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Business Administration

Section (1)


Wael Adel Kharoub

BY: Wael Kharoub
Chapter 1:Background to Management
Chapter 2:Fundamentals of Planning
Chapter 3:Fundamentals of Organizing
Chapter 4:Leadership
Chapter 5:Fundamentals of Controlling
Chapter 6:Making Decisions

BY: Wael Kharoub

Chapter 1: Background to
The main important issues in this chapter
Definition of management: management is the
process of reaching organizational goals by working
with and through people and other organizational
3 resources

The Management Process: Management Functions

3-Leading or influencing
4-Controlling BY: Wael Kharoub
Chapter 1: Background to
The most three main characteristic of
management :

4 (1) it is a process or series of continuing and

related activities; (2) it involves and
concentrates on reaching organizational
goals; and (3) it reaches these goals by
working with and through people and other
organizational resources.

BY: Wael Kharoub

Background To the Management
5 ➢ Definition of planning and organizing

Planning: Planning involves choosing tasks that must be

performed to attain organizational goals, outlining how
the tasks must be performed, and indicating when the
tasks should be performed and who is going to do it
Examples of planning in management
Let's say your goal is to buy a gallon of milk. It may sound
like a simple task, but if you break it down, there are
many small tasks involved: obtain keys, obtain wallet,
start car, drive to store, find and obtain milk, purchase
milk, etc. BY: Wael Kharoub
Background To the Management
6 Organizing : Organizing can be thought of as
assigning the tasks developed during planning to
various individuals or groups within the organization.
Organizing creates a mechanism to put plans into
Example of organizing in management

Such as divided the organization into departments

(Accounting . Marketing, Finance and Operation )
and assigning Activities or tasks of theses departments
to individuals or people in the company in addition to
use the organizational resources in the appropriate
way . BY: Wael Kharoub
Chapter1 :Background to Management
Definition of influencing
Influencing is another of the basic functions
within the management process. This function—
also commonly referred to as motivating, lead-
ing, directing,
Influencing can be defined as the process of
guiding the activities of organization members in
appropriate direction

The ultimate purpose of influencing is to increase

Chapter1 :Background to Management
Definition of controlling
Controlling is the management function for
which managers (a) gather information that
measures recent performance within the
organization; (b) compare present performance
to pre-established performance standards; and
(c) from this comparison

Measuring actual performance - depending on

the organization's performance standards,
measuring performance can be done several
ways. Success evaluations, financial audit
reports, sales reports, and customer satisfaction
are just a few of how a company's performance
can be evaluated.
Chapter1 :Background to Management
Management and Organizational Resources
 Management must always be aware of the status
and use of organizational resources. These
resources, composed of all assets available for
activation during the production process, are of
four basic types:
 (1) Human
 (2) Monetary
 (3) Raw materials
 (4) Capital
Chapter1 :Background to Management
What is the difference between Managerial Effectiveness
and Managerial Efficiency
Managerial effectiveness is defined in terms of resource
utilization in relation to organizational goal attainment. If
organizations are using their resources to attain their goals,
the managers are effective
( achieving organizational goals)
Managerial efficiency is defined in terms of the proportion
of total organizational resources that contribute to
productivity during the manufacturing process. The higher
this proportion, the more efficient the manager

(not wasting resources )

Chapter1 :Background to Management
Differences between Effectiveness and efficiency
Effectiveness is about doing or using the right things —that
yield positive results. Efficiency is simply about doing things
right — i.e., completing a task cheaper or faster.

for example, if a company is not doing well it may decide

to train its workforce to use a new technology. The training
may go well, with employees learning the new
technology in record time, but if overall productivity
doesn't improve following the implementation of this new
technology, the company’ strategy was efficient but not
Chapter1 :Background to Management
 Katz indicates that three types of skills arc important for
successful management performance: technical skills,
human skills, and conceptual skills.
 Technical skills involve using specialized knowledge
and expertise in executing work-related techniques and
 . Human skills are skills that build cooperation within the
team being led. They involve working with attitudes,
communication, individuals and groups, and individual
interests—in short, working with people

 Conceptual skills involve the ability to see the

organization as a whole. A manager with conceptual
skills is able to understand how various functions of the
organization complement one another,
Chapter1 :Background to Management

