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Intensive TETET Online Course

TETET Course 1 By Aj.Nas | @nasrin_p

Chapter based
+ some useful contents, review and practice test (similar to TETET test)
► Day 1 (11/03/2021) -Reading- ► Day 10 (02/04/2021) -Listening-
► Introduction to TETET course ► Chapter 8: Meetings
► Chapter 1: Survival Reading ► Day 11 (07/04/2021)
► Day 2 (17/03/2021) ► Chapter 9: Informal Conversations 1/2
► Chapter 2: Reading from the Internet ► Day 12 (08/04/2021)
► Day 3 (18/03/2021) ► Chapter 9: Informal Conversations 2/2
► Chapter 3: Technical Manuals ► Day 13 (09/04/2021)
► Day 4 (19/03/2021) ► Chapter 10: Automated Voice Response
System (AVRS)
► Chapter 4: Email Reading
► Day 14 (21/04/2021) -Speaking-
► Day 5 (24/03/2021) -Writing-
► Chapter 11: Questions and Answers
► Chapter 5: Report Writing
► Day 15 (22/04/2021)
► Day 6 (25/03/2021)
► Chapter 12: Business Communication
► Chapter 6: Memorandum Writing 1/2

► Day 7 (26/03/2021)
► Extra day (24/04/2021)
► Chapter 6: Memorandum Writing 2/2
► Review
► Day 8 (31/03/2021)
► Chapter 7: E-mail Writing 1/2

► Day 9 (01/04/2021)
► Chapter 7: E-mail Writing 2/2

Page 2 Chapter 9 – Informal Conversations Aj.Nas | Intensive TETET

Chapter 9: Informal Conversations
Table of content

• Chapter 9: Informal Conversations

• Listening practice

Page 4 Chapter 9 – Informal Conversations Aj.Nas | Intensive TETET

Listening Part

Page 5 Chapter 9 – Informal Conversations Aj.Nas | Intensive TETET

Listening to meetings
Objective: To measure the ability to draw inferences from conversations.
The candidates need to listen to 5 informal
conversations between colleagues on general
topics and answer 5 multiple-choice questions.
Each conversation can be played twice.

Page 6 Chapter 9 – Informal Conversations Aj.Nas | Intensive TETET

Vocabulary Listening Practice
Listening Practice – Vocabulary listening practice
Instructions: Listen to each item and choose the word you hear.

1. ⃝ fees ⃝ phase 11. ⃝ helpful ⃝ hopeful 21. ⃝ research ⃝ resource

2. ⃝ grant ⃝ ground 12. ⃝ act on ⃝ action 22. ⃝ stack ⃝ stock

3. ⃝ heed ⃝ head 13. ⃝ attend ⃝ attained 23. ⃝ takes ⃝ tax

4. ⃝ merger ⃝ margin 14. ⃝ analyst ⃝ analyzed 24. ⃝ trend ⃝ trained

5. ⃝ hired ⃝ hard 15. ⃝ series ⃝ serious 25. ⃝ specialized ⃝ specialist

6. ⃝ invest ⃝ invoice 16. ⃝ access ⃝ assess 26. ⃝ teams ⃝ times

7. ⃝ fines ⃝ funds 17. ⃝ devalued ⃝ the valid 27. ⃝ trail ⃝ trial

8. ⃝ meet ⃝ met 18. ⃝ trend ⃝ trained 28. ⃝ rescission ⃝ recession

9. ⃝ lunch ⃝ launch 19. ⃝ skills ⃝ scales 29. ⃝ marked ⃝ market

10. ⃝ gently ⃝ jointly 20. ⃝ revive ⃝ review 30. ⃝ overt ⃝ over
Page 8 Chapter 9 – Informal Conversations Aj.Nas | Intensive TETET
Listening Practice – Vocabulary listening practice
Instructions: Listen to each item and choose the word you hear.

