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I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
A. Identify the four types of sentences;
B. Construct interrogative, declarative, imperative and exclamatory sentences; and
C. Show teamwork and cooperation through participating in group activity


A. Topic: Four Types of Sentences
B. References: Internet, Textbook and Teacher’s Guide
C. Materials: strips of paper for the game, cartolina, chalk, manila paper
D. Concepts: The four types of sentences are interrogative, declarative, imperative
and exclamatory sentence.
E. Values Integration: cooperation, teamwork, optimism, appreciation
F. Methodology: Inductive Method and 4A’s

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Prayer :
Okay! everybody stand for the prayer

2. Greetings:
Good morning student!
Good morning too ma’am
How’s your day? Did you all eat well?
We are fine ma’am , yes we eat
our breakfast well.
It’s good to hear that.
3. Checking of Attendance:
Now, say present when your name is called ……….
Present ma’am
Present ma’am

4. Checking of Assignment:
Do we have an assignment class?
No ma’am . We don’t have any

5. Recap/ Review:
Okay, what was our topic yesterday?
Our topic yesterday was all about
Very good! Now what is adjective?
Adjectives are words that
describe the noun or the subject.
Excellent! Now give me some examples with adjectives.
The bike is big.
The building is beautiful.
Very Good!

6. Motivation:
Okay class, I have some questions for you.
If ever you will win in lotto, What might be the
words you’re going to say?
Well ma’am, definitely I will say,
YEHEY ! I won in Lotto.
Very Good! How about when you are asking
something to someone?
Hm,maybe I will say “ Please,
give me my cellphone.

B. Lesson Presentation
1. Activity
Now, I will divide you into 4 groups and you will
going to arrange the scrambled words in order to
make a sentence. I will give you 5 minutes to do
the activity. Do you understand?
Yes ma’am !
Okay ! Are you all done?
Yes ma’am !
Very good now, your answers in front.
(The students paste their answers in the board.)

1. Where did you find my bag?

2. Bohol is rich in natural resources.
3. Please, give me that book.
4. Hurrray ! We finally did it.
Very good! All you answers are correct. Let’s give
yourself around of applause.

2. Analysis
Okay! Based from your output, what cay you
observe to the words you have constructed?
Hm, The letters at the beginning
are big ma’am.
Yes, hm what did you notice to the punctuation
being used? Are they the same?
No, The other sentences end with
period while the other one has a
question mark. There is also an
exclamation mark in the last
Very good, all of you have a keen eyes and that
Is our lesson for today, the 4 types of sentences.

3. Abstraction
A declarative sentence is the most basic type of sentence.
Its purpose is to relay information, and it is punctuated with
a period. Simple declarative sentences can make basic
statements, such as:
The boy walked home.
I love honey.
My mother is a nurse.
Interrogative sentences ask questions (or interrogate).
These are direct questions, and they are punctuated with
a question mark. For example:
Why does the sun shine?
Whose dog is that?
Will Sherri get to keep all her lottery winnings?
Exclamatory sentences express strong emotions.
They are similar to declarative sentences in that they
provide information, but they end in an exclamation
point instead of a period.
I said I wanted tacos!
How well he sings!
Wow, he just won a gold medal!
Imperative sentences tell someone to do something.
These can be in the form of friendly advice, basic
instructions or more forceful commands. Many
imperative sentences end in periods, but some of the
more forceful demands may end in an exclamation
point to highlight the emotion. For example:
Please shut the door to keep out the bugs.
Turn left at the bridge.
Stop bothering me!

Now, do you understand the 4 types of sentences?

Yes ma’am!

4. Application
Read examples below and identify what are the four types of sentences
1. Will the teacher be late?
2. He scored a goal.
3. I completed my college application essay.
4. Read this book now.
5. The trip was exciting!

Read the following sentences and identify the type of sentence.

1. Please shut the windows and doors.

2. Do you like chocolate pastries?

3. My name is James Boncales.

4. Where are you going?

5. Wow ! Such a beautiful place.

6. Go and try this new flavor.

7. Today is gloomy weather.

8. Please clean your cupboard today.

9. Turn off all the lights and fans when you leave the room.

10. When we will go to Cebu?

Write down three examples for each types of sentences.

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