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Striving for excellence in academia often means facing the formidable challenge of crafting a thesis,

particularly in complex fields such as Homeland Security. The process of researching, analyzing, and
presenting original findings can be incredibly demanding, requiring a meticulous approach and a
deep understanding of the subject matter.

Writing a thesis on Homeland Security entails navigating a vast array of topics, from
counterterrorism strategies to cybersecurity measures, from emergency response protocols to border
security issues. It demands not only a comprehensive grasp of theoretical frameworks but also
practical insights derived from real-world case studies and current events.

The difficulty of writing a thesis in Homeland Security is further compounded by the

interdisciplinary nature of the field. Researchers must draw upon insights from political science,
sociology, criminology, computer science, and other disciplines to provide a holistic understanding of
security challenges and solutions.

Moreover, the evolving nature of threats and technologies means that thesis writers must stay abreast
of the latest developments, continually updating their research and adapting their analyses to reflect
the changing landscape of security concerns.

Given the complexity and rigor involved in crafting a thesis on Homeland Security, it's
understandable that many students may find themselves overwhelmed by the task. That's where
professional assistance can make all the difference.

For those seeking expert guidance and support in navigating the intricacies of thesis writing, ⇒ ⇔ offers a reliable solution. With a team of experienced academic writers
specializing in Homeland Security and related fields, ⇒ ⇔ provides tailored
assistance to students at every stage of the thesis process.

