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Prison Types and Inmates’ Psychosocial Profiles: A Comparison

between Medium and Maximum Security Prison
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Tajudeen Abiola, Aisha Y Armiyau1, Laipo Adepoju2, Owoidoho Udofia3

Department of Medical Services, Federal Neuropsychiatric Hospital, Kaduna, 1Department of Psychiatry, Forensic Unit, University of Jos Teaching Hospital, Jos,
Department of Psychiatry, Federal Medical Center, Bida, 3Department of Psychiatry, University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, University of Calabar,
Calabar, Nigeria
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Studies on the impacts the type of prison’s environment had on the psychosocial well‑being of their inmates were few. To contribute more
study on this, the current study explored the psychosocial health profiles of inmates and the type of prison environment by comparing inmates’
psychosocial profiles of a medium security prison to a maximum security correctional facility located in north central Nigeria. Participants were
male inmates of medium security prison located in Bida, Niger‑State and Jos maximum security facility in Plateau‑State. All the participants
filled the study instruments (i.e., a sociodemographic questionnaire, the ten‑item personality inventory, resilience scale, and Oslo Social
Support Scale) after obtaining informed consent from them. There was a significant positive association of prison types with resilience and
social support which was reversed for spirituality. The multivariate analysis showed that inmates of medium security prison had significantly
higher resilience and social support scores compared to those in maximum security correctional facilities. There was no difference in the five
dimensions of personality among the inmates and in their experience of spirituality. The findings add to extant knowledge on the impact that the
level of “indigenous” deprivations had on inmates psychosocial wellness factors. The study hence advocated to the department of correctional
services to modify the indigenous measures that promote resilience and social support without compromising security.

Keywords: Inmates’ psychosocial profile, personality traits, prisons’ types, resilience social support, spirituality

Introduction to change, the inmates’ preprison condition is often amenable

and can be improved on.
The three modern purposes of imprisonment are punishment,
deterrence, and rehabilitation.[1] All these objectives embraced Despite the modifiability of inmates’ personal features and the
psychosocial well‑being in their pursuit. This perhaps may emphasis on their psychosocial health profiles, it is the nature
explain why about half or more of all the factors considered in of the offense that serves as the main determinant of placement
determining inmates’ placement into any type of correctional into any of the different prisons’ types. After placement comes
facility included their psychosocial profile of wellness or adjustment with consequent psychosocial (un)wellness based
otherwise. [2] The attention placed on psychosocial (un) on degree of prison’s “indigenous” deprivation. [3] In this
wellness is to facilitate adjustment to the prison’s environment respect, a study reported more suicide rate in high‑security
and its purposes. Two factors identified in literature to prisons compared to low‑security correctional facilities.[4] This
influence imprisonment adjustment were prisons’ indigenous reechoed the impacts the type of prison environment, and the
characteristics, and inmates imported variables.[3] The former associated context had on the psychosocial well‑being of the
factor is the degree of deprivation imposed from the descriptive inmates. To contribute more study on the psychosocial health
grading of prisons as minimum, medium, or maximum
security, and the latter was related to the inmates’ preprison Address for correspondence: Dr. Tajudeen Abiola,
features such as age, educational level attained, employment Medical Services Unit, Federal Neuropsychiatric Hospital, Federal
status, availability of social support, drug abusing habit, and Neuropsychiatric Hospital, Kaduna, Nigeria.
personality traits. While the prisons’ grade appeared immutable

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DOI: How to cite this article: Abiola T, Armiyau AY, Adepoju L, Udofia O.
10.4103/jfsm.jfsm_47_17 Prison types and inmates’ psychosocial profiles: A comparison between
medium and maximum security prison. J Forensic Sci Med 2017;3:128-31.

128 © 2017 Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow
Abiola, et al.: Prison types and inmates’ psychosocial profiles

