PreStressed Beam Design-2017-V1.0

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Pre-stressed Concrete Beam Design©

According to the ECP 203-2017

Ver. 1.0

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Mahmoud M. El-Kateb, Ph.D

Structural Engineering Dept.

Faculty of Engineering - Ain Shams University
Pre-stressed Concrete Beam Design according to ECP 203-2017 By: Dr. Mahmoud El-Kateb
Version 1.0

* Material properties & Allowable stresses

* Project :

Concrete fcu = 40 MPa Normal Portland cement ‫ سبق االجهاد التام‬- ‫ حالة أ‬Full pres

Stressing after: 5 days , Recommended fcui = 26 MPa ‫ القطاعات الغير مشرخة‬- ‫ حالة ب‬Uncrack

Concrete fcui = 25 MPa ‫ الحالة االنتقالية‬- ‫ حالة ج‬Transiti

Prestressing case: ‫ القطاعات الغير مشرخة‬- ‫ حالة ب‬Uncracked state ‫ سبق االجهاد الجزئي‬- ‫ حالة د‬Partial pres

Structural element: Other elements than flat slab

Allowable stresses in concrete: Clause 5-3-2-1

(in MPa) Initial stage Working stage

12 14 under sustained loads Normal Portland

Compressive stress
14 at simply supported ends 16 under full loads Rapid hardnening

Tensile stress 3.8
2.2 at simply supported ends

Strand Ultimate strength fpu = 1860 MPa

Strand Young's modulus Ep = 196,000 MPa

Strand type: Low relaxation stress - relieved strands

Strand Yield stress fpy = 1674 MPa

Type of tendons: Bonded

Pre-stressed Concrete Beam Design according to ECP 203-2017 By: Dr. Mahmoud El-Kateb
Version 1.0
Maximum Jacking stress = 1395 MPa Clause 5-3-2-2
Pre-stressed Concrete Beam Design according to ECP 203-2017 By: Dr. Mahmoud El-Kateb
Version 1.0

* Losses in prestressing

* Project : 0

Concrete fcu = 40 MPa Ec = 27,828 MPa

Concrete fcui = 25 MPa Eci = 22,000 MPa

Structural element: Other elements than flat slab

Strand Ultimate strength fpu = 1860 MPa

Strand Young's modulus Ep = 196,000 MPa

Strand type: Low relaxation stress - relieved strands

Strand Yield stress fpy = 1674 MPa

Type of tendons: Bonded

Anchorage slip losses: Clause 5-3-4-2-1

Draw-in = 6 mm
D fpset = 58.7 MPa = 4.2%

Elastic shortening losses: Clause 5-3-4-2-2

Prestressing system: Pre-tension

fpci = 3.5 MPa
D fpe = 31.3 MPa = 2.2%

Friction losses: Clause 5-3-4-2-3

Type of ducts: Normal ducts Wobble coeff. = 0.0033

Beam span = 20.00 m Total eccentricity = 0.55 m
Cable length = 20.04 m Cable radius of curvature = 91.2 m
Distance from jacking end to calculated section = 10.02 m
Friction coeff. = 0.25 Friction of steel with lead
D fpfr = 83.2 MPa = 6.0%

INITIAL LOSSES = 114 MPa = 12.4%

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Pre-stressed Concrete Beam Design according to ECP 203-2017 By: Dr. Mahmoud El-Kateb
Version 1.0

* Losses in prestressing


Shrinkage losses: Clause 5-3-4-3-1

Shrinkage strain esh = 3E-04

D fpsh = 58.8 MPa = 4.2%

Creep losses: Clause 5-3-4-3-2

f= 2
fcs* = 9.2 MPa
fcsd* = 1.2 MPa
fcs = 8.0 MPa
D fpcr = 112.7 MPa = 8.1%

Cable relaxation losses: Clause 5-3-4-3-3

fpi = 1222 MPa

k1 = 45
D fpr = 14.7 MPa = 1.1%


186 MPa = 13.3%

TOTAL LOSSES = 301 MPa = 25.8%

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Pre-stressed Concrete Beam Design according to ECP 203-2017 By: Dr. Mahmoud El-Kateb
Version 1.0