From refining research questions to conducting literature reviews, from analyzing data to crafting
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Don't let the challenges of writing a thesis in Homeland Security hold you back. Trust ⇒ ⇔ to provide the expertise and support you need to succeed. Order now and
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This paper will explore how the department of homeland security (DHS) is structured and how
effectively it is being managed. The new center will be responsible for fusing and analyzing
domestic and foreign intelligence related to terrorist threats. The MSHS allows you to pursue roles in
departments at the federal, state, and local level. We have come to realize that it is not only the
responsibility of our government to maintain security but it is a shared responsibility of each
American. At the same time, the organization is charged with joining research and development
efforts to detect and counter potential terror attacks with the goal of shoring up vulnerabilities of the
nation’s critical infrastructures to include its ports, utilities, and food and water supply—no small
task. The need for credible defense of the homeland is not a new or recent phenomenon. This thesis
represents the first contribution Pfeifer made to the growing field of crisis leadership. Nevertheless,
the emerging weaknesses and gaps should be addressed as priority areas because they will definitely
affect national peace with the passage of time. Katelin Wright used scenario planning to explore how
future climate migration might affect the United States and what can be done to prepare. Yet there
was no one high enough in the internal DHS bureaucracy with the export control expertise to
question this very expensive research program. The problem of the extraterritorial reach of U.S.
export controls may be a deterrent to international cooperation with DHS entities on antiterror
problems when controlled technology is involved. 7. At least in my reading, his conclusions were
mixed, meaning it was difficult to draw generally applicable conclusions about which indicators do
and do not predict resilience. The division was done to ensure effective protection of the country’s
southern border. However, that success is not without its problems. Wastewater systems contribute to
greenhouse gases, are deteriorating, and will be costly infrastructure to upgrade. Department of
Homeland Security, OIG. 31 December 2003. Major. Law enforcement agencies are responsible for
obtaining, fusing, analyzing, and. Enforcement depends on high tech equipment to detect terrorists,
weapons of mass destruction, illicit narcotics and other illegal activity at border locations. Jones’
thesis was one of the earliest efforts to clarify federal agencies’ special event roles and
responsibilities and formally identify the risk management principles that should guide preparing for
politically charged events like the Olympics. Ramon Martinez, Lieutenant Colonel, USAF (Retired),
is Vice President of. People who were in the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon were caught
unawares by the attack and so many lost their lives to the deadly act. Incidents such as the hijacking
of planes and the bombing of buildings (like the bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993 and the
Oklahoma City Bombing in 1996) soon occupied the center stage of homeland security (Ball, 2005).
Nevertheless, they are adamant that even if all nations came together, it is quite impossible to
eliminate terrorism. Mistakes can be costly to U.S. national security, to the well-being of its
economy, and to important relations with other countries. The committee’s examination of the current
situation indicated that important improvements could be achieved in the following areas. Michael
Brown’s research discovered that the public “knows very little about convicted and released
terrorists.” No single agency is responsible for monitoring them. The formal process of transferring
agencies is expected to be completed by September 30, 2003, but analysts suggest full integration of
agencies will take at least several years. She argues that traditional top-down emergency management
approaches may not be effective in facilitating extended recovery efforts. A lack of skilled manpower
was cited as the main reason for this mishap, which raised many questions on the nation’s ability to
secure its borders1. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please
take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. The private sector currently is the point of attack with
the greatest loss of people.
By adopting this strategy, the US Military was able to counter the threats posed by Japanese and
German submarines and aircraft. In contrast, the US was embroiled in internal territorial conflicts
with the French and Spanish. A thesis on illegal immigration might cover the potential dangers of
allowing illegal immigrants to cross the border. The political appointees at the assistant secretary and
deputy assistant secretary level often build relationships that lead to compromise and resolution of
key issues without escalation to the secretary or deputy secretary level. Besides, state-level “fusion
centers” also assimilate, research, and distribute “all-source” homeland security information (Bean,
2009). We use cookies to create the best experience for you. How Organizations Have Used
Industrial Organizational. Department of Homeland Security, which refers to an incorporation of 22
departments and agencies that unify and integrate to articulate the responsibility of enhancing state
security in U. Chinese manufactured autos and industrial cargo vehicles in the Western. Bagby
asserts the central problem in reform efforts is to find a way to navigate “the tension between
effectively policing society and being part of it.” His research asked whether looking at policing as a
system could help accomplish what other reform efforts have largely failed to do. Congress enacted
two pieces of legislation in reply to and in anticipation of the. Ball, H. (2005). U.S. Homeland
Security: A reference handbook. Ramon Martinez, Lieutenant Colonel, USAF (Retired), is Vice
President of. The hypothesis to be tested Poor gathering and utilization of intelligence data will
continue to impede the performance of DHS in the future. Jachimowicz, Maia; McKay, Ramah. 01
March 2003. Revamped. The Structure of Homeland Security Author Institution The Structure of
Homeland Security Introduction Terrorism poses serious challenges to the whole world. The
domestic security enterprise is quite vast, complex and cumbersome to manage. Despite the
