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EXAM FOCUS COMPILED BY MK. ‘ ASIO he ai MS FOR ENQUIRIES CALL OR WHATSAPP MR. » — CASIO @ 08102641675 \ i rphology) i ‘sub-component that deals with the ways v combine is (syntax) f _ 5. A word can be defined as a unit that is assigned to a specific (class) 6. Based on the context in which a word is used, it can be divided and interpreted in ways (three) 7. The first major division of English words is that they are divided into and words (spoken and written) 8. The orthographic version is the forms of words (written i forms) | 9. refers to words and their precise dictionary % meaning (vocabulary) $ collocation ! 10. refers to word and their various connection(lexis) ' 11. Words which are pronounced the same way but have different spelling and meaning are called (Homophones) 12. involves a case where a single spelling and \ : pronunciation occur with more than one meaning | (Homonyms) _ 13.The Greek word Homo means (the same) Homograpf, means (the same letter) §.Homophones means (the same sound) second divisions of English are (word form e) is also known as the base word. s belongs to class of words five efica ; head word or dictionary Entry ofa word is (Lexeme} ‘The (Lexeme) is also known as the base word. words belongs to class of words which are” ‘Telatively large (LEXICAL) 23.Words can be made up of three physical part which are (Prefix,Root, Suffix) 24 The Rootis also knownas the __ morpheme (free) NOTE: the part before the root is known as the Prefix and the one after the root is known as the Suffix. 25.The common vocabulary items which are associated with yarious field of human activity is called (Register) NOTE: very important know all the register of building football and bank. 26.The associative meaning of words are called (connotation) 27. are words that have almost the same meaning (synonyms) 28._ can be defined as pair of words that are opposite in meaning fantony ms) 29. A combination of words in Englishis called (collocatien ) ___ expression, the combination of words has a he form from individual word in the combination: A main clause always have a subject and a I y element while a subordinate clause begins a _ Subordinator e.g. who, which, that, because etc. 35. We have four (4) types of clause in English. They are (Declarative, imperative, inte rrogative and Explanative). NOTE: (The sentence is the largest grammatical unit). ci > of writi i ee es oe (AN ESSAY) istocomputeorcreatea___ ae place of writing of any length that has : Thematerial require for anessay (Language) re Themajoraimofessayisto___—_—« (Communicate) 6. must have a purpose (essay) 7. These are types ofessay (Four) a 8. The four types of essay and (narrative , descriptive, expositive, and argumentative essay) 9. The purpose ofanarrative essay is to tell a story ina order (chronological) 10. is the types of essay whose major aim is to inform to €ntertain and to educate (Narrative essay) ll. essay) 12.Wehave is also referred to as persuasive essay (An argumentative e in essay (three) * include (pre-writing, writing and rewriting stage) _—— is the graphical presention of all the information in a work and the relationship between them (An Outline) —__ Stages the act writing of the essay (Writing stage) Stage is the last stage in an ess; 17. According to MC crimmon, there are 800d paragraph (four) 18. And the four requirement ofa 19. Paragraph can be classified into 20. And these are (indented, ‘ay writing (writing stage) = requirement of a good paragraph are Gnity G (four) order $ Ge blocked, hanging and head p I 1 (PHONES) i: can be defined as a science which study of # characteristics ofhuman sound making (PHONETICS . Lungs is a Organ and # the take off point in human sound (Respiratory) 4. The LARYNX is often refers to as the (Voice box orAdam apple) 5. is the soft tack part of the root of the mouth (velum or soft palate) 4 6. is often called the root of the mouth (The mouth r palate) = 7. The ALVEOLAR RIDGE is the part of the gums immediately behind the (t pper teeth) ; 8. The NASAL Cavity refers to the nose of the___(Nassal passage) : __ 1s very important articulator and can be move into differe: e (TH ___and is the so} sno obstruction to the flow of air so it p e larynx to the lips (Vowels). 