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The Past and Future of Motor Learning and Control: What Is the Proper Level of
Description and Analysis?

Article in Kinesiology Review · February 2014

DOI: 10.1123/kr.2014-0035


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1 author:

Howard Zelaznik
Purdue University


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Kinesiology Review, 2014, 3, 38-43
Official Publication of NAK and AKA
© 2014 by The National Academy of Kinesiology

The Past and Future of Motor Learning and Control:

What Is the Proper Level of Description and Analysis?
Howard N. Zelaznik

Over the past 40 years the research area of motor learning and control has developed into a field closely aligned
with information processing in neuroscience. The basic, implicit assumption is that motor learning and control
is the domain of the brain. Several crucial studies and developments from the past and the present are presented
and discussed that highlight this position. The future of following that current path is discussed. Then, the
case is made that the control of movement is not just a brain process, and thus scientists in kinesiology need
to study movement behavior at a coarser level of analysis. Motor control in kinesiology should use the Newell
framework and thus should examine the nature of individual attributes, environmental information, and task
constraints on learning and performance of motor skills.

Even without doing a quantitative analysis of typically remember and rely upon the work that we
research publications, it is clear there has been an explo- knew so well from our graduate school days and tend to
sion in motor learning and control research. When I began discount work before and after that important period in
graduate school in 1974, the primary journals for motor our academic lives (Ivry, personal communication 1999).
learning and control research were Research Quarterly Most current learning and control researchers in
for Exercise and Sport, Journal of Motor Behavior, and kinesiology, educated in the mid-1960s through the late
Perceptual & Motor Skills. There were a few experimental 1970s remember the pivotal work by an experimental
psychology and child developmental psychology journals psychologist, Jack Adams (1971), who made the strong
that occasionally entertained and published work in motor claim that motor skill learning needed to become a field
skill learning, development, and control (although that driven by theory. Theory would provide the intellectual
word was not used at that time). However, those psychol- currency to fund the research enterprise. Furthermore,
ogy journals would only accept papers if the paper was Adams was a mentor to two graduate students (at slightly
viewed as being mainstream psychology. Happily, this different times), Richard A. Schmidt and Karl M. Newell,
issue is no longer viable; motor control is mainstream who have become two giants in motor learning and
psychology. Many journals in a plethora of disciplines control. As Adams came from the classical information
now readily accept human motor learning and control processing approach, he argued that motor learning and
papers. Thus, we are experiencing very good times. That control would benefit from the study of simple motor
being stated, in this article I will present an argument tasks, in which there was a large database cataloging
that we are quickly losing what motor control should be effects of independent variables. He chose the graded,
for our field of kinesiology. We (myself included) have slow linear-positioning task that required a blindfolded
become enamored with the small-level analysis or with subject to move a pointer on a linear trackway to a par-
demonstrating the differences between neurologically ticular location or a particular distance. Obviously, as the
intact individuals compared with neurologically compro- subject was blindfolded, view of the task was shielded
mised. We are not describing and understanding human and learning could only occur if the research participant
movement control and learning at the level of description had some source of information about the nature of
that makes kinesiology special. inaccuracy. Given the paucity of intrinsic information
Before presenting my main argument, I fulfill my about the task, it was clearly demonstrated that external
charge from the National Academy of Kinesiology to information about success, called knowledge of results,
describe some of the historical landmarks in research in was crucial for learning.
motor learning and control. As I was an undergraduate Over the following seven or eight years, a plethora of
student from 1969 through 1974 and a graduate student studies examined the nature of the quantity and schedul-
from 1974 through 1978, I will start my historical ret- ing of knowledge of results in relation to the learning of
rospective in the 1970s. Many of us noted researchers very simple tasks (Salmoni, Schmidt, & Walter, 1984).
Then, to show the potency or lack of potency of knowl-
edge of results schedules or other variables, performance
Zelaznik (NAK Fellow #337) is a professor in the Dept. of after knowledge of results was withdrawn was examined.
Health and Kinesiology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. It was thought that the crucial test of the amount of