The Universality Of Management

 Management principles are universal; that is,

they apply to all types of organizations
(businesses, churches, athletic teams,
hospitals, and so on) and organizational levels.
Naturally, managers' jobs are somewhat
different in each of these organizations
because each organization requires the use of
specialized knowledge, exists in unique
working and political environments
True &False questions
1- Essentially, the role of managers is to guide
organizations toward goal accomplishment.
2-Our society simply could exist as we know it today or
14 improve the current status without managers to guide its
Any organization must need a manger
3- there are five functions of management
BY: Wael Kharoub
There are only four functions only
True &False questions
4- The basic four functions of management are
planning, organizing, influencing, and Controlling
5-A manager's job is all about personal achievement
Organizational achievement
6-Planning creates a mechanism to put plans into
BY: Wael Kharoub
True &False questions
7-management is not vital to many individuals
simply because they earn their living by being
16 Management is vital

8-: Planning involves choosing tasks that must be

performed to attain organizational goals

BY: Wael Kharoub

True &False Questions
9-Influencing can be defined as the process of guiding
the activities of organization members in appropriate
10-Controlling is commonly referred to as motivating,
leading, directing,—is concerned primarily with people
within organizations.
11- The four features of management are interrelated
because the performance of one depends on the
performance of the others
True &False Questions

12-Managerial effectiveness is defined in terms of

resource utilization in relation to organizational goal
13-Managerial efficiency is defined in terms of the
proportion of total organizational resources that
contribute to productivity during the manufacturing
process. The higher this proportion, the more efficient the
14-Efficient means that a very small proportion of total
resources contributes to productivity during the
manufacturing process
False very large
True &False Questions
15-Conceptual skills involve using specialized knowledge
and expertise in executing work-related techniques and
Technical skills
16-. Human skills are skills that build cooperation within the
team being led. They involve working with attitudes,
communication, individuals and groups, and individual
interests—in short, working with people
Multiple Choice Questions
1-which of the following sentences is considered
A. The role of managers is to guide organizations
toward goal accomplishment.
B. Management moves organizations toward
purposes or goals by assigning activities that
organizations' members perform.
C.Management strives to encourage individual
activity that will lead to reaching
organizational goals
D. All of the above
BY: Wael Kharoub
Multiple Choice Questions
2-Management is:
A. The term management can be and often is
used in several different ways.
B. It can refer simply to the process that
managers follow to accomplish organizational
C.Both A and B
D. Neither A nor B

Answer: C
BY: Wael Kharoub
Multiple Choice Questions
3-The characteristics of management:
A. It is a process or series of separated activities.
B. It involves and concentrates on reaching
organizational goals
C. It reaches these goals by working with and
through people and other organizational
D. B and C

Answer : D
BY: Wael Kharoub
Multiple Choice Questions
4-………. involves choosing tasks that must be
performed to attain organizational goals,
outlining how the tasks must be performed, and
indicating when the tasks should be performed.
A. Planning
B. Organizing
C. Influencing
D. Controlling
Answer: A

BY: Wael Kharoub

Multiple Choice Questions

5-…………… can be thought of as assigning the

tasks developed during planning to various
individuals or groups within the organization.
A. Planning
B. Organizing
D. Controlling

BY: Wael Kharoub
Multiple Choice Questions
6-Examples of businesses include all of the
following except
A) local supermarkets.
B) one-person businesses, like barbershops.
C) non-profit organizations.
D) large corporations like Google and Apple

Answer: C

BY: Wael Kharoub

Multiple Choice Questions
7-……… referred to as motivating, leading,
directing,is concerned primarily with people
within organizations.
A. Planning
B. Organizing
C. Influencing
D. Controlling

Answer : C
Multiple Choice Questions
8-………….is defined in terms of resource
utilization in relation to organizational goal
A. Managerial effectiveness
B. Managerial efficiency
C.A and B
D. Neither A nor B
Answer: A
Multiple Choice Questions
9-………………..involve using specialized
knowledge and expertise in executing work-
related techniques and procedures.
A. Technical skills
B. Conceptual skills
C.Human skills
D. Management skills

Answer: A
Multiple Choice Questions
10-…………..means that a very large proportion
of total resources contribute to productivity
during the manufacturing process.
A. Efficient
B. Inefficient
C. Effectiveness
D. All of the above

Answer: A
Multiple Choice Questions

11-Which of the following is considered one of

the management skills:
A. Technical skills
B. Conceptual skills
C.Human skills
D. All of the above
Answer: D
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