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Planning a Social Campaign:

Before starting a project or campaign, you should be able to do the necessary paperwork better known as
a Concept Paper. This allows experts to see if your project is doable over the time frame that was given
and if it is significant enough to be made into reality.

Concept paper is a document used to convince a panel of potential funders to help a product, program, or
service become a reality.

Five Elements of a Concept Paper

1. Introduction- this includes your mission and vision and a brief introduction of your project / campaign.
2. Purpose- this includes the reason why the project/campaign is worth your sponsor’s time, effort and
3. Description- this includes all the necessary information about the project. It involves the website/s or
page you are going to produce and the purpose of each and how they work.
4. Support- this contains the budget needed for the project, though some concept papers do not specify
any amount requested from the sponsor.
5. Contact Information- this includes information on how the group can be contacted.

ICT Project Process

1. Planning- this involves the following tasks:

• Conceptualizing your project
• Researching on available data about your topic
• Setting deadlines and meetings
• Assigning people to various tasks
• Finding a web or blog host
• Creating a site map for your website
• Listing down all applications that you need including web apps
• Funding (if applicable)
2. Development- it involves the actual creation of the website(s) / page, this involves the production of
images, infographics and etc.
3. Release and Promotion- it involves that actual release of the website / page for public view and
promotion. Promotion typically starts before the actual release.
4. Maintenance- it involves responding to feedback of your website / page visitors and continuing to
improve the website/page.

Rebecca Dye- a social media manager at First Direct, according to her there are 12 Different Behaviors in
Social Media.

12 Different Behaviors in Social Media

1. The Ultras – check feeds dozens of times a day. Happily, admit their obsession. (14% of Facebook users
spend at least 2 hours a day on the network)
2. The Deniers – social media do not control their lives, but gets anxious when unable to access networks.
(20% of Facebook users would feel anxious or isolated if they had to deactivate their accounts.
3. The Virgins – taking first tentative steps in social media (19% of British people don’t use any social
4. The Peacocks – popularity contest, high numbers of followers, fans, likes and retweets. (1 out of 10
Twitter users want more followers than friends.)
5. The Lurkers – hiding in the shadows of cyberspace. Watches what others are saying, but rarely (if ever)
participate themselves. (45% of Facebook users described themselves as “observers”)
6. The Ranters – mock and mid in face-to-face conversations. Highly opinionated online.

7. The Changelings – adopt completely new personality online so no one knows their real identities.
8. The Ghosts – create anonymous profiles, for fear of giving out personal information to strangers.
9. The Informers – seek admiration by being the first to share the latest trends with audiences.
10. The Approval Seekers – constantly check feeds and timelines after posting. Worry until people
11. The Quizzers – asking questions allow them to start conversations.
12. The Dippers – access their pages infrequently, often going days, of even weeks without posting.

“Most people using social media will display a combination of those personality types and they may be
even behave differently on Facebook, for example, how they behave on Twitter.”
- Dr. David Giles

The Disadvantages of ICT

I. Cybercrimes- are illegal acts done through the use of the Internet.

In 2012, Stephen Nale ( posted a list of ten most common Internet cybercrimes as follows:

1. Phishing/Spoofing – the act of sending multiple emails to multiple users in hopes of having a number
of them clicking on the links or malwares attached to the email.
2. Blackmail/Extortion – the act of using the Internet to threaten or damage someone’s reputation to
extort money or anything else of value. This can be avoided if you are aware of what you should post on
the Internet.
3. Accessing Stored Communications – or hacking; the act of obtaining unauthorized access to data from
a computer network.
4. Sports Betting – the act of wagering on any sports event over the Internet. In some countries, gambling
(including sports betting) is illegal even if you are doing it over the Internet.
5. Non-Delivery of Merchandise – the act of devising a scheme wherein a culprit posts an item or service
for sale over the Internet and once the transactions have been done, does not really give the item or
6. Electronic Harassment – the act of anonymously using the Internet to harass, abuse, threaten, or annoy
other people.
7. Child Pornography – the act of using the Internet to show child pornography. This act is highly
punishable by law.
8. Prostitution – the act of using internet to engage in prostitution
9. Drug Trafficking – the act of selling illegal substances using the Internet.
10. Criminal Copyright Infringement – the act of piracy mainly for financial gain. In late 2014, the number
one pirate website, ThePirateBay, was raided for the second time due to years of pirating movies, music,
games, books, and other software. These kinds of websites earn money through advertising.

II. Combatting cybercrimes

1. Network Security- before a hacker can get through the unauthorized files he or she is targeting, the
hacker has to get through several security measures like firewalls, secure connections, passwords, anti-
malwares, and data encryptions. The Disadvantages of ICT 177
2. Investigation- URL tracing and logging are used by websites to track your unique IP addresses. This can
be used by investigators to trace hackers. In piracy, trackers are used to identify IP addresses currently
sharing a pirated file.
3. Penalties- more and more laws are being created and implemented today. Penalties include both a fine
and imprisonment.

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