Переказ про роботу у 2030

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In this text we can read about what will happen to jobs in the future and can see 2 different

points of view
about this. So in the text A Tracy Bright said that we don’t need to worry about mass unemployment,
because automation is in our world already. For example we have self-service checkouts, self-parking cars
and personal assistants inside our phones. And of course machines and robots will take over more hard
jobs, but they are no good at creating things, managing and interaction with people. So we will always need
entertainers, executives, social workers, teachers and therapists. And we also need to remember that new
technologies generate new jobs with better conditions, such as The Industrial Revolution created over 19
million new jobs. In the future we will have a shorter working week, more leisure time, and can just enjoy,
when robots will do dirty and boring work.

But in the text B Stephen Glum said that 400 to 800 million people will lose their jobs because of
automation. These are jobs, which are predictable and repetitive, another words blue collar jobs. These are
drivers, fast food workers, and machine operators in factories. But white collar jobs are in risk too. Stephen
also think that in the future will be robot singers, graphic designers, sports stars, childcare, doctors and
even nano-robots that we inject into our bodies to protect our health. This situation will be bad for us,
because work is good for our well-being, give us identity, status, social life and of course salary. But maybe
government will provide free money for everyone.

So I think It would be so good, if robots will do hard work instead of people. And maybe if the government
paid more money, people would be able to develop themselves in the sports, arts or spend more time with

5.1) I think that every job is impotent and difficult in it’s own way, so all people deserve a high salary.

2) I think these are jobs in which people need to work physically or do different instructions or another
words blue collar jobs.

3) I think it can be such professions as doctor, teacher, police

4) I think it will be more new jobs which will be related with computers and science

5) I think it would be better for me to work with data, because it is easier for me

6) I think I will choose repetitive job with high salary because it is better to work as much as I need and then
buy everything I want, travel and help others thanks for this money

6. 1) I agree with this, because their job will able to do computers.

2) Some jobs will definitely be safe. I agree, this can be jobs which related with creating new things or
interaction with other people.

3) Most families are likely to have robot servant. If it means different devices I agree with this.

4) Teachers are unlikely to lose their jobs. I agree, because teachers always will be needed.

5) We are sure to have a shorter working week. I really want that it would be true.

In the future I will probably have a dog.

I will definitely have a job which will related with English language

I am likely to go to the sea next summer

My family are unlikely to buy a car

I am sure that my family will give me a present for my birthday

«Економіка вільного заробітку»

В економіці вільного заробітку люди часто мають декілька робіт на неповний робочий день, замість
однієї роботи на повний робочий день. Робота часто тимчасова, а не постійна. Працівники цієї
економіки часто є само зайняті.

I believe that the advantages of this economy are flexibility,

that is, people choose when and how much to work and rest. Also, it will never be boring because people
can often change jobs and find themselves in something new.

And the disadvantages are income instability, burnout and often loss of free time due to work on several

1) In the future, I would like to choose one full-time job with good conditions and a high salary because I
don’t need to have knowledge and experience in various spheres of life.

2) I think I would like to try myself in different works that are related. It will be more interesting than doing
the same thing all my life.

3) I would like to be self-employed because I will be able to set my own schedule, work from anywhere,
earn more.

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