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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XI
La Filipina National High School


Grade 11 – Quarter 1
Day & Learning Area Learning Learning Tasks Mode of
Time Competency Delivery
7:00 – Wake up, fixing the bed, take a bath, eat breakfast , fixing oneself and get ready
8:00 AM
Monday General Retrieval of modules ➢ Read the reminder and lesson objectives in What I Need to Know Send outputs
8:00 – Mathematics ➢ Answer the 15 multiple choice questions pretest on What I Know in using any
9:00 AM MODULE 1-6 platforms
➢ Recall your past lessons in What’s In
➢ Read and analyze What’s New; Read and understand in What is It;
Represents real-life Read each situation to solve each problem in What’s More; Reflect on Have the
9:00 – situations using statements in What I Have Learned parent hand-in
10:00 AM functions, including ➢ Create a sample and problem and its corresponding equation in What I the output to
piece-wise functions. Can Do. the teacher in
(M11GM-Ia-1) ➢ Assess learning by answering the 15 items test in the Assessment. school
➢ If you feel that you need more activities, you can answer the 2 item
problems in the Additional Activities. (Optional)
➢ Analyze and understand how evaluate functions in What is It.
10:00 AM– Evaluates functions. ➢ Try evaluating functions by filling up the missing parts in Independent
11:00 AM (M11GM-Ia-2) Practice 1 & 2 (you can try 1 – 3 items only); Answer the Independent
Assessment 1 & 2

La Filipina National High School

Concepcion Road, La Filipina, Tagum City, Davao del Norte
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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XI
La Filipina National High School
➢ Complete the statements and fill in the blanks in Activity A & B in What
Performs addition, I Have Learned.
11:00 AM - subtraction, ➢ Apply your knowledge on evaluating functions by solving real-life
12:00 NN multiplication, problems.
division, and ➢ Answer the Assessment.
composition of ➢ Answer the Additional Activities.
(M11GM-Ia-3) ➢ Match Column A and Column B to find the SECRET MESSAGE.
➢ Analyze and answer the questions on problem in What’s New.
➢ Read and understand the text about operations on functions in What
Is It.
➢ Answer all the activities in What’s More, What I Have Learned
regarding operations on functions.
➢ Read and understand the situation given, then answer the questions
that follow.
➢ Answer the Assessment carefully; Answer Additional Activities.
1:00 PM
➢ Read and analyze the problem in What’s New. Answer the questions
Solves problems that follow; Explore samples of real-life problems involving functions.
1:00 – involving functions. ➢ Answer Independent Practice 1 & 2 and Independent Assessment 1 &
2:00 PM (M11GM-Ia-4) 2.
➢ Write the process that you follow in solving problems involving
functions in What I Have Learned; Create a financial plan.
➢ Answer the Assessment; Try solving the Additional activities.

La Filipina National High School

Concepcion Road, La Filipina, Tagum City, Davao del Norte
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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XI
La Filipina National High School
➢ Read and analyze the comics in What’s New; Read and analyze the
Distinguishes rational text in What is It.
2:00 – function, rational ➢ Read each situation carefully, answer Independent Practice 1 & 2 and
3:00 PM equation, and Independent Assessment 1 & 2 in What’s More; Answer the
rational inequality. questions in What I Have Learned.
(M11GM-Ib-2) ➢ Create an Austerity Plan in What I can Do.
➢ Answer the Assessment; answer Additional Activities. (Optional)
3:00 – ➢ Answer the Follow me Activity in What’s New.
4:00 PM Solves rational ➢ Read and analyze the text in What is It on the definition of rational
equations and equation and how it is solved.
inequalities. ➢ Answer Activity 1 & 2 in What’s More; Complete the statements by
(M11GM-Ib-3) writing the correct word in What I Have Learned; Read the situation
and solve the problem.
➢ Answer the Assessment; Answer Additional Activities.
Tuesday ➢ Read the reminder and lesson objectives in What I Need to Know
8:30 – Represents a rational ➢ Answer the 15 multiple choice questions pretest on What I Know in
9:3 AM function through its: MODULE 7-12
(a) table of ➢ Recall your past lessons in What’s In
➢ Answer the problem in What’s New.
values, (b) graph, and
➢ Study the definition of Rational Function and observe the given examples.
(c) equation. ➢ Try on Practice Activity 1 and answer Independent Assessment 1 & 2.
(M11GM-Ib-4) ➢ Explain how do you represent rational function using equation, graph and
➢ Read and analyze the situation and answer the questions given.
➢ Answer the Assessment; Do the problems in Additonal Activities.