Motor Learning and Control   39

learning was the level of performance after knowledge This technique and result led to studies attempting to
of results was withdrawn. This assumption was derived discover other intrinsic underlying movement codes of
from the implicit assumption that what was learned lived the motor cortex.
inside of the person, and thus to see the strength of this A research team led by Apostolos Georgopoulos
central representation, knowledge of results needed to (Georgopoulos, Schwartz, & Kettner, 1986) recorded
be withdrawn. 242 neurons while an awake monkey was performing a
The information processing approach was related to three-dimensional pointing task. Georgopoulos discov-
a strong assumption about the learning of motor skills. ered, much-like Evarts, that pyramidal tract neurons have
The classic definition of learning in motor skills can be a maximum firing rate at a preferred movement direction.
traced back to the original undergraduate textbook of Georgopoulos also found that each neuron exhibited a
Schmidt (1975a). Learning was defined as a change in the tuning function, in which the firing rate would decrease as
internal state of a person that is relatively permanent as the direction of movement moved farther away from the
a function of practice. This definition is very useful and preferred direction for that pyramidal tract neuron. Fur-
has guided much research; it leads to the inference that thermore, when a monkey moved to a three-dimensional
learning is purely in the brain. In the enriched nonlabora- position in space, the weighted regression average of
tory environments outside of the laboratory, people have these neurons produced a population vector that pointed
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access to information about success and have rich sources in the direction of motion. In other words, there was not
of feedback during the process of movement. Thus, the just one neuron responsible for a location; there was dis-
perceptually impoverished environments that we all use tributed control. Thus, control was not to be considered
in our laboratories bias many studies to capture only the like a piano metaphor, one key per one movement, but
processes that occur within an individual, as though s/he more like an orchestra, where each instrument is involved
lives in a movement bubble. in the ensemble characteristics of a movement. Andy
In general, the Adams theory came from the very Schwartz, a collaborator with Georgopoulos extended this
important and traditional information processing tradi- basic research technique. His team demonstrated that a
tion, which can trace its roots at least back to the time primate can drive a robotic arm by decoding the monkey’s
of Donders (1969; originally published in 1869), who population vector to know where the monkey intends to
characterized information processing as a series of move (Velliste, Perel, Spalding, Whitford, & Schwartz,
sequential, independent stages of processing. The fact 2008). This development will have a tremendous impact
that information processing was the popular and dominant in the future on improving the functionality of individu-
world view of experimental psychology (see the volumes als who have high cervical spinal damage and thus are
of the Attention and Performance Series, which was severely motorically restricted. I believe that decoding the
initiated in 1969) coupled with a premiere psychologist pyramidal tract neurons will drive exoskeletons to pro-
giving motor learning research a sense of mainstream vide hemi- and quadriplegic individuals with functional
credibility led to an explosion of motor learning work mobility and voluntary movement control.
in the 1970s. The leaders of this revolution were Ron Coupled with these single cell-recording techniques,
Marteniuk, Richard A. Schmidt, George Stelmach, Karl there has been an explosion in imaging capabilities, pri-
M. Newell, Ann Gentile, Richard Magill, and Waneen marily functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI),
Spiroduso, in no particular order. that provide for the opportunity to describe the overall
Another set of events occurred in motor neurosci- pattern of brain activity in different functionally important
ence. Evarts (1968), a neuroscientist, also steeped in brain regions. These advances, coupled with the growth of
behavioral-science approaches, developed a technique to computation neural-motor control, has led to an explosion
record single pyramidal tract motor neurons in a monkey of important research in understanding central nervous
cortex. A monkey was trained to hold a handle in a neutral system deficiencies as well as changes in brain activation
position and was conditioned to push or pull on a handle patterns as a function of aging.
to obtain fruit juice as a reward. Evarts discovered that Presently, the modal type of motor control and learn-
the pyramidal tract neurons fired selectively, either when ing research has been centered on the discovery of brain
the monkey pulled or pushed. Thus, the neurons were mechanisms or in examining differences between motor
selectively activated based upon the task. Then, Evarts set learning and control for individuals who are neurologi-
up a pulley system, so that a weight was attached to the cally compromised (for example, see Rose & Winstein,
handle. The setup, for example, would pull the handle if 2013). Furthermore, there is an emphasis on the effects
the monkey were not holding it. To move the handle in in of training programs on the performance and learning of
the pulling direction, as conditioned, the monkey would laboratory tasks.
have to control the pushing force, even though the move- Thus, the present field of motor learning and control
ment was in the pulling direction. How did the pyramidal is intimately tied to our past reliance on the assumption
tract neurons respond? Only the pushing neurons fired, that most of motor control and learning is the result of
not the pulling neurons. Thus, Evarts discovered that these brain processes. Furthermore, because of another stimu-
neurons were coding the direction of application of force, lus in kinesiology (the need to procure extramural fund-
and not the direction of movement. In other words, the ing), many motor control researchers have begun to focus
pyramid tract motor neurons coded for the force vector. on individuals with central nervous system disorders,
40  Zelaznik