31. ⃝ applause ⃝ applies 41. ⃝ bail ⃝ bill 51. ⃝ coast ⃝ cost

32. ⃝ accord ⃝ a card 42. ⃝ come ⃝ calm 52. ⃝ a mail ⃝ email

33. ⃝ action ⃝ act on 43. ⃝ aspect ⃝ expect 53. ⃝ fail ⃝ fell

34. ⃝ finds ⃝ funds 44. ⃝ commend ⃝ comment 54. ⃝ devalued ⃝ the valid

35. ⃝ possess ⃝ pauses 45. ⃝ cycle ⃝ circle 55. ⃝ campaigning ⃝ company

36. ⃝ past ⃝ paste 46. ⃝ distract ⃝ district 56. ⃝ consent ⃝ constant

37. ⃝ fiscal ⃝ physical 47. ⃝ phase ⃝ fees 57. ⃝ comment ⃝ command
38. ⃝ ascent ⃝ accent
48. ⃝ grant ⃝ ground 58. ⃝ prices ⃝ praises
39. ⃝ company ⃝ campaigning
49. ⃝ failed ⃝ field 59. ⃝ specialist ⃝ specialized
40. ⃝ attend ⃝ attained
50. ⃝ hired ⃝ hard 60. ⃝ private ⃝ profit
Page 9 Chapter 9 – Informal Conversations Aj.Nas | Intensive TETET
Listening Practice – Vocabulary listening practice
Instructions: Listen to each item and choose the word you hear.

61. ⃝ sells ⃝ sales 71. ⃝ field ⃝ failed 81. ⃝ aspect ⃝ expect

62. ⃝ research ⃝ resource 72. ⃝ head ⃝ heed 82. ⃝ the client ⃝ declined

63. ⃝ series ⃝ serious 73. ⃝ product ⃝ project 83. ⃝ distract ⃝ district

64. ⃝ review ⃝ revive 74. ⃝ market ⃝ marked 84. ⃝ met ⃝ meet

65. ⃝ scales ⃝ skills 75. ⃝ pauses ⃝ possess 85. ⃝ praises ⃝ prices

66. ⃝ declined ⃝ the client 76. ⃝ invoice ⃝ invest 86. ⃝ lunch ⃝ launch
67. ⃝ predict ⃝ product 77. ⃝ private ⃝ profit 87. ⃝ product ⃝ project
68. ⃝ reason ⃝ resign
78. ⃝ competing ⃝ competent 88. ⃝ fiscal ⃝ physical
69. ⃝ overt ⃝ over
79. ⃝ constant ⃝ consent 89. ⃝ assess ⃝ access
70. ⃝ margin ⃝ merger
80. ⃝ helpful ⃝ hopeful 90. ⃝ analyst ⃝ analyzed
Page 10 Chapter 9 – Informal Conversations Aj.Nas | Intensive TETET
Sentence Dictation
Listening Practice – Sentence Dictation

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________________________________________

6. ___________________________________________________________________________________

7. ___________________________________________________________________________________

8. ___________________________________________________________________________________

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Listening Practice – Sentence Dictation
Instructions: Listen and write the short paragraph you hear.

1. _______________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________

Page 13 Chapter 9 – Informal Conversations Aj.Nas | Intensive TETET

Listening Practice
Listening Practice 1 – part 1 Grotalidat
Instructions: Listen and answer the following questions.

1) The woman is from:

3) The man thinks:
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A Germany ·
A He doesn't know enough about geography
B Russia B His geography is very good
C Australia C Croatia is a part of Germany

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D Croatia D The woman is from Germany
2) The woman says that you can travel from mistake is: ิ ดต
4) The woman thinks the man's &ต
Croatia to Germany in two hours by ________
- -
A Funny
A Car
B Not serious
B Train
C Stupid
C Bus
D Very serious
D Plane

Page 15 Chapter 9 – Informal Conversations Aj.Nas | Intensive TETET

Listening Practice 1 – part 2
Instructions: Listen and answer the following questions.

1) What are they looking at? 3) The woman thinks the man's uncle:
a) A story in a book a) Looks unfriendly
b) A picture or a photo b) Is kind
c) An email c) Is handsome
d) A newspaper d) Looks kind
2) The man in the picture is: 4) The man doesn't see his uncle often because:
a) The man's father's younger brother a) His uncle and his dad don't have a good relationship
b) The woman's father's older brother b) His mum and his uncle don't have a good relationship
c) The man's father's older brother c) His uncle lives too far away
d) The man's mother's older brother d) His uncle's wife and his dad don't have a good relationship

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Listening Practice 1 – part 3

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Instructions: Listen and answer the following questions.

