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DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES KAGAWARAN NG KAPALIGIRAN AT LIKAS YAMAN ‘BAGONG PILIPINAS JAN 26 2975 CONDUCT OF REPROGRAMMING Acriviies “AN 26 228 ADVISORY NO. 3 (Date and Venue, List of Participants, Accommodation, Registration Form, Transportation Schedule, Contact Information) FORITO ALL UNDERSECRETARIES ALL ASSISTANT SECRETARIES ALL BUREAU DIRECTORS ALL HEADS OF ATTACHED AGENCIES ALL REGIONAL EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS ALL REGIONAL DIRECTORS (EMB AND MGB) ALL ASSISTANT REGIONAL DIRECTORS FOR MANAGEMENT AND TECHNICAL ALL EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS (MBCO AND RBCO) ALL CENTRAL OFFICE DIRECTORS ALL REGIONAL FINANCE OFFICERS ALL CHIEF PLANNING OFFICERS, (BUREAU, ATTACHED AGENCIES, AND REGIONS) Please be advised of the following: 1. Date and Venue The Reprogramming Workshop will be held on the 31% of January to 2" of February 2024 at Taal Vista Hotel, Tagaytay. All participants are requested to be at the venue at 10:00AM for some preliminary discussions. 2. List of Participants The list of participants from the Bureaus, Regions, Attached Agencies, and Central Office Units (DENR Special Order No. 2024-30) is attached as Annex A Participants not included in the list cannot be accommodated. There is no provision of accommodation for the drivers, thus, they are requested to return to the Central Office. 3. Accommodation Hotel Check-in Time: 2:00 P.M. of January 31, 2024 Hotel Check-out Time: 12:00 NN of February 2, 2024 4. National Reprogramming Registration Form The attached link below contains the National Reprogramming Workshop registration form which asks for the participant's information, arrival and departure, food restrictions, and hostel accommodation. Note that the first morning meal of Day 1 only includes an AM snack. In addition, for those participants who plan to have a reservation at any DENR Hostel, please be advised that the hostel accommodation will be on a first to register first served basis Link: http://tinyurl. com/FY2024ReproPax 5. Transportation Schedule A bus will be provided to convey and fetch the participants from and to the DENR Central Office and Venue. January 31, 2024 (Wednesday) DENR Central Office To Taal Vista, Tagaytay Call time: Departu 6:00 A.M, 7:00 AM, February 02, 2024 (Friday) Taal Vista, Tagaytay To DENR Central Departu 00 P.M. *The estimated time travel going to the venue is around two (2) hours, depending on the traffic situation. 6. Other concerns/clarifications For any concerns or clarifications, kindly contact your respective PPD focal person or email them at FOR INFORMATION AND GUIDANCE. ATTY. J . LEONES INDICATIVE PROGRAM Schedule: January 31 — February 2, 2024 Venue: Taal Vista Hotel, Tagaytay, CALABARZON Region | Date and Time a | PART I: REPROGRAMMING WORKSHOP (January 31 - February 2, 2024) “Agenda/Topic | Day1 Arrival of Participants | Ganuary 31, 2024) | :00am Registration | | 10:30 AM. Preliminary Discussion with Bureau Directors and Usecs | [41:30am LUNCH | | 12:00 NN Opening Program | | Rationale and Objectives | | Presentor: Usec Jonas Leones/Usec Analiza Rebuelta-Teh 12:30 PM KEYNOTE MESSAGE Hon. Maria Antonia Yulo-Loyzaga DENR Secretary 7:00 PM Presentation of the National Adaptation Plan (NAP), Nationally (30 mins per topic) 2:30PM 3:30 PM Determined Contribution (NDC) and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventory Presentor: TBD Presentation of FY 2023 Physical Accomplishments 1.Program/Bureau/Sector level and Regional Operations | 2. Mainstreaming Climate Change and Gender Development 3. Support to Operations jureaus, CCS, PPS | Presentoi Presentation of Assessment: Gaps, Challenges and Opportunities Presentor: Usec Jonas Leones Coffee break 3:45 PM Presentation of FY 2023 Financial Accomplishments 1 Program/Bureau/Sector level and Regional Operations 2. Support to Operations Presentor: FMS | | | Presentation of Assessment: Gaps, Challenges, and Opportunities| Presentor: Usec Analiza Rebuelta - Teh Presentation of Integrated Regional Field Assessment and Validation 4:30 PM ‘System for ENR Management (I-RISE) iat Presentor: Dir. Cheryl Leal 4:85 PM | Orientation on the Decision Support System (De5S) i Presentor: Dir. Arlene Romasanta 5:00 PM Presentation of FY 2024 Approved Budget and Priority PAPs per GAA. Presentor: FMS/Usec Analiza Rebuelta - Teh 5:15 PM Briefing on the Mechanics for the Break-out Session Presentor: Usec Analiza Rebuelta - Teh /Usec Jonas Leones 5:30 PM Breakout Session 1 (one and a half hour per sector/program) Biodiversity (BMB)/PCSDS (Facilitator: Asec Marcial Amaro Jr.) Forestry (FMB) (Facilitator: Asec Arleigh Adorable) Water (WRMO, NWRB, RBCO) (Facilitator: Usec Carlos Primo David) Manila Bay (MBCO, Region Ill, Region IV-A, NCR) (Facilitator: