosophy that studies human ehavlon GV As a code or set of principles by which people live. C. As uc live, 2, _isal about conceptual analysis a, Metaph feta et alysis a, Metaphysicd Meta ethics © Applied ethies 3: Which simong the following ethics is devoted to the treatment of moral problems, practices and policies in human ie) Applied ethies b, Normative thies c. Mets ethics 14. Which theory states that ethical truth ae true irespective of the person saying it? le und set of objective principles in which people ‘Diiberaist b. Conservative ¢, Pro choice 10. Life starts the moment a__ is Tormed in the ovum. A. Foes b, Sperm(o Zygote 11, __is one ofthe controversial issues tat bother the mom philosopher inthe contemporary Era. 4 Realism b,Ethies(e)Euthanesia a FI sels omen tomtom ‘Zygote, embryonic, delivery @ Conception, zygote, embryonic N 1. Contemporary Era opened up new iss for consideration an alered the fous of ethical scusson(A) Thue. Likely true €, False 14, Ammioceniess test is done by taking 8 Urine b. Blood(c} Sample water 15, Most times, abortion Isues are not highly emotionally charge 16,_ Abortion is influenced by the physicians or drugs. A. § 17. The zygote isthe origin of life which develops through the stages of @Embryo and fetus. Embryo and ovum, Conception and fetus 18, Moral Philosophy is in which chapter ofthe GST book? A. 3.6 19, The flowing are the original sub of ethics except a. Ne 20, According to Taylor (2009), Meta ethics on the hand seeks to a7Clarify ethical t Jiidge an setion 21. According to chapter 4, the following ae the areas of ethics except a, Business ethics b Medical ethies“6] School ethes 22. An ethical field that hes developed since the 19 s(aAppied ethics b Bioethics Medical ethics 23. A process in which a woman is impregnated by mother hood, Antti! insemination f 24. __ sites that is the individu that individual theory b. Divine command theo 5, Abortion isthe termination of conccived 26, The idea of Euthanasia is sil tobe again 27._ involves taking one’s own life. A, Suc 28. The Following are un Realism theory 29, The process of creating an exact copy Copy 30, The abortion debate comprises of __ sets of 1, Life sures the moment a zygote is formed inthe.) Ovum b. Si 92, —_e those thot claim that the women carrying the pregnancy has a rg FeustOierm a. Pro lite(d)Pro choice c, Pre—abortionit 33) — isthe way in which a woman ges pregnant without following the natural method of procreation a. Induetion b. Surrogate mother hood (6) Arica insemination 34. The following ae the types of ewhanasia except a, Passive b, Active ©: Voluntary Bo ial tninng in schools, churches and a home ae all geared towards a, Helping vs to koow what wrong or right, dob: Gtrding against unacceptable practices/@)All ofthe above {hor the mother's womb and analyzed, @ Valse b, True ¢. None ofthe above aneoug by Induced c. Ethicist and mative ethics b, Meta ethice“e}A ppd ethics ns b, Explain majority problems 6. fan infetle couple is called Surrogate Divine command theory/@) what. Genetic makeup(b/Cloning ¢. ope. A. Four Bt Wo. Five nach , Fetus to choose to either terminate or earry the “wrapping B. buman dignity(C3Growth no “AcDevelopment is the process by which people ereate and recreate themselves an their life circumstances to realize a evel of ehitztion Jn accordance with thir own choices and values. This definition was piven by A Ui c Bamikole ‘5, What year did Oladipo define development A. 1974(B. 2009 C. 1989 4. UNDP means A. United Nations developmen produc B, United Nations development produce , United Nations development programmes Who stated that “development is ll about the people’ All but one isnot considered a clas of challenges to naional development 3yEnvironmental resources C. Menta/morlspirital Mc iea of development began with A. Claude Ake, Aritatle C. Plato TO. Who adopted the capably approach to the issue of Jevelopment/A. Amari Sen B. Oladipo C.scboars 11, All but one isnot considered on how develope as been used to distinguish Nations. A. Developed B) Not developing C. Developing 12. *suithe greatest benefit (of logic isthe recognition that reason (Ri Claude Ake B, Bamikole C, Pythagoras ‘A. Empirical/material 