such as Parkinson’s Disease, to document the myriad of of each are rationalized. After all, there would be
differences between these individuals and neurologically no point in perceiving if one could not act, and one
intact ones. This latter research, I argue, also is heavily could hardly act if one could not perceive. (p. 211)
dependent upon the notion that control resides within the
central nervous system. This ecological approach to action championed by
Within the information-processing framework, the Gibson and then in the present and near past by Turvey
future is easily predicted. We will continue to become has oftentimes centered around the distinction between
more focused upon the brain and more focused on whether there were internal models of control such as
applied aspects of brain function as it relates to aging a generalized motor program (Schmidt, 1975b) or that
and neurological compromise. This is the future path for internal models cannot exist (see Michaels & Carello,
motor control research. But, it does not have to be this 1981) for this argument.
way. In the following section, I argue that the meaning We are long past this argument. Clearly the brain
of being a kinesiologist is that we should focus upon a brings something to the action table, and clearly envi-
unique and coarser level of analysis and ask questions ronmental information as well as how people move to
concerning motor learning and control that make our control environmental information, such as in catching
commitment to kinesiology, rather than to do work better flying baseballs (McBeath, Shaffer, & Kaiser, 1995), is
also on the action table. Kinesiology should be at the
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suited to physical therapy, neurorobotics, and functional