1) This conversation takes place in: 3) When the waiter tells the woman that she can't have salmon, she is:
a) A restaurant a) Quite irritated
that shame
b) A bar #
b) A bit sad
c) Someone's house c) Very angry
d) A supermarket ·
d) A little disappointed
2) The restaurant: 4) The waiter:
a) Only serves fish a) Suggests a similar dish
b) Doesn't sell salmon b) Tries to sell the woman a more expensive dish
c) Is very busy today c) Apologises many times
d) Doesn't have any more salmon d) Tells the woman he will choose a dish for her
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Page 17 Chapter 9 – Informal Conversations Aj.Nas | Intensive TETET

Listening Practice 1 – part 4
Instructions: Listen and answer the following questions.

1) The woman: 3) The man is surprised that the woman:

a) Is early a) Is so late
b) Is a bit late b) Is wearing such unsuitable shoes
c) Is on time c) Doesn't know where it is
d) Is very late d) Has been there before
2) The woman: 4) The woman:
a) Doesn't feel well a) Would have gone there once before, if her friend hadn't come with her
b) Doesn't want to walk far b) Wishes her friend were with her now
c) Doesn't want to go anywhere c) Went there last week
d) Doesn't know where to go d) Would have gone there once before, if her friend had come with her

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Listening Practice 1 – part 5
Instructions: Listen and answer the following questions.

1) They are in: 3) The thing the man bought is ruined because:
a) A shop a) He dropped it
b) A cinema b) He didn't look after it properly
c) The woman's house c) The product was faulty
d) A restaurant d) The product was low quality
2) The woman: 4) The man:
a) Agrees to give the man a refund a) Blames the woman for the situation
b) Rudely refuses to give the man a refund b) Accepts the woman's decision
c) Considers giving the man a refund c) Complains that he was not given the instructions with the product
d) Politely refuses to give the man a refund d) Does not accept the woman's decision

Page 19 Chapter 9 – Informal Conversations Aj.Nas | Intensive TETET

Listening Practice 1 – part 6
Instructions: Listen and answer the following questions.

1) The woman is: 3) The woman who they are talking about:
a) Appalled a) Has forgotten many important things before
b) Surprised b) Often forgets things
c) Scared c) Never usually forgets things
d) Anxious d) Doesn't have a mobile phone
2) The man tries to be: 4) The man decides:
a) Reassuring a) To call her from his mobile phone
b) Flirtatious b) To call her from a different telephone
c) Dismissive c) To call her from the woman's mobile phone
d) Sympathetic d) To send her an email

Page 20 Chapter 9 – Informal Conversations Aj.Nas | Intensive TETET

Listening Practice 2
Instructions: Listen and answer the following questions.

1) Why does she not like summer? 4) What is her favorite season?
a) Too hot a) Winter
b) Too sweaty b) Fall
c) Both c) Both
2) How does she feel about Japanese summer? 5) What does she do in Winter?
a) She does not like it a) Go to onsens
b) It is better than in Canada b) Go snow boarding
c) She does not say c) Both
3) What does she do a lot in summer?
a) Stay indoors
b) Go to lakes
c) Eat ice
Page 21 Chapter 9 – Informal Conversations Aj.Nas | Intensive TETET
Listening Practice 3
Instructions: Listen and answer the following questions.

1. Where is Pancho from? 4. What does his mother do?

a) Peru a) She works at a bread shop.

b) Portugal b) She runs a small family store.

c) Paraguay c) She owns a beauty salon.

2. How many brothers and sisters does Pancho have? 5. Who works at the family business?

a) 12 a) friends

b) 13 b) neighbors

c) 11 c) family

3. What is his father's job?

a) dentist
b) police officer
c) taxi driver

Page 22 Chapter 9 – Informal Conversations Aj.Nas | Intensive TETET

Listening Practice 4
Instructions: Listen and answer the following questions.

