Thesis Tuberculosis Paper

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Are you struggling with writing your thesis on tuberculosis? You're not alone.

Crafting a thesis on
such a complex and critical topic can be incredibly challenging. From conducting thorough research
to analyzing data and presenting your findings in a cohesive manner, every step requires meticulous
attention to detail and a deep understanding of the subject matter.

Tuberculosis, being a multifaceted disease with numerous dimensions ranging from its epidemiology
to its social impact, demands a comprehensive approach in thesis writing. Moreover, navigating
through the vast array of existing literature while bringing something new to the table can be
overwhelming for many students.

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In South America, the earliest evidence of tuberculosis is associated with Paracas-Caverna culture
(circa 750 BC to circa 180 AD). The corneas are both transparent with no opacities; the lenses are
free of opacities. In 2011, the largest number of new TB cases occurred in Asia, accounting for 60%
of new cases globally. The biochemical markers in TB-affected fluids (adenosine deaminase or
gamma interferon) and other techniques such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) may be useful in
the diagnosis of EPTB. Oxidative damage to membrane and cell wall lipids can impair the essential
function of these molecules in the maintenance of homeostasis. One need to avoid close contact with
people who are sick from TB as well as covering the mouth or nose with tissue when coughing or
sneezing. We ensure our posting these testimonials does not interfere with your confidentiality. Every
healthcare facility should have written policies and guidelines that have been put in place and such
need to be reviewed periodically so as to ensure their effectiveness. Well by the end of this paper
you should learn about one more disease called Tuberculosis that will help you understand more
about the infectious agents that threaten our lives today and how to control. A TB patient that has
high chances of enhancing transmission has the following characteristics: a) lung disease; b) has
cough; c) positive for presence of acid-fast bacilli (AFB) in the sputum; d) does not cover mouth and
nose when coughing or sneezing; e) has chest cavitations as observed in the chest radiograph or X-
ray; f) and did not finish the whole range anti-TB drug therapy (Centers for disease Control and
Prevention, 2005). Many non pathogenic mycobacteria are components of the normal flora of
humans, found most often in dr y and oily locales. Although, the infection rate of tuberculosis is
increasing over the last few decades, but new anti-Tb drugs show greater audacity to eradicate
critical situation of tuberculosis. Such groups of people include those with diseases that seem to
weaken their immune systems, those in confined living conditions, healthcare workers who interact
frequently with active tuberculosis patients and those who have signs and symptoms of active
tuberculosis. Among the new drugs that have been studied as antituberculosis agents, the ones that
are discussed subsequently include only those that are licensed or those that are available through an
investigational new drug (IND) request, in the United States. The chest X-ray may initially appear
normal, making diagnosis difficult. It is one of the emerging infectious diseases affecting both
developed and developing countries. Portal of exit is the route of escape of the pathogen once they
leave the reservoir. The smear is counterstained with methylene-blue or certain other dyes. Many
months of antibiotics such as Rifampin and other drugs is needed and the patients must adhere to the
set instructions as failure to do so may be fatal. We encourage authors of clinical trials and other
clinical studies to upload the detailed plan of their study that was approved by the ethics committee
as supplementary materials. In addition, Multi Drug Resistance Tuberculosis (MDR-TB) is
increasingly affected the people and it is now a major concern for disease prevention. All parts of the
body can be affected by the disease, though it rarely affects the heart, skeletal muscles, pancreas and
thyroid. It is important to finish medications in order to completely eradicate the TB bacteria from
the body. He admits that it was a mistake of taking vices as early as teenage years and he was
willing to take any consequences he has done to his body. Although more than 170 NTM species are
present in various environmental niches, only a handful, primarily Mycobacterium avium complex
and M. Despite this, once stained, acid-fast bacteria will retain dyes when heat ed and treated with
acidified organic compounds. Vaishnavi, C. (2013). Infections of the gastrointestinal system. Some
patients may easily consider giving up especially when they are almost through with the doses yet no
positive outcome is forthcoming. Kul?chaveni?a?, E. V. (2014). Urogenital tuberculosis:
Epidemiology, diagnosis, therapy. However, when the accrue multiple arrests and are arrested or
incarcerated before the age of 24, white-collar offenders face the same obstacles to emp.