RED Jacqueline Caancan) Regional Executive Directors Usec Juan Miguel Cuna, Usec Joselin Marcus Fragada, Usec Carlos Primo David, Usec Augusto dela Peta Asec Arleigh Adorable, Asec Ruth Tawantawan, Asec Noralene Uy, Asec Daniel Darius Nicer CCS,FASPS, ELEPS and KISS representatives Other Central Office representatives Breakout Session 2 Lands (LMB) (Facilitator: Dir. Emelyne Talabis) Mapping (NAMRIA) (Facilitator: Usec Peter Tiangco) Research (ERDB) with Research Centers (Facilitator: Dir. Maria Lourdes Ferrer) Assistant Regional Executive Directors (Technical) Usec Carlos Primo David, Usec Ernesto Adobo Jr. CCS, FASPS, ELEPS and KISS representatives Other Central Office representatives Breakout Session 3 Environment (EMB) (Facilitator: Asec Gilbert Gonzales) Clean Air, Clean Water (*S GEMS plus San Vicente, Palawan) Solid Waste Management (including EPR) | Toxic and Hazardous Waste Management | EIA monitoring of compliance Day 2 (February 1, 2024) | 8:30 AMonwards | Continuation of Breakout Session EMB Regional Directors Assistant Regional Directors Usec Juan Miguel Cuna CCS, FASPS, ELEPS and KISS representatives Breakout Session 4 ‘Mining (MGB) (Facilitator: Dir. Danilo Uykieng) ‘Mineral Resources, Enforcement and Regulatory Program, Mineral Resources and Geosciences Development Program Geological Risk Reduction and Resiliency Program MGB Regional Directors Usec Carlos Primo David, Usec Ernesto Adobo Jr. CCS, FASPS, ELEPS and KISS representatives Consolidation of Workshop Outputs Consolidation of Outputs by Regions Consolidation of Outputs by Bureaus/Attached agencies based on the consolidated Outputs by Regions Preparation for Plenary Presentation Concerned Undersecretaries and Assistant Secretaries Bureau Directors PPS, FMS, CCS, FASPS Presentor: Asec Arleigh Adorable 2. Biodiversity (including PCSDS) Presentor: Asec Marcial Amaro Jr. 3. Lands Presentor: Dir. Emelyne Talabis 4. Environment (including 5 GEMS and Manila Bay) Presentor: Asec Gilbert Gonzales/RED Jacqueline Coancan 5. Research and Development Presentor: Dir. Maria Lourdes Ferrer tty. Danilo Uykieng 7. Mapping Presentor: Usec Peter Tiangco 12:00 NN LUNCH 1:00-3:00em _| Plenary Presentation A. Sectoral 1. Forestry | 8. Water (WRMO, NWRB , RECO) Presentor: Usec Carlos Primo David B. Cross-Cutting Concerns 1. Usec Carlos Primo David Offices: integrated Environmental Science, GDO 2. Usec Juan Miguel Cuna Offices: Field Operations for Luzon, Visayas and Environment 3. Usec Joselin Marcus Fragada | Offices: Field Operations for Mindanao PART Il: NEW YEAR’S CALL DAY 3 (February 2, 2024) 8:30 AM onwards | Continuation of Plenary Presentation . Support to Operations Targets for 2024 and Milestone Targets 2025-2027 (Presentors: Usecs) Order of Presentation (max 10 mins per Presentor, max 10 slides) 1. Usec Ernesto Adobo Jr. Offices: Legal, Administrative 2. Usec Ignatius Rodriquez Offices: Legislative Affairs 3. Usec Augusto dela Pea Offices: Human Resources, Organizational Transformation, Output of Foreign Training/Workshops/Conferences 4, Usec Marilou Erni Offices: Strategic Communications, Project TRANSFORM, Action Center 5. Usec Analiza Rebuelta-Teh | | Offices: Finance, Knowledge and Information Systems, Climate Change | 6. Usec Jonas Leones Offices: Policy, Planning, Foreign Assisted and Special Projects 0AM ‘OPEN FORUM 10:00 Pm Presentation on the Reporting System Presentor: Undersecretary for Policy, Planning and International Affairs 10:30 AM ‘COFFEE BREAK 10:45 AM Budget Proposal Formulation for FY 2025 Presentor: Undersecretary for Finance, Information Systems and Climate Change 12:00 NN LUNCH 1:00 PM, Synthesis/Next Steps A. Policy, Planning, Resources: Usec for Policy, Planning and International Affairs and Usec for Finance, Information Systems and Climate Change B. Integrated Environmental Science: Usec for integrated Environmental Science |G Field Operations: Usecs for Field Operations Closing Remarks Hon. Maria Antonia Yulo Loyzaga DENR Secretary 3:00 PM HOMEWARD BOUND DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES KAGAWARAN NG KAPALIGIRAN AT LIKAS YAMAN BAGONG FILIPINAS JAN 26 2024 DENR SPECIAL ORDER No. 2024 -_30 SUBJECT: AUTHORIZING THE CONDUCT OF THE DENR FY 2024 NATIONAL REPROGRAMMING WORKSHOP In the interest of the service and to ensure alignment of FY 2024 Work and Financial Plans of the DENR Offices with the priority thrusts and directions of the DENR Secretary, Philippine Development Plan 2023-2028, and Sectoral Plans, the conduct of FY 2024 National Reprogramming Workshop for the DENR Offices is hereby authorized on 30 January 2024 - 02 February 2024 within CALABARZON, to be participated by the following officials and employees: A. PARTICIPANTS Central Office Head Executive Assistant Chief of Staff and Undersecretary for Strategic Communications Undersecretary for