government's efforts in reassuring and guaranteeing the safety of its citizens, many cannot help
doubting the possibility of a repeat. Jessica Bress argues the importance of understanding “how these
forces might influence the environment of illicit drug use before current regulatory drug frameworks
become obsolete.” Based on her research and analysis of potential futures, Bress recommends
decriminalizing illicit drugs and moving responsibility for drug policy away from law enforcement.
Another new function assigned to the department is oversight of visa processing. It has been a
decade since the attacks on September 11, 2001. The pragmatic answer here is “more,” especially in
the area of threat and vulnerability assessment. The Subcommittee on Rules is studying whether
Congress should structure itself to more effectively perform its responsibilities in light of the new
policy and organizational focus afforded the issue of homeland security. Service of the Department
of Agriculture would all be under this division. In hindsight, it is not surprising that the ITAR would
have ultimately posed a formidable barrier to development if the program had continued. The other
issues to consider in relation to intentional threat are who, why and what would be attacked (Tavana,
2007). The DHS is also responsible for ensuring the Cyberspace is safeguarded and secure. Without a
TAA in place, literally every communication that involves controlled technical data would have to be
licensed separately. Development may include participation in international technical conferences and
exchanges that need to be planned and coordinated in advance. They are confident that these efforts
are for the good of all American citizens.
What role will DHS play in the flow of information from the national level to the first responder and
vise versa. In addition, the theoretical framework used must be supported or substantiated by past
research studies. An exploratory study of this nature will assist in eliminating or deterring any
preconceived notions about national security intelligence. The Department has also ensured
construction of a 350 miles pedestrian fencing and 299 miles vehicle fencing. These included
networking systems, email, intranet and internet sites. According to an article in March 2003 in
Migration Information Source, the Federal Budget proposed by President George Bush for DHS will
increase for the year 2004. At one point in our history, he notes, many Americans were
undernourished. A paradigm is an accepted pattern of thinking, model, or framework used to. It tells
every sector of the society what to do in order to prepare for the possible occurrence of risk and
minimize its possible damages both in terms of life and property. This is 100% legal. You may not
submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. Speer recommends what
government can do to reduce the likelihood of future response disasters involving communities that
are not on the map. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies.
Grants Management programs that supply money for disaster preparedness, response and prevention
has had its shortcomings. Introduction The General Accounting Office in the United States of
America has generated more than 1000 reports regarding the state, performance and challenges
facing homeland security. The infrastructure also includes banking, and energy associated with
electrical, nuclear, gas, oil, and dams. These are all high-risk targets as well as transportation,
chemical and defense, postal and shipping and national monuments and icons. (Bush, 2002). The
term refers to “a culturally constructed set of norms that values dominance and accomplishment in
terms of wealth, heterosexual romantic partners, and control.” Beth Windisch was interested in the
difficulty researchers encountered understanding why lone actor terrorists commit acts of violence. It
talks about the 4 phases of emergency management and the process involves within each phases.
Bush issued a charter that gave rise to Homeland Security. Katelin Wright used scenario planning to
explore how future climate migration might affect the United States and what can be done to
prepare. Unfortunately, the exceptions vastly outweigh nonproblematic requests, and, moreover,
include cases where congressional notification is required, governmental assurances under
multilateral regimes are required, end-use checks are needed, or the Defense Department has notified
the State Department that “an overriding national security exception exists.” 4. Fiscal Year 2012
Budget in Brief. 2012. Fiscal Year 2012 Budget. No one is immune to it; therefore, cooperation is a
must for the US as well as other countries as we move into the future. (Silverberg, 2011). The
Department of Homeland Security in US has an annual budget of more. Research further revealed
that all college and university textbook publishers at. What does this topic have to do with homeland
security. Acquisition may include several stages of product design and testing. This analysis will then
be used to extrapolate the possible reality in the future (Honig 2007, 710). With the war behind, a
new phase of reconstruction was undertaken with a view to strengthen homeland security. This
paper evaluates the critical issue of terrorism. The optimal goal of resilience is to ensure a disaster-
free country, well-secured country, and a productive environment.
Greg Favre’s thesis asked, “What are the potential effects of cultural anti-intellectualism on the
construction and execution of national security and homeland security policy?” To answer that
question, Favre looked at the role of reason in climate change policy, vaccines (the thesis was written
before COVID-19), and in reaction to a U.S. Army training exercise called JADE HELM-15. Their
role is to inform medical sectors of the community of the number of casualties, the location of
casualties, and describe their physical condition and situation. Responsibilities of the Coast Guard,
Customs, Immigration, Border Patrol, and the Animal and Plant Health Inspection. Homeland
Security Circular Constant Learning Flow Paradigm. This thesis helped me to understand the
intricacies of immigration policy better. Max Geron examined how police in Oakland, CA; Portland,
OR; New York City; And Dallas, TX responded to social and income inequality Occupy protests.
Stressed was a need for flexibility for research and development programs in terms of organization,
personnel, and budget. In particular, if this office is established by a management directive that
specifies clear roles and responsibilities, both internally and in the interagency process, relative
