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Self Assessment Paper-5

English Language & Literature

th th
I. (i) (a) 15 and 19 century
(ii) Provincial Mughal
(iii) (b) Hanuman with Dronagiri mountain
(iv) (c) National gallery of Australia
(v) (b) 500
(vi) 2013
(vii) (c) Kalighat
(viii) six months
(ix) miniature
(x) depict (10×1 = 10)
II. (i) (b) ICRC
(ii) (d) Both (a) & (b)
(iii) The International Red Cross Conference
(iv) national
(v) 1867
(vi) stethoscopes
(vii) (c) 25,000
(viii) (b) World-War II
(ix) (b) involvement
(x) assists (10×1 = 10)


III. 1. (i) (d) confident

(ii) (a) become
(iii) (c) have opted (3×1 = 3)
2. (i) (a) if he could have a small bottle of tomato sauce
(ii) (b) when it would be available
(iii) (c) he could give it to him the next day (3×1 = 3)
3. Error Correction
(i) in with
(ii) learning learn
(iii) so such
(iv) there their (4×1 = 4)
OSWAAL CBSE Sample Question Papers, English Language & Literature, Class-IX

Commonly Made Errors

Such type of questions are generally treated by the students very casually. They don’t read the
question carefully, so they can’t make assessment, i.e. which point of the narration/line needs
Most of the candidates seem to attempt this question just by guessing. Lack of adequate knowledge
and confidence tend to lose marks.

Answering Tips

Since ‘Editing’ is a process that involves revising the content, organization, grammar and
presentation of a piece of writing. So thorough study of the grammar-items, prescribed in syllabus
and its continuous practice is imperative to learn the editing structure.
To understand the structure, students should read the entire passage rather than sentences for
To understand the structure, students should read the entire passage rather than sentences for
Use of grammar-games and other ways of learning grammar should be encouraged.
IV. 1. Should Robot replace the human teacher?
(A) There is no doubt that robots are much more efficient than teachers ever can be. But human teachers

make learning fun, and they can be caring and understanding. The biggest advantage of computer
teachers is that the computer teachers have better memory than the human teacher has, as a computer
can memorise anything. In my opinion, computers should not replace teachers. UNESCO claims,
that today’s robots simply can’t match human teachers in the quality of education they provide to
students. Hence, it is possible that no robot will ever be good enough to replace teachers completely.
While robots can teach students skills or reinforce difficult concepts for struggling students, it can’t
replace a human teacher. Students need emotional support along with academic support from the
teacher which only a human teacher can provide. Human teachers have feelings like the students and
thus are capable of sharing experiences with the students, whereas mechanical teachers cannot do
that. Only human teachers can develop skills such as critical thinking, communication, collaboration,
problem solving and entrepreneurship in their pupils to stay relevant in a changing society. Education
is not just about the acquisition of knowledge; it is about relationships and the shaping young minds.
A good teacher does not just impart facts; but creates a thirst for knowledge, inspires and motivates
his students to learn how to quench that thirst. Teachers also encourage the students to think for
themselves and to innovate new solutions, something that Artificial Intelligence cannot do.(5 marks)
A fight with my friend
(B) What is the pace of the world can’t be judged by a simple person. Generally, friends are considered
to be the best people and friendship, the best relationship but the incident that happened today has
made me upset. My friend and I got a chance to drink tea in the canteen. I was glad. We were talking
about various issues. All of a sudden, the behaviour of my friend changed and he said that he had
heard that I had complained against him to the teacher. I assured him that I had never done such a
thing but he was not ready to accept my views and left the place humiliating me. He has hurt my
feelings. I am unable to find a way to solve the problem. I cannot believe that my one and the only
friend behaved like that. He never behaved like that before. But today I am angry and upset with
him. From tomorrow, I will again try to understand him.
2. A Jovial Traveller
(A) I was lost in my thoughts while sitting in a train compartment. I was going to Shimla. Then an old
woman got in. The old woman was very sad and was very weak. She was not able to walk properly.
I started reading a magazine then suddenly I saw that the old woman had fallen in the aisle and
nobody seemed to pay any attention. I quickly asked a couple of people around to help her get
on her feet and placed her on the berth. Someone gave her a glass of water. I checked her for any
injuries. Luckily, there were none. The heat and the exertion of travelling made her feel weak and
so she fell down. Soon, everybody settled down. Once the old lady was relaxed and settled down,
we gave her some biscuits to eat which boosted her up. She told us so many jokes and stories which
left us spellbound. She proved to be a great entertainer. We never came to know when we reached
our destination. Time just flew by. At Shimla station, her son had come to pick her up and was
surprised to see her being escorted by so many strangers. Both the mother and the son thanked all of
us profusely.  (5 marks)
(B) Wednesday 12th September 20XX
10:00 p.m.
Dear Diary,
My dad along with all of us was invited to be the Chief Guest for the Annual day in a blind school. I
kept wondering how such event would take place. When we reached the school, two blind students
came to welcome us. They put a ‘tilak’ on our forehead at exactly the correct place and garlanded
my father and then led us all to our seats. It was as if they could see everything. The function started
with lightning of the lamp and a small speech by a student to welcome us all. There were dance
performances, solo singing and a short skit to save the environment. All of us were flabbergasted
as to how well they all were performing in a coordinated way. Everything was managed very
systematically. Hats off to such students who could do everything in a proper way despite their visual
disability. They truly inspired me a lot.
Good Night Diary !