profiles of inmates and the type of prisons’ environment, this that measures various areas of spirituality such as meaning,
study compared inmates’ psychosocial health profiles of a beliefs, acceptance, values, hope, fulfillment, gratitude,
medium security prison to a maximum security correctional meditation, prayer, joy, love, relationship (health‑wise and
facility both located in north central Nigeria. interpersonally), connection to nature, service, spiritual
experiences and writings, serenity, and spiritual growth.[14]
Methodology This short and revised version (SIBS‑Revised [SIBS‑R]) had
four factorially described subscales of core spirituality
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Study participants and procedures (i.e., the experience of connectedness to one’s life purpose),
Participants were male inmates of two prisons located in spiritual perspective (i.e., existential depth), spiritual
North Central Nigeria. The first was a medium security humility (i.e., personal application of spirituality), and spiritual
prison located in Bida, Niger‑State and the second, situated insight (i.e., reflective acceptance of what cannot be changed).
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in Jos, Plateau‑State was a maximum security facility. All SIBS‑R has been used by other researchers and found to have
the participants filled the study instruments after obtaining good reliability (alpha = 0.83–0.92).[15] The SIBS‑R sum
informed consent from them. scale concurrent validity with the five religiosity portions
Study instruments of Duke Religiosity Scale from a pooled group ranged from
The study instruments consist of self‑developed 0.66‑0.80.[16] The Cronbach’s alpha for this study was 0.49.
sociodemographic questionnaire, the ten‑item personality Data analysis
inventory (TIPI), resilience scale (RS), Oslo Social Support Descriptive statistics was used to show the frequency
Scale (OSS), and spirituality involvement and belief scale‑brief. distributions of participants’ sociodemographic and
psychological variables. Pearson’s moment correlation
The ten‑item personality inventory
coefficients were used to demonstrate the relationship between
This TIPI has two descriptors for each item representing a pole
prison types and psychosocial variables of personality traits,
of each of the five‑factor personality dimensions of extroversion,
experience of spirituality, trait resilience, and characteristics
agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and
of available social support. A MANOVA was carried out to
openness to new experience. Each item on the TIPI is measured
determine the difference between the prison types (maximum
on a 7‑point Likert scale ranging from 1 (disagree strongly)
vs. medium), and participants pooled psychosocial variables.
to 7 (agree strongly).[5] The TIPI takes a minute to complete[6]
All statistical analysis was two‑tailed at an alpha level of <0.05
and had good psychometric properties compared with the
except for the violations of Levene’s test of equality evaluated
dimensions of the longer versions of the five‑factor model and
at the level of <0.01.
other measures such as anxiety, depression, and vulnerability to
stress.[5,6] The TIPI has also been used in Nigeria and translated
into Hausa, one of the main languages in Nigeria.[7] Results
As shown in Table 1, the overall mean age of participants
Resilience scale was 28.33 years (standard deviation = 1.37). The majority
RS is a 25‑item measure of psychological resilience which
of participants in the medium security prison (92.98%)
as a personal trait help individuals experience less harm were <35 years of age while those in the maximum security
from difficult challenges and bring about good functioning facility (68.75%) were more than 35‑year‑old. This observation
thereafter. RS has good validity and reliability (Cronbach’s α was statistically significant (χ2 = 34.84; P < 0.01). There was
range of 0.72–0.94) from several studies[8‑10] and it is scored no statistical difference in the religious and marital status of
on a Likert scale of 1–7 grouping respondents total scores into participants in both prisons.
low, moderate, or high resilience. In this study, the RS was used
to report the trait resilience of the participants, by categorizing The type of prison is reversely correlated with three of the five
them into high or low resilience characteristics as designated personality dimensions (i.e., extraversion, conscientiousness,
by the originator of this measuring scale. and openness to experience) and spirituality and positively
correlated with the remaining two personality dimensions
Oslo Social Support Scale (i.e., agreeableness and emotional stability), resilience
The brief OSS‑3 measures social functioning as a good predictor characteristics and level of social support. These correlations
of mental health.[11] It measures both the structural and functional were significant for spirituality, resilience, and social support
aspects of social support by reporting the number of people the [Table 2].
respondent feels close to, the interest and concern shown by others,
and the ease of obtaining practical help from others.[12] Its brevity The MANOVA analysis showed a significant difference
and normative data are the strength of this measure over its less between the type of imprisonment’s deprivation (maximum
documented reliability (Cronbach’s alpha of 0.58–0.60).[11‑13] vs. medium security measures) on the participants when
considered jointly on their psychosocial variables (personality
Spiritual Involvement and Beliefs Scale‑Revised dimensions, spirituality, resilience, and social support),
The short and revised version of the 39‑item Spiritual Wilk’s Lamda = 0.445, F(8,80) = 12.457, P < 0.01 and
Involvement and Beliefs Scale (SIBS), is a 22‑item instrument partial ῆ2 = 0.56. A separate ANOVA was conducted for each

Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine ¦ Volume 3 ¦ Issue 3 ¦ July-September 2017 129
Abiola, et al.: Prison types and inmates’ psychosocial profiles

dependent variable with each ANOVA evaluated at an alpha facility. This seemed to reechoed the reported elevated suicide
level of 0.006 (i.e., 0.05/8). There was a significant difference rate in high‑security prisons compared to low correctional
between the medium and maximum prisons’ deprivation facilities.[4] Hence, this study finding appeared to be offering
characteristics of participants on two of the eight components an explanation that the elevated suicide rate in high‑security
of psychosocial profiles of inmates measured: resilience prison might be due to their low resilience profile and poor
F(1,87) = 48.93, P < 0.001 and partial ῆ2 = 0.36 and social social support characteristics. This is because suicide might
support F(1,87) = 30.39, P < 0.001 and partial ῆ2 = 0.26. not only an indicator of violence leading to unnatural death but
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There was not a significant difference between the medium might also be an indicator of poor mental health functioning
and maximum prisons’ deprivation characteristics of the which can be attributed to low resilience and social support.
participants on the remaining psychosocial profiles measured Even though this study did not measure suicide among the
in this study: extraversion F(1,87) = 0.01, P = 0.919 and partial study participants, the above explanations seemed a plausible
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ῆ2 = 0.00; agreeableness F(1,87) = 1.53, P = 0.220 and partial theory.