resource allocation decisions, linked to performance measures, would build an effective office over
time. Because a vigilant community could easily detect possible threat, and at some situations, it is
even the reaction of the community that had call the attention of the officials, or sometimes vice-
versa. Consequent to this need to mitigate attacks and protect the internal borders of the country, 22
federal agencies were combined to form the department of homeland security. New York: McGraw
Hill. Ward, R., 2006. Homeland Security: An Introduction. Let us write or edit the research paper on
your topic. She convinced me the subject was worth researching. One of the advantages of
employing countermeasures is that it is possible to identify various challenges that may tend to be the
cause of negligence (Tavana, 2007). One new function is likely to be creation of a full-time,
permanent red team that will simulate terrorist threats and test the security of installations, such.
Homeland Security Defense Coalition, through its Homeland Security University. What role will the
new department have in facilitating the flow of information to the public, to the private sector, to
international organizations, and to foreign governments. In a report from OIG in June 2007 it is
noted that US Customs and Border Protection is in the current process of forming a cargo
processing system to focus on inspection. June 1, FEMA’s handling of Hurricane Katrina on the Gulf
Coast was widely criticized. Homeland Security University offers a sound, formal education,
training and. Additionally, the border has been used by malicious businesspersons to traffic illegal
drugs into the United States. For the past few decades, it is evident that the interests of the US
foreign policy have captured major headlines at the expense of addressing national security
intelligence. Satisfying the mission and vision goals of DHS demand more than just simple
partnerships. Human Factors. Security. Convenience. Philosophy. Examples: The Encryption Debate
Predicting The Aircraft Threat. Homeland Security Defense Coalition; Homeland Security
University 5. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. In fact, the issue has been at the
center stage of US government policy since the foundation of the republic. I disagreed with the
author when I first read his research, and I still disagree. Homeland Security News Wire. 23 March
2012. Dueling legislation. The respondents confirmed that thanks to the department, they are more
assured of security and safety on their soil.
Paul, MN with its outreach efforts to the city’s African-American community could be used to
develop effective relationships with the immigrant Muslim community. Louise Byrne’s thesis looked
at public discourse around the 2014 increase in unaccompanied children at the southwest border and
its impact on policy outcomes. O’Neill questions current interviewing techniques’ ethical basis and
operational effectiveness and describes a “paradigm shift toward more ethical, effective, and
scientifically validated” interrogation tactics. Response phase is the proper application of emergency
operational plans designed in preparedness phase, and deployment of the resources that suits the
need in order to preserve life and property within community during the impact of the disaster. Keep
on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. In some agencies with a
specialized mission, such as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), this
dedicated staff is small. The telecommunication provider is working to restore service. On April 1,
2003 the DHS announced design plans for pay and classification, performance management, labor
relations, discipline, and employee appeals for its 180,000. The private sector assumes the increasing
responsibility for fulfilling the demands. I augmented that search by looking at several hundred other
titles, triggering my memory of the ones I had read in the past. What role will DHS play in the flow
of information from the national level to the first responder and vise versa. United States, reduce
America’s vulnerability to terrorism, and minimize the. Descriptive theories that will be used in the
study will be tested for validity using descriptive research studies. The United States Department of
Homeland Security is a cabinet department under the federal Government of the U. In order to
prevent the occurrence of such threats, the best kinds of control that would be most effective is the
post-incident or countermeasures control (Tavana, 2007). Collectively, these chapters foreground and
analyze the role of communication in shaping the economic, technological, and cultural contexts of
security in the 21st century. Colonel Martinez then served as the Director of Strategic Planning at the
South. However, it is likely that some modification of the TAA process is required to allow DHS the
kind of rapid-response capability that it needs with international collaboration. Hurricane survivors
used social media to ask for help. The fact that DHS had 22 different federal departments made it the
third largest Federal department in the country. DHS headquarters is currently at a temporary
location with the majority of additional personnel scattered elsewhere. Put in place over the years by
CBP’s predecessor agencies, this network now numbers more than 60 agreements. Unexpectedness
amplifies fear of terrorist attacks. Corporate America must proactively take the steps to. Download
Free PDF View PDF Securitizing Terror: Ontological Security and the U.S. Response to Terrorism
(ISA 2004) Keven Ruby This paper examines the relationship between terrorism, the state, and the
practice of security, with a specific analytical focus on the U.S. response to the attacks of September
11, 2001. The protections that the Departments of State and Defense have put in place over the
years, through the agreements they have negotiated, may not be applicable. Security has become a
major concern in the United States today more than ever. Lecture 8b - Agency merger and
managerial flexibility in the Department of Homeland Security.. Introduction. In addition, NASA has
export control representatives and legal support at each major facility authorized to make physical
exports and to release controlled technical data to non-U.S. persons. NASA does not have a policy
role of the type appropriate for DHS, and the representation of DHS in the interagency process for
export controls requires additional resources. The department is a member of the FDLP Content
Partnerships Program and an Affiliated Archive of the National Archives.

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