1. The young girl wants to go to _______. 4. What does the girl want to do later?
a) to the swimming pool a) She wants to go down to the beach.
b) to the park b) She wants to swim at the park.
c) to the movies c) She wants to walk to the ice cream store
2. Who is going with them? 5. What does the father want to do at the end of the day?
a) the girl's mother a) play a board game
b) the girl's older brother b) go to a restaurant
c) the girl's best friend c) watch a fireworks display
3. What time does the activity start?
a) 2:45 p.m.
b) 2:30 p.m.
c) 2:15 p.m.
Page 23 Chapter 9 – Informal Conversations Aj.Nas | Intensive TETET
Listening Practice 5 / 1-4
Instructions: Listen and circle true or false.
(Conversation A)
1. The woman was in the interview for 15 minutes. True False
2. The woman thinks she is going to get the job. True False

(Conversation B)
1. The woman was trying to look at art. True False
2. The woman is thinking about not taking photos on holiday any more. True False

(Conversation C)
1. The man and the woman grew up in the same family. True False
2. The girl had an older boyfriend at school. True False

(Conversation D)
1. The man is not in the group because the others don’t like his work. True False
2. The man needs to find another group. True False

Page 24 Chapter 9 – Informal Conversations Aj.Nas | Intensive TETET

Listening Practice 6 / 1-4
Instructions: Listen and answer the following questions.
1. You hear part of an interview in which a film director talks about his favourite movie. Why does he like the film?
a) It is very funny.
b) It is very exciting.
c) It is very romantic.
2. You hear a man talking about a sofa he bought. what is he complaining about?
a) He received the wrong sofa.
b) The shop overcharged him for the sofa.
c) The sofa was damaged.
3. You hear an actor talking about using different accents in his work. What point is he making about actors?
a) They need to study a wide variety of accents.
b) They have to be able to control their use of accents.
c) They should try to keep their original accents.
4. You hear part of an interview in which a man is talking about winning his first horse race? What does he say about it?
a) He found it rather disappointing.
b) He didn't have a chance to celebrate.
c) He was too tired to care.

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Listening Practice 6 / 5-8
Instructions: Listen and answer the following questions.
5. You hear a writer of musicals talking on the radio. What is he trying to explain?
a) why his aunt's career was not very successful
b) the difference between American and British musicals.
c) his reasons for becoming a writer of musicals.
6. You hear the beginning of a lecture about ancient history. What is the lecture going to be about?
a) trade in arms and weapons
b) trade in luxury household goods
c) trade in works of art
7. You hear a man talking about travelling from London to France. What does he say about the train journey?
a) He's able to use it to his advantage.
b) It's boring but necessary part of his job.
c) He enjoys the social aspect of it.
8. You hear a woman in a shop talking about some lost photographs. What does she think the shop should give her?
a) some money
b) a replacement film
c) an apology

Page 26 Chapter 9 – Informal Conversations Aj.Nas | Intensive TETET

Listening Practice 7 – 1
Instructions: Listen and answer the following questions.

1. What are the speakers mainly discussing? 4. Who are the speakers talking about?
a) Commuting to work a) A lawyer
b) Traveling on holiday b) Martha
c) Transportation costs c) A college student
d) Waiting and walking d) Scott
2. Why does the man say he is taking the bus? 5. What does the man say about Benjamin?
a) Because it is cheap. a) He's intelligent.
b) Because it is convenient. b) He's a hard worker.
c) Because he is tired of driving. c) He's lazy.
d) Because his car is being repaired. d) He's going to be famous.
3. How does the man feel about riding the bus? 6. What does Benjamin plan to do?
a) Joyful a) Get married
b) Ambivalent b) Attend graduate school.
c) Enthusiastic c) Defend a celebrity
d) Skeptical d) Become a TV star
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Page 27 Chapter 9 – Informal Conversations Aj.Nas | Intensive TETET
Listening Practice 7 – 2
Instructions: Listen and answer the following questions.

7. Where is the conversation taking place? 10. Where is the conversation taking place?
A. In a store. A. In a store.
B. In an office. B. On an airplane.
C. At a school. C. In an office.
D. At a bank. D. At a party.
8. What does the woman ask the man? 11. What problem does the man have?
A. To place an order. A. He forgot his credit card.
B. For price information. B. He lost his wallet.
C. For change for $100. C. He doesn't have bus fare.
D. If she can pay by check. D. He has too much money.
9. What does the man say about bulk discounts? 12. What does the man want to do?
A. There are none available. A. Write a check.
B. They are available for five or more cases. B. Receive cash.
C. They are available for three or more cases. C. Buy clothes.
D. They are available only on the first case. D. Pay a bill.
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Page 28 Chapter 9 – Informal Conversations Aj.Nas | Intensive TETET
Listening Practice – TOEIC Practice (Part3) – 1
Instructions: Listen and answer the questions.