2 be applied in every aspect of human affairs” Was stated by A. Omoregbe B. Nyerere’C. Oyeshile 13. Aecording to Ake Growth does not translate to 14, Who carer affirmed that the essential goal of growth isto create better Life for the people: Ore 1992 B. Sen Amartya, 1990 C. Okafor, 2013 5, Respective and critical thinking shout the concept and principles w use hy in the words of A. Okafor B. Oladipo, development A. National (5) People- centered C . personal to organize our experience in morals, on, social and poiical lif, and he natural scien ipo z Fee elegy of philcoonty belps to explain the rational and connection of development of culture A) sbeta philosophy B. Cultural philosophy C. Ethical philosophy " ‘Oladipo define development asa process whose essence concerns’ A, Quality of ite of people [Welfare of life of people C. Socalty of life people “Another word foc deontlogy is... A. Development B. Obligation C, Wrap 19, When will talk of security issues, i= Accessible health care, they would not ianslte tothe development ofthe People as they are not grounded on certain area of philosophy such as “7 ies B, Culture C. socials Development asthe general improving the quantity and quality of living standard ofthe people” was proclaimed ‘Okafor B. Oladipo C. Pythagoras ea a ») 2. Udoidem sees the word development as having it's root from a... word ‘A. Greck(B) French C, Roman 22. Development is the process by which peopl nd fered le sows and se themselves and thei if 5 eda cr life circumstances A. change, build were likened {0 what audience by Pythagoras A. competitors B, salesman C wrap " can be transisted as (A) veloper B. loper C. veleper gross domeste product B. goals development produce C. good dynam party 38. In what year did Sep Amartya, amon g : mong others initiate the human essed kind of development forthe U ‘under UNDP A. 2002 B,)2008 C, 2010 234, The main faciors that characterizes the changes or grow of development is exhibited by ‘A-structuresB. politica! advancement (C,umens 35, Who sees philosophy as both mere iletual exercise arid cerebral entertainment A. Socrates B. Ansk Austin(C)Pythagoras (CHAPTER SEVEN T The concept of democracy arc human right using the tools of philrophy as a. discipline can be divided ita Hi fallin EXCEPT 4. Democracy b, Human right. Meta physics 2 The oracle of Dephi refered to Socrates as «. Philosophexd, Wise man c. Scholar philosophy secks to analyse and clarify concep, beliefs and presuppositions of ether disiptine (@) Critical b. Analytical ¢. Ethical cloologialty,pilosophy canbe gotten fom wo Greek word, and _@Philos and Sophia, Piles eel SRA and sofia 5 The “love of wisdom” is also Known a 2. Philos, Philosophy c. Philosophies Philocopy is basicaly a eectveatvty which starts fom the a Homan actves(@; Man's experience «Ceiteal ali 7 One of the following is NOT a branch of philosophy a. Loge b. Axdology/€ Rational thinking $8 Which ofthe following is among the concepts of democra principle of thinking. b. The principle of logiq@eThe principle of accountability 9 “Any empirical understanding of righ son”. W this statement? (ADKant, 1887 b, Rene Descartes, 1824 . Socrates, 342 BC 10 What does Feinberg (1973) calls “ein ht of an Individual i restrained )IP the moral efaims are not made ‘against any particular individual inthe galife he citizen in a particular region Tr Whin one reflects on fundamental questions in s ower, he fs sid to be &. Philosophical) Philosophizing es Philosophy Tethe way n-which pilosophers engage In philosophical busines i elle Philosophy. Philosohizing & Phillosaplist 1a Ebymologicaly, “philos” means a wisdor:B. Love c- Love of wisdom {4 Asoording to Toylor (1957). the fst philosopher to make use ofthe word philosophy i 2. Plato %) Socrates c. Thales 15 __ invented the word philosophy a Socrates Pythagoras c. Thales TePiesophy loa econd-ordr discipline because a. tis a subject on its own( thes to elaify concerts bles and sesame «It deals with analysis of existence SprDemosecy is gotten from two Greek words namely a, Deni and cratenb/ Dems and kratel e, Demos and ersten Te-The goverament ofthe people by the people and fr the people sealed a} Democracy b, Polis e, Participation 