Now, he usually sleeps late at night (10-11 o’clock pm) and wakes up at around 4 o’clock am with a
total hour of sleep of 5 hours with night awakenings due to noise and disturbances in the hospital.
Background: tuberculosis meningitis is an infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis that
initially starts as an infection in the lungs, and progressively develops in the bloodstream once the
bacteria have multiplied. Most of the TB deaths can be prevented if it is detected at an early stage.
For people living with HIV, T.B is the leading killer. The rate of infection for Tuberculosis is very
high and it is reported that one infected person can infect 10 to 15 people each year. Uvula hangs
freely in midline, tonsils are pink and symmetric, and throat is normally pink. Clinical Orthopaedics
and Related Research 437: 3—6. One of the most important infectious diseases of the world, and
one that has made its impact felt down through the ages. The IGRA test is not performed by all
laboratories. Capillary refill time less than 2 seconds, radial and brachial pulses strong bilaterally.
Nurses who have been trained in counselling can offer advice to such patients as well as assuring of
recovery even after completion of the doses. Nurses perform a very crucial role in tuberculosis
control program. The mode of transmission for Tuberculosis is through the cough or sneeze that
releases Tuberculosis bacterium into the air. Hindawi journals have no space restriction on methods.
The chance of death from a case of tuberculosis is about 4%. The main principle of nursing
intervention is the integrated organization of multiple activities to achieve specific outcomes for
patients. The chest X-ray for a person with latent tuberculosis looks very normal and is treating by
taking a medication that lasts 9 months. Negative skin test means the person’s body did not react to
the test, and that latent TB infection or TB disease is not likely. This chain can be broken through
proper treatment of the primary diseases and recognition of the high risk people and giving them the
care that will ensure they do not fall susceptible to the infection (Vaishnavi, 2013). The literature in
the related methods is surveyed papers in this research area until now 2014. Therefore, diagnostic
tools, which can detect quickly and accurately, are highly needed. The latter two are part of the
nontuberculous mycobacteria. (NTM) group. Nontuberculous mycobacteria cause neither TB nor
leprosy, but they do cause pulmonary diseases resembling TB. One in ten latent infections will
progress to active disease. Although more than 170 NTM species are present in various
environmental niches, only a handful, primarily Mycobacterium avium complex and M. While TB is
transmitted through inhalation of aerosol droplets containing Mtb, generated by patients with
symptomatic disease, NTM disease is mostly disseminated through aerosols originated from the
environment. One acid-fast staining method for Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the. This is 100%
legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. Just talk to
our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best. Nahid et al promoted the more
advanced tools for detecting Tuberculosis (2006). Advanced age can also impair the immune system
and cause re-activation of latent TB.
MTB colonies are small and buff colored when gro wn on either medium. One such molecular
diagnostics test gives result in 100 minutes and is currently being offered to 116 low-and-middle-
income countries at a discount with support from WHO and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Mycobacterium species, along with members o f a related genus Nocardia, are classifi ed as acid-fast
bacteria due to their impermeability by certain dyes and stains. The main cause of TB is
mycobacterium tuberculosis. Sometimes, the latent period is many years, and the bacteria become
active when the opportunity present itself, especially when the immunity is low The second phase is
manifested by destruction or consumption of the tissues of the affected organ. Military TB is a
serious form of TB that can result in death. Means of transmission include the respiratory tract
through which an infected person releases secretions such as cough or sneeze. By continuing, you
agree to our Terms and Conditions. Research Instrument Standard institutional forms were used all
throughout the nursing care. None of these drugs has been evaluated in well- designed, randomized
trials for tuberculosis treatment or prophylaxis, and they should not be used to replace any of the
previously recommended drugs until efficacy is established. Hygiene can be ensured through
washing of hands frequently with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds and the use of
alcohol hand gels that removes germs. All contaminated surfaces need to be cleaned with
commercial germicidal cleanser or wipes. Such steps involve developing a proper ventilation and
filtration systems that operate effectively and efficiently. In very first Aristotle was to say that
tuberculosis is an airborne disease. While TB is transmitted through inhalation of aerosol droplets
containing Mtb, generated by patients with symptomatic disease, NTM disease is mostly
disseminated through aerosols originated from the environment. The infectious agent can be tackled
through prompt treatment of those who have been infected by the microorganism and have
developed signs and symptoms of the disease. General examples of portal of exit include cold or flu
from mucous secretions, West Nile Virus which arises when the mosquito bites and feeds on the
