Fundamentals of Project Management & Entrepreneurship

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Fundamentals of Project

Management &
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Fundamentals of Project

Management &
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Fundamentals of Project Management & Entrepreneurship

Fundamentals of Project management
The Definition and
Chapter I nature of project

The Definition and

Chapter II nature of business
Chapter III Stages of creation and
03 building business
Chapter IIII Small business
Chapter I
Chapter Contents
Introduction The concept of
The concept and
project characteristics of
management. the project.

How to become a The reasons for the

failure of the project The basic activities of project
good project
manager? and how to get the management.
project back on track
1 Chapter Objectives
Statement of the most
important basic activities
Identify the concept of the of project management.
project and identify its
most important 感谢您下载包图网平台上提供的PPT作品,为了您和包图网以及原创作者的利益,请勿复制、传播、销售,否则将承担法律责任!包图网将对作品进行维权,按照传播下载次数进行十倍的索取赔偿!
Explaining the most
characteristics. important reasons for the
failure of the project, and
determining how to get the
Accurately define the project back on track again.
concept of project
management according to Learn about some
different points of view. modern forms of
business projects in

improve yourself continuously

The concept and characteristics of the project
Each project is characterized by a set of characteristics that
distinguish it from the routine activities of the organization, the
most important of which are the following:
(1) Objective:
The project occurs only once to achieve the final planned
results, and the project is complex, which requires dividing it
into partial tasks, which must be implemented to achieve the
project’s goal, there is a model that expresses how to achieve
the goal for which the project is based, in light of the basic
• Economy in cost.
• Exploiting time.
• Optimum achievement.
Figure No. (3)
Project objective and determinants

Time 01
01 02 The cost


Unfortunately, technical complexities, changing markets, and
uncontrolled environmental forces complicate what was previously
considered certain. The three dimensions are intertwined and must be
addressed simultaneously, taking one at a time and reducing the other.
When we try to adhere to the time schedule and project completion
requirements, we will be forced to increase the costs and vice versa, When
we try to stabilize costs, the quality of work will decrease, the time schedule
will be delayed, and the quality of achievement will decline. In the past, it
has been allowed to change one or two goals so that the third, more specific
goal is achieved.
Most projects at present do not have such a level of luxury, and it is
necessary to focus on the three objectives at the same time and try to find a
level of balance between them. From a systemic perspective, project
management creates a kind of integration between sources and focuses on
the holistic view of the project's objectives.
Each project has unique characteristics that distinguish it from other
projects. It can be said that no construction, research or development
projects are completely identical to each other, and two projects may be
similar in terms of basic elements, but they will face a degree of
different risk. The management style will reflect the organization’s
philosophy and management style.