V. 1. (A) (i) (b)She was trembling with fear
(ii) (b)shivering
(iii) (c)in his dream
(iv) (b)She had gone to the hospital
(v) (a)Nightmare (5×1 = 5)
(B) (i) (a) because Margie did not know about the school in previous time
(ii) (b) All of these
(iii) (c) All the students used to go to the particular building of school.
(iv) (c) loftily
(v) (a) because she was too ignorant
2. (A) (i) (d) all of the above
(ii) (b) cake
(iii) (a) Phoebe Cary
(iv) (c) abcb
(v) (b) enough (5×1 = 5)
(B) (i) (c) lake water
(ii) (c) sound of lake water
(iii) (c) low soft sound of lake’s water washing the shore
(iv) (c) the lapping low sounds of the lake water
(v) (a) The sound of the lake water lapping against the shore of Innisfree.
VI. 1. (i) Father came to Kezia’s room with a candle, lifted her up in his strong arms, lay beside her and made
her stay close to him. She held his shirt and snuggled herself close to her father. This comforted Kezia
when she got scared in her sleep.
(ii) The major theme in The Lake Isle of Innisfree, is nature versus civilisation. What we value in life is
often the exact opposite of what civilisation brings with it. Nature allows us to explore the various
forms of life but, civilisation has set certain rules we have to abide by.
(iii) He had wanted to marry Mileva but his mother was against it. She thought Mileva was three years
older than her son and too intelligent for him.
OSWAAL CBSE Sample Question Papers, English Language & Literature, Class-IX

(iv) Albert Einstein was really a scientific genius. He felt at home with Mathematics but he showed keen
interest in Physics. After graduating from the University in Zurich, he started working vigorously.
During his university education he was working on the concept of relativity. After his graduation, he
remained jobless. So, he gave private lessons. In 1902, he secured a job as a technical expert in the
patent office in Bern. But he went on to develop his own ideas. The world showered many honours
and invitations on him. He was honoured with Nobel Prize in 1921.

Commonly Made Error

Students always explain each and every thing about Albert Einstein.

Answering Tip

Students should only explain achievements of Albert Einstein.

(v) Value Points :