neuroanatomy. Before laying out this argument, I must forefront of understanding, describing, and improving
state that the science done in the fields that I am saying performance at the level of the performer (or student or
we should not be heavily invested in is wonderful. That client) within the environment. Newell (1985a, 1985b)
work is crucial. However, it is not the work that makes understood and promoted this approach in two influen-
kinesiology special within the structure of academic dis- tial papers. Newell proposed that to understand motor
ciplines. We need a much more coarser grain of analysis. control and skill learning, the level of analyses required
The following paragraphs lay out these arguments. us to understand what the person brings to the action
The genesis of my arguments comes from several table, what the environment affords the person, and what
lines of work and thinking. There are others, and this the task demands. It is this level of analysis, rather than
paper is not meant to be an exhaustive intellectual discovering what area of the brain controls a particular
review and theory. Philosopher Alva Noë in two treatises movement, that needs to be our focus. To be redundant,
argues that perception and action are not two separate localization of brain function is an interesting question
processes—one that interprets the perceptual world, and and theoretically important question. I claim that it is just
the other based upon internal models controls move- not at the level of analysis for kinesiology.
ment. Furthermore, he argues that mind processes such A classic example that supports the Newell frame-
as consciousness are not the sole domain of the brain. In work comes from the work by Thelen and Fisher (1982)
2009, Noë stated on the stepping reflex in infants. Evidence is provided
that supports the notion that the appearance, disappear-
The fundamental assumption of much work on the ance, and then reappearance of stepping in infants is a
neuroscience of consciousness is, well, a neuroscien- result of a mismatch and then a match between the mass
tific phenomenon. It happens inside us, in the brain. . . . and strength of the infant coupled with their neuromotor
Consciousness does not happen in the brain. (p. 5) systems. Thus, the maturational pattern is not just mir-
roring the development of brain maturation.
Meaningful thought arises only for the whole animal Teachers of motor skills know this implicitly. A Little
dynamically engaged with its environment, or so I League baseball coach knows the necessity to convince
contend. (p. 8) players to use a lighter bat because the child who uses
In kinesiology this argument means that motor a big, heavy bat cannot swing the bat fast enough. Bat
control and learning is not solely the result of the brain speed is crucial for hitting a moving baseball at any age
and its internal models. Rather, motor control exists in and level of skill. Young bowlers use lighter bowling
an organism within an environment. This is not a new balls. School-age children are provided with smaller
idea. One of the earlier proponents of this approach was scissors than adults. However, in research, we conduct
Gibson (1979), and then in a very influential paper by studies that examine the deficiencies in motor skills in
Turvey (1977), who stated children compared with adults when the tasks typically
are scaled to the morphology of the adult. We need to ask
it is curious that theories of perception are rarely, if questions to understand skill learning and development
ever, constructed with reference to action. And, while on the scale of the organism of interest. This type of
theories of perception abound, theories of action are issue would not be so prevalent if scholars believed and
conspicuous by their absence. But it must necessarily acted on the notion that skill learning as well as motor
be the case that, like warp and woof, perception and skill control does not reside at any privileged domain.
action are interwoven, and we are likely to lose per- Furthermore, the level of analysis must be at a behavioral
spective if we attend to one and neglect the other; for level of understanding and description. That is the area
it is in the manner of their union that the properties that makes kinesiology unique.
Motor Learning and Control   41