12. Vowels sound in English are divided into two classes__ (Pure andimpure vowels) 13. Pure vowels are ___ vowels (simple) and are twelve in number 14. All sound are voiced (vowel) ‘| 15. vowels are known as dipthongs and are eight in number ly or s to the point along the vé tuced (place of articulation) ‘means the upper and the lower lips and e abiodental) e oo sound Bascal with the tongue place a ornear the teeth (Dental) 20. Refers to the hand palate (Palate ALVOLAR) 21.The articulation which occurs between the hard palate an thebladeofthetongueis___ (Palate) 22. The sound made with the tongues touching ornear the sof area toward the back ofthe mouth is _ Cvela y) or root of the mout 23. are sound produced by the vocal folds as tha primary articulators (GLOTTAL, ) 24. tn plosive production there is a complete the articulators (Closure) 25.Fabricative are produced with __closure (Partial) 26 are sounds made with front of the tongue formin complete closure (Lateral) ‘ 27. The atu e of the obstruction is what is known as (manner of articulation) _ 28. Sounds standing on the left sides are sound (Voiceless) _ i 29. Sound standing on the right side are sound (voiced 30.___ is known as the shortest str (syllable) . e my okra isdefinedas a pitch variation (Intonation) ’ 33. We have types of intonation (Four) 34.The types of intonation include (Falling tune, rising tune, Tise fall and the fall rise) Note below: The falling tune is used for wit question Rising tune is used for Yes/No question 35. _"__ tune begins with an adverbial phrase or subordinate Clause (The Rise Fall) 36. When the. sentence end with an adverbial phrase or subordinate >is called (The Fall Rise) CHEP PERN UR tine 1. is known as the process of constructing writtentext (READING) a 2. is a reading disability et a 1 characterized by difficult in NEA). is eal from printed text (DY aie att caused by damage to the left part oft brain (APHASIA) Note: Read up the reading pro reading and standing habit. rization that reading ¢ blem associated with bag) 18. ! a he first cal divisionbetween and _ reading (AUDIBLE AND SILENT) } 5 isamethod of rapidly mov over the tex with the purpose of gettin main ide (SKIMMING) 6. is done to eliminate spelling, punctuation, | a irm knowledge (Revision) oe an the tal ‘ocused on the language rathe’ (intensive reading) | 9. ____ reading is geared toward a wide coverage (extensive reading) 10.The SQ3R or SQRRR was introduced by (Francis Pleasant Robinson) 11. The SQ3R stand for (surve’ and review) 12.PQRST Meza evie i | es cans (Preview) QueS tion, Read, Summal) 13.The 3$3R stand for (S rectreview,refleey. study, read speed Y question, reading, recite js designs for stucyi-z, eratures, Poetry, Drama KER stands for (Explore, vocabulary, oral, , key ideas, evaluate, recapitulation) is specially design for studying mathematics 16. GORQCQ 17. (SQRQCQ) Means (survey, question, read, question, complete) 18. is specifically sd for studying social studies and science (SQ3R) ]. Public speaking involves speech makit (An audience) 2. The confidence problem arising from the __ beginner in the art of public speaking (nervou: is a brief plan which help in organizing © jnan orderly manner (An outline) . Note: It is important for the speaker to decipher the purpo of the speech. 4. _ thinks the au factors to be consider in public speaking and J. Berg Esanwein) 5. Agood conc speech) a diences is probably the most impo (Dale carnagie ze (the purpose of the ublic speaking is the deliveryy t every individual ibibe) t Please Note , 1. Whe preparing fo peaking of their followin} e use O The body of pe Delivery/presentat Audio visual aids/power p' Varieties of public speaking are determined = (the topic, the audience and the occasion) tr thu cee oF 3 Public speaking involves speech mak dience) bg 7 2. Ge eontidence problem arising from the F beginner in heart ofpublic speaking (nerve u 3 isa brief plan which help in organizing | one! ‘derly manner (An outline) a Note: It as peecrent for the speaker to’decipher the purp of the speech. d 4. thinks the audiences is probably the most imp factors to be consider in public speaking (Dale cai and J. Berg Esanwein) 5. Agood conclusion should emphasize (the purpose of the: speech) , Note: The high point of the public speaking is the delivery Public -very individual should | d_ (imbibe) Please Note When g i » of their following® ody of tl Delivery/pres: Audio visual 2 Varieties of public spe —____(the topic, the audience and the occasion) ~ ___ defined sentence as an independent Lingiistic-form (Bloomfield) 2. Sentence consist of clause just as consists of * groups/phrase (clause) 3. is described as the highest unit of grammatical analysis made of one or more clauses (sentence) 4. The following consist of the units of English grammar (sentence, clauses, phrases, words and morphemes) Note the Rank Below: Unit Rank Sentence 5 Clause Group/Phrase Word strank is (5) which seni t ( requires th ss it primary tuent (complex senter four eler (subject, predicator, complemen junc 7. Clauses can be cl the and __criteria (structural and functional) 8. The structural criteria is (dependency) 9. Dependen is b-divided inte (two) (independent and dependent) 10. clauses is known as subordinate and can stand alone (dependent) 11. There are functional types of clause (Four) 12.The four functional types of clause