La Filipina National High School

Concepcion Road, La Filipina, Tagum City, Davao del Norte
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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XI
La Filipina National High School
9:30 – Finds the domain and ➢ Analyze the problem and answer the questions to ponder in What’s
10:30 AM range of a rational New.
function. ➢ Study the text in What Is It about finding the domain and range of a
(M11GM-Ib-5) rational function.
➢ Try the enrichment activity 1 & 2 and independent practice; answer
the Independent Assessment; Try to summarize on your own by filling
in the blanks.
➢ Apply rational functions in real-life by studying the given sample and
try on your own.
➢ Answer the Assessment; Additional Activities (use MS Excel)
10:30 – Determines the: (a) ➢ Answer the activity I-Connect Mo.
11:30 AM intercepts; (b) zeroes; ➢ Study the text in What Is It about the intercepts and zeroes of rational
and (c) functions.
asymptotes of ➢ Answer the Independent Practice 1 & 2 and Independent Assessment
rational functions. 1 & 2.
(M11GM-Ic-1) ➢ Try to summarize on your own by filling in the blanks.
➢ Apply what you have learned from the lesson by answering the
➢ Do the Assessment; Additional Activities. (Optional)
1:00 PM
1:00 – Solves problems ➢ Read and analyze each situation below and answer the questions that
2:00 PM involving rational follow.

La Filipina National High School

Concepcion Road, La Filipina, Tagum City, Davao del Norte
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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XI
La Filipina National High School
equations, and ➢ Connect the Speed me up activity in What’s New to the content in
inequalities. What is It to illustrate the problem, observe the examples.
(M11GM-Ic-3) ➢ Answer the Independent Practice 1 - 3 and Independent Assessment
1 – 5; Complete the statements in What I Have Learned; Create 3-
word problems involving rational functions, equations, and
inequalities and show solution.
➢ Answer the Assessment; consider the Additional Activities. (Optional)
2:00 – Represents real-life ➢ Do the activity in What’s New.
3:00 PM situations using one- ➢ Study the text in What Is It about one-to-one function.
to one ➢ Answer activities in What’s More to deepen understanding in One-to-
functions. One Functions.
(M11GM-Id-1) ➢ Answer the questions in What I Have Learned; Solve the problem in
What I Can Do.
➢ Answer the Assessment; Do the Additional Activities.
3:00 – Determines the ➢ Do the Mind Game.
4:00 PM inverse of a one-to- ➢ Study the text in What Is It; Do the activities in What’s More and
one function. What I Have Learned. Write a letter to a family member or peer
(M11GM-Id-2) expressing your regret over an event.
➢ Answer the Assessment and Additional Activities.
Wednesday * Finds the domain ➢ Read the reminder and lesson objectives in What I Need to Know
8:00 – and range of an ➢ Answer the 15 multiple choice questions pretest on What I Know in
9:00 AM inverse function. MODULE 14
M11GM-Id-4 ➢ Read What’s In and perform the task A,B, and C in What’s New.

La Filipina National High School

Concepcion Road, La Filipina, Tagum City, Davao del Norte
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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XI
La Filipina National High School
9:00 – ➢ Read how to determine the domain and range of an inverse function
10:00 AM in What Is It and answer the questions stated in What’s More, What I
Have Learned and What Can I Do.
10:00 – ➢ Assess learning by answering the 15 items test in the Assessment.
11:00 AM ➢ Additional Activities (Optional)
11:00 AM– * Graphs inverse Learning Block 13 Subject Matter: Graph of Inverse Function
12:00 PM functions. M11GM-Ie- ➢ Read Part A (CONCEPT) and Part B (PRE-REQUISITE SKILLS)
1 ➢ Study the examples presented in Part C. LEARNING NEW SKILLS
➢ Answer the questions in Part D (INTERACTIVE PHASE), Part E
(ENGAGE) and
1:00 PM
1:00 – * Solves problems ➢ Read the reminder and lesson objectives in What I Need to Know
2:00 PM involving inverse ➢ Answer the 15 items multiple choice test in What I Know in Module
functions. 15.
M11GM-Ie-2 ➢ Complete the task in What’s In and What’s New .
➢ Read the text about on how to solve real-life problems involving
inverse function in What Is It.
➢ Answer the activity in What’s More.
➢ Perform the task in What I Have Learned and What I Can Do.
➢ Complete the 15 item questions in the Assessment.
* Represents real-life Additional Activities (Optional)
2:00 – situations using ➢ Read the reminder and lesson objectives in What I Need to Know.
3:00 PM