19____ wothe fandeiental aman right, Righs, Human rights ¢. Democracy 120 The Inlemational norms that helps to pfotect all people everywhere fiom severe political, legal and social abuse is called a "Democracy b, Participation’ e3Human righs fs assocated with the process of voting in an election &) Democracy b) Participation c. Human rights to __, democracy refers to the system of government of the people, by the peaple and for the p |b, Rene Descartes ¢. Democritus ‘one is among the political equality 2. Social equality b/ Financial equality & ‘Economic equality ac without any restriction or without restriction that is itself limited in apecified or leas sy D ‘at «.Pastcipaion “etter ings oe “he children of Go” tcy must be accorded the same human right. These argument ae both “Thedlogics! and mctaphysies b. Metaphysics and cosmology c. Fibs and theodiey Right to self determination b, Right to far Rearing(@}Right to do what pleas 27 Human rights inciodes the following EXCEPT you 28 Te pcory of hurnan rights demand that every himan being shoul be Weted on Power!) Equal o, Associate 29 Why'Goes right have moral commotion? A. Because they are derived fom chicsb. They are being viewed is mins claims tnade-by the individual an! groupe against the state c. Since there are clhims made against idlvidual Ina stale ' 30 Fiymologiea, philosophy mean#)Love of wisdom b, Lover of wisdom Ri Christiano, 2022 b, Abra basis onal thinking, to the inerest and judgements of those whose 984(@)Cohen 2009 . 31 “Democracy is the way of meking collective decision tht © ‘conduct toe regulated by the decision”. This statement was made by 32 Demoeracy promotes the following EXCEPYa) Regularization b, Porticipation c. Accountability 33 called himselfas lover of wisdom and NOT a wise man a. SoerateS Pythagoras c, Thales 34 Philosophy helps to clarify concepts, beliefs and assumption and this n discipline i) Second class Thied class sel mean Jeb, Governmen ple, Pe 2 peopl (CHAPTER EIGHT brunch of philosophy which deals with th of thinking of reas0 ive Logic b. Inductive 2_typeof first developed by Ari A 1 tional tog 9 Who developed a 0 The the meth 7 m Ul Which \ h : ith 12 The sc 8 : a 13 Formal x ie Loge b, Traditional logic e, Mather 14 Which of the following | julsr no aditional og bolic logie « 1S Who sta reasoning i the law of understandin A. Ati Onwoh 16 Ar al lat ° na oF argument knovn loge by, Sylogism . Syllogiism 17 Which ofthe following is Not important when considering the validity of mn argument ical form b) Apeioristie Content ofthe sentence {1 Metalogic deals with()Forme! conditions for logical calculus b, Caloulus of Logie e. Logistic 19 Which ofthe following is not a type of symbolic logict A) Caleulus b. Logistic o, Metalogh 20 Which ofthe following statements ta reason well b. Logic hi 21 The development of rational logic was 22 Syllogiams are regarded as(a.Anitical s not made by Socrates (@) What differentiates us from lower anima is aur capacity ps in knowing ourselves c, An unexamined life th iving n nature a, Thedreticl 6) Aprotisticc. Metalogic 7 ree creoae a. Fallacies and Logie b, Farguments uses ‘valid’ and “inva in the place of ‘correct’ and ‘incorrect? a, Indedtive tive arguments VOF these jis not an importance of logic? It helps in a. knowing ourselves b, making BOA light disagreement between two oF more persons isealied a, Quarefj Argument e. Logie 31 Traditional or formal logic was developed by a. Udet{ bp Arisole Andronicus 32 Logic is defined as the study of a. Reasoning 6. ranting c. Arguing '33\___ is one of the categories of students who need to particularly pay attention to logic and fallacies a, Arica, Engineering. Language 34A loician’s concer isto find _ between sets of propositions a, Disagreement Relationship e. Postion 35 The Iwo types af debate are a. Conclusion and Deductive( Deductive and Indutive e. Conclusion and Premises CHAPTER NINE {Blaming an unpopular person or group of people for @ problem i classifi @scape-goating B. Hasty Conclusion C Jo —_lsatype of fallacy in whieh one is footed gan as what type of fallacy ? tical expression. A. Accent (Bampnioty c. None of the above 3___ fallacy can be considered asthe enor of