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“CASIO COMMUNITY TUTORIALS | EXAM FOCUS SUMMARY ON” = Pea GST 102_|./ CoMPn ASIO PHILOSOPHY & HUMAN EXISTENCE THENO 1 TUTORIAL ON CAMPUS FOR MORE COPIES CALL: 08102641675 Began in wonder this was saidby: "| . .-The- foundation and background from with’ all human - knowledge is accessed is “ (Philosophy) 3. The highest degree you can get in any. fields the pg of philosophy PhD) | . 4. Westem philosophy where. originated Som (Greece) 5. Etymologically, philosophy is derived: from. two Greek = words and __ ilos and Sophia} ans Wisdom (Love) ead to (Ethics) sphiéal knowledge is .- Philosmeans _ z -(éthies) a. i discipline piaisnphy) sm'such as LPhilosopl ~~-broad sense 2 senseas ana aca 25 is the acti (philosophical acti 13.Thereare_____ main branches of philosophy (Four) philosophy 14.Thebranchesare__.-:__ (Metaphysics, Epistemology, _ Logicand Ethnics) ee is derived from two Greek words, “Meta” and Note: Meta mean 15. Andronic (Axiology J mo * is 0 - of beauty (aesthestit 29. LOGIC is the branch of philosophy that treats the rult and (Law of thinking or thought) “3 30. Logic is require in all the branches of ~ (philosophy) = 7 u-31s KARL MARX accused philosophers of interpreting the (world without changing if). as being is hee nfology, ‘Fhe lure and essex existence of cemed with o1 yerse, ° is ek Words; wledge) termed: ~ HO TAPSCE ntal questi ty (Ethics) ‘ord called. Value iss uty (aesthestic it treats the rule ‘Two = The period of western philosophy :can ‘be © Pe ERPOCHorERA (Four) Oe ‘The -Greek philosophy emerged out ‘of (religion. ® myth) }. Philosophy start ed in with a sense of curiosity or WORT Millitus) “ EX ue a were concerned with find answers 4 9: question that bother on__ (Existence) A _ Thales, Anaximander, ‘And* Anaximenes were kno’ as Pre socratic Philosophers) 1 2! 6.____ was sad to be the philosopher that ever live 2 | 2 | 2 (Athenian) 14. _putdown socre idea (PLATO) ~~ founded in academy school ANTHEN (PLATO) (388BC) 34. Saal ult ofignorance wl hismaster TO) 35. 18: Plato Postuluted two world and a physical world and the world of forms) 36. 37. 19.According to plato man is made up ofa soul which cant divided into (Three) 21. Aristotle s;as pon 92 Aristotle studied inacademy a eae , 23.The school Aristotle open in aux> is calle (yceum) 2d Azstotle made mention of “form” or, at of mn Goes not exist in a different world but in objec: . “ings itself Essence) believe in empirical kx jank (Aristotle) Christian philosophy we philosopt (eietiera al) riod -wore 30.The «scholars: :.0: e* (St . 23 Augustine; Ang] St. ae William Ockhiain et 1 famill 2 7 orth Africa) i 33. St Augustine or in year 10) (84AD). 34. St Augustine was made bishop of ___ in 396AD (HIPPO) _ 35..___ See God as TRUTH, the highest being perfect external and immutable (St. August 36.Creation 37. was the tutor of St. Thomas Aquinas great) 38.Albert the great was famous to his know! vledge Aristotle's Doctrines) : called thé “Thomas Aqui») i nae “tence of GOd CE Brea pinos isthe matter’ of Reason’ eo 33.For Aquinas reason ani ‘cannot contradict ag other (F oe =:342.Cognito ¢rg0 sum” means THEREFORE JAM”) * 35. form the basis well know __ phase ¢ ego sum” (Rene Descartes) 36. Cartesian doubt alsomeans {ethodie Doull) s wld ‘subje | 37.Cartesian. doubt me every knowledge t cal ite 39. Contemporary * perio = movement (NEO-Th : especially the Existen 40: The philosophers of contemporary (martin Heidegger, Jean Paul, SartK Nioliche Albert Camus, soren Kickegeard etc) a ze germa ~ philosopher poet and classi ologist born to protestant Ff i i 42.. Fredrich Neitache zatpeston ret nea (Existentialist) ee 43. was bornin Paris (Jean-Paul Sartie) - Axistotie live (384-322BC) PLATO live (427-347)BC : Scratelive vein. -“470-399BC) Prod: . Augustine live between(354-450AD matter difficult to settle or. cuaPTER " defines ca: | See ro * Groblem) 53 ee +2. ee divides philosophy {nto two. main are (Onyeocha 1995) ea 3, The two main areas 40. eoretical or Specula 4. General metaphysics is conce! being) * 5. Philosophy was (it deals with th Kpim 1995) } hat is e and Practic rm with { of things) I (Parmenides) 8. Being f 9 e is ju 10._ be in (Heraccitus) 11.The first pre (definition) The problems ¢ defining philosop 1. particular, prot jem of the issue of appearar nd ate anaes and 2, For Thomas Aquinas it is existe eae : nny (cig) € ence to cor According to ” “existence and essence arg Pepe Gans a 4. Is the core task of philosophy (conceptual } classification) 5 esctding AD world is a more mirror of ‘things in the real supra-sensite world (PLATO) Note: Things thet constituted the Universe 1.” For thales it ?: e 2. For Anaximenes it is Air 6. The dualist will affirmed that there are two substances and" (Spiritual and material) i (ein asmoral philosophy - 7 . Ethies originally, Sub divided into fw * (normative and mieta) ethics some In the contemporary, era, moral