1. What are the speakers discussing? 4. What does the woman ask the man to do? 7. What is the woman trying to do?
(A) A motorcycle (A) Schedule an appointment (A) Confirm an appointment
(B) A mobile phone (B) Make a coworker’s delivery (B) Receive a refund
(C) A laptop computer (C) Call a colleague (C) Book a flight
(D) An exercise machine (D) Prepare an invoice (D) Register for an event
2. What does the man ask about? 5. What does the man say he needs? 8. What has caused a problem?
(A) The prices (A) Keys to a vehicle (A) A business is closed.
(B) The battery life (B) A telephone number (B) A Web site is not working.
(C) The warranty (C) A price list (C) A credit card has expired.
(D) The color options (D) Directions to a store (D) A date is incorrect.
3. What will the woman most likely do next? 6. What does the woman remind the man to do? 9. What information does the man ask the woman for?
(A) Request some feedback (A) Notify his manager (A) A name
(B) Contact a technician (B) Check some merchandise (B) An address
(C) Complete a transaction (C) Print a document (C) A password
(D) Create an online profile (D) Get a signature (D) A tracking number

Page 29 Chapter 9 – Informal Conversations Aj.Nas | Intensive TETET

Listening Practice – TOEIC Practice (Part3) – 2
Instructions: Listen and answer the questions.

1. Where do the speakers most likely work? 4. Where most likely does the woman work?
(A) At an advertising firm (A) At a utility company
(B) At a bank (B) At a moving company
(C) At a law office (C) At an employment firm
(D) At a travel agency (D) At a real estate agency
2. What does the woman mean when she says, “I really can’t say”? 5. What does the man say about his office?
(A) She is not allowed to repeat certain information. (A) It does not have air conditioning.
(B) She cannot make a commitment yet. (B) Its lease has expired.
(C) She should leave for an appointment. (C) It is located in the city center.
(D) She has to correct some errors in a report. (D) It is close to public transportation.
3. What does the man propose? 6. What information does the woman request?
(A) Making travel arrangements (A) The timing of a visit
(B) Preparing a contract (B) The name of a supervisor
(C) Joining a meeting (C) The amount of a bill
(D) Reviewing a report (D) The measurement of a room

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Listening Practice – TOEIC Practice (Part3) – 3

Instructions: Listen and answer the questions.

1. Where most likely are the speakers?
4. What does the man plan to do on Saturday?
(A) At a clothing boutique
(A) Stop by a trade show
(B) At a retail outlet
(B) Go to a photography class
(C) At a department store
(C) Attend an exhibit opening
(D) At beauty salon
(D) Participate in a workshop
2. What does the woman want to do?
5. What does the woman say about her friend?
(A) Get a haircut
(A) He gave away the tickets.
(B) Make a purchase
(B) He has another commitment.
(C) Arrange an appointment
(C) He took some photos.
(D) Speak to a manager
(D) He already had lunch.
3. What does the man say about Nature’s Touch brand?
6. What will the man probably do before going to Mendez Gallery?
(A) It is used by some of the stylists.
(A) Explore a museum
(B) It is made with organic ingredients.
(B) Meet a relative
(C) It is completely sold out.
(C) Contact a colleague
(D) It is on sale.
(D) Visit a dining establishment

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Listening Practice – TOEIC Practice (Part3) – 4

Instructions: Listen and answer the questions.

1. What does the man want to do?
4. Who is the woman?
(A) Take a city tour
(A) A book author
(B) Check into a room
(B) A newspaper reporter
(C) Buy an admission ticket
(C) A graphic designer
(D) Walk to a tourist attraction
(D) A bookstore employee
2. What does the woman show the man?
5. What does the man explain?
(A) A coupon
(A) A store policy
(B) A brochure
(B) A printing process
(C) A map
(C) A publicity plan
(D) An invoice
(D) A cover design
3. What does the woman recommend?
6. What is the woman reluctant to do?
(A) Eating at a popular café
(A) Start a new job
(B) Buying a bus pass
(B) Go on a tour
(C) Following a walking trail
(C) Write for a blog
(D) Consulting a train schedule
(D) Review a magazine article

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