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Fieldwork No.

Deflection Angle Traverse

Name : Weather :
Group No. : Place :
Designation : Time, Start :
Instructor : End :
Class Schedule :

I. Objectives

 To run a closed traverse by measuring the deflection angles.

 To adjust the traverse using the compass rule.
 To compute the area using DMD method.

II. Instruments

1 - Theodolite/Total Station 2 - Range Poles

1 – Tripod 2 - Stadia Rod
1 – Reflector/Prism with rod 8 - Marking Pins
1 – Brunton Compass

III. Theory

Traverses are very common especially when running a plan surveying. It is made of a series
of straight lines connecting traverse stations that are established along the route of the survey.
Deflection angles are frequently used in surveys for railroads, highways, pipelines, canals,
transmission or power lines, and all other route surveys. These angles are always less than 180
degrees, and the sum of all right deflections should differ from the sum of all the left deflections
by 360 degrees, or in other words, the algebraic sum of the deflection angles should be 360

Instrumental errors may be introduced when a deflection angle is measured only once. These
errors are mostly eliminated by double centering, and the second value determined serves as a
check on the first value read. It is also best to run for careful checks for error to ensure the
accuracy of the data gathered.

IV. Procedure

1. Establish the corner of the assigned traverse (with at least 5 corners). Call these
corners A, B,C, etc; and use marking pins to mark each. Also, set range poles close
to these corners to serve as guides during sighting. Refer to the accompanying sketch
of a sample closed traverse with 6 corners.
2. Set up and level the instrument over the first corner (A), determine and record the
azimuth (or bearing) of course AB (The direction of this course is determined in order
that the traverse can be correctly oriented for plotting later).

3. Set the horizontal circle reading to zero and with the telescope direct, take a backsight
on the previous station (E), then clamp all motions.

4. Plunge the telescope to the reversed position so that the line of sight is now directed
along the prolongation of the previous line (AE).

5. Release the upper clamp and sight next station (B). Tighten back the clamp and read
and record the horizontal circle when the line of sight is brought exactly on B by the
upper tangent screws. The deflection angle is recorded as either R or L to indicate
whether the telescope was tuned to the right (clockwise) or to the left
6. With the telescope still in the reversed position, loosen the lower clamp and direct the
line of sight toward the previous corner (E). Using the lower tangent screw, bring the
line of sight exactly on this corner. Plunge the telescope back to direct position to
bring the line of sight along the prolongation of line EA.

7. Release the upper clamp and sight the next corner (B). Tighten back the clamp and
read and record the horizontal circle when the line of sight is set exactly on b. Half
the final reading is the required deflection angle at station A.

8. Measure with a steel tape the distance from the occupied corner to the next corner
sighted. Perform the second measurement back and record the mean of the two
measurements as the length of the traverse line.

9. Transfer the instrument to the next corner (B) and repeat the same process of
determining the deflection angle and measuring the related distance. Do this until all
corners have been occupied.

10. Tabulate observed and computed values accordingly. Plot the traverse using a
convenient scale complete with the necessary description.

Fig. 5-1 Deflection Angle Traverse

V. Data and Results:

VI. Sample Computations:

VII. Conclusion:
VIII. Sketch:

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