Maths 1 pt2

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TEST- 2023-24
Class: VII Time: 1 hour
No of pages: 2
ThIsquestion paper is dividcd into 4 sections. script.
" Allquestions are clearly on the answer
compulsory. date and suhject
Write your name, class, section, roll mumber,
(1 10 =10)
Choosethe correct option. (|)

1. Ifk +7= 16. then the value of 8k -72 is d) 56

c) 112
a) 0 b) 1 ()

2. Which of the following is cqual to 1?

c) (3° - 20) x 40 d) (30 - 2) (3° + 2°)
2° +30 + 40
a) b)2° x 30 x 40
greater of them is x, then the smaller
If thesum oftwo consecutive numbers is 15 and the
number is
d) 7 ()
a) 16 b) 14 c) 8
equation to another side of an equation witha change of sign
4. Shifting one term from one side of an
is known as
b)distributivity c) transposition d) associativity (1)
a) commutativity
5. Which of the following is a pair of like terms?
a) -7xy'z, -7r'yz c) 3xyz ,3x'y'z?
b) -10xzy, 3ryz? d) 4xyz²,4x²yz
is equal to (1)
6. For a non-zero rational number x, x + x
c)10 d)x16
a) x6 b) x*
7. What should be subtracted from 1 to get 1-x+ 2x'?
a) 2x21 b) x-2x2 c) 1-x d) 1+ x

8. Which of the following is not a linear equation in one variable?
a) 3x-1=7 c) 2x-3=72
b) 5y - 2 =3(y +2) d) 7x + y=3

NPS.ITPLI2023-24/PT-11 Math-I
DIRECTIONS: In nqucstions 9and 10, astatcment of Assertion (A) is followcd by a statement of
Reason (R). Choosc the corrcct option out of the
9. Assertion: 4m+ 5n is a binomial. (1)
Keason: The cxpression containing two unlike terms is called a binomial.
a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
b) Both (A)and (R) arc truc but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
c) (A)is true but (R) is false.
d) (A) is false but (R) is true.
10. Assertion: (-19) = 19
remains unchanged.
Reason: If the exponent ofa base number is 1, then the value of the bases
a) Both (A)and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
b) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
c) (A)is true but (R) is false.
d) (A)is false but (R) is true.
(2 x 5= 10)
Solve the following questions.
11, Find the value of mwhen 2(m + 4) =522. (2)
12. Simplify using laws of exponents: 23 x a' x 5a
13. Find the value of the following expression when a =5, b=(-2)
2a'h + ab + 2ab3 (2)

14. Express as a rational number using the laws of exponents. (2)

15.Express the given statement in the form of an equation and find the value of the unknown number.
"IFItake three- fourth of anumber and add 3 toit, I get 21." (2)
SECTION-C (3x2=6)
16. Virat scored twice as many runs as Rahul. Together, their runs fell eight short of a double century.
How many runs did each one score? (3)
17. Verify: (x-y)(x-y) + (y-z)(y +) + (z -x) (z+x) =2y(y - x) (3)

Case study (4 x1=4)
18. Read the given situation and answer the following questions.
It is common that the government revises fares irom time to time based on
various factors such as
taxes. economy and inflation, for various vehicles l1ke auto rickshaw, taxis, radio cab
etc. The auto
andtaxi charge in the city comprises of Iixed charge and the charge for the
) Ifthe fxed charge in a city is x,a charge per km is
distance covered.
Sand the total fare is 60. then find the
linear equation for the journey of 10 km.
ii) What is the value of the fixed charge? (1)
i) 1fina city a person has to pay < 110 10r a
joumey of 15 km and the fixed charge is 20 then (1)
find the charge incurred per km.

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