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Sector Office DAO Climate Responsive Indicators/Strategies Adopted Status Source Remarks

Recommended for update

Intensified Forest Protection and
FMB 1.00 Amount of CO2 emissions prevented avoided No For updating CC-DAO 2021-22
Anti-Illegal Logging
Per FMB, this can be
generated from ERDB.
Solid Waste Management and Number of uncleaned sites cleaned-up by the
EMB 1.00 Yes For updating CC-DAO 2021-22
Hazardous Waste management LGU
Intensified Forest Protection and Per FMB, this can be
FMB 1.00 Area of existing forest protected No For adoption CC-DAO 2021-22
Anti-Illegal Logging generated from NAMRIA
Enhance Biodiveristy Area of critical habitats effectively managed
BMB 1.00 No For adoption CC-DAO 2021-22
Conservation increased
Intensified Forest Protection and Per FMB, this can be
FMB 1.00 Carbon stocks of existing forest protected No For adoption CC-DAO 2021-22
Anti-Illegal Logging generated from ERDB
Scaling up of Coastal and Marine Area of marine protected areas effectively
BMB 1.00 No For adoption CC-DAO 2021-22
Rehabilitation managed increased
Enhance Biodiveristy Area of terrestrial protected areas effectively
BMB 1.00 No For adoption CC-DAO 2021-22
Conservation managed increased (ha)
No. of tons of CO2e sequestered or removed Per FMB, this may be
Enhanced NGP FMB 1.00 from the atmosphere (Tons of CO2 stored per No For adoption CC-DAO 2021-22 generated in collaboration
hectare) with ERDB.
Scaling up of Coastal and Marine Coverage of marine protected areas increased
BMB 1.00 No For adoption CC-DAO 2021-22
Rehabilitation (%)

Enhance Biodiveristy Coverage of terrestrial protected areas

BMB 1.00 No For adoption CC-DAO 2021-22
Conservation increased (%)

Baseline monitoring of SLCP such as Black

Clean Air EMB 1.00 Yes For updating CC-DAO 2021-22
Carbon (BC)
Solid Waste Management and Increased waste diversion from Sanitary
EMB 1.00 Yes For updating CC-DAO 2021-22
Hazardous Waste management Landfills
Improved capacity of Airshed Governing Board
to ascertain attainment/nonattainment areas
Clean Air EMB 1.00 and formulate/implement action plans and Yes Adopted CC-DAO 2021-22
strategies which include air pollution reduction
Sector Office DAO Climate Responsive Indicators/Strategies Adopted Status Source Remarks

Increased % in clinker substitution in production

of cement with supplementary cementitious
Clean Air EMB 1.00 materials including but not limited to fly ash, No For adoption CC-DAO 2021-22
granulated blast, furnace slag and natural
Solid Waste Management and Increased in the number of SLF with methane
EMB 1.00 Yes For updating CC-DAO 2021-22
Hazardous Waste management gas management
Solid Waste Management and Increase in quantity of biowastes managed
EMB 1.00 Yes For updating CC-DAO 2021-22
Hazardous Waste management through the use of biogas digesters
Increased % in population connected to
Clean Water EMB 1.00 Yes Adopted CC-DAO 2021-22
sewage treatment facilities
Increased % in sewerage coverage in Metro
Manila Bay Clean Up MBCO 1.00 Manila and other coastal cities and No For validation if adopted CC-DAO 2021-22
municipalities c/o MWSS
Manila Bay Clean Up MBCO 1.00 Increased % in solid waste diversion rate No For validation if adopted CC-DAO 2021-22
Increased % in the coverage of sewerage and
septage treatment facilities - in line with the Recommended for deletion
Manila Bay Clean Up MBCO 1.00 No For validation if adopted CC-DAO 2021-22
implementation of National Sewerage and [CCITSD]
Septage Management Program
Solid Waste Management and Increased % in the use of eco-efficient soil
EMB 1.00 No For adoption CC-DAO 2021-22
Hazardous Waste management cover
Increased % in the use of low global warming
potential (GWP) refrigerants in the refrigeration.
Clean Air EMB 1.00 The airconditioning and foam manufacturing No For adoption CC-DAO 2021-22
(RAC-F) and fire suppressant and solvent
Increase in the number of priority water bodies
Clean Water EMB 1.00 that conform with the water quality guideline for Yes For updating CC-DAO 2021-22
DO based on their water body classification
Solid Waste Management and Increased number of households practicing
EMB 1.00 No For adoption CC-DAO 2021-22
Hazardous Waste management composting
Solid Waste Management and
EMB 1.00 Increased use of methane flaring No For adoption CC-DAO 2021-22
Hazardous Waste management
Enhance Biodiveristy Inland wetlands within protected areas
BMB 1.00 No For adoption CC-DAO 2021-22
Conservation assessed and inventoried
Enhance Biodiveristy
BMB 1.00 No. of caves assessed and classified Yes Adopted CC-DAO 2021-22
Sector Office DAO Climate Responsive Indicators/Strategies Adopted Status Source Remarks

