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Lesson 1: Test Paper


1. How does lesson one define "New Testament Theology"?

a. The more complicated and profound teachings found in the New Testament.
b. Everything that the New Testament teaches about God himself and other topics in
relation to God.
c. All the doctrines in the New Testament related to salvation.

2. Second Timothy 2:15 says, "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a
_______ who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth."

3. Second Timothy 3:16 says that all Scripture is ____________.

a. authoritative b. inerrant c. God-breathed

4. True or false? Lesson one teaches that, strictly speaking, 2 Timothy 3:16 is referring to the Old

a. True
b. False

5. What promise of Jesus assures us that the New Testament is inspired?

a. He promised the twelve disciples that the Holy Spirit would guide them into all truth.
b. He promised the twelve disciples that he would leave them his inspired writings.
c. He promised the twelve disciples that his angels would give them the exact words to

6. True or false? Paul was not really an apostle, so he needed the approval of Peter so that the
church would accept his writings as inspired and authoritative.

a. True
b. False

7. Ephesians 2:20 says the church was “built on the foundation of the ________ and __________,
with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone."

8. How did Paul indicate that he considered the New Testament books equal to the Old Testament

a. He says that both the prophets and the apostles wrote as they were "moved by the Holy
b. In the same verse he quotes from both the Old Testament and Luke, calling them both
c. He talks about the words of the "new covenant" and the words of the "old covenant" with
equal respect.

9. How did Peter indicate that he considered Paul's writings as having the same inspiration and
authority as the Old Testament?

a. He speaks of Paul's writings, then speaks of "the other Scriptures."

b. He speaks of the words of the prophets and the words of Paul with equal respect.
c. He says that both Paul and the prophets wrote as they were "moved by the Holy Spirit."

10. Match each view of inspiration with its description.

1) The Holy Spirit inspired biblical writers in the

__ Organic inspiration same way secular poets or musicians might be
moved to write.
2) The Holy Spirit essentially dictated the Bible,
__ Romantic inspiration and human writers passively recorded what he
3) The Holy Spirit used the personalities,
__ Mechanical inspiration experiences, outlooks, and intentions of human
authors as he guided their writing.

11. Match the level on which we can explore New Testament theology with its description.

__ Explicit assertions 1) The text itself

__ Theological presuppositions 2) The implications the authors expected
(beneath the text) their audiences to infer from their text
__ Implicit purposes (above the 3) The authors’ backgrounds and theological
text) beliefs

12. "The New Testament was written _____ us, but not directly ____ us."

13. "If we are to submit to the authority of Scripture, we need to consider the context and
_______________ of a passage."

a. language b. style c. original purpose

14. Lesson one defines an "epoch" of biblical history as a "period of time established by ______
________ that distinguishes it from other periods of time."

a. covenantal promises
b. divine revelation
c. kingdom promises

15. Lesson one explains the epochal, _______ and ______ continuities and discontinuities
between the New Testament time and our time.

a. Linguistic / literary
b. cultural / personal
c. theological / ethical

16. What are some of the "epochal discontinuities" between the New Testament time and our day?
Mark each correct answer as given in the lesson.

a. The founding apostles and prophets are no longer with us.

b. We no longer look for miracles as a way of authenticating the authority of new church
c. We depend on new revelation instead of just the New Testament.
d. Some of the theological issues were more important at the time of the New Testament
than they are now, such as how to relate to Jewish traditions.

17. True or false? Lesson one teaches that God no longer works supernaturally since the time of
the New Testament, since miracles were meant to authenticate the authority of the apostles.

a. True
b. False

18. What is culture? Select the definition given in the lesson.

a. The patterns of human communities that develop out of shared concepts, behaviors and
b. It refers to ethnic background and linguistic preferences.
c. It refers to having a good education in the area of the fine arts.

19. What are some of the "cultural discontinuities" between the New Testament time and our day?
Mark each correct answer.

a. Racial and ethnic prejudice was not a problem at that time.

b. They were using different languages.
c. The social, economic and political situation was different.
d. People did not care about religion.

20. "We sometimes summarize our understanding of Scripture by saying it is the word of God in the
words of human authors given in _______."

21. The New Testament authors had versions of the Old Testament available to them in
__________ and _______ languages.

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