blood of birds, from Hepatitis in the stool and from droplets or other contact from Severe Acute
Respiratory Syndrome. WHO estimates that eight million people get TB every year, of which 95%
live in developing countries. The narrowing of the airway leads to the limitation and reduced flow of
air to the lungs and from the lungs hence causing shortness in breath. The reservoir can be broken by
ensuring proper health and hygiene, promoting proper sanitation of the surrounding environment as
well disinfection or sterilization of items that are used by several people. He has no history of anal or
rectal surgery or trauma and no congenital deformities. During this period, the body’s natural
defences ( immune system) resist the disease, and most or all of the bacteria are walled in by a
fibrous capsule that develops around the area. Such groups of people include those with diseases that
seem to weaken their immune systems, those in confined living conditions, healthcare workers who
interact frequently with active tuberculosis patients and those who have signs and symptoms of
active tuberculosis. Therefore, it is vital to provide accurate and valid phone numbers. Just talk to our
smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best. Patient reported no recent change in bowel
patterns before hospitalization, any constipation, diarrhea or blood in stool. However, following
inhalation, both Mtb and NTM are phagocytosed by alveolar macrophages in the lungs. The area is
visually examined by a health professional after 48-72 hours to determine the result of the test.
Hindrance to this is improper diagnosis at initial stages. Nurses perform a very crucial role in
tuberculosis control program. One can stay with the T.B bacteria for a long time in the body without
developing the symptoms of the disease provided that they have strong humane system.
In this sense, immunity may be the result of infection caused by other mycobacteria, or the result of
vaccination of bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG), or the result of natural infection with mycobacteria,
which common in the environment. Diagnosis The gold standard in diagnosing TB remains to be
clinical examination, acid-fast bacilli staining of sputum and bacterial culture. This is protective in
mice and although it does not reduce the bacterial load in guinea pigs, it does prolong survival by
stimulating a lymphocyte granulomatous response. Tuberculosis may infect any part of the body, but
commonly occurs in the lungs(kno?n as pulmonary tuberculosis). This is a particular problem in Sub-
Saharan Africa where rates of HIV are high. A large number of bacterium are transported through
lack of proper hand washing and they are left on any surface that the person touches. Significance of
the study The findings of this study will give information about Tuberculosis. It is usually spread
from person to person by droplet nuclei through the air. For people living with HIV, T.B is the
leading killer. This review summarized the novel drugs, treatment phenomenon and overall condition
of tuberculosis in Bangladesh. Both types of media co ntain inhibitors to keep contaminants from
out-growing MT. Skin on both eyelids is without redness, swelling, or lesions. Before the ini tial
attack is over, a few bacteria may escape into the bloodstream and be carried elsewhere in the body,
where they are again walled in. Nurses who have been trained in counselling can offer advice to such
patients as well as assuring of recovery even after completion of the doses. Advanced age can also
impair the immune system and cause re-activation of latent TB. The drug penetrates well into all
body fluids and cavities, producing concentrations similar to those found in serum. Susceptible Host
refers to a person who can fall sick as a result of exposure to any disease causing pathogen. Just as
the Tuberculosis bacterium can be expelled by sneezing, it can be inhaled by the nose and mouth
(McHugh, 2011). There are besides an estimated 10 to 15 million people in the U.S. who are infected
with the Terbium sources with possible to develop. Bacteria inside the granuloma can be dormant,
resulting in a latent infection. At the beginning of 1936, when Hester’s health took a turn for the
worse, Isaac and Robert drove her 100 miles southwest from Cross Plains to the town of San Angelo
for treatment. The ro ds are 2-4 micrometers in length and 0.2-0.5 um in width. Mycobacterium
tuberculosis is an obligate aerobe. Tuberculosis is a worldwide public health problem, and the
mortality and morbidity rates continue to rise. More than 13,000 new cases of tuberculosis were
reported in the United States in 2007, according to Merck Manuals Online Medical Library. It is
spread through the air when people who have an active MTB infection cough sneeze, or otherwise
transmit their saliva through the air. In 2004, around 14.6 million people had active TB disease with 9
million new cases. Results: After screening 2187 titles and abstracts, 265 articles were identified for
retrieval and full-text review, and of these, 72 articles met the inclusion criteria and were included in
the meta-analysis. Portal of entry is the route through which the pathogens are able to enter into the
system of the new host. The ever increasing close association between TB and Human Immuno
Deficiency Virus (HIV) is a cause of concern globally as the management and outcome of both the
diseases is affected. The high lipid content of this pathogen accounts for many of its unique clinical
characteristics every 16 to 20 hours, an extremely slow rate compared with other bacteria, which
usually divide in less than an hour.