Solid Waste Management and

EMB 1.00 Healthcare wastes managed Yes For updating CC-DAO 2021-22
Hazardous Waste management
No. of Management Effectiveness Assessment
Enhance Biodiveristy
BMB 1.00 (MEA) conducted following BMB Technical Yes Adopted CC-DAO 2021-22
Bulletin No. 2018-05
Enhance Biodiveristy No. of prepared updated Protected Area
BMB 1.00 Yes Adopted CC-DAO 2021-22
Conservation Management Plans (PAMPs)
Number of Environmental Impact Assessment Per FMB, this may be
Enhanced NGP FMB 1.00 (EIA) projects with proposed carbon offset No For adoption CC-DAO 2021-22 generated in collaboration
component with EMB.
Enhance Biodiveristy Number of biodiversity-friendly enterprises
BMB 1.00 No For adoption CC-DAO 2021-22
Conservation developed/recognized
Number of biodiversity-friendly enterprises
Scaling up of Coastal and Marine
BMB 1.00 developed/recognized with sustainable No For adoption CC-DAO 2021-22
financing mechanisms increased
Number of hectares rehabilitated, maintained,
Enhanced NGP FMB 1.00 Yes Adopted CC-DAO 2021-22
and protected
Per FMB, this may be
Number of households that use fuel wood for
Enhanced NGP FMB 1.00 No For adoption CC-DAO 2021-22 generated in collaboration
with PSA.
Increased number of firms that comply with the
Clean Water EMB 1.00 Yes For updating CC-DAO 2021-22
general effluent standard for BOD per year
Per FMB, this may be
accounted through:
1. Plantation establishment
Enhanced NGP FMB 1.00 Number of persons employed/jobs generated No For adoption CC-DAO 2021-22 2. Maintenance and protection
3. Hiring of Forest Protection
Officers of ENGP
Per FMB, this may be
Enhanced NGP FMB 1.00 Number of POs with market networks No For adoption CC-DAO 2021-22 generated in collaboration
with DTI.
Number of Integrated River Basin Management
and Development Master Plan endorse by the
with request for restatement -
Regional Develoment Councils and approved
Water Resource Management NWRB 1.00 No For updating CC-DAO 2021-22 Per memo dated 24 January
for implementation by the National Steering
2024 from RBCO
Committee reconstituted under Special Order
No. 2204-04
Sector Office DAO Climate Responsive Indicators/Strategies Adopted Status Source Remarks

