ANN - Santhosh 9A

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01 02 03
Introduction To What Are Artificial How do Neural
Neural Network Neural Networks Networks Work ?
(ANN) ?

04 05
Structure Of
Introduction To
Neural Networks
We can think of ANN as an artificial human brain system.
Neural Networks are of 2 types:
● BNN or NNN (Biological/Natural Neral System)
● ANN (Artificial Neural Network)
They can learn from their past experiences and are used in
more common everyday items than we think such as from
face recognition or text-to-speech to Self-Driving Cars.
What Are ANNs ?

● Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) mimic the brain's structure

using digital neurons also called units. These units are
arranged in layers and connected, forming a network that
processes information.
● They can learn from examples and also from experience. For
example, If you show them tons of cat pictures the next time
you show them a cat they will be easily able to recognize that it
is a cat. This is also why they are used in those application in
which history of experience with the input given by user is
required such as facial recognition, text-to-speech, language
translation, image recognition etc.
How Do ANNs Work ?
● Within an Artificial Neural Network (ANN), neurons
collaborate by forming intricate patterns of connections.
Neurons are like interconnected puzzle pieces, where the
output of one neuron serves as the input for others,
creating a dynamic network.
● The network's structure can be visualized as a directed,
weighted graph. Each connection between neurons has a
weight, representing the strength or importance of the
relationship. These weights are adjusted during training to
optimize the network's performance.
● Unlike traditional linear models, ANNs excel at capturing
non-linear relationships in data. The ability to process
information through multiple layers and varied
connections enables ANNs to model intricate
relationships, making them well-suited for tasks where
complexities are involved.
Structure Of NNNs

Neurons Facilitation
These are the networks of Biological neural networks exhibit
interconnected neurons in living parallel processing, adaptability, and
organisms, particularly in the brain can learn from experiences through
and nervous system. mechanisms like synaptic plasticity.

Neurons in BNN communicate
through electrochemical signals,
forming a complex network that
processes information and
controls various functions.
Structure Of ANNs

Units Arrangement
These are the basic units that process Neurons are organized into
and transmit information. Neurons layers within the network. The
receive inputs, perform a computation, input layer receives initial data,
and produce an output that becomes
hidden layers process
the input for other neurons in the
network. information, and the output layer
generates the final result.
Neurons are interconnected by
weighted links known as
synapses. These weights
determine the strength of
connections and are adjusted
during training to facilitate the
learning process.
● ANN refers to artificial neural
● NNN refers to biological neural networks, which are the
networks, which are the interconnected artificial neurons
interconnected neurons in the called units in the system of
brain and nervous system of applications and computers that are
living organisms arranged in many layers.
● NNNs are naturally evolved ● ANNs are programmed to be able to
systems that inherently learn learn from past experiences and
from experiences and adapt to recognize something already seen
environmental stimuli. by it.
● They have neurons which are ● The have units which are arranged
connected to each other and in many layers such as the input
form nerves. layer, middle layer and the output
● They can respond in millisecond layer.
range. ● The can give output in nanoseconds
Functions Of ANNs
Four main functions of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs):

1. ANNs excel at recognizing complex patterns in data, making

them invaluable for tasks like image and speech recognition.

2. ANNs are widely used for categorizing data into different

classes or groups based on learned features, making them
powerful for classification tasks.

3. ANNs can predict numerical values, making them suitable for

regression tasks such as forecasting stock prices or other
quantitative predictions.

4. ANNs contribute significantly to NLP applications, including

language translation, sentiment analysis, and speech

CREDITS: This presentation template was created by

Slidesgo, and includes icons by Flaticon, and
infographics & images by Freepik

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