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Subject: ICT Date: 4.2.2024

Class: IX IG

1. They can work in environments harmful to human operators.
2. They can work non-stop.
3. They are less expensive in long term.
4. Higher productivity.
5. Greater consistency.
6. They can do boring, repetitive tasks leaving humans free.

Dis adv:
1. They find it difficult to do unusual tasks.
2. They can cause higher unemployment.
3. since robots can do tasks done by humans there is a risk of certain skills
getting lost.
4. Because robots are independent of the skills base, factories can be moved
anywhere in the world.
5. The initial set up and maintenance of robots can be expensive.

School management systems:

Different tasks managed by schools are
1. Registration and attendance record of students
2. Student performance
3. Organization of school exams
4. Creation of timetables
5. Teacher substitution
1. School registration systems: The traditional way is to complete daily
registers. Its time consuming and prone to errors. Automating registration
methods are
Method 1:
a. Issue ID card for each student which has a magnetic stripe on the rear
side of the card.
b. The student has to sign in with the card and write his unique student ID
on the back of the card.
c. The magnetic stripe would contain all the details of the students.
d. Every day the student has to swipe the card and data is stored in the
database which records all the timings.
e. This would provide a comprehensive record of student attending the
Further subtleties
1. Use of PIN to stop another student to use the card.
2. Use of GPS tracking to hold on student whereabouts.

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