Per FMB, it can be generated

through the consolidated
Intensified Forest Protection and
FMB 1.00 Number of threats observed reduced No For adoption CC-DAO 2021-22 reports coming from the
Anti-Illegal Logging
regional offices of the DENR
through Lawin.
Solid Waste Management and Number of LGUs compliant with proper
EMB 1.00 Yes For updating CC-DAO 2021-22
Hazardous Waste management disposal of waste in Sanitary Landfills
No. of women and men participated in the
Enhanced NGP FMB 1.00 Yes Adopted Gender-DAO 2021-22
No. of women and men involved in the
Enhanced NGP FMB 1.00 construction of vegetatice and mechanical Yes Adopted Gender-DAO 2021-22
Restore degraded forests and deforested areas
Enhanced NGP FMB For validation if adopted NAP
Number of relocated ISF (c/o DILG) in areas
Manila Bay Clean Up MBCO 1.00 No For validation if adopted CC-DAO 2021-22
delinated by DENR
Number of Operational River Basin
with request for restatement -
Organizations (RBMCs) established and
Water Resource Management RBCO 1.00 No For updating CC-DAO 2021-22 Per memo dated 24 January
strenthene with Memorandum of Cooperation
2024 from RBCO
(MOCs) and Maunal of Operations (MOOs).
Number of river basins with comprehensive
Water Resource Management RBCO 1.00 Yes Adopted CC-DAO 2021-22
water resources assessment
Enhanced NGP FMB Enhance integrated watershed management For validation if adopted NAP
Number of visitors and income generated
Enhance Biodiveristy
BMB 1.00 through ecotourism within protected areas No For adoption CC-DAO 2021-22
assessed and classified increased
Number of water-constrained areas with
Water Resource Management NWRB 1.00 Groundwater Management Plan developed Yes Adopted CC-DAO 2021-22
(incorporating climate change scenarios)
Number of water-constrained areas with
Water Resource Management NWRB 1.00 Yes Adopted CC-DAO 2021-22
groundwater monitoring wells established
Percentage women and men benefiting from
Scaling up of Coastal and Marine
BMB 1.00 community-based ecotourism and other No For adoption CC-DAO 2021-22
biodiversity-friendly livelihoods increased
Clean Air EMB 1.00 Phase-out Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) Yes Adopted CC-DAO 2021-22
Enhance Biodiveristy Priority threatened species protected and
BMB 1.00 No For adoption CC-DAO 2021-22
Conservation conserved
Sector Office DAO Climate Responsive Indicators/Strategies Adopted Status Source Remarks

Increase in the number of priority water bodies

that conform with the water quality guideline
Clean Water EMB 1.00 Yes For updating CC-DAO 2021-22
value for BOD based on their water body
Reduced soil loss in Manila Bay Watershed
Manila Bay Clean Up MBCO 1.00 No For validation if adopted CC-DAO 2021-22
Area c/o BMB
Strengthened capacity of EMB Regional Offices
Recommended for updating
Clean Air EMB 1.00 for permitting, real-time monitoring, and Yes For updating CC-DAO 2021-22
enforcement system/s
Solid Waste Management and
EMB 1.00 Zero occurrences of garbage landslides Yes Adopted CC-DAO 2021-22
Hazardous Waste management
Number of LGUs supported in their application
for septage and sewerage projects under the
Clean Water EMB 1.00 Yes For updating CC-DAO 2021-22
National Sewerage and Septage Management
Program (NSSMP)
Number of Regional Offices capacitated on
Research and Development ERDB 1.00 Yes Adopted CC-DAO 2021-22
carbon stock assessment
Technical assistance extended to Regional
Research and Development ERDB 1.00 Yes Adopted CC-DAO 2021-22
vulnerability assessment implementers
Vulnerability assessment reports reviewed and
Research and Development ERDB 1.00 Yes Adopted CC-DAO 2021-22
Electronically stored completed vulnerability
Research and Development ERDB 1.00 Yes Adopted CC-DAO 2021-22
assessment studies managed
Enhanced NGP FMB Establish riparian buffers For validation if adopted NAP
No. of women and men trained on community-
Scaling up of Coastal and Marine
BMB 1.00 based ecotourism and other biodiversity- Yes Adopted Gender-DAO 2021-22
friendly enterprise/ livelihoods (BDFE)
Regulate development activity impacting
Enhanced NGP FMB For validation if adopted NAP
Regulate inappropriate developments in
Enhanced NGP FMB For validation if adopted NAP
Solid Waste Management and No. of women and men participated in capacity
EMB 1.00 Yes Adopted Gender-DAO 2021-22
Hazardous Waste management building conducted by the Bureau/ LGU
Number of LGUs where vulnerability and risk Adopted; aligned with DAO
Geological Risk Reduction MGB 1.00 Yes For updating CC-DAO 2021-22
assessment were conducted 2021-22
No. of LGUs where IEC campaigns on Adopted; aligned with DAO
Geological Risk Reduction MGB 1.00 Yes For updating CC-DAO 2021-22
geohazards were conducted 2021-22
Sector Office DAO Climate Responsive Indicators/Strategies Adopted Status Source Remarks

