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Celebrities should earn less money

It is a well-known fact that famous people, like singers and movie stars, are
paid a good fortune nowadays. Most of them are considered the highest-paid
people in the world. But I believe that celebrities should earn less money.

Without doubt, entertainment is a very important part of our lives. In our

day-to-day mundane routine, it is movies, music and sports that rescue us from the
boredom and monotony. They inspire us, motivate us and it makes us hope for
better by giving a vivid experience which is often larger than life, through films,
songs, concerts and games. However, it is so wrong to waste our money on those
professions and I will explain why celebrities should earn less money.

First and foremost vital argument is that celebrities are apparently less
important for society. We can imagine our lives without them. They don’t play
crucial role today, but in the same time they are considered the highest-paid people
in the world. A little bit unfair, isn’t it? What about doctors, nurses, military,
police, firefighters, teachers, scientists and other social care workers. Primarily,
these professionals do works that have a direct impact on our daily lives. In fact,
you can find many examples for this in real life, just think of situation when a
person is injured from a road accident, he/she will definitely need the help of a
doctor in lieu |luː| of a song to listen to or a movie to watch. One more example,
can be seen in the case of criminal activities like terrorism or war. In those
emergent circumstances |ˈsɜːkəmstənsɪz| , the military force and political officials
are all what we are in urgent need of in order to safeguard innocent citizens.
In this way, I having said that, I am sure that there are a lot of profession that
should be highly paid than celebrities. Jobs which involve a high level of
responsibilities and pressure also deserve a high pay. Professions like doctor,
military, politics and teaching are the jobs that require people with high level of
perception and proficiency. Thus to attract such talent to these jobs, it is important
to pay them well.

Secondly, celebrities do not always use their income wisely although they
receive exorbitant |ɪɡˈzɔːbɪt(ə)nt| amounts. To be more precise |prɪˈsaɪs|, they
often waste money on amusement or spend it just to display their wealth. For
instance, some movie stars or sportsmen tend to regularly buy expensive houses,
the latest car models and the like. Furthermore, many actors and singers enjoy
arranging ornate parties to gather other famous people instead of distributing this
prosperity to the needy, create shelters and engage in volunteering.
The last dispute against the idea of extremely well-paid celebrities is that
some of those public figures sometimes are poor role models for our younger
generations. By this, I mean that some of them even spread a negative idea that
success can be achieved without finishing school. As a result of this, many
children of ours might eventually get dropped out of school and become a burden
to society in the long term. Again, we can see that famous people should not be
overpaid in terms of creating equality in the general public and ensuring its proper
function in the long run.

To sum up, I consider that it is bad for society that only singers, actors and
sportsmen are valued and high-paid. Children no longer want to grow up to be
doctors, train drivers, carpenters, plumbers or even teachers because they want a
'celebrity lifestyle' of expensive houses and private jets.

I strongly believe that famous people should have a lifestyle which is more
similar to that of ordinary people.

Do you think it is important to go to museums and art galleries? I think so.

they bring education, cultural immersion, and unity.
To begin with, I`m really open-minded and interested in everything. I`m
keen on art, it`s really breathtaking. I can spend hours looking at the most
outstanding masterpieces.
In addition, a few years ago, I got into scratch drawing. It helped me to
express myself and forgot about the routine for a long time. I was literally
addicted to it, because it was a kind of therapy for my. I even attended several
drawing clubs. I was very excited about doing it, drawing different lines and
imitating the artist`s style. My art teacher always told me that I was brilliant at
imitating human faces. She was really pleased with my success in drawing.
I spend less time for sketching now, because it's time-consuming and I don't
need so much of this «therapy» anymore.

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