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1. What is the profile request in terms of:

A. Strand/track
B. Chosen career exits/course (based on the SHS career exits)

2. What are the perceived factors that affect students career choices?

3. Is there a significant difference between the perceived factors along the

identified profile?

4. What program/projects maybe proposed based on the result of the


Table 1: Profile According Track/Strand


GAS 204 63%
ABM 14 4%
STEM 22 7%
HUMS 18 6%
EPAS 17 5%
BNC 9 3%
Arts n Design 7 2%
ICT 7 2%
TOTAL 324 100%

Table 2: The plan for Career Exit


A. Take a College Course 263 81%
B. Start a Business 25 8%
C. Get hired to work 11 3%
D. Enroll in Tesda 25 8%
TOTAL 324 100%

Table 3.1: A. Interest and Passion


I think my target career
Would provide me avenue to
continue enjoying my passions 4.0 HIGH
and interest.
I think, If I push through with
my target career, I further 4.0 HIGH
enjoy my passion and interest.
My target career could help me
align and set my interest. 4.2 HIGH
My interest and passions are
so strong that I have based my 4.1 HIGH
target career in it.
My target career could assure
me that I would be able to be
in touch with my interests and 3.8 MODERATE
passions in the next four or five

Table 3.2: B. Skills and Abilities


I think my target career
would allow me to shine 3.7 MODERATE
since its along my
talents and abilities.
I have chosen my target
career since I feel that it
would be an avenue for 4.3 HIGH
me to further enhance
my skills and abilities.
My target career is
based on my set of skills 3.8 MODERATE
and abilities.
My skills and abilities
can be great use to my
chosen career and the 3.8 MODERATE
future job associated to
My target career will
need my skills and
abilities in order to 3.8 MODERATE
ensure success in that

Table 3.3: C. Family Influence


My target career is
influenced by the 3.3 MODERATE
professions of my family
members and relatives.
My parents and/or
relatives are the ones 2.1 LOW
who suggested my
target career
My parents and/or
relatives want me to
choose this career
because they believe 2.8 LOW
these are along my
strengths and skills.
My parents and/or
relatives believe me
that if I pursue this 3.5 MODERATE
chosen career, I would
be successful.
My parents and/or
relatives believe that I
would be able to be 3.4 MODERATE
successful in this career
than in any other fields.

Table 3.4: D. Peer Influence


I have decided to take
my dream career
because most of my 2.8 LOW
friends will also be
having the same.
I choose this target
career because I want 2.8 LOW
to go with the same
class with my friends.
I have chosen my
target career because I
want to learn more and 3.2 MODERATE
experience college life
with my friends.
My friends are the ones
who recommended my 2.8 LOW
target career to me.
My friends see me as
having a potential in my
target career, so I 3.1 MODERATE
decided to take it when I
go to college.
Based on the result of the Table 3.1, the highest GWM is 4.2 for in which the
interpretation is high. As the statement shown “My target career could help
me align and set my interest”. Its imply a level of high interpretation because
of the idea from the chosen career. On the other hand, 3.8 is the lowest GWM
and interpret as moderate. For the statement shown “My target career could
assure me that i would be able to be in touch with my interests and passions
in the next four or five years”. It indicates that the result of interpretation is
moderate simply as the level of idea from the career chosen.
The highest interpretation score among the statements in Table 3.2 is 4.3,
which corresponds to the statement: "I have chosen my target career since I
feel that it would be an avenue for me to further enhance my skills and
abilities." This indicates a high level of agreement with the idea that the
chosen career will provide opportunities for skill enhancement. The lowest
interpretation score among the statements in Table 3.2 is 3.7, which
corresponds to the statement: "I think my target career would allow me to
shine since it's along my talents and abilities." This suggests a moderate level
of agreement with the idea that the chosen career aligns with one's talents
and abilities.
The highest interpretation score in Table 3.3 is 3.5, which corresponds to the
statement: "My parents and/or relatives believe that if I pursue this chosen
career, I would be successful." This suggests a moderate level of agreement
with the idea that family members have confidence in the individual's potential
for success in the chosen career. The lowest interpretation score in Table 3.3
is 2.1, which corresponds to the statement: "My parents and/or relatives are
the ones who suggested my target career." This indicates a low level of
agreement with the idea that family members have directly suggested or
influenced the individual's career choice.
For the result based on the table 3.4, the highest GWM is 3.2 among the
statements given by “I have chosen my target career because I want to learn
more and experience college life with my friends”. This result is imply a
moderate level because of the level of the idea for the chosen career. While,
among the statements given by, the three got the same lowest GWM which is
2.8 and for the interpretation is low. For the statement shown “I have decided
to take my dream career because most of my friends will also be having the
same”, “I choose this target career because i want to go with the same class
with my friends” and “My friends are the ones who recommend my target
career to me”. The three statements indicates from the level of the idea for the
target career choice.

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