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Perception on the

Importance of Sex
Education to Reduce
Teenage Pregnancy and
Prevention of STDs
among Grade 11
Students of Polo
National High School
Presented By
Group 1: Palubog
Research Problem:

With the rapidly increasing rate of teenage

pregnancy in the Philippines, the Researchers
aim to know the perception of Grade 11 students
from Polo National High School regarding the
importance of Sexual education to reduce
teenage pregnancy and prevent STDs.

Presented By
Group 1: Palubog
Research Questions:
1. How does awareness of proper sex
education prevent teenage pregnancy?
2. How does awareness of proper sex
education prevent STDs for teenagers?
3. Why is it important for students to learn
about sex education?
4. What are the benefits of learning sex
5. What is the student's perception on the
importance of sex education to reduce
Presented By teenage pregnancy and prevention of STDs?
Group 1: Palubog
Background of the Study:
The Philippines, a conservative Christian country,
views Sex Education as taboo, arguing that it
exposes youth to a culture of immorality and
contraception. However, teenage pregnancy and the
spread of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are
significantly influenced by the absence of sex
education. The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)
reports high pregnancy rates among 15-19-year-olds,
emphasizing regional and educational differences.
The study aims to understand the importance of Sex
Education for Grade 11 students to reduce teenage
Presented By pregnancy and prevent STDs.
Group 1: Palubog
Scope and Limitations:
This research study aims to know the perception of Grade
11 students in Polo National High School (PNHS) on the
importance of sexual education and to reduce teenage
pregnancy and prevention of STDs. This study limits its
coverage on the Grade 11 student in Polo National High
School. This contains information about the students'
knowledge of sexual education.

The general intent of this study is to investigate the

perceptions about sexual education. This will mainly
identify and assess ideas regarding sex ed, background
Presented By knowledge, and some experiences about sexual education.
Group 1: Palubog
Significance of the Study:
The study evaluated the perception of selected grade
11 students regarding the importance of Sex
Education to reduce teenage pregnancy and the
prevention of STDs, with that in mind, this research
may be beneficial to:

Students. This study aims to aid students broaden their

perception about their reproductive rights in receiving
comprehensive sex education.

Presented By
Group 1: Palubog
Significance of the Study:
Teachers. This study aims to aid Teachers to be more
open and objective about the talks of Sex Education as
this can also provide them significant knowledge on
what the learners know and seek in a comprehensive
sex education.

Department of Education. This study aims to aid DepEd

to further make the accessibility of comprehensive sex
education for the future. This study also claims to give
the Department of Education insights on what students
need to learn in their curriculum to further cater to the
Presented By essential needs of students.
Group 1: Palubog
Significance of the Study:

Future Researcher/s. This study aims to aid future

researchers by providing a reference that can help them
in the future if they will conduct a study related to the
Grade 11 student’s perception on the importance of Sex
Education to reduce teenage pregnancy and to prevent

Presented By
Group 1: Palubog
Effects of Sleep
Deprivation on the
Academic Performance
of Senior High School
Students of Polo
National High School

Presented By
Group 1: Palubog
Research Problem:
Sleep is one of the examples of human
physiological needs as it is an essential part for
humans to function, however without the right
amount of it can have consequences. This study
aims to investigate the impact of sleep
deprivation on the academic performance of
senior high school students at Polo National
High School.
Presented By
Group 1: Palubog
Research Questions:
1. How many hours of sleep do students usually get?
2. What is the prevalence of sleep deprivation
among senior high school students at Polo
National High School?
3. What factors contribute to sleep deprivation
among senior high school students at Polo
National High School?
4. How does sleep deprivation affect the student's
activeness in class?
5. What is the effect of sleep deprivation on the
student's academic performance?
Presented By
Group 1: Palubog
Background of the Study:
Sleeping improve overall health both mental and
physical. Sleep deprivation is a common problem
that students in polo national high school
experience every day. However, students are
spending less time sleeping due to a lack of self-
control, studying, working , and other
responsibilities that can affect their academic
performance. The researchers want to conduct
this study to identify how strongly it can affect
sleep deprivation to the academic performance of
Presented By
Group 1: Palubog senior high school students.
Scope and Limitations:
The scope of this study involves the population of
senior high school students of Polo National High
School during the second semester of the school year
This study aims to examine how sleep deprivation
affects the academic performance of students. In
order to better understand, this study will examine
the factors that affect students' sleep. In addition,
this study will not address other issues that have an
Presented By impact on students' grades.
Group 1: Palubog
Significance of the Study:
This study would benefit the following:

Students. The results of the study will help students

obtain the realization of the importance of getting
the right amount of sleep for their academic
performance, making them do better in school by
having good enough sleep.

Teachers. This research will give teachers insights

about sleep deprivation among students, which can
lead to teachers giving reminders to students to get
enough sleep to improve their academic
Presented By
Group 1: Palubog
Significance of the Study:
This study would benefit the following:

Parents. Through this study, the parents would gain

awareness with regard to their children's academic
performance that has been affected by lack of sleep,
resulting in parents having to now look for and
supervise their kids' time of sleep.

Future Researchers. The findings of the study will serve

as a guide for future researchers and will provide them
with further knowledge that can be used if they also
choose to conduct the same study in their locale.
Presented By
Group 1: Palubog
Impact of Study Habits
on Academic
Performance of Senior
High School Students
in Polo National High
Presented By
Group 1: Palubog
Research Problem:

Developing study habits can have an

advantage for students who strive to achieve
being academically competent. This research
focuses on the impact of study habits on the
academic performance of senior high school
students at Polo National High School.

Presented By
Group 1: Palubog
Research Questions:
1. What are the student's study habits?
2. How does this habit increase the
student's productivity?
3. How does this habit develop the student's
class participation?
4. What is the student's general average for
the first semester?
5. How do their study habits affect their
Presented By performance academically?
Group 1: Palubog
Background of the Study:
A study habit method is an effective study skills
or techniques by many students of Polo National
High School especially the senior high school
students. Study habits have become the most
important factor and play a special role in
academic performance and the academic success
of students. This study will determine how
students develop their study habits and what are
the impacts on their academic performance.
Presented By
Group 1: Palubog
Scope and Limitations:
This study aims to determine the impact of study habits
on academic performance of the senior high school
students in Polo National High School for the school
year 2023-2024. This study gives deeper understanding
about ineffective study habits and demonstrates how
study habits effect the academic performance of the

This is a quantitative research and will use close ended

survey questions as the main instrument for data
gathering. This study will not cover the other problems
Presented By that are not necessarily connected to study habits.
Group 1: Palubog
Significance of the Study:
This study would benefit the following:

School Administration: The insights can be used to

develop effective strategies that encourage and
improve students' study habits and create a more
helpful learning environment.

Students. The results of the study will help students

become more aware and improve their study habits that
align with their learning preferences, leading to better
academic performance.
Presented By
Group 1: Palubog
Significance of the Study:
This study would benefit the following:

Teachers. This research will provide teachers better

understanding about their students' study habits and will
motivate students by seeking for improvements.

Parents. This study will serve as an eye opener for

parents regarding their children's study habits and
support in helping their children to develop good study
habits at home, which helps them succeed academically.
Future Researchers. The findings of the study will serve
Presented By as a reference for future researchers.
Group 1: Palubog

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