are _ (Declarative clauses, interrogative clause, imperative clause, and exclamatory clause) 11 ————— lal 3. Mee occk cr ace print materials are referred (Audio visual materials) are the different types of libraries (N: libraries, public libraries, special libraries, acadei libraries, school libraries, Private Libravied) 5. Libraries in the university, polytechnics, college 0 education, school of nursing etc are reffered to as (Academic Libraries) 6. Agood libraries keeps a widerange of ___ (information resources) 7. Library collectionsare___or} 8. OPAC means (Online Public 9. ___ makes the use of OP, Technolog, 10.FSTV m 11.DSTV means (Di; 4. ized (Technically) catalogue) . possible (information ge Satellite Television) ellite Television) lows the library user @fthe gminal to tabase in order to see if the library holds a particular or work (OPAC) e a wide range of information 13 into CD-Rom technology (An IT-base library) i promotes the value, and show casing intellectual outputs of universities. (Open ace publication) “ss librarians to speedily dis worthwhile information to different categories of unive library user digitally (electronic mail). [12] on on mn Ss jon © defined reference service as direct information — personal assistance to readers seeking information 7 (Galvin 1978) ‘ 2. Www stand for _ (World Wide Web) 3. SDIstand for (Selective Dissemination of Information) 4. L§brarian work closely with the potential user to ascertion his/her needs (Reference) 5. Other references service are commonly refers to as (indirect reference) oo are books that contain knowledge (Encyclopedias) are used to locate organizations, institutions and ctories) Se * eg,all the main point discussed in the t (Abstracts) tide researches in locating relevant people (Dir 8. sur S) >vents develop during the year (year ion < p bound together records th ory of life of an individual in the society from birth h. CBiographied 13.Government document are the information published by (government and her agencies) 14.Bibliographic is also refers toa (Citation) eg is a written reference to as portion of work by a particular author, editor, composer etc (Bibliographic) 16.APA means (American Psychological Association) ie apntetion uses quotation mark and give the authors year and page number in parentheses (Direct) 13 re) E ‘means (International Standard S , Book ere group in the Library based on l (Subject) WIPO means organization) 4. (World intellectual prope 5. E-Journal are version of th urticle (Digital) 6. The library of congress is ar le of library (academic Library) 7. The public library is founded t (state Government) | 8. Most collectal i (Le 9. E-Library isa database) 10.There are 11.The library t red through (National Li 12.The head of the | d (University Librar 1. compr f electronically supported lear 1B) 14. The National libraz (Library of Congress) j 15, The tradition 16. The catalog 17. is the systen 18. There are types of catalogu 19. ETDsmeans (Electronic theses and dissertations) a. any information source that the library access to an electronic format (electronic resources) 5 ¢-resources (eal engine) 22.Nesting with Boolean operator involves (using parentheses) 23.AACR2 means ____ (Angio American Cataloging Rules Second Edition ) 24.___ cataloguing is the analyzing matter (subject | cataloguing . 25 letters are not yet use in the library of congress ay G0, W, X and) Pate 26. BC stands for (Bliss classification) 27. LC stand for (LIBRARY OF CONGRESS) 28. CC means (Colon Classification) rough 29. BSCS means (Brow Subject Classification School) 30. __ isasetofexclusion ights granted by law to (copyright). 31 ght as aright to stop called ¢ others work (the 32 d use of copyrighted —— s one of the copyright ght infringement). ically 33, or in the punciple of ry of 34 eans dewey mal classification 35 collec ° of books 184 »o0kshop) 36. A collection of books and other literally materials , organized for teaching studying and consuffation 1S on) called © (library) : 37. = are the components of the library {the books and non-book materials, the staff and the ides building). allibrary), meet are libraries that save a p group of people such as employees of a firm, go banks (special libraries). ' Library materials are catalogue based on the follor The author card Title catalogue Subject catalogues Asee reference Use c tk Please Note: a see reference directs one to other headings undep which materials can be located Class Mark is also ca! led call number and it is usually written atthe spin or back of the materi: Conclusion: libraries regularly acquire materials through gifts, purchase, legal deposits and exchange Delta State University Library, Abraka maintains both . traditional methods and ICT in organization o flibrary materials.

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