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Name: ______________________________ Gr.& Sec. __________ Date ___________ Score____

Activity 1
DIRECTIONS: Read the short passage and evaluate the following statements if it is TRUE or FALSE.

Mr. Edwin Gomez is a very wealthy businessman. He and his family enjoy a lot of things. However,
they share their blessings with those who are in need of help. They don’t ask for anything in return.

1. They don’t care about other people. A. TRUE B. FALSE

2. They donate cash money and food every now and then. A. TRUE B. FALSE
3. They voluntarily help in times of calamities. A. TRUE B. FALSE
4. They keep their wealth to themselves. A. TRUE B. FALSE
5. They give alms to the needy. A. TRUE B. FALSE

Activity 2
DIRECTIONS: Evaluate the narratives based on how the author developed the characters.
There’s a party in the neighborhood. The music is at full blast. The teenagers are
laughing and talking loudly. People staying along the block where the party is held are

A. People are mad.

B. People are annoyed.
C. People are irritated.
D. All of the above.
“Mommy,” the little girl asked “do all fairy tales begin with “Once upon a time”?
A. The little girl is desperate.
B. The little girl is joyous.
C. The little girl is curious.
D. The little girl is anxious.
“Bah! In my day, we had fantastical feasts when I lived in the palace. And now, look at me –
wasted away to practically nothing – banished, and exiled, and practically starving, while he and his
flimsy fish-folk celebrate.

Well, I’ll give ’em something to celebrate soon enough. Flotsam! Jetsam! I want you to keep
an extra close watch on this pretty little daughter of his. She may be the key to Triton’s undoing…”
— Ursula
A. Ursula is the villain in Frozen.
B. Ursula is the villain in Little Mermaid.
C. Ursula is the villain in Mulan.
D. Ursula is the villain in Beauty and the Beast.
Antonio, a Gr. Six pupil, is a bright boy. He always gets high grades. He does his
assignment completely. His teacher would have been very happy for him, if not for his being a
problematic boy. He’s boastful and talkative. He fights his classmates. He laughs at whatever
mistakes his classmates commit. So, his teacher has to do something for his misbehavior.

A. Antonio is an ideal schoolboy.

B. Antonio is well-loved by his teacher.
C. Antonio possess good and bad qualities.
D. Antonio appreciates everyone in school.
The Fox and the Eagle

The fox found out that her cub was carried away by the eagle.
The fox pleaded with the eagle to return her cub.
The eagle ignored the fox’s pleas.
The fox quickly ran to snatch a burning branch to set fire to the eagle’s nest.
The eagle gave back the cub to the fox.
An eagle and a fox lived as good neighbors.

A. The fox is a courageous mother.

B. The fox is an irresponsible parent.
C. The fox is afraid to the eagle.
D. The fox didn’t want to be friends to anyone

Activity 3
DIRECTIONS: Evaluate the moods of the characters in the following statements. Write
the letter of the correct answer in the line before the number.
________ 11. “Ha-ha-ha! What a fool he is!”
A. kindness B. concerned C. apologetic D. wicked
________ 12. “Now look!” the man yelled. “I just told you there’s no Melvin here!”
A. surprised B. angry C. sad D. glad
________ 13. “Great!” replied the woman. “That’s just what I’ve been praying for.”
A. happy B. worried C. frustrated D. fear
________ 14. “What! I won first prize in the raffle draw?”
A. embarrassed B. hopeful C. surprised D. disappointed
________ 15. “Why don’t you rest today?” she suggested. “You’ve got all day tomorrow
to finish it.”
A. concerned B. helpless C. desperate D. joking
________ 16. Grandmother turns to Hilda. She smiles at her, but it seems to her that her
eyes are filled with tears. The sunshine bathes everything in and all around
them the morning is fresh and green.
A. fright B. happiness C. loneliness D. bitter
________ 17. From far below in the valley, Father’s voice came faintly. “Don’t do it
Franco! It’s dangerous.”
A. anger B. pride C. calm D. worry
________ 18. “My eyes are open yet they see nothing!” Jonas cried out.
A. frantic B. timid C. thankful D. glad
________ 19. He believed very strongly that everything good belongs to everybody who
needs it. Food, clothing, shelter, and care in sickness was for everybody. It
was to be given freely, like sunshine and wind.
A. Fear B. concern C. disappointment D. loneliness
________20. “How dare you send a mere child with staff to challenge me!” Goliath
A. surprised B. furious C. complained D. scared

DIRECTIONS: Determine what is being described in each number. Choose your letter from the choices
21. This is a short tale which teaches lesson, and their characters are animals.
22. It refers to the daily life of the character.
23. It is the time and place of the story.
24. This is a person, or sometimes even an animal, who takes part in the action of a story.
25. What do you call the feeling that is created at the beginning of the story.
26. This character is the center of the story.
27. A type of characterization that uses behavior, speech and appearance, as well as the opinions of
other characters.
28. What is another name for the hero in the character?
29. This refers to the enemy of the character.
30. Another name for the enemy in the story.

Indirect Characterization
Social Conditions

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