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Grammar (Part One)

Please go through the letter below highlighting any
grammatical errors. You will need to point out capitals,
spelling errors, punctuation and spacing.

Dear student,

Thank you for enrolling at The london reception academy in your aspiration
to become a profesionaly trained receptionist.

we hope you will enjoy your time at the academy and you will are able to
exceed your own Expectation in disovering a more confident and assertive
individual. Will enter on a journey of discovery, self awareness and most
importantly gain the skills and knowledge to venture into the work Place
ultimetely securing employment.

You will learn how to speak properly using proven techniques and wll also
learn how to deal with setuations that you will face on a day 2 day basis.

Mostimportantly, our role is to support you in becoming more confident in this

roll. Congratulations for taking the first steps to learn a new skill. Your
commitment, open mind and engagement is what is required to guarantee
to successful course outcome.

The London Reception Academy welcomes you and wished you all the very
best and hope you have an Enjoyable and memorable times.

Yours sincerely,

The london Reception Academy

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