Clinicals Day 3

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Clinicals day 3

Today was good, I had to do a lot of vitals like always and I had to clean up a lot of bowel
movements and pee. I liked my CNA today too though so that was good. In clinicals today I
had a patient who was super nice and fun to talk to, she has a daughter who graduated
from lando. I didn't have to wash anyone today which I am glad about but I did see a huge
pressure sore on someone, it was in the last stage and looked narly. I also had to change
another weird pad contraption today and it smelled so bad, for the first time since my first
clinical I gagged a little but I tried to cover it as a cough. I'm not sure if it worked or not. I
definitely need to get used to bad smells. I'm a little sad that next time is our last clinical,
since this one was our second to last it made me appreciate it. When I was taking vitals
today my CNA let me fully take over the vitals and do blood sugars and everything and be in
charge of us saying our names and everything. It made me feel more confident in my skills
by the end of it.

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