La Filipina National High School

Concepcion Road, La Filipina, Tagum City, Davao del Norte
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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XI
La Filipina National High School
exponential ➢ Answer the 15 multiple choice questions pretest on What I Know in
functions. Module 16.
M11GM-Ie-3 ➢ Read What’s In and perform the task A,B, and C in What’s New.
➢ Read what are real life situations that uses the concept of exponential
functions in What Is It and answer the questions stated in What’s
More, What I Have Learned and What Can I Do.
➢ Assess learning by answering the 15 items test in the Assessment.
* Distinguishes Additional Activities (Optional)
3:00 – between exponential ➢ Answer the 15 items multiple choice test in What I Know in Module
4:00 PM function, exponential 17.
equation, and ➢ Read the content in What’s In. Answer the questions in What’s New.
exponential ➢ Read the concept about distinguishes between exponential function,
inequality. exponential equation, and exponential inequality in What Is It.
M11GM-Ie-4 ➢ Comply the task in the activity given in What’s More.
➢ Perform the task in What I Have Learned and What I Can Do.
➢ Assess learning by answering the 15 items test in the Assessment.
➢ Perform the activity where do they belong in Additional Activities.
Additional Activities (Optional)
Thursday * Solves problems ➢ Answer the 15 items multiple choice test in What I Know in Module
8:00 – involving exponential 17.
9:00 AM functions, equations, ➢ Read the content in What’s In. Answer the questions in What’s New.
and inequalities. ➢ Read the concept on how to solve problems involving exponential
M11GM-Ig-2 functions, equations, and inequalities in What Is It.
➢ Complete the task in the activity presented in What’s More.
➢ Perform the task in What I Have Learned and What I Can Do.

La Filipina National High School

Concepcion Road, La Filipina, Tagum City, Davao del Norte
Email add:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XI
La Filipina National High School
* Finds the domain ➢ Assess learning by answering the 15 items test in the Assessment.
9:00 – and range of an Learning Block 16 Subject Matter: Exponential Function
10:00 AM exponential function. ➢ Read Part A (CONCEPT) and Part B (PRE-REQUISITE SKILLS)
M11GM-If-3 ➢ Study the examples presented in Part C. LEARNING NEW SKILLS
➢ Answer the questions in Part D (INTERACTIVE PHASE), Part E
* Graphs exponential (ENGAGE) and
functions. ➢ Part F (REFLECTION)
10:00 – M11GM-Ig-1 Learning Block 17 Subject Matter: Graph of Exponential Function
11:00 AM ➢ Read Part A (CONCEPT) and Part B (PRE-REQUISITE SKILLS)
➢ Study the examples presented in Part C. LEARNING NEW SKILLS
* Solves problems ➢ Answer the questions in Part D (INTERACTIVE PHASE), Part E
involving exponential (ENGAGE) and
functions, equations, ➢ Part F (REFLECTION)
11:00 AM– and inequalities. Learning Block 18 Subject Matter: Solving word problems involving
12:00 PM M11GM-Ig-2 exponential functions, equation and inequalities
➢ Study the examples presented in Part C. LEARNING NEW SKILLS
➢ Answer the questions in Part D (INTERACTIVE PHASE), Part E
* Represents real-life (ENGAGE) and Part F (REFLECTION)
12:00 – situations using LUNCH BREAK
1:00 PM logarithmic functions.
1:00 – M11GM-Ih-1 Learning Block 19 Subject Matter: Logarithmic Function
2:00 PM ➢ Read Part A (CONCEPT) and Part B (PRE-REQUISITE SKILLS)
➢ Study the examples presented in Part C. LEARNING NEW SKILLS