Aboriginal numbers decreased from an estimated 1 000 000 in 1788 to approximately 93 000 in
1901. Tuberculosis is said to be one of the world’s most infectious disease that can affect our lives.
And Dr. Marcos Espinal is right, we need to work together to prevent the spread disease which is
according to him is a global killer. At least one-third of the 34 million people living with HIV
worldwide are infected with TB bacteria, although not yet ill with active TB. Dyer, C. A. (2010).
Tuberculosis. Santa Barbara, Calif: Greenwood. Tuberculosis may infect any part of the body, but
commonly occurs in the lungs(kno?n as pulmonary tuberculosis). One of the most important
infectious diseases of the world, and one that has made its impact felt down through the ages. In this
survey paper we discussed various types of TB diseases and segmentation methods. Screening of TB
is done through tuberculin skin test (TST) or an interferon gamma release assay (IGRA) may be
performed to screen for TB. Identified light touch, dull and sharp sensations to trunk and
extremities. These includes Nursing Care Plans, Drug Study Form, Physical Assessment Form were
used to gather patient’s data relevant to the study. All data had been analyzed using SPSS version 16
software. If the immune system fails to stop the infection, and it is left untreated, the disease
progresses to the second phase, where the germ multiples rapidly and destroys the tissues of the
lungs or the other affected organ. The test requires viable white blood cells, so the IGRA blood
sample must be received and tested by a laboratory within a designated window of time. Soft clicks
and gurgles heard at a rate of eighteen sounds per minute. ECs have better mycobactericidal
functions, as seen in their lesser antigen load. Joints on both the upper and lower extremities are
intact and functional. The infectious agent can be tackled through prompt treatment of those who
have been infected by the microorganism and have developed signs and symptoms of the disease.
Patient’s Data A case of B. O. S. 41 years old, male, single, Roman Catholic, currently residing at
Urgello Street, Sambag I, Cebu City, Cebu was admitted for the first time at Vicente Sotto Memorial
Medical Center (VSMMC) on November 7, 2012 at approximately 5:35pm with complains of cough
with blood-tinged sputum. Rates of treatment outcomes were pooled using random effects. Several
trials with DNA vaccination have shown protection of mice against subsequent challenge with
M.tuberculosis by establishing a cellular immune response dominated by antigen specific T
lymphocytes that produce INF-y and are cytotoxic towards infected cells. Another feature of the
granulomas of human tuberculosis is the development of abnormal cell death (necrosis) in the center
of the tubercles. These pools or fraction contain proteins that are known to stimulate the memory T
cell response specially, a property that could be very useful and indeed seems essential. Awareness
and education about TB are some of the most effective prevention measures for this disease. Portal
of entry is the route through which the pathogens are able to enter into the system of the new host.
And also I would like to thank my cousins for helping and giving me some information about this.
Each one of these droplets may transmit the disease, since the infectious dose of tuberculosis is very
low and inhaling fewer that ten bacteria may cause an infection. Future Researcher. The study will
serve as a future reference for future researchers to explore and discover other ideas or studies that
will help these patients improve quality of life. This acquired non-specific immunity can be regarded
as a reflection of the primary activation of macrophages. Nervous System Alert, oriented to person,
place, day, and time. It can affect several organs of the human body, including the brain, the kidneys
and the bones, bout most commonly, it affects the lungs ( pulmonary tuberculosis).

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