phi oe i up with a new sub-division-of ethics ki lied ethics j 6. ie is Feed nite oral. probleay and policies in human life (Applied i 7. What qualities an action as good or wrongg begroupintotwo tionally and realism) 8. Under conventionali thet) @ivine command the eory-al Ethnical Relativism) 2: studies tt r it on pre anunbomn baby has a(Amniocent 11. __. is the process ofa woman g without following the natural method of procreation! (Crtifici insemination) 12.The process in which 4 woman is impregnated whit sparm ofthe husband (surrogate motherhood) i 4S a process of terminatin: the li ’ atthe verge of death (Euthanasia) — . __ is the terminati i aa nation of the conceived fe [2] etting pre; celle — lies desi, hse I v ~ {6 Abortion iiifluenced ‘by physician or, drug is . =17.Abortion ‘that happen, the ‘18 “claimed that abortion can ©! ous) abortion (induced) . f 0 Phe fetus is not well formed is * abortion (Spontaneous) nly be allowed © eatbothe lies thieatened (PRO LIF®) 20.The types of enthanasia are and (PASSIVEAND ACTIVE) 21. enthanlasia is an act practice in which a person life (Voluntary) 2 to death those (ACTIVE request, the terminator o 1. The-act or pract who . suffer fro EUTHANASL metals guest (non yolunta concerned is not i) fi t is es Alia ee thes (Proverb and folktales Bantu Pubes was written by Temples) Bary, Ph fLompiey s .. insisted. that,”... was also the es: Dest ude f Leopard Sedar sSenghor (Oguejiaj 3. Formulated four trends ~ Afi philosophy (Odera Oru y) 6... .The four.trend in philosophy ate (Effi philosophy) « hnon | catest Critics’ of ——_ trend of philosophy ‘is at-the view philosophy j particular’ way of think (professional ph hilosophy) 9. National ideolog (Kwame Nkrumah Jul Sekon Toure, Obafem Amilea Cabra) 10. Philosophy could be traced to the process transformation in African (SOCIAL) ical philosophers inclu lius Nyere, Leopard Sengh i Awolowo, Nnamdi Philosophy involve the Tecording of the belie#foundin African’ Culture, (Ethno philosophy) =a 12." __ was credited to be the first thinker to use the philosophy to means love of wisdom (Socrate) 12 Oracle ofdepthreferred socrate asa. (wise man) isarational enterprise (philosophy) philosophy. seeks to analyse and clarity concepts beliefs and presuppositions of other discipline (critical philosophy) 5. What does it means when the said philosophy is not PMep. sc dogmatics (it mea ssue on the basis of faith) SO¢ij 6. The® word de eek word - tion; 7. Demos andK eignty) _ (The 8: The classic Kuleofthe —— valid) - - rea oe 3. Soren of philosopy vihichideals with mature think is Alogi¢) 2. * 4... there -are “two ‘typés;.of logic-sreie= sx msrrmene, CAM Bea err (traditional (formal) and symbolic 9 mathematical logic) 5. _atraditional logic: was - deve (Aristotle) uo. | 2. -Déals thougittradition logi Se ware. de e puisi three categories statement (syllog a ea = Comprises:.o conclusion (syllogism), i: 9. -_ _ logistics and symbolic logic (metalogic) State that ar-form ¢ Wo; 'statement-and: aré the two main types q 18. ? 16. im. 18." 19, hinkin; 16. ani ic 0) m7 et 18, mm oy ing ¢ rfalst at call “Tf the premises f Deductive ‘argumentmay be valid but the premises and the conclusion: may be false (unsound) . and conclusion of a deductive valid argument are indeed te, the. argument is said to be ___ argument can only be evaluated as ‘strong’ or weak(inductive) ___ sin idea that is expressed in a sentence or (true 1 symbolic logic with the letters conclusion and “types. of. fallacy are (formal and informal) = (cop™ 0 . 9) 11? are Formal and informal fallacy violate rule 4 js aff opie asd 4 fallacy:is‘committed when we believe f _ cheap things are inferior (appeal to money) __ 5, “The Seay). fe i when a reasong (quar tead goes offon 7, Arist tangent (avoidin oppo: 6. Tf you start sv ve 8 apro committing” of s (con ee T-Persond” Notes ion Bas ng) Universal rgumentunis negative ( B. , Note also ment fol | The name 10. o pity is also calle (cn ‘Affirmo' m, ;: ericordiam) rgume Nore: Mean irre! elenchi) on (ignorantua * UN wee S41 + Un iveass PART Ce A Perive hid : CHAPTER TEN. a preposition is either festegorical ornon categorical) element (four). or a ape is’a form of verb ‘to be', Which acts as the link between the subject term-and the predicate term (copula). a 2 Talks about how much of the preposition & isaffirmed or denied (quantity of preposition 4.--- A standard form categorical preposition. contains The four element-of.a standard form categorical are sone, (square of Fon (quantifier, subject term, copula and predicate) 7. _ ‘Aristotle square is also known as opposition) calls ga proposition wl ittin, of the’ other (contradictories). md * Note: Universal ii eegative- (preposition Notealso fot _ The names of th ‘Affirmo' meaning I< tut poTe* 4 UNveR At PAFFIEMAT ta g . £ UNWeesst Necarive => G R KF Penni) pe PRAT con * Early # Pee jreustt W Fro

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