* Design of Pre-stressed beams

* Project : 0

Concrete fcui = 25 MPa Concrete fcu = 40 MPa

Strand fpu = 1860 MPa Steel RFT fy = 400 MPa

Initial losses = 12 % Total losses = 24 %


Comp. Zone

B1 = 1000 mm
ts1 = 200 mm
N.A b= 400 mm Negative m
b h= 1000 mm
B2 = 1000 mm

ts2 = 200 mm
As ts2
C Cover = 150 mm to prestressting cables
Cover C = 50 mm to traditional RFT
Tension. Zone

Straining actions:
Direction of moment:
Initial stage: MDead = 1200 kN.m Positive moment

Working stage: Mmax = 2900 kN.m

Mmin = 2200 kN.m
Msustained = 2600 kN.m

Pre-stressing data:

Max. eccentricity = 550 mm

Chosen eccentricity = 550 mm

Choose Pinfinity = 2230 kN Minimum Pinfinity = 2223 kN

Pinitial = 2582 kN

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Pre-stressed Concrete Beam Design according to ECP 203-2017 By: Dr. Mahmoud El-Kateb
Version 1.0

* Design of Pre-stressed beams

Pjack = 2934 kN

Check of stresses:

Initial stage: ftop = -2.4 MPa Compression

Allowble value = 1.1 MPa Safe
fbot = -4.1 MPa Compression
Allowble value = -12.0 MPa Safe

Working stage: ftop = -6.6 MPa Compression

min. case Allowble value = 3.8 MPa Safe
fbot = 1.0 MPa Tension
Allowble value = -16.0 MPa Safe

ftop = -9.3 MPa Compression

max. case Allowble value = -16.0 MPa Safe
fbot = 3.8 MPa Tension
Allowble value = 3.8 MPa Safe

ftop = -8.2 MPa Compression

sustained case Allowble value = -14.0 MPa Safe
fbot = 2.6 MPa Tension
Allowble value = 3.8 MPa Safe
Pre-stressing cables: Clause 5-3-2-2

Required tendons = 2103 mm2

use 4 cables 4 f 15.2mm - 0.6" each
Actual Pjack = 3125 kN --> Actual Pinfinity = 2375 kN

Ultimate moment capacity: Clause 5-3-3-1

fpe = 1060 MPa > 0.5 fpu Following approximation may be used
Without contribution of traditional steel RFT:
Beam span = 20 m
hp = 0.35
mp = 0.00448
fps = 1674 MPa
Mu = 3778 kN.m > Mmax Safe, use min traditional RFT
> 1.2 Mcr Safe, use min traditional RFT
Wp = 0.23 < 0.28 Ok

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Pre-stressed Concrete Beam Design according to ECP 203-2017 By: Dr. Mahmoud El-Kateb
Version 1.0

* Design of Pre-stressed beams

for L.L < 5.0 kN/m2 , Mu from case of D + 0.25 L = 1600 kN.m
Mu (50% of tendons) = 1964 kN.m Safe, use min traditional RFT
needed As = No need mm2 use ### f 16
As min = 1600 mm 2
use 8 f 16

Check of shear stress: Clause 5-3-3-4

Shear force Qu = 1600 kN and corresponding Mu = 2800 kN.m

Shear force Qd = 500 kN and corresponding Md = 800 kN.m at service load level
Cable inclination = 20 degrees with beam axis Eccentricity at sec. = 550 mm
Shear stress qu = 3.20 N/mm2 < qu max Safe
qci = 2.85 N/mm 2

qcw = 2.71 N/mm2

qcu uncracked = 2.71 N/mm2 < qu Needs stirrups
qcu cracked = 1.43 N/mm 2

use stirrups: 7 f 10 /m 4 branches

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