pr avely human quelies ont something that sm uman. A) AdHuminem B, Bandwagon C. An 4 Chief Omeh was the president fore 13 be republic of Nigeria. What type of fllcy i A. Accent B. Anthropomorphism ‘Fallacies should not be A. S 6 Fallacies mostly have A. Greek B 7 When a fallacy is detected by exarn ssid tobe A. Informal (B, Formal. C. Dilemm 8* There are no fast rues for avoidin w femini B. Dukor C. Aristotle 9 Who listed out a horde of steps used el +-0n ou reasoning A. Johannes Kepl er B, Aristotle (C 10 The third major era inthe study of ‘A. Fourteenth century’ B, Twentieth cen century 1 Fallacies canbe casitied us - A Violation or inference B. Logic or reasoning (C) Formal or informal 1 fllcy rakes an irlevan stack onthe rer and suggest tat this tack undermines the argument ist @) ‘Ad Hominem B, Appeal to emotion C. States BL when a person jumps to a conclusion too quickly that is based on insuficent evidence Na guilt of the conclusion’ A, Hasty Conclusion B. Nasty Generalization C. Coeree Generalization 4 is of fallacy thet occurs when we accept an inconsistent set of claims A. Bandwagon/B.Jnconsistency —C. Argument isa ve attack of person in order to discredit their testimony {the wall B. Testimonial C. Argument ‘Axlasified as cither formal or informal(AS Fallacy B. Anthropomorphism C: Reasoning ‘of fallacy in which one accepts statement as true because the person's statements is Argumentum and ignorantum C. Two wrongs makes a right honored with Grand commander of the federal GST-102 ASSIGNMENT: Circle the Jeter grade for the most correct option sccept the claim of others because such clsims appeals to the feeling of pity, sympathy and relief A. tthe emetion C, Accent Bandwagon This weathers trly enraged, henve I won't be shocked if ‘A-Anihropemorphism —B. Appeal to emotion (C) Accent 21. Thaw the meeting wil ot hold a 4p, the president might not Soaclsion B. Appeal io force C. Appeal rains today. Wh ind of allay fs that? und, What kad of flsy testa? ay 22 One of the following best explain the avoidance of allasies A. Ica totally be avoided, Itt an error commited consciously Ii eanaot be completely avoided but efforts ca be made to prevent 23 Ariotle BC is historically the irs known study of facie Appendix to the appendix () Sophisstois Blenchis. ©, Nature af fallacies 24 ‘Scapegoatingis. (A: Unieily blaming a person ar group of people for a problem B. Showing someone wickedness for ‘others t learn . Judging some 5 ste types of fitlacies A)Doubic standard, quibling, Adhominem argument 3. Pecfetionit True ley Bae ofthe above C. Anthropomorphism, inconsistency 26 One of these is a step at redvcing the effect ofl 3 wien or shoud judge v0 th dard, but in one of those situation f jai a small 5 Predicate term and copula (B) Object terms, st an pee @ Ob 4 Examine this sentence “the man is kind: he sition A) Subject term (B) Copula (C) Predicate tem 5. In this se s me” ) Simon (C) Handag 6. tn this sen at she copa “Fur ladies ure beautiful (A) Lady i © 7.In aproposition "Aunsy Adu is hn umdened is th A) Copula (B) Predicate term (C) Subject term. 4. proposition "King is handsome” The underlined isthe A) Subject (B) Copa (C) Predicate S9/All some and _ are the three mast commonly used Words thal repre ifr in (B) No (C)t Don't know 10.__is either categorical or n (B) Predicate (C) Subject 11, A proposition is categorically def altemaives (A) Alternative (3) Refe 12. The Latin word “Asta” m Is the ense without ___ 10 conditions or (A) Affimed (B) 1 Affirm (C) I deny 9 GST 102 ASSIGNMENT: Circle the letter grade for the most correct option Tpstwo propostlons ere sbaterates if they both share the same quality (negative or aTirmativ) (A) Sub coors (B) ec eereteesin Ne age micesis_ tm 0) a0) Oe ©) Prete Noe uninme te pomaion weed (A) Dejetne opnton Hypothetical proposition (C) Nor-categoical proposition. Feo curacy 0) Sees Fae hae rn nT toe ie Caer (9 Poste aes propositions (A) AfMimative (B) the four standard form categorical ries (C) Comasicwre 4 (A) Universal (B) aie propos 4 4) quantifiers Predicate 2S.f te subject term is quantified by “some”, then the propastion : ticular (C) Predicate ie 10

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