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A cell is the basic structural, functional, and biological unit of all living organisms.

It's the smallest unit of

life that can replicate independently, and it's responsible for all of life's processes. Cells provide structure
to the body, convert nutrients from food into energy, and carry out various other life processes. They can
be as small as 0.0001 mm in size and are made up of a fluid called cytoplasm, which is enclosed by a
membrane. Within the cytoplasm, there are biomolecules like proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids, as well
as structures called organelles¹²³.

Cells come in two major types:

- **Prokaryotic cells**: These are simpler, single-celled organisms like bacteria. They have a cell
membrane, sometimes a cell wall, and a single chromosome but no nucleus.

- **Eukaryotic cells**: These are found in multicellular organisms, including humans. They have a
nucleus that contains the genetic material and various organelles within the cytoplasm, each with
specific functions².

The study of cells and their components is known as cell biology, and it's a fundamental aspect of
understanding life and its processes³..

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