No. of women and men from LGU informed on

Adopted; aligned with DAO
Geological Risk Reduction MGB 1.00 the area's susceptibility to climatic impacts and Yes Adopted Gender-DAO 2021-22
2021-22 and GAD
geologic hazards
Number of LGUs that included geohazard and
risk information generated from the vulnerability
and risk assessments in their Disaster Risk Adopted; aligned with DAO
Geological Risk Reduction MGB 1.00 Yes Adopted CC-DAO 2021-22
Reduction and Management Plan, 2021-22
Comprehensive Land Use Plan, and
Development Plan
No. of LGUs assessed for coastal hazards Adopted; aligned with DAO
Geological Risk Reduction MGB 1.00 Yes Adopted CC-DAO 2021-22
physical vulnerability 2021-22
Number of coastal LGUs that integrated the
coastal (physical) vulnerability assessment
results in their Disaster Risk Reduction and Adopted; aligned with DAO
Geological Risk Reduction MGB 1.00 Yes Adopted CC-DAO 2021-22
Management Plan and/or Comprehensive Land 2021-22
Use Plan and Development Plan

Number of LGUs (City/ Municipality) assessed Adopted; aligned with DAO

Geological Risk Reduction MGB 1.00 Yes Adopted CC-DAO 2021-22
for groundwater resources 2021-22
Percentage of operating mines compliant with
the tenement, and safety and health,
Adopted; aligned with DAO
Responsible Mining MGB 1.00 environment and social (SHES) provisions in Yes Adopted CC-DAO 2021-22
RA 7942

Area planted/revegetated by contractors/permit Adopted; aligned with DAO

Responsible Mining MGB 1.00 Yes Adopted CC-DAO 2021-22
holders under the MFP (in hectares) 2021-22
Number of illegal mining activities issued with
Adopted; aligned with DAO
Responsible Mining MGB 1.00 cease and desist orders Yes Adopted CC-DAO 2021-22

Enhance Biodiveristy
BMB No. of wetlands inventoried Yes Adopted Bureau
Enhance Biodiveristy Biodiversity Monitoring System (BMS) transects
BMB Yes Adopted Bureau
Conservation monitored semi-annually
Wildlife disease surveillance/study in wild birds
Enhance Biodiveristy
BMB and bats conducted, including captive animals Yes Adopted Bureau
in rescue centers and traded wildlife)
Scaling up of Coastal and Marine No. of peoples’ organizations (POs) with
BMB Yes Adopted Bureau
Rehabilitation enterprise enhanced
Sector Office DAO Climate Responsive Indicators/Strategies Adopted Status Source Remarks

Scaling up of Coastal and Marine No. of POs awarded with financial assistance
BMB Yes Adopted Bureau
Rehabilitation on biodiversity-friendly enterprise
Enhance Biodiveristy Updating of baseline data on priority threatened
BMB Yes For updating Bureau
Conservation species
Enhance Biodiveristy Habitat monitoring and protection of priority
BMB Yes For updating Bureau
Conservation threatened species
Enhanced NGP FMB Restore degraded forests and deforested areas For validation if adopted NAP
Perform long-term ecosystem research to
Research and Development ERDB enhance the assessment of the consequences For validation if adopted NAP
of management policy decisions
Develop and fund a transdisciplinary and
Research and Development ERDB people-centered climate and health research For validation if adopted NAP
Water Resource Management MWSS Expand wastewater treatment facilities For validation if adopted NAP
Implement Early Warning Systems for water
Water Resource Management NWRB For validation if adopted NAP
Water Resource Management NWRB Ramp up rainwater harvesting programs For validation if adopted NAP
Install and expand strategic water supply
Water Resource Management NWRB For validation if adopted NAP
mechanisms for remote areas
Conduct a comprehensive climate risk
assessment for water, sanitation, and hygiene
Water Resource Management For validation if adopted NAP
(WASH) based on key hazards, exposures, and
vulnerabilities affecting the sector
Augment public water supply and quality
Water Resource Management NWRB For validation if adopted NAP
Review, develop, and update water pollution
Water Resource Management EMB For validation if adopted NAP
control regulations
90% of 58 LGUs adopted and implemented the
Improved Land Administration
LMB 1.00 CRPFMDP are resilient to the adverse effects No For adoption CC-DAO 2021-22
and Management
of climate change
Review and update water quality standards and
Water Resource Management EMB For validation if adopted NAP
Run training programs on water management
Water Resource Management WRMO For validation if adopted NAP
and conservation techniques
Establish water markets and tariffs control
Water Resource Management NWRB For validation if adopted NAP
Sector Office DAO Climate Responsive Indicators/Strategies Adopted Status Source Remarks

