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3-5 min

5 questions

Nigerian culture presentation

 Wedding traditions
o Three weddings: Traditional, court and Church/mosque
 Court marriage is the most common for the ones holding one wedding.
 It is common for a single couple to have at least three different marriages together.
o For Igbo and Yoruba people, the traditional wedding is first, then church/mosque, and lastly
court wedding
o Between 200-1000 guests

 How have Nigerian individuals or achievements made a positive impact on the global stage?
o Nollywood has a big impact on the world because it produces a lot of movies. It is the
second biggest film industry and they produced around 1000-2000 movies each year. The
movies are produced in low quality and takes around 3 days to film.

 How has the Nigerian literary world changed?

o Back in the days before Nigeria literary changed there were mainly texts/books by people
from America or England that the Nigerian people could read. The stories were about how
poor the country was, and how Nigerians had to fight to get food and survive. When there
was an increase in the amount of Nigerian publishers, it changed the literary world in
Nigeria – people suddenly had books and characters they could relate to, as they were
written by Nigerians and not Americans or Brits.

 What are the main ethnic groups in Nigeria, and where were they originally placed?
o The three groups Igbo, Yoruba and Hausa-Fulani, were separated in three geographic
 The Yorubas in the west – most being Christians or Muslims
 The Ibgos in the east - Chrisitians
 Hausa-Fulani in the north – Sunni Islam

 What was the main causes for the strife between the three groups?
o The British colonial legacy influenced the ethnic tensions in Nigeria, so when the British
handed the power over to Nigeria, they had established a divide- and rule system by having
separated the three main ethnic groups into different geographical regions.
3-5 min
5 questions

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