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The Hinduism
Hindus believe in one true, formless,
boundless, all-inclusive and eternal God
called Brahman. He is not an abstract
concept but a real entity that everything in
the universe (seen and unseen) encompasses.
Hinduism is not an organized religion, and its value system
has no single, systematic approach to teaching nor do
Hindus have a simple set of rules, like the Ten
Commandments to follow. Whatever practices (local,
regional, caste and community-driven)—throughout the
Hindu world influence the interpretation and practice of
The Hinduism
The first of five religions based on ancient Asian cultures, Hinduism
is a group of religious traditions that took root in India between
3,000 and 1,500 B.C. There are currently about 780 million Hindus,
mostly in India. More than a theological system, Hinduism is a way
of conceiving the universe. With regard to business, Mele points
out that Hinduism maintains a positive attitude towards business
and wealth creation, although the latter is not the supreme goal.
Ethics (dharma) and salvation (moksha) are more important.
The Hinduism
Hindus have a positive attitude towards
business and wealth creation, yet wealth is
not the ultimate goal. What is more
important are ethics (dharma), and salvation
For business, prices and profits should be fair. Tax system
should give reasonable rates, should be economical in its
implementation, and should not have adverse impact on
economic growth. There must be high taxes on luxury
goods. Workers should receive fair and just wages,
depending on their ability and productivity.
The Hinduism
It is worth noting, overall, that every faith has its own biases.
Nevertheless, each of them has the core concept that faith
would give rise to a commitment to maintain a desirable work
climate. This is why our society cannot remove the effect of
religion on modern business. We should be mindful of disparities
in beliefs among various cultures and accept them. While there
are global ethical standards, we must also show respect for each
community's different values
James Perdigon
Ryza Difuntorum
Mary Anne Bobis
Cielo Pretista

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