Operationalizing an Integrated and

Water Resource Management Ecosystems-based Approach: Ridge to Reef, For validation if adopted NAP
Enhance Biodiveristy Establish Payment for Ecosystem Services
PPS For validation if adopted NAP
Conservation (PES) programs (strategy)
Number of climate-responsive Provincial
Foreshore Management and Development Plan
(CRPFMDP) formulated, approved, adopted
and implemented by LGUs as a tool for
Improved Land Administration
LMB 1.00 regulating the use/occupation of areas exposed Yes Adopted CC-DAO 2021-22
and Management
to climate change

Note: For 2022, LMB can validate this indicator

from Regions IX and XI
Number of innovative technologies and
Strategies lifted from National
methodologies to communicate climate-related
Geosciences Roadmap for
emergency information to relevant population
Lands [MGB presentation]
and communities developed
Geological Risk Reduction MGB For validation if feasible Bureau
Indicators are Climate Change
percentage of geological assessment and risk
Expenditure Tagging-related
reduction strategies incorporated with climate
change considerations
Based on World Bank's 2017
report, “The Growing Role of
Minerals and Metals for a Low
Carbon Future”

COP28 Dialogue/side event:

Critical Minerals Development for
MGB No. of areas assessed for critical minerals For validation if feasible Other References "Sustainable Mineral Supplies
Low-Carbon Future
for the Energy Transition: Why
Responsible Mining Matters”

Linked with DENR's priority

thrust on critical minerals
Sector Office DAO Climate Responsive Indicators/Strategies Adopted Status Source Remarks

Based on World Bank's 2017

report, “The Growing Role of
Minerals and Metals for a Low
Carbon Future”

Geospatial database for mineral inventory COP28 Dialogue/side event:

Critical Minerals Development for
MGB established (if new)/maintained (if for regular For validation if feasible Other References "Sustainable Mineral Supplies
Low-Carbon Future
updating) for the Energy Transition: Why
Responsible Mining Matters”

Linked with DENR's priority

thrust on critical minerals
Based on World Bank's 2017
report, “The Growing Role of
Minerals and Metals for a Low
Carbon Future”

COP28 Dialogue/side event:

Critical Minerals Development for No. of Area assessed and studied for REE
MGB For validation if feasible Other References "Sustainable Mineral Supplies
Low-Carbon Future
for the Energy Transition: Why
Responsible Mining Matters”

Linked with DENR's priority

thrust on critical minerals
Based on World Bank's 2017
report, “The Growing Role of
Minerals and Metals for a Low
Carbon Future”
Conduct of studies on the impacts of carbon-
COP28 Dialogue/side event:
Critical Minerals Development for constrained future in the sustainable
MGB For validation if feasible Other References "Sustainable Mineral Supplies
Low-Carbon Future development of minerals and resources
for the Energy Transition: Why
Responsible Mining Matters”

Linked with DENR's priority

thrust on critical minerals
Water Resource Management Reassess water infrastructure building codes For validation if adopted NAP
Sector Office DAO Climate Responsive Indicators/Strategies Adopted Status Source Remarks

Number of LGUs capacitated on climate risk

Improved Land Administration
LMB 1.00 assessment matrix (CLIRAM) & climate and No For adoption CC-DAO 2021-22
and Management
disaster risk assessment
Improved Land Administration Number of LGUs with approved and updated
LMB 1.00 No For adoption CC-DAO 2021-22
and Management CLUPs integrating LCCAP and LDRRMP
Research and Development ERDB Perform profiling of critical water source For validation if adopted NAP
Improved Land Administration No. of women and men participated in the
LMB 1.00 Yes Adopted Gender-DAO 2021-22
and Management adoption (roll-out) of PFMDP
Re-evaluation of the PFMDP that was
submitted in 2016 to 2019 to identify pilot
provinces for the updating/enhancement of the
PFMDP that will start in 2024, to include the
three (3) general zones, and the inclusion of
Improved Land Administration the additional zones:
LMB Yes For updating Bureau
and Management 1. Management and Development Zone
2. Protection, Conservation, Restoration, and
Preservation Zone
3. Leisure Recreation and Tourism Zone; and
4. Salvage or Easement Zone (additional zone)

