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My Profile

Welcome to your co-founder matching profile! Everything you write

here will be shown in the matching process. Feel free to say as much
or little as you like for each question, but keep in mind that the more
information you give about yourself, the easier it will be for a potential
co-founder to tell if they would be interested in working with you.

Check out this article for some tried and tested ways to make your
profile stand out, as well as some examples of profiles that have led to
success in the past!

My Profile
More About You
Co-Founder Preferences
Preview Your Profile

Add Picture*
Your profile will get much more attention if you add a picture.
First name*

Last name*


LinkedIn URL*
URL should start with https://

I don't have a LinkedIn profile

What country and city are you in?
Introduce yourself!*
Write a paragraph or two about your background and what you're
looking for. Cover your professional accomplishments and interests,
but it's ok to get a little personal here as well!

Characters used: 0 (out of 1000)

(Optional) 1-minute video introducing yourself

Impressive accomplishment*
For example, an academic or professional achievement, an award
you've won, or something impressive you've built.

Characters used: 0 (out of 1000)

Education: schools, degrees (including field of study), and years of

graduation. Use a separate line for each school.*

Characters used: 0 (out of 800)

Employment: employers, position / titles, and dates. Use a separate

line for each job, most recent first.*

Characters used: 0 (out of 800)

Are you technical?*
You are a programmer, scientist or engineer who can build the product
without outside assistance.




(Optional) Scheduling URL (Calendly, Cal, or Google Calendar)

If you have a booking link, you can provide it here for your matches to
schedule with you.

(Optional) Twitter URL

Only your matches will be able to see your Twitter.

(Optional) Instagram URL

Only your matches will be able to see your Instagram.

How did you hear about YC Co-Founder Matching?

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