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Munty Pyphone And The Holy Brain-rot

Treatment, 11/03/24
Lazarus Hughes

In a fantasy style world, with knights and dragons and corrupt kings. A young man goes on an
adventure with a mad wizard to overthrow the corrupt king but keep accidently breaking the 4 th wall
whist trying to progress on their journey.


Jeff: a sleepy, young man and spends his days lying under a tree napping, but little does he know,
what crazy adventure he is about to embark on.

The Great Wizard Deen: A crazy old man, who is known as the village idiot and thinks he is a wizard,
he does possess a mild amount of magic, but most of the time he just throws stones and shouts

The Black/White Knight: a man who talks to himself, one side cowardly little boy, the other, a
fearless warrior, and he doesn’t like people passing him.

The Evil King: This man has recently upped the tax in all his kingdom, leaving 1000s in poverty, all
whist he sits back and drinks wine, with his loyal followers making sure there is no one trying to
oppose him.

The kings advisor: a loyal member to the corrupt royal family, and currently protecting the king.


In a fantacy, medieval time, A young man named jeff and a crazy old wizard called Deen, go on an
adventure to defeat the corrupt king that has raised taxes for the whole kingdom. And if he isn’t
stopped he will end up killing off the poor.

They go on an adventure where a knight trys to stop them, with a comedic fight, and the realization
of the magic of jeffs sword (which curses the world into a land of brainrot where there is subway
surfers and starts breaking the 4th wall.

They continue and have a grand fight outside the evil kings castle, they have to fight a giant group of
kings minions and all the time they make jokes though out the battle, and eventually crash into the

They all start running upstairs, where they have to fight the kings advisor, all the way up the staircase
until they reach the top where they reason with the advisor and they all turn on the king who is
cowering in the corner, they start to approach him and he backs away, until he trips and falls over the

Everyone rushes to the edge and look down, seeing the king dead below, Deen makes a joke about
how the king really was “over-THROWN”, jeff makes a joke about how he thought the kings “down-
FALL” was going to be more dramatic. The kings old advisor says he “he was always so easy to push
“over the Edge. Director suddenly runs up the stairs shouting “we are going to get sued! You guys
weren’t actually supposed to kill him!! Everyone starts laughing except the director, and fades out.

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