Enhance Biodiveristy Expand and improve upon ecosystem zoning

BMB For validation if adopted NAP
Conservation and mapping
Implement vulnerability assessment and
Research and Development ERDB For validation if adopted NAP
monitoring programs
Implement existing programs to perform natural
Enhance Biodiveristy
PPS capital accounting and valuation of ecosystem For validation if adopted NAP
Perform long-term ecosystem research to
Research and Development ERDB enhance the assessment of the consequences For validation if adopted NAP
of management policy decisions
Enhance Biodiveristy Identify, assess, and monitor vulnerable
BMB For validation if adopted NAP
Conservation habitats on a regular basis
Enhance implementation of existing laws,
Cross-cutting regulations, and guidelines For validation if adopted NAP

Scaling up of Coastal and Marine Rehabilitate and restore coastal and marine
BMB For validation if adopted NAP
Rehabilitation ecosystems
Sector Office DAO Climate Responsive Indicators/Strategies Adopted Status Source Remarks

Scaling up of Coastal and Marine

BMB Establish coastal setback zones/ boundaries For validation if adopted NAP
Implement zoning and land use and other
regulatory policies such as dam releases to
Water Resource Management LMB For validation if adopted NAP
reduce risk to water infrastructure and
surrounding communities
Enhance Biodiveristy Strengthen the monitoring and management of
BMB For validation if adopted NAP
Conservation threatened and rare species
Run public education/ awareness programs on
Cross-cutting SCIS For validation if adopted NAP
the importance of ecosystems
Research and Development ERDB Establish collaborative research partnership For validation if adopted NAP
Enact legislation to support community-based
Cross-cutting LLO For validation if adopted NAP
ecological management
Enact legislation to enhance uses of land,
Cross-cutting LLO For validation if adopted NAP
ecosystems and watersheds
Solid Waste Management and
EMB Implement eco certification programs For validation if adopted NAP
Hazardous Waste management
Sector Office DAO Climate Responsive Indicators/Strategies Adopted Status Source Remarks

- Number of LGUs where vulnerability and risk

assessment were conducted

- No. of LGUs where IEC campaigns on

geohazards were conducted

- No. of women and men from LGU informed

on the area's susceptibility to climatic impacts
and geologic hazards

Output: Number of LGUs that included

geohazard and risk information generated from
the vulnerability and risk assessments in their
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
Plan, Comprehensive Land Use Plan, and
Development Plan
Adopted CC-DAO 2021-22
Outcome: No. of LGUs assessed for coastal
hazards physical vulnerability

Output: Number of coastal LGUs that

integrated the coastal (physical) vulnerability
assessment results in their Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Plan and/or
Comprehensive Land Use Plan and
Development Plan

Outcome: Number of LGUs (City/ Municipality)

assessed for groundwater resources

Output: Number of LGUs (City/ Municipality)

assessed for groundwater resources
Sector Office DAO Climate Responsive Indicators/Strategies Adopted Status Source Remarks

Strategies lifted from National

Geosciences Roadmap for
Lands [MGB presentation]
Phase 1 (2023-2025)
Enhancement of
methodologies and integration
of climate variables
- Establishment of
methodologies to convert
susceptibility to hazard maps
with frequency-magnitude
scenarios for effective Early
Warning System (EWS) and
Number of innovative technologies and
synthesis of research outputs
methodologies to communicate climate-related
Geological Risk Reduction For validation if adopted Bureau for rainfall thresholds
emergency information to relevant population
and communities developed
- Phase 2 (2024-2026):
Upgrading of geoscientific
information for disaster risks
and climate resilience

- Phase 3 (2027-2028):
Application of established
methodologies as input to
climate resilient plans

Indicators are Climate Change

Expenditure Tagging-related
Sector Office DAO Climate Responsive Indicators/Strategies Adopted Status Source Remarks

Strategies lifted from National

Geosciences Roadmap for
Lands [MGB presentation]
Phase 1 (2023-2025)
Enhancement of
methodologies and integration
of climate variables
- Establishment of
methodologies to convert
susceptibility to hazard maps
with frequency-magnitude
scenarios for effective Early
Warning System (EWS) and
percentage of geological assessment and risk synthesis of research outputs
Geological Risk Reduction reduction strategies incorporated with climate No For validation if adopted Bureau for rainfall thresholds
change considerations
- Phase 2 (2024-2026):
Upgrading of geoscientific
information for disaster risks
and climate resilience

- Phase 3 (2027-2028):
Application of established
methodologies as input to
climate resilient plans

Indicators are Climate Change

Expenditure Tagging-related
gender aspects of air pollution in environmental
Gender-GAD Guide
codes of cities and urbanizing LGUs’ integrated

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