ῆ2 = 0.02; conscientiousness F(1,87) = 0.005, P = 0.946 and That the personality traits of participants and their experience
partial ῆ2 = 0.00; emotional stability F(1,87) = 0.218, P = 0.642 of spirituality were not significantly affected by the type of
and partial ῆ2 = 0.00; openness to experience F(1,87) = 0.553, prisons’ environments did suggest that correctional facilities’
P = 0.459 and partial ῆ2 = 0.01; and spirituality F(1,87) = 6.834, security grade had no impact on some of the inmates’ imported
P = 0.073 and partial ῆ2 = 0.07. Table 3 shows that participants psychosocial health variables. The observations in term of
in medium security prison had better resilience and social personality may be because of the traits measured that did not
support characteristics. include specifically psychopathy and other criminogenic traits.
However, the inverse relationship of the place of imprisonment
Discussion with conscientious did make a slight effort in the impact of
This study aimed to add to existing studies on the psychosocial inmates’ criminogenic traits. We hoped that subsequent studies
health profiles of inmates as impacted by the degree will take these into consideration.
of correctional facilities’ deprivations according to the Spirituality even though was higher among inmates in
imprisonment’s security grade. This study found that inmates maximum security prison compared to the medium correctional
in medium security prison had higher resilience and social facility was not statistically significant after the multivariate
support scores compared to those in maximum correctional analysis. We speculated that the expected role of spirituality

Table 1: Sociodemographic characteristics of participants

Variables Place of imprisonment Place of imprisonment Statistics
Age group (%) Jos maximum security prison (26 [29.21]) Bida medium security prison (63 [70.79])
<35 years 4 (7.02) 53 (92.98) χ2=34.84*
35 years and above 22 (68.75) 10 (31.25) P=<0.01
Mean (28.33), SD (1.37) Mean (28.46), SD (1.24) Mean (28.27), SD (1.42)
Religion (%) Yates correction
Islam 5 (33.33) 10 (66.67) χ2=0.148
Christianity 21 (28.38) 53 (71.62) P=0.70
Marital status (%)
Single 12 (28.57) 30 (71.43) χ2=0.02
Married 14 (29.79) 33 (70.21) P=0.90
SD: Standard deviation; *=P<0.05

Table 2: Pearson’s moment correlation coefficients of inmates’ psychosocial variables with types of prison
Variables 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Mean SD
Place of imprisonment 1 ‑ ‑
Extraversion −0.011 1 3.94 1.37
Agreeableness 0.131 0.071 1 5.43 1.56
Conscientiousness −0.007 0.018 0.215* 1 4.98 1.50
Emotional stability 0.050 −0.024 0.419** 0.104 1 4.89 1.60
Open to experience −0.080 0.169 0.124 0.232* −0.118 1 4.95 1.34
Spirituality −0.270* −0.093 −0.275** −0.050 −0.121 −0.200 1 56.12 10.57
Resilience 0.600** 0.073 0.133 0.110 −0.007 0.011 −0.294** 1 123.49 27.37
Social support 0.509** 0.057 0.151 0.084 0.151 −0.038 0.049 0.217* 1 9.90 1.97
SD: Standard deviation; *=P<0.05; **=P<0.01

130 Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine ¦ Volume 3 ¦ Issue 3 ¦ July-September 2017
Abiola, et al.: Prison types and inmates’ psychosocial profiles

punishment, deterrence, and rehabilitation especially in

Table 3: Means of psychosocial profiles according to the
high‑security prisons with low resilience and poor social
type of imprisonment
Variables Place of imprisonment Place of
imprisonment Financial support and sponsorship
Personality Jos maximum security Bida medium security Nil.
prison (26 [29.21]) prison (63 [70.79])
Conflicts of interest
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Extraversion 3.96 (1.47) 3.93 (1.34)

Agreeableness 5.12 (1.62) 5.56 (1.53)
There are no conflicts of interest.
Conscientiousness 5.00 (1.59) 4.98 (1.47)
Emotional stability 4.77 (1.63) 4.94 (1.60) References
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