La Filipina National High School

Concepcion Road, La Filipina, Tagum City, Davao del Norte
Email add:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XI
La Filipina National High School
* Distinguishes ➢ Answer the questions in Part D (INTERACTIVE PHASE), Part E
logarithmic function, (ENGAGE) and Part F (REFLECTION)
2:00 – logarithmic equation, Learning Block 21 Subject Matter: Logarithmic Function
3:00 PM and logarithmic ➢ Read Part A (CONCEPT) and Part B (PRE-REQUISITE SKILLS)
inequality. ➢ Study the examples presented in Part C. LEARNING NEW SKILLS
M11GM-Ih-2 ➢ Answer the questions in Part D (INTERACTIVE PHASE), Part E
* Illustrates the laws (ENGAGE) and Part F (REFLECTION)
of logarithms. ➢
3:00 – M11GM-Ih-3 Learning Block 20 Subject Matter: Logarithmic Equations
4:00 PM Solves logarithmic ➢ Read Part A (CONCEPT) and Part B (PRE-REQUISITE SKILLS)
equations and ➢ Study the examples presented in Part C. LEARNING NEW SKILLS
inequalities. ➢ Answer the questions in Part D (INTERACTIVE PHASE), Part E
M11GM-Ih-i-1 (ENGAGE) and Part F (REFLECTION)

Friday * Finds the domain and ➢ Answer the 15 items multiple choice test in What I Know in Module 26.
8:00 – range of a logarithmic ➢ Read the content in What’s In. Answer the questions in What’s New.
9:00 AM function. ➢ Read the concept on how to find the domain and range of a logarithmic
M11GM-Ii-3 function in What Is It.
➢ Accomplish the task in the activity given in What’s More.
9:00 – ➢ Perform the task in What I Have Learned and What I Can Do.
10:00 AM ➢ Assess learning by answering the 15 items test in the Assessment.
➢ Additional Activities (Optional)

10:00 – ➢ Answer the 15 items multiple choice test in What I Know in Module 27.
11:00 AM ➢ Read the content in What’s In. Answer the questions in What’s New.

La Filipina National High School

Concepcion Road, La Filipina, Tagum City, Davao del Norte
Email add:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XI
La Filipina National High School
* Determines the ➢ Read the concept on how to determine the intercepts, zeroes, and
intercepts, zeroes, and asymptotes of logarithmic functions in What Is It.
asymptotes of ➢ Complete the task in the activity given in What’s More.
11:00 AM– logarithmic functions. ➢ Perform the task in What I Have Learned and What I Can Do.
12:00 PM M11GM-Ii-4 ➢ Assess learning by answering the 15 items test in the Assessment.
➢ Additional Activities (Optional)
12:00 – 1:00 PM LUNCH BREAK
1:00 – Learning Block 22 Subject Matter: Graphing Logarithmic Function
2:00 PM * Graphs logarithmic ➢ Read Part A (CONCEPT) and Part B (PRE-REQUISITE SKILLS)
functions. ➢ Study the examples presented in Part C. LEARNING NEW SKILLS
M11GM-Ij-1 ➢ Answer the questions in Part D (INTERACTIVE PHASE), Part E (ENGAGE) and
2:00 – ➢ Answer the 15 items multiple choice test in What I Know in Module 28.
3:00 PM * Solves problems ➢ Read the content in What’s In. Answer the questions in What’s New.
involving logarithmic ➢ Read the concept on how to determine the intercepts, zeroes, and
functions, equations, asymptotes of logarithmic functions in What Is It.
and inequalities. ➢ Complete the task in the activity given in What’s More.
3:00 – M11GM-Ij-2 ➢ Perform the task in What I Have Learned and What I Can Do.
4:00 PM ➢ Assess learning by answering the 15 items test in the Assessment.
Additional Activities (Optional)
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Subject Teacher Subject Teacher Master Teacher II/Subject Group Head

La Filipina National High School

Concepcion Road, La Filipina, Tagum City, Davao del Norte
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