For example, Jantzen, Steinberg, and Kelso (2004) The inference is straightforward. When people move
demonstrate that control processes appear to be a result with an environment goal that is easily comprehended,
of the environmental contextual demands. Research coordination is simple. More importantly, people move
participants flexed and extended their index finger in to achieve goals in their perceived environment. Rarely
synchrony with a metronome so that the finger reached are movements required for movement sake. When they
maximum flexion on the beat or maximum extension on are, these tasks are very difficult. Tasks such as figure
the beat. The metronome then was disengaged and the skating and gymnastics are difficult for many reasons;
participant continued to flex and extend at the previously but I offer that one reason is that the goal is to achieve a
prescribed rate. Note that the movement pattern is the movement, whose form is specified by judges and not to
same in each movement series now that the metronome accomplish a goal in an environment.
is no longer engaged. However, brain activation patterns Another good example of the approach of studying
during this no-metronome phase were specific to whether skills within the context of the environment involves the
the participant attempted to synchronize on flexion or on catching of a fly ball in baseball. Although there are dis-
extension. How can identical movement patterns have cussions and disagreements about the details, the prin-
different internal brain representations? The point is not ciple is straightforward (Chapman, 1968; McBeath,
to argue this issue but instead to use this excellent dem- et al., 1995). It seems as though the easiest way to
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onstration to argue that we must understand control not understand how outfielders run to catch (intercept) a
solely at the level of brain activation patterns. fly ball is not by perceptually predicting the flight of
Another wonderful example in support of this the ball. Instead, the fielder runs to control the character-
argument comes from the work of Mechsner, Kerzel, istics of the acceleration characteristics of the image of
Knoblich, and Prinz (2001). About 16 years earlier to their the ball on the retina. In other words the fielder runs to
work, Haken, Kelso, and Bunz (1985) explained behav- control their visual world. Dogs apparently use the same
ior in a bimanual finger coordination task. When index strategy to catch a Frisbee (Shaffer, Krauchunas, Eddy,
fingers oscillated entrained by a metronome, Kelso et al. & McBeath, 2004).
(1985), demonstrated that an antiphase coordination (one Rather than predicting our future, I argue that we
finger adducts while the other abducts) naturally becomes need to determine our future by deciding whether it means
an in-phase one (fingers adducts and adduct at the same something to be an academic in kinesiology. Perhaps this
time) as the metronome period decreases (i.e., movement is a silly concern. Engineering in universities clearly has
frequency increases). This phase transition served as the blurred the lines between engineering and fundamental
foundational finding for a dynamical analysis of move- sciences, such as physics, mathematics, and biological
ment control and coordination. The original explanation sciences. However, physicists and engineers do have
for the phase transition results rested in the biophysical common fundamental theorems and knowledge that
machinery of the individual. However, Mechsner et al. drive them. Motor control and learning in kinesiology
(2001) showed that when one of the hands palm was down should move away from believing the brain holds the
and the other palm was up, the stability of in-phase versus key to action and move out to examine the movement
anti– phase coordination could be reversed. This palm of people within their environment. In other words, the
up–palm down task changed the perceptual affordances. future needs to become a set of scholars using either
Thus, coordination depends upon the person as well as the Newell (1985a, 1985b) framework or a Gibsonian
environmental information. (Turvey, 1977) approach. We want to understand skills
A corollary finding in bimanual coordination is from the perspective of a person moving within an envi-
that performing continuous bimanual tasks in frequency ronment that provides affordances and challenges. This
relations between the two effectors such as 4:3 are very should be our motor control and learning future within
difficult to perform. Mechsner et al. (2001) demonstrated kinesiology.
how the 4:3 task became simple and easy to coordi- I am not saying that this must be the motor control
nate. Research participants made circling movements future. But if the “our” means kinesiology, then we must
by moving each of two handles, one with each hand. produce this future. We need to stress that the proper level
These movements occurred below the level of the table, of analysis is a whole person interacting with tasks and the
such that individuals could not see their rotational environmental affordances. Understanding the relations
movements. On the tabletop were two flags, each between these three factors and how individuals structure
attached via a series of gears to one of the handles movement within this framework will lead to important
being rotated by the participant. The task required the understandings about the learning, performance, teach-
participant to rotate the handles such that the flags on ing, and rehabilitation of motor skills.
top of the tables rotated together in a 1:1 frequency In addition, I am not calling for people to change
relation. However, because of the unique gearing to each their research programs. Fields such as physical educa-
handle-flag system, the hands had to move the handles tion, now called kinesiology or exercise science by their
in a 4:3 frequency relation. This should have been hard very nature, have never been a fundamental discipline
because when participants are instructed to perform such like physics or mathematics. We always are intersecting
a task, the task is really difficult. But, the Mechsner et with other disciplines. Currently, in motor control, the
al. task was easy! major intersections are in computational areas as well
42  Zelaznik

as neuroscience. Scholars in motor control doing work versus a closed environment (Gentile, 1972). Schmidt
intersecting these areas are doing wonderful work on fun- (1975b) claimed that in an unpredictable environment an
damental neuroscience of motor behavior (see Bradberry, open skill was a closed skill with a variable trigger (when
Gentili, & Contreras-Vidal, 2010; Vaillancourt, Sturman, to initiate the ballistic movement). Conversely, Gentile
Metman, Bakay, & Corcos, 2003). (1972) believes that the nature of the environmental
Many of the more senior scholars in kinesiology demands for open versus closed causes these different
remember the call for physical education to become an skills to be learned and performed in a fundamentally
academic discipline (Henry, 1964). However, Henry different fashion. These are the level of description
never argued that physical education was a basic science. issues that motor learning and control in kinesiology
He understood the proper level of analysis. Below is an should see in our future. There are many others, and I
example he provides in showing the domain of exercise hope that a few young scholars do not follow the cur-
physiology in physical education: rent zeitgeist and instead venture out to go back to the
The study of the heart as an organ is physiology,
whereas determining the quantitative role of heart
action as a limiting factor in physical performance References
in normal individuals is perhaps more physical
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