Finance, Information Systems and Climate Change Undersecretary for Policy, Planning and International Affairs Undersecretary for Legal and Administration Undersecretary for Organizational Transformation and Human Resources Undersecretary for Field Operations - Luzon and Visayas, and Environment Undersecretary for Field Operations - Mindanao Undersecretary for Integrated Environmental Science 10. Undersecretary for Special Concerns and Legislative Affairs 11. Assistant Secretary for Policy, Planning and Foreign Assisted and Special Projects and staff 12. Assistant Secretary for International Affairs and Concurrent Director, Biodiversity Management Bureau 13. OIC, Assistant Secretary for Field Operations - Luzon and Visayas and Concurrent Director, Environment and Management Bureau 14. OIC, Assistant Secretary for Field Operations - Western Mindanao and Concurrent Director, Forest Management Bureau 15, Assistant Secretary for Field Operations - Eastern Mindanao 16. Assistant Secretary for Enforcement, Solid Waste Management and Local Government Units Concerns 17. Assistant Secretary for Legal Affairs 18. Assistant Secretary for Human Resources, Strategic Communication and Sectoral Initiatives 19, Director, Policy and Planning Service 20, Director, Financial and Management Service 21. Director, Climate Change Service 22, Director, Administrative Service 23, Director, Strategic Communications Initiative Service 24. Director, Foreign-Assisted and Special Projects Service 25, Director, Legal Affairs Service 26. Director, Knowledge and Information Systems Service 27. Director, Human Resource Development Service YEN aarene 28. Director, Environmental Law Enforcement and Protection Service 29. Director, Internal Audit Service 30, Director, Strategy Management and Organizational Transformation Office 31. Director, Document Management and Operations Support and Head, DENR Action Center 32, Director, Indigenous Peoples Concerns 33. Director, Legislative Liaison Office 34, Executive Director, River Basin Control Office 35, Executive Director, Manila Bay Coordinating Office 36. OIC, Chief, PPS-Planning and Programming Division and staff 37. OIC, Chief, PPS-Program Monitoring and Evaluation Division and staff 38. Chief, Policy Studies Division and staff 39. Assistant Chief, Budget Division and staff 40. Representatives, Office of the Undersecretary for Policy, Planning and International Affairs 41, Representatives, Office of the Undersecretary for Finance, Information Systems, and Climate Change 42, Representative, Office of the Undersecretary for Field Operations - Luzon, Visayas and Environment 43, Representative, Office of the Undersecretary for Field Operations - Mindanao 44, Representatives, Assistant Secretary for Policy, Planning and Foreign Assisted and Special Projects 45, Three (3) Representatives, Knowledge and Information Systems Service 46. Three (3) Representatives, Climate Change Service 47. Three (3) Representatives, Foreign Assisted and Special Projects Service 48, Three (3) Representatives, Environmental Law Enforcement and Protection Service 49. Three (3) Representatives, Geospatial Database Office Staff and Line Bureaus 1. All Bureau Directors 2. All Bureau Planning Division Chiefs and one staff 3. Division Chief, FRCD-FMB 4. Division Chief, NPD-BMB Attached Agencies 1. Administrator, NAMRIA 2. Executive Director, NWRB 3. Executive Director, PCSDS Regional Offices All Regional Executive Directors All Assistant Regional Directors for Management and Technical All Line Bureau Regional Directors All DENR Regional Planning Chiefs AIL DENR Regional Chiefs, Finance Division Manila Bay Focal Persons (Region 3, 4A and NCR) Ae ENE B. SECRETARIAT 1. PPS-Policy Studies Division 2. PPS-Planning and Programming Division 3. PPS-Program Monitoring and Evaluation Division 4. FMS-Budget Division All expenses to be incurred in carrying out the conduct of the workshop including, food, venue, accommodation, supplies and materials and other incidental expenses shall be charged against DENR funds. Transportation and travel expenses of representatives from the Central Office, Bureaus, Attached Agencies and Regions shall be charged against their respective office funds, All expenses are subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations. A report shall be submitted online (bit.y/LNDportal) to the undersigned through the HRDS-Training and Development Division, fifteen (15) days after the completion of the activity. This Order shall take effect on the dates specified herein unless reset to another date. The Director of PPS is authorized to adjust the date and location of the subject activity as exigencies may warrant ‘Transformation and Human Resources Visayas Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City 1100, Philippines

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