• feels proud
• has Russian citizenship
• has Russian blood
• wishes to play Olympics for Russia (CBSE Marking Scheme, 2010)
Detailed Answer :
Maria Sharapova was a patriot. She says that though America has played a major role in her life yet
she is proud to be a Russian. She says that she holds the Russian citizenship and her blood is totally
Russian. She is ready to play the Olympics for Russia if they would invite her to play. (4×3 = 12)
2. (i) Grandmother was not very fond of animals. When he used to bring a new animal or bird, she used
to make a lot of fuss. To avoid this, grandfather hid Toto for some time and announced his arrival to
her when she was in a good mood.
(ii) Value Points :
• no longer beautiful, looked dull and shabby
• precious stones, golden leaves gone
• looked little better than a beggar (CBSE Marking Scheme, 2016)
Detailed Answer :
The Town councillors decided to pull down the statue of the Happy Prince because the statue was no
longer beautiful and it looked dull and shabby. Precious stones and golden leaves were gone from the
statue and now it looked little better than a beggar.
(iii) Value Points :
• deeply embarrassed
• not properly dressed
• no books, no bag
• felt all security ripped away
• walked around school dully (CBSE Marking Scheme, 2010)
Detailed Answer :
The fire had burnt all the author’s belongings. He was deeply embarrassed because he had no
uniform, no books and no bags. He felt as if all the security was ripped away and walked around the
school dully.  (3×2 = 6)
3. A. Value Points :
• Gerrard, a witty person
• remained calm and composed even in a critical situation
• used his presence of mind
• turned the tables
• overconfidence can let one down
• faced the situation with courage
• pride comes before a fall (CBSE Marking Scheme, 2016-17)
Detailed Answer :
It is true that our over smartness fails sometimes. This was proved correct for Gerrard. As once, he
was alone in his cottage. All of a sudden an intruder entered there. He had a revolver in his hand
and he wanted to kill Gerrard. At that time, Gerrard was busy on the phone. Seeing the intruder,
Gerrard did not lose his peace of mind. The intruder revealed that he was a jewel thief. He had killed
a policeman and the police was after him. He wanted to avoid the police by taking Gerrard’s identity.
Gerrard concocted a story and told that he too was a criminal like him. As a proof, he showed his
travelling bag. He told the intruder that by killing him he would be accused of double murder.
He told the intruder that his friend was standing below on the road. As soon as the police arrived, he
would inform Gerrard. Gerrard took the intruder to the door to show the man. When they reached
near the cupboard, Gerrard pushed him into the cupboard and locked it from outside. Gerrard called
the police to arrest the intruder. (6 marks)
B. In our lives, wind affects our daily routine. It hampers and dampens the spirit of life around.
According to the poet, rain and wind are deeds of nature and that are perceived as the tempest
forces which destroy the old and evil inside a man in order to create joy and liberty in his mind.
Wind is the difficult natural phenomenon that is very difficult to be predicted accurately, just as our
problems which can arise from nowhere. It can hit us at any time of our life. For frail people, literally
and metaphorically, wind creates barriers. Winds do not let a frail body or a frail mind survive but on
the other hand if you are strong, you have the power and the will to survive and fight back, wind can
never be a threat to your life.
4. A. Value points :
l Celebrating the festival of spring-beautiful spectacle.
l People from all walks of life visited the fair.
l Follow role-model of a kind-hearted man.

Detailed Answer :
The celebration of the festivals bring cheerfulness, energy and new colours in our life by taking away
the boredom of routine work. Festivals also result in ‘unity‘ in diversity. They not only make the
people gay but also, bring people together irrespective of class and creed. In the story The Lost child,
we witness the celebration of the festival of spring. People from all walks of life, cladded in colourful
attire, visited the fair and enjoyed the sweets, rides, balloons, flowers, music of snake charmer etc.
The another side of the fair is its overcrowdedness. Many persons, especially children get separated
from their nears and dears. I’d also help the ‘lost’ person in the same manner as that kind hearted
man did. In such a case, that generous man would be a role model.
 (6 marks)
B. Value points :
• Gloomy, non-cooperation with care givers, lack of appreciation for their efforts, lack of joy in life
kept her ailing.
• Love, resolution of one’s own conflicts-selfless service, realisation can inspire one to live.
Detailed Answer :
Johnsy could not get better despite all efforts. The reason for it was that she had associated herself with
the negative feelings. She kept on looking at an ivy creeper on the wall outside her room shedding its
leaves. She started counting backwards from twelve. Sue asked what it was all about. Johnsy said that
she would die with the falling of the last leaf. Sue told her that was all nonsense. But it had no effect
on Johnsy. She had established a bond of her life with the ivy leaves. She felt she would die when
the last leaf fell from the creeper. It was raining heavily and wind was blowing strongly. It seemed
that the last leaf would fall any minute. Behrman painted the ivy leaf, putting his own life in danger.
Next day when Johnsy saw the leaf, she felt elated. She was so sorry for being depressed and gloomy.
Behrman had caught pneumonia as a result and died two days later, but his masterpiece had saved
the life of Johnsy. The sacrifice of Behrman shows that love, resolution of one’s own conflicts, selfless
service and realisation inspire one to live.

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