The manager of any project will face a set of situations characterized by
conflict, and among these situations is the competition of projects with
functional departments in the same organization over the available
human and financial resources, and conflict arises as a result of the
multiplicity of parties interested in the project.
The project consists
It forces you to work in of a group of
a different way because activities linked
the role of management Focuses on the together, because
is temporary and is customer and his they all contribute to
directly related to the achieving the goal.
life of the project. 2
5 3 The project is not a 1
It must be flexible to routine work, but it
adapt to changes as may involve work
the work stages
and activities of a
routine nature.
o It may include more than one sub-project.
o Projects intersect with different organizational levels, according to their
need to exploit skills and qualifications from different disciplines. The
process of project complexity results from the complexity of advanced
technology, which depends on the overlapping of tasks, which can result in
new and single problems.
o The organization usually implements the project for the stakeholders and
other beneficiaries of it, which makes the failure to implement the project
at the specified time and cost a great responsibility in front of them.
o The project is characterized by the single responsibility of the project
o Projects are temporary activities, where a temporary organization of
people, materials and facilities has been collected to accomplish a goal
within a programmed time frame, and this organization will be dismantled
just to achieve the goal or transferred to work on achieving a new goal.
The objectives of the project can be divided into specific
objectives, general objectives, sub-objectives:
(1) Special Objectives:
The economic theory of the project assumes that maximizing profit is one of the main
objectives of any project, and the profit that the project seeks is the difference between
sales proceeds and production costs, and all expenses incurred by the project are included
in production costs in this concept.
But although making a profit is necessary for the continuation and growth of the project,
it is not the only goal. Besides making profits, we find many other goals, the most
important of which are:
o Achieving the maximum possible amount of sales as a way for the
project to gain wide fame and great confidence in the markets.
o The objective of the investment expenditure of an existing project
may be to protect the main activity from the risk of production
(2) General Objectives:
Achieving the public benefit is the primary objective of the public
project, whether or not a profit is achieved from the establishment of this
project. The public benefit may be in selling a commodity or providing a
service at its cost price or less, but it should not be understood from this that
public projects do not care Absolutely profit, but it should not be done at the
expense of achieving the objectives for which the public project was
established. These objectives are:
o Providing the service.
o Profit.
o Social goals.
o Growth.
These previous goals must be quantitative and specific to a specific time
for their implementation, and it is noted that the previous goals are
integrated with each other
(3) Sub-objectives:
By sub-goals, the objectives that the project owner will set for
the sub-sections of his project (such as production, marketing,
financing, research and individuals) in light of the previous general
objectives of the project, as this helps direct performance within
these divisions, but it is noted that these goals often conflict With
each other within each department and between sub-sections, and
accordingly, this conflict must be reduced as much as possible so
that this does not affect the project as a whole.
The concept of project management:
1 What is the project
Project management is a branch of knowledge in which
projects are planned and implemented using a structured,
repeatable and measurable process. As previously, a project was
defined as “a unique set of activities that aim to achieve a
specific result and have specific start and end dates and
resources dedicated to their implementation. The project
objectives set for it must be characterized by being SMART.
Since projects are linked to results, timing and resources, the
need has arisen to achieve a balance between these three elements
or what is known as project determinants, and therefore project
management is a process of developing A large amount of systemic
data by creating exchanges between these three elements in the
project to make the process of balancing between them more
effective, and in turn the project management process is a series of
steps represented by the "Project Management Process Model".
Figure No. (5)
Project management process model
Project management and planning

Define and organize the Project planning Project follow-up and

project management

Project Establishing work Project management

establishment structures and follow-up

Understand the Planning and doing

Time table
project parameters an assessment

Organize the project Resource

Analysis Project finish
Getting the most out
of your budget

Develop risk
management plans
1. Defining the project and its organization
The success of any project depends on the clarity of its
objectives and the way in which the coordination between the
members of the work teams to implement its activities, and
from that, the effective completion of the project requires
knowing the goals and the individuals who will work together in

the work teams to achieve these goals and knowing something

about the way they will work with each other.

We conclude from this that allocating even a short time to

clarify and organize the project achieves tremendous benefits. The
basic steps are: setting the organizational structure of the project,
determining its determinants, and planning its framework. These
steps answer questions such as “who”, “what” and “how”, This is
what we will cover in detail in the following sections.
2. Project planning
Almost all projects face the problem of answering a question such as “when”
the project will be completed while trying to reduce this time period and the
risks involved, the management parties outside the project team insist on
demanding the speedy completion of the project while the project managers
realize the difficulty of that, and the solution to this problem lies in the work of a
trustworthy project plan . 感谢您下载包图网平台上提供的PPT作品,为了您和包图网以及原创作者的利益,请勿复制、传播、销售,否则将承担法律责任!包图网将对作品进行维权,按照传播下载次数进行十倍的索取赔偿!

The process of structured planning increases the effectiveness of the decision-

making process because it provides decision-makers with specific data. The basic
steps in the project plan are as follows: work system analysis, schedule
development, resource analysis, risk management plans development, and these
steps allow the project manager and his team to identify the tasks required to
achieve the project objectives, the time each task will take, and the best sequence
of the tasks, how long the project will take, how the resources will affect the
schedule, and the risks involved in the project.
3. Project follow-up and management
The idea of ​managing the project according to the plan appears
to be a simple idea, but what happens most of the time is that once
the plan is developed (if it was established at all), the project
management stops under the “rush to complete the work and the
movement of the project itself is controlling everyone, so it is easier

for team members to work on completing their tasks carefully and

get tangible results than to get involved in an intangible process.
And the result is weakening their ability to follow up on the project
and then weakening their grip on the reins and their situation.

Project management can also be defined as the process of guiding the

project from its inception and during its implementation to the end. Project
management includes three basic processes:
Planning includes:
• Determining the results to be achieved.
• Setting schedule.
• Estimate the required resources.

• Defining the roles and responsibilities of individuals.

Oversight includes:
• Ensure the expected performance of individuals.
• Monitoring actions taken and results achieved.
• Dealing